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i do not know what i am doing
Soheil Saghian saghian Iran, Tehran

OwenZhang owenzhang24
I actually hate programming, but I love solving problems. Phper & Gopher.

Owen Internet Technology Co., Ltd. Amoy, China

Milady♡$LADYS ㋛ lorinaplug
Miladys knew this coin would come. LADYS may not be the meme coin Miladys want, but LADYS is the meme coin Miladys need in these times of unbridled memetic pow

Milady Lady’s 1962 fairway drive

MEHDI Homeyli

Stack ecosystem Tehran,iran

mohamed abdelhalim Mohamed7AbdELhalim
Learns as a developer of interfaces and websites


Gregori Marzio gregmarzio

@gregmarziomedia Cape Town, South Africa

k4sp3risme spoooky762
👻 Just Github's Resident Ghost 👻 I just like breaking things😑 🗡️ Owner Of Team: merkynet

Team M3rky right behind you

Evloev Saifuddin Magomedovich FrenkenFlores
Samsung ex-developer/Software engineer at Wildberries/Mentor at Yandex EdTech/42 programming school/Moscow State University of Technology "STANKIN"

Yandex lyceum | Wildberries

Anton Grabovsky sk1t0n
Full-stack Web Developer #php #javascript
Chantouch Sek chantouchsek
I love coding.

@mango-byte Phnom Penh, Cambodia

faraone El-anqiao


Milad Nekofar nekofar
I'm a self-taught Software Developer and a Freelancer.

Freelancer Middle East