This example shows how to deploy notifications in OCI for a hypothetical Vision entity. It deploys two topics:
- A topic for network related notifications subscribed by two email addresses.
- A topic for security related notifications subscribed by a mobile phone number.
Rename to <project-name>.auto.tfvars, where <project-name> is any name of your choice.
Within <project-name>.auto.tfvars, provide tenancy connectivity information and adjust the notifications_configuration input variable, by making the appropriate substitutions:
- Replace <REPLACE-BY-COMPARTMENT-OCID> placeholders by appropriate compartment OCIDs.
- Replace by actual email addresses.
- Replace <REPLACE-BY-MOBILE-PHONE-NUMBER> placeholder with an actual mobile number for SMS notifications.
Refer to Notifications module for overall attributes usage.
- In this folder, run the typical Terraform workflow:
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out