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Peter K Sharma Peterksharma
Hi my name is Peter, and these are my projects.

Austin, TX

Marcos Lima mvrpl
Técnico de Big Data, BlockChain & Cloud
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pedro Reis pedromlsreis
Data Scientist

Statkraft Düsseldorf, Germany

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Ryan Wold afomi
Everything, a system.

@civicstudio, @opentecture

aeoum aeoum
Mathematics, Philosophy and Software

Underground Gothenburg, Sweden

Govind Kumar Mishra gmishradev
I am a senior software engineer at Unravel Data. Computer Science graduate from NIT Patna with expertise in Java, distributed systems, big data, DS, and Algo. Bangalore

Amy Rose an-rose

Knoxville, TN, USA

Stan blackwhitehere
quant-adjacent engineering and stuff


Walid Lezzar wlezzar
Senior Software Engineer

Amazon Toronto

Florian Carrier Akaizoku

@alteryx Amsterdam, Netherlands

Indonesia Micro System dev-indonesiamicrosystem
IMS Engineering.

Indonesia Micro System Mars

Drew Meyers drewm-swe
Software Engineer at Muon Space, Ex-NASA JPL, MIT alum

Muon Space

Cristian B. taabrcr
🥷 Tech Lead with Passion to Innovate ! 💻 Implementing Ideas in the Cloud ☁️☁️ 🕵️‍♀️ Web App | Data Science | AI and ML ✍ Always Learning and Practicing

@NinjaArch World

Eugene Letenkov letenkov
Software Engineer Expert (DevOps)

@letenkov Moscow

Allen Thomas Varghese allentv
Backend Software Engineer, Mentor, Speaker

Squarespace Dublin, Ireland

Brandon Powers brandon-powers
:q > C-x C-c

Skillsoft Boston, MA

Valentino Constantinou vc1492a
Data Engineer at @infactory-io, Open Source Software Contributor

Infactory Pasadena, California

Sanj Chakravorty sanjc
CTO @ EDMTunes 🎧 Senior Data Engineer @ UPSTACK 👾 University of Florida 🏫 The Flatiron School 👨🏾‍🎓


Bobby Smith denodaeus

@Fabianware-IO Boston, MA

HeHu HHtiger

alibaba ChengDu@China

Rohitha Yarlagadda yrohitha
Life is Beautiful.

Quantium Hyderabad

Oleksandr Lykhonosov lihonosov
Software Engineer

The Future

Kryspin Ziemski kziemski

QCOMPUTE United States

Jonathan P Moraes jonathanpmoraes
Software Engineer @ NuBank

@nubank Sao Paulo

Josix josix
Pythonista Day One

@appier Taipei, Taiwan

Henry Mogollón HenryMogollon
Software Engineer & Passionate Developer.

Senior Developer Medellín, Colombia