Thank you for interest in translate Obsidian. Please add any controversial terms to this file to aid future decisions during Documentation or UI translation, creating a consistent experience.
Currently, Obsidian is in development and as new features are added so is more text, if you find a term that is not translated yet, feel free to name it. In the translation file (pt-BR.json), we have different text strings for singular and plural nouns, but it doesn't have a distinction for gender nouns. If you have to translate a word, keep that in mind since it can create some inconsistencies.
In doubt, feel free to ask our amazing community their opinion on the Forum or Discord (We have a special Portuguese channel!).
Please keep the term list alphabetically sorted.
Original Term | pt-BR translation |
alias | Apelido |
app | Aplicativo |
arrows | Setas |
auto-complete | Autocompletar/Autocompletamento |
auto-complete list | Lista de autocompletamento |
backlinks | Link inverso |
build | Compilação |
cache | cache |
callout | Frase de destaque |
canva | Tela (quando não se refere ao nome do plugin) |
catalyst | Catalyst |
checklist | Caixa de marcação |
clipboard | Área de transferência |
collapse | Recolher |
command palette | Paleta de comandos |
converter | Conversor |
custom | Personalizar/personalizado |
delete | Excluir |
expand | Expandir |
fixer | Conversor |
fold | Esconder |
folder | Pasta |
footnote | Nota de rodapé |
frame | Quadro |
frontmatter | Pré-texto |
graph | Gráfico |
heading | Seção |
homepage | raiz |
ID | Identificação |
indent | Indentar/indentação |
link | Inserir/Criar link/link |
linked | |
live preview | Visualização ao vivo |
match | Corresponder |
merge | Mesclar |
node | nódulo |
note | nota |
Obsidian | Obsidian (Always capitalized) |
Obsidian Publish | Obsidian Publish |
Outgoing Links | Links de saída |
palette | Paleta |
pane | Painel |
plugin | Plugin |
preview | Visualizar/visualização |
page preview | Espiar |
quick action | Ação rápida |
quick start | Início rápido |
quick switcher | Navegação rápida |
regex | Regex |
ribbon | Menu |
sandbox | Sandbox |
screenshot | Captura de tela |
search | Localizar |
sidebar | Barra lateral |
site | Site |
snippet | --> Extrato ou Fragmento (Ambos fazem sentido) |
source mode | Modo de origem |
spellcheck | Verificação ortográfica |
starred | Favoritos/Favoritado |
supporter | Apoiador |
tag | etiqueta |
template | Modelo |
timelapse | timelapse |
toggle | Alternar |
toolbar | Barra de ferramentas |
unlink | remover link |
Unlinked mentions | menções desvinculadas |
vault | Cofre |
web-viewer | Visualizador web |
wikilink | wikilink |
workspace | Área de trabalho |
wrap | Quebra automática de linha |
zoom | Ampliar |