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👋 Hi, I’m Abdellatif Elalami! 🇲🇦 Originally from Morocco, now living in China. 🎓 Software engineering student at Zhengzhou University
Paloma Neri PalomaNeri
Student. Beginner Programmer/ Game Developer. QA tester. Learning to become a better programmer and create cool things! XD

British Columbia

Software Tester | Hobbyist game/app developer // I want to create a game of my own with an impactful message.

DC Metropolitan Area

Lucas Gomes de Carvalho LucasGameDev13
Game Developer / Developer FullStack

São Paulo - Brazil

Gabriela Refosco gabixr
Student. Beginner programmer / Game Developer. Learning C# for Unity

Vancouver, BC, Canada

liushx dreamstaion
Golang Backend Developer, Unity Indie Developer


Willow Neilson WillowRN
Learning Experience Designer trying to get good at Unity

Los Angeles

BabyFace Games babyfacegames
Mobile Game Studio


Adrian Mallari A87kamui
Beginner Game Developer. Want to make games with great stories and gameplay.
Bryan Blaze BryanBlaze00
Currently in school for Bachelors in Computer Science and completed the Certificate. Also taking GameDev Courses to get started on Indie-Game Development.

Starfire Studios, Phenomenal Fire Salt Lake City UT, USA

Sandra Shudy sandrascenarios
Game Dev Student. Beginner Programmer/Game Developer. Learning C# for Unity.

Austin, Texas

Robert Sydor RobertSydor
Graduated from Vancouver Film School game design program.

BC, Canada

Arthur E. Levandoski artlevandoski
Programming hobbyist. My background is in marketing, social media, and graphic design.

Scranton, PA

Nio NioSabbiane
Sunshine Duchess




Nicolas Lehmann GOTOIA
I'm lead project manager I am specialized in programming applications, vidéo games and serious games.


路三三Wayne Wayne633
Game developers, focus on cutting-edge technology
Tankzo szpickij
Single employee of Tankzo Technologies. A very small development shop with 2 games and two utilities published on Google.

Tankzo Technologies USA

Mark MarkOpan
Interests: Product Management, Product Marketing, Games Development, Startups & MVP definition

Kyiv, Ukraine

Prathiban Vinayagamoorthy Prathi1729
I am passionate about finding innovative solutions to complex problems through data-driven insights.

Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore

Jarel Hearst JarelHearst
Hello, my name is Jarel Hearst, I am a senior attending Columbus State University pursuing a Computer Science major with a focus of Games Programming

Fayetteville, GA

Janne Heikkinen JPA7
Learning Unity


Richard Gelissen Rich975
indie game dev


Terence Pryce TerencePryce
Unity Game developer

Birmingham, UK

Edward Newton aguynamededward
Developer of The Hustle. Primarily works in Unity, but Google Sheets has my heart.

Dallas, TX