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Programmatic Interfaces

{% include toc.html %}

XOS provides two programmatic interfaces: a RESTful API and TOSCA-based API. Earlier versions of XOS also includes xoslib, but it has since been deprecated.


Source for the XOS REST API lives in directory xos/api. An importer tool,, auto-generates the REST API by searching this directory (and sub-directories) for valid API methods. These methods are descendents of the Django View class. This should include django_rest_framework based Views and Viewsets.

We establish a convention for locating API methods within the XOS hierarchy. The root of the api is automatically /api/. Under that are the following paths:

  • /api/service ... API endpoints that are service-wide
  • /api/tenant ... API endpoints that are relative to a tenant within a service

For example, /api/tenant/cord/subscriber/ contains the Subscriber API for the CORD service.

The API importer automatically constructs REST paths based on where files are placed within the directory hierarchy. For example, the files in xos/api/tenant/cord/ will automatically appear at the API endpoint http://server_name/api/tenant/cord/. The directory examples contains examples that demonstrate using the API from the Linux command line.

Documenting the API

Documentation for the REST API is available at

We are using the API Blueprint description language to document our APIs, and we are publishing the docs on Apiary.

Since Apiary requires documentation to be in a single file, XOS provides a tool to combine small documentation files into one file, to use it navigate to xos/tests/api and run the command npm start (require node js). This command watches all .md files in the xos/tests/api/source/ directory, and upon detecting a change, combines them in a single apiary.apib file.

Testing the API

We run automated test against the API using Jenkins and dredd.

dredd parses the apiary.apib file, and performs requests against all documented endpoints. It then compares the results against the documented return values.

Once a new endpoint is added to the documentation, it is automatically tested. If your service requires new model instances, relations, or any other kind of data, you should add them in the xos/tests/api/ file. You have the option to create this data in the before_each hooks, or you can define a custom hook for your endpoint, to do this check the @hooks.before("Example > Example Services Collection > List all Example Services") hooks and the dredd documentation

To run API tests, use the test-standalone configuration.

Using the API

The REST API may be used via a number of programming languages. Below are a few examples using common tools and languages:

command line via curl

{% highlight sh %}

use your XOS username and password for my_email and my_password

curl -H "Accept: application/json; indent=4" -u my_email:my_password {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight python %} import requests admin_auth=("my_email", "my_password") # use your XOS username and password users = requests.get("", auth=admin_auth).json() for user in users: print user["email"] {% endhighlight %}


XOS supports use of TOSCA as a mechanism to configure and provision XOS services. There are two ways to use TOSCA in XOS.

The first is by loading and running a TOSCA program via the XOS GUI. This is done as follows:

  1. Navigate to Home>Core>Programs in the GUI, and select the 'Add Program' button.
  2. Enter a name and a description for your program.
  3. Click the 'Program Source' tab. Here you may either type in your TOSCA specification directly, or use your browser to upload a file
  4. Click the 'Save and Continue' button.
  5. Go back to the 'Program Details' tab
  6. Select 'Run' in the Command dropdown.
  7. Click the 'Save and Continue' button.
  8. XOS will now run your program in the background. Check back later (i.e. refresh the page in your browser) and the result of the program will be displayed in the Output box.

The second is by running a TOSCA program using command line tools. To do this from inside the XOS container, you don't have to add the specification to the data model, and you don't have to wait for XOS to queue and execute the specification. The command-line tool returns output on completion. To execute a TOSCA specification, use the following command:

{% highlight sh %} $ /opt/xos/tosca/ {% endhighlight %}

For example,

{% highlight sh %} $ /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/tosca/samples/new_site_deploy_slice.yaml {% endhighlight %}

For a reference guide to XOS-specific TOSCA extensions, see

For samples of XOS TOSCA specifications, consult the xos/tosca/samples section of the XOS git repository.