- ~/.config/X11/.xinitrc
- ~/.cache/.Xauthority
- ~/.config/i3/
- ~/.config/i3status/
- /etc/zsh/zshenv
- ~/.config/wgetrc <- changes are made in /etc/wgetrc (other options see #12)
- ~/.config/nvim/ convert vim -> lua based config
also, please see issues with some ideas
installation script is ready and tested several times see README
- Github CI attained
- ~/.config/ag
- ~/.config/allacritty
- ~/.config/bash with no emojis starship or classical prompt (to switch comment one line in the config)
- ~/.config/bat
- ~/.config/git
- ~/.config/htop
- ~/.config/less
- ~/.config/neofetch
- ~/.config/macchina
- ~/.config/nvim with vim-plug auto-install
- ~/.config/readline
- ~/.config/tmux
- ~/.config/todo
- ~/.config/vim with vim-plug auto-install
- ~/.config/yadm
- ~/.config/zsh
- ~/.config/starship.toml
- ~/.config/user-dirs.conf
- ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs <- changes are made in /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults
- ~/.config/user-dirs.locale
- /etc/profile.d/xdg.sh see issue #3
- /etc/bash/bashrc