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./CompileMyLife CompileMyLife
I like to program and explore new things for fun.
ZQM zengqingmei


Michael Ilerioluwa Adeniyi mickey4653
I just love Technology in general and also have a passion for Robotics

Reality AI Lab Silver Spring, MD

Tony Bruno OceanSBlueTyphoon21
Electrical Engineering, BS
Ilias 0caliber
Embedded Systems, Edge Computing, Hardware Acceleration

AI Zerocaliber Ltd Cyprus

Eric Teh erihengz


Bryan Cable bcabes

Keithley Instruments Cleveland, OH

Felipe Kalinski Ferreira k4linsk1
Electrical Engineer working as Hardware Designer.

@htmicron São Leopoldo, RS

Q lankygit
Seasoned low level systems wiz.

Keithley Instruments Cleveland, Ohio

Jose Gustavo Abreu Murta Gustavomurta
Technical consultant, retired from IBM Brasil.


Nicholas Felt nfelt14
Software Design Engineer, @tektronix


Jend4s Jend4s
Electronics enthusiast

UWB in Pilsen Pilsen