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VIVEK SATI Viveksati5143
Pushing my limits everyday in every way!


Tobias Mierzwa tobias-mierzwa

Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Pavel Nikonorov pavelnikonorov

@genxnetwork Hinxton, Cambridgeshire

Haruka Ohata ohruka

Fujitsu Limited Japan

Stuck Wassaf001

Agra, India

Ravjot Singh ravjot07
LFX'25 @ CNCF-Kmesh
Seonghyun Park shpark
Tired of mediocrity
Priyanshu Thapliyal Priyanshuthapliyal2005
Driven B.Tech CSE Student | Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun | Semi-Finalist @ HACK-O-HOLIC 2.0 | HackSquad'23 Contributor | Hacktoberfest'23 Contributor
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Charles Oliveira chaws

@Linaro São Paulo/Brazil

Andrew Williams adcwilliams
Researcher Cloud Systems and Platforms

Ericsson Stockholm, Sweden

douchuan ChuanDou2021

Baidu Beijing, China

Aqua aquarockslug
Recently graduated with a degree in CS and looking for work. Excited about the future of Linux, terminal user interfaces, and self-hosted software.
chioma827 chioma827
"Chioma is a dedicated software engineer] with over 3+ years of experience in frontend web development" Chioma—a dreamer and doer with a love of programming.

umuahia,abia state Nigeria

Luo Ao reasly
Engineering Director @ Montage


Hongbo ya0guang
Becoming a *REAL FULLSTACK* engineer and a little bit more than that...
Tiziano Santoro tiziano88
λ f . ( λ x . f ( x x ) ) ( λ x . f ( x x ) )

@google, @project-oak London, United Kingdom

Baby Melvin BabyMelvin
Do whatever you wanna!!!

EswinComputing shanghai

Jan Lübbe jluebbe
Embedded Linux Developer, @rauc & @labgrid-project co-maintainer

@pengutronix Braunschweig

Francesco Zaritto Franc-Zar
Cybersecurity Researcher @ Politecnico Di Torino @torsec
Current: Principal Tech Advocate @SUSE-Rancher-Community, Regional lead @chaoss, SIG Docs chair @kubernetes, SIG Community chair @bytecodealliance

SUSE India

Luis J. Domingo LuisJDomingo
Soy una persona curiosa y con ganas de aprender constantes. Me apasiona el mundo del análisis de datos. La IA es un puzzle a resolver


Michael Richardson mcr
Michael Richardson is a self-taught programmer and consultant, and has been involved with network security systems since 1988. He has a B.Sc. Physics(1996).

Sandelman Software Works Corp Ottawa, ON

Benshan Mei mbs0221
Happy Hacking!

UCAS Beijing

Enrico Bravi cinghioGithub
PhD student in Computer Engineering (Cybersecurity) at Politecnico di Torino.

Politecnico di Torino

V A I S H A L i maveraw
DevRel Engineer & K8s Specialist | Open Source Contributor Community Lead | Security-Focused Cloud Native Developer | Hashnode Technical Writer

@Gadfly-ai India

Sunghyun Jin mcsmonk

Samsung Electronics Republic of Korea

Mingyuan Gao MingyuanGao
Researcher in Computer Systems

National University of Singapore Singapore

John Pritchard syntelos
Objectivity, Logic, & Computing.


BUG写手 LeoneChen

Haidian, Beijing