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Mohamed Sobh MooSobh

Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) Hannover, Germany

Sinan Özaydın sinanozaydin
Earth scientist interested in magnetotelluric modeling and their detailed interpretations. emails:

University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

Pankaj K Mishra pankajkmishra
Senior Scientist w/ Geological Survey of Finalnd (GTK)

Geological Survey of Finland Helsinki, Finland

Interested in the Earth's interior.


Pu Yang Vcholerae1
Central South University in Geophysics

Central South University

Zhang Shuo zhangxiaoshuotttt
I am interested in full FWI and deep learning.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Jeddah

Leonardo Uieda leouieda
Professor of Geophysics • I study the Earth using tiny disturbances in its gravity and magnetic fields, from global 🌎 to microscopic 🔬 scale

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil

Li Xiong LiXiong0906
My name is Li Xiong. Master of Geophysic, China University of Geoscience. Research interests:magnetic modeling.
Santiago Soler santisoler
PhD in Geophysics and Physicist. Postdoc researcher at UBC. Develop @fatiando and @simpeg.

@fatiando @simpeg @ubcgif @compgeolab @GeoLatinas British Columbia, Canada

Matt Tankersley mdtanker
Geology / Geophysics Ph.D studying Antarctica with potential fields data.

Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand

Alessandro Ghirotto appliedgeophysics
Potential Field Geophysics

University of Padua Padua, Italy