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Vickey Feng vvkkfwq

University of Queensland Brisbane

First Year Student at UQ doing the BE(Hons)/M Engineering (Software) Degree.
Lee Galbraith leeglb
Learning code slowly
Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Spooncraft/Discord Staff for @MumboTeam. Infrastructure team member for @UQComputingSociety.

Queensland Australia

VincentCroft VincentCroft

Seminar Millennium

Nissan Dookeran nissan
An avid and somewhat seasoned software architect and developer with a passion for learning, blogging and writing (hopefully useful) code others can learn from

Redditech Pty Ltd Brisbane, Australia

Cyrus Forudi cyrus-f
Computer Science/Mathematics Student
antonrisch antonrisch
University student studying Machine Learning.
Ryuto Hisamoto selinuntius40
Computer Science & Commerce Student at UQ.

University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia

Jun Xi Koh jxspam
Dedicated to learn the top-notch technology right now

The University of Queensland Brisbane

Anshul Dadhwal AnshulDadhwal
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Darcy Weedman darcyweedman
UQ student currently studying math & computer science.

Australian Bureau of Statistics Brisbane

Alex (Junlin) Luo alexluo-netizen
Hands on practitioner


Farzad Hayat FarzadHayat
Intern QA Engineer at Tiny • Second-year CS Student at QUT

@tinymce Brisbane City, QLD, Australia

Guoyang Luo Hasakev
Clueless Final Year Software Engineering Student @ UQ


Tom Horsey thomashorsey
BCompSc at UQ

Brisbane, Australia

@bonjer-26 bonjer-26
Just an ordinary person curious about the world.

Department of Macroprudential Policy, Central Bank of Indonesia DKI Jakarta

UQ undergrad studying Mechatronics and Computer Science. Majoring in computer engineering, machine learning, and scientific computing.


Simon Victory svict4
Code for Victory ✌ Commit for Country 🤙 Govtech and Civictech dev

Brisbane, Australia

EE + CS student. Interested in anything Robotics, Automation, AI/ML, etc.