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Support Services Operator

A Kubernetes operator to manage cluster support services.

Support services operator has been built with operator-builder. This allows us to generate all the source code for the project from a set of Kubernetes yaml manifest for the managed Kubernetes resources with commented markers. The following quickstart walks through the process of re-generating the source code and running it to test changes. See the operator-builder docs for more info.

Make sure you have operator-builder installed before proceeding.

Use kind to spin up a local Kubernetes cluster for testing.


Generate Source

The manifests that define the managed resources are in the .codegen directory.

cd .codegen

There is a Makefile that facilitates common operations. If you have operator-builder installed somewhere besides /usr/local/bin/ set the following env var:

export OPERATOR_BUILDER=/path/to/operator-builder

Remove the existing source code:

make operator-clean

Initialize a new codebase:

make operator-init

Build the APIs and controller code:

make operator-create

Ensure go dependencies are tidied:

go mod tidy

Test Operator

Install CRDs:

make install

Run the controller for the support services operator locally. It will use your kubeconfig to connect to the Kubernetes API.

make run

There are sample manifests for each custom resource in the config/samples directory. Create all the support services:

kubectl apply -f config/samples

Check the outcome. One of the custom resources represents a cert-mangaer installation. You can view the spec:

kubectl get certmanager certmanager-sample -o=jsonpath='{.spec}'

You can see the pods that were created as a part of the cert-manager installation. Note there are two replicas for each deployment.

kubectl get po -n nukleros-certs-system

Update the certmanager resource. Set spec.cainjector.replicas to 1:

kubectl edit certmanager certmanager-sample

Check the pods again to ensure there is now just one cainjector pod.

kubectl get po -n nukleros-certs-system

Clean Up

Now let's delete the support services components. This will remove the various support services installations.

kubectl delete externaldns externaldns-sample
kubectl delete externalsecrets externalsecrets-sample
kubectl delete reloader reloader-sample
kubectl delete certmanager certmanager-sample

The supportservices resource orchestrates values that need to be shared by different components. You can now delete that as well.

kubectl delete supportservices supportservices-sample

You can now stop the controller that you ran with make run by hitting Ctrl-C in that window.

Finally, remove the CRDs:

make uninstall

Preserve Manually Managed Assets

If you make any changes to files in the codebase, and you want to preserve those outside of the code generation lifecycle, add that file to the preserve and restore make targets defined in .codegen/Makefile. When you delete the codebase with make operator-clean they will automatically be saved. After code is generated you can restore them with:

make restore

Deploy the Controller Manager

First, set the image:

export IMG=myrepo/myproject:v0.1.0

Now you can build and push the image:

make docker-build
make docker-push

Then deploy:

make deploy

To clean up:

make undeploy

Companion CLI

See the operator-builder docs for more info on the companion CLI.

To build the companion CLI:

make build-cli

The CLI binary will get saved to the bin directory. You can see the help message with:

./bin/ssctl help