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Ivan Louis ivanlouis

@siebenberge Switzerland

Janik Burkart DrLeot
IT geek in Security and software development. Studying at HSLU.

Swisscom Switzerland

Leonardo J. Caballero G. macagua
Venezuelan Engineer, @plone Developer, Python, Zope, Flask, @odoo, @django, Linux, Free Software, Open source. @plone-ve community Co-founder

Plone Venezuela Libertador, Mérida, Venezuela

AO Toprak A070B24C

Switzerland, Zurich

Sandro Scalco sansan88
🤖 digital Demokratie Pionier 👨🏻‍💻 gründer von liitu 🚀

liitu consulting gmbh Schaffhausen

Zoo Sky zoosky
Just trying something new.