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Praharshita Krishna PraharshitaK-IS

PhD Student @ IIMA Ahmedabad

Mesheal D. Somah Sr. mdsomah
I'm a Full Stack Designer, Developer, Engineer & Architect

Monrovia, Liberia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sam Dr SamDrissi
Blockchain optimistic, more than 15 years of experience in consulting and innovative tech project. Co-founder of

A.Y. Montreal

Daniel McLaughlin danmcl7671
Daniel McLaughlin Cybersecurity Analyst | Veteran | Founder of Dark Horizons Cyber Intelligence LLC. Passionate about AI and cybersecurity solutions.

Dark Horizons Cyber Intelligence LLC

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ferris Prima Nugraha ferrispnugraha
Graduate Student @ HKUST ECE

HKUST Hong Kong

S. M. Mohiuddin Khan Shiam mohiuddin-khan-shiam
Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast

BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tomasz Rybotycki Tomev
Scientist extraordinaire.

SRI PAS, NCAC PAS, CEAI AGH The room where it happens.

Piotr Gawron pgawron
Quantum computers programmer since 2001. Researcher in the field of quantum informatics.

Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

James Afful jamesafful
Passionate about #CFD, #HPC, and #ML 🚀 | Exploring intersections of Engineering and Tech | #OpenSource Enthusiast | Learner!

Iowa State University

Francisco Granda FGranda2
Master of Quantum Computing Student @ University of Calgary | Aerospace Engineer

Calgary, Canada.

Po AD2000X

Computational Linguist London, UK

Ramjan ali mdalimz

Freie Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany

Tanvir Aunjum tanvir-devolvedai
Front End Developer

Devolved AI Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Burny BurnyCoder
AI Engineer and Researcher


Skandan C Y skandanyal
Desperate enough to learn new things, clueless enough to skip the internship queue.
Kerem Kazan mechanical-turk
Full stack / Smart contracts. New York City

Here Not There Labs New York City

Karl Miklautz Kapple14
Passionate tech enthusiast and accomplished full-stack developer with expertise in Quantum technologies. Specializing in Python and JavaScript.


SAMeh Zaghloul SAMeh-ZAGhloul
"learn-it-all" IT Architect


Sadman Hafiz shshovro
Studies Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) at Independent University, Bangladesh

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mimino11 mohima-mimino11
Tech Enthusiastic || Former Alpha MLSA || Junior Web Developer || Javascript, Python, C++, C , Java,SQL


MD. Mamdud Hasan n8fury
CS Grad || Problem Solver || Web Developer || Javascript || Python

Zeroozen Energy Ltd Narayanganj, Bangladesh

Md Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul mitul3737
@cncf Ambassador | @campus-experts | Maintainer @kubernetes Bengali Docs and CNCF Glossary | Student


Juan Patino juanfpatino
Computer Science and MBA graduate from RIT
Hlucomeister LucasHyun
Trincoll, CT Major: Computer Scinece/Applied Math Interest: ML

Trinity College CT Hartford, CT

Bhavik LimaniBhavik
Exploring Tech for the Future!


Jose Plata josebladex
I am a Mechatronics Engineering student with a strong academic background in software development.


William Aguilar thewill-i-am
Quantum Computing Researcher | Senior Data Scientist

Costa Rica

Travis Remington loviswaternakamoto
Doing my part in improving the lives of billions of people.

Beehive Nature DeSeReT teRRiTORY

Lucas Vinh Tran lucasvinhtran

@jpmorganchase | ex-@Apple London, UK

Samuel Yonas samiyonas
ALX Software Engineering Program Graduate

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Carlos Antunis carlos-antunis-physics
I'm currently a MSc student on Physics and an Undergrad Student of Computer Engineering at the UFAL, besides an enthusiast in Computational Physics.

Instituto de Física - UFAL Marechal Deodoro - AL