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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Iluha Trofimov/Илья Трофимов ilu-shaa
Developer from the southern Urals, programming since 2019. I specialize in Python, ML, DL, AI, and Backend development. Stay tuned for my projects!
Anton Bezzaborov antonbezzaborov
Student of RTU MIREA | Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

RTU MIREA Russia, Moscow

Ivan Zakutnii m0n0x41d

@team-monite Armenia

Olga Pavlyuk helloole
Machine Learning Engineer, Full Stack Data Scientist


Дмитрий vakulenk0
Student of Kuban state University


Pavel Krinitsin PavelKrinitsin
Data Science I Python I SQL
Oleg Burnaev Shepard2154
Full-stack programmer


Maxim mxglts

Russia, Moscow

Maya Makeeva MayaMakeeva
Full Stack Developer | Freelancer | Always learning and improving!
Anna Putina an-eve
UniPD Data Science | UPC Artificial Intelligence

Barcelona, Spain

Vladimir Slastin Avais03
Hi, I'm from the best town in the world -- Domodedovo. Student of MIPT, and I'm crazy in math.

MIPT Domodedovo

Relax_FM Relax-FM
BMSTU student ML/DL dev Web-dev


German27 German399
Aerospace Engineer 🚀 | AI-Specialist 💻 | Inventor ✈️ | Startuper 💰 | Young scientist 📝| Technopatriot 💗

Bauman Moscow State Technical University & HSE University & PJSC Ilyushin Aviation Complex Moscow

TiF TrueIfFalse
Too old to die young
Hanna Paulava hannarud
CV & DL, sometimes NLP & analytics

Wrocław, Poland

Dmitrii Chadaev Rozergar
I want to make a dream of large inhabited space stations.

Tula's State University Tula, Russia

Olesia Krugliakova zdesia
Data Scientist | Data Analyst
Dmitriy KuBaN658
Data Analyst with a passion for converting raw data into actionable insights. Skilled in Python, SQL, and machine learning. Looking for an interesting job.


Gumerov Bulat Ramilevich gumaonelove
👨🏼‍💻Machine Learning Engineer at Tatsoft🥷🏻