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John Docter zaiyicheng
Rig TD && Pipeline TD

Beijing Compony Beijing China

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Pipeline TD, Rigger and Technical Artist

Tokyo, Japan

Russell August Anderson russellaugust
cinema + code. feature film assistant editor

Santa Monica, CA

Mathieu M-Gosselin mathieumg

@MaintainX Montréal, Canada


inXile Entertainment

Technical animator : Art tool, Pipeline Animator & 3D generalist

Snapchat Los Angeles

Ademir Pasalic AdemirPasalicSC
Pipeline Technical Director Lead @SunCreature

Sun Creature Studio Copenhagen


Beijing Film Academy New Zealand

汐玥@Yuna Kamisato-Yuna
过气 EFX Artist|萌新 Pipeline TD|🏳️‍⚧️


Cameron camerontarget14
VFX Pipeline Manager at Baked Studios

Baked Studios New York

Ronnie Lutaro rlutaro
Digital Transformation | Project Management | Venture Building & Investments in Africa

Kampala, Uganda

KaliMerO666 KaliMerO666

@Book-O-Matic Nowhere, Ok

michael MichaelHaussmann
CG Pipeline Developer, Teacher, CG & FX Supervisor


Kerby Geffrard geffrak

Autodesk Montreal, Qc

Countzer0 Countzr0
OG Cyberpunk in the Metaverse; Born Bobby Newmark, stole the Aleph, inhabiting cyberspace.

Yuga Labs Aleph

Olivier Péloquin Animifer
Pixel creator and time traveller, I'm here to satisfy my thirst of knowledge.

Montreal, Qc