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Sebastian Flajszer senicko
I am doing things, maybe

Gliwice, Poland

Ariel Michalik ariemic
Computer Science student at AGH UST, Cracow

Cracow, Poland

Dawid Komęza dkomeza
Young, self thought Polish programmer with big aspirations but not equally broad knowledge.


Julian Dworzycki MrJujek
A young, aspiring programmer. Student at AGH University of Science and Technology

AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków

Kamil Gieras kamilGie
artist dreamer

Aqua Smart kraków Poland

Marcin Serafin MarcinSerafin03
Still a Student of CS at AGH University of Krakow
Ernest Szlamczyk eszlamczyk
Student at AGH University of Science and Technology

Cracow, Poland


Kraków, Poland

Jakub Ciszewski domino644
Computer Science Student on AGH University of Science and Technology

AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków

Mateusz Gałęziewski MatiLELE

Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw

Władysław Nieć wniec
Computer Science student at AGH University of Krakow
Jakub Kasperski Spontaniczny
Computer Science student

AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland

Krzysztof Pęczek out-somniac
Data Science and computer science student @ AGH in Cracov.

@AGHSolarPlaneCode Cracow, Poland

Urszula Stankiewicz ustankie
I'm a Computer Science student at AGH UST, Cracow
Michał Dobranowski mdbrnowski
Computer Science student at AGH University of Krakow.

Kraków, Poland

Łukasz Kolber psp515
I like coding, 3d printing and gaming.

Dassault Systèmes Kraków

Iwo Szczepaniak IwoSzczepaniak
SWE u2i | CS student 🧑‍🎓

u2i Kraków

Przemyslaw Spyra Przemyslaw11

AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Małopolskie, Poland

Piotr Śmiałek daredevilq
computer science student

AGH University of Science and Technology Cracow, Poland

Arkadiusz Paterak arekpaterak
BEng Computer Science and Intelligent Systems @ AGH University

AGH University of Science and Technology Kraków, Poland

Wiktor Wilkusz Wajktor13
Software Engineer Intern @ Nokia | CS Student @ AGH

Nokia Cracow, Poland

Jakub Wąsik Eghizio
Full-Stack Developer 🎓 AGH   #selftaught

Schibsted Kraków, Poland

Szymon Rogowski PsimonL
Applierd Computer Science student at AGH UST: Professional DevSecOps Engineer. Infrastructure, Cybersecurity and Machine Learning / Algorithmics enthusiast.


Szymon Bednorz dsonyy
🚀 Co-founder @ CleverHive Space

CleverHive Kraków, Poland

Jakub Pawlina jakubpawlina
Computer Science student • competitive programming lover • cybersecurity enthusiast • techno-geek

Aptiv Connected Services Poland

Davit dhunanyan
Software Engineer

Grand Parade | WIlliamhill | 888 Poland, Cracow