Segmentation network to classify each pixel into 20 classes:
- road
- sidewalk
- building
- wall
- fence
- pole
- traffic light
- traffic sign
- vegetation
- terrain
- sky
- person
- rider
- car
- truck
- bus
- train
- motorcycle
- bicycle
- ego-vehicle
Metric | Value |
Image size | 2048x1024 |
GFlops | 57.9 |
MParams | 6.7 |
Source framework | PyTorch |
The quality metrics calculated on 2000 images:
Label | IOU |
mean | 0.6907 |
Road | 0.910379 |
Sidewalk | 0.630676 |
Building | 0.860139 |
Wall | 0.424166 |
Fence | 0.592632 |
Pole | 0.559078 |
Traffic Light | 0.654779 |
Traffic Sign | 0.648217 |
Vegetation | 0.882593 |
Terrain | 0.620521 |
Sky | 0.976889 |
Person | 0.711653 |
Rider | 0.612787 |
Car | 0.877892 |
Truck | 0.674829 |
Bus | 0.743752 |
Train | 0.358641 |
Motorcycle | 0.600701 |
Bicycle | 0.622246 |
Ego-Vehicle | 0.852932 |
, where:TP
- number of true positive pixels for given classFN
- number of false negative pixels for given classFP
- number of false positive pixels for given class
The blob with BGR image in format: [B, C=3, H=1024, W=2048], where:
- B - batch size,
- C - number of channels
- H - image height
- W - image width
- The net outputs a blob with shape [B, H=1024, W=2048]. It can be treated as a one-channel feature map, where each pixel is a label of one of the classes.
[*] Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.