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Maiah Macariola maiah

transmitsms Manila

Byron Geils bygbyron3

Telecommunication Cascadia

Mike Alberts dawebmastaa

Rule The Web LLC Portland, ME USA

Nico Baier nbbaier
Independent linguist based in Chicago. PhD from Berkeley. I've also taught at McGill and UBC. I pretend to hate puns but I really don'

BOLD Inc. Chicago

Elian ElianCodes
Lead DevRel @ReactBricks | @withastro Maintainer | meetup organizer | BeJS conferences co-organizer | Podcast co-host | public speaker

@reactbricks Ghent, Belgium

Matthew Justice JusticeMatthew
Owner - Majic Web Design

Majic Web Design USA

Adam Matthiesen Adammatthiesen
Self Employed IT Guy

Matthiesen IT Services & Support Center Seattle, WA, USA

Louis Escher louisescher
Full-Stack Developer, UI Designer, @withstudiocms maintainer

@entropic-software Germany