Mario Alejandro Celis Torres
Agricultural engineer, Master's student in Geomatics with knowledge of photogrammetry, remote sensing image processing and aerial applications.
National University Bogotá, Colombia
Roger Mesén-Delgado
I like the data and coding, learning about Python and GIS. Work in agriculture and also have a Bsc in Anthropology. Currenly working on my Msc Geography.
Fresh Del Monte Buenos Aires, Costa Rica
Sharad Kumar Gupta
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig, Germany
Kwaku Opoku-Ware
Kwaku codes in Python, RStudio and JavaScript, leveraging Jupyter Notebooks, Google Earth Engine and Notepad++ for writing scripts.
United States
Robson Rogerio Dutra Pereira
Digital Image Processing, Geoprocessing, Remote Sensing, UAVs, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Mobile Robots, Robotics, and UAVs Motion Planning
São Carlos, SP, Brazil