Before using the SoftBank FOTA library with `nRF Cloud`_, you must provision the device. The modem allows a device to issue `JSON Web Tokens (JWT) <JSON Web Token (JWT)_>`_ at runtime that are signed with a public and private key pair. You must generate this key pair beforehand, and the public key must be provisioned to nRF Cloud.
Before you start provisioning, make sure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled:
- nRF Connect SDK is installed.
- You have an `nRF Cloud <nRF Connect for Cloud_>`_ account.
The following section refers to the APIs and procedures from the `nRF Cloud Utilities documentation`_.
Make sure that `nRF Cloud utils`_ and its required python packages are installed:
west config manifest.path sdk-softbank-fota west update cd ~ncs/nrf_cloud_utils/python/modem-firmware-1.3+/ pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy the API_Key from the nRF Cloud User Account page:
export API_KEY="aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccdd"
Create certificates.
Only do this once (or remove the old certificates if you create new ones).
python3 -c NO -o "My Company" -p ./my_ca -f my_company-
Provision each device. Here, the default value of the
Kconfig option50
, is ~/ncs/nrf/samples/cellular/at_client/ west build -b nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns west flash cd - python3 -d --sectag 50 --ca $(ls my_ca/*_ca.pem) --ca_key $(ls my_ca/*_prv.pem) --fwtypes "MODEM" --append --verify
Upload the list of provisioned devices to nRF Cloud.
python3 --apikey $API_KEY --csv onboard.csv
You can now proceed to test that the provisioning was successful by using the :ref:`sb_fota_sample`.
As the device uses only JWT and a keypair to authenticate, you do not need to provision that certificate back to the device. Similarly, nRF Cloud extracts the public key from a certificate when it verifies the JWT.