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A lightweight customizable math expression parsing library that supports custom functions and variables, with a complete error handling system(ParserException).

To understand the making of this project, please refer to this PDF.

Getting Started

Evaluating a expression

MathExpression expr = new("1 * (2 + 3) - (4 * 5 * (6 + 7))");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is -255
MathExpression expr = new("1! * 2! * 3! * 4!");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 288
MathExpression expr = new("sin(90 torad)");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 1
MathExpression expr = new("sqrt(1 + sin(pi / 2) * 3)");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 2
MathExpression expr = new("log(log(3.2e+2, -(-1e1)), sqrt(1E-4))");
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is -0.19941686566

Supported built-in operators, functions, and constants

The number in the parentheses is the number of arguments that function takes.

All trigonometric functions are in radians. Use torad to convert degrees to radians.

Type Name Description
Binary + Addition
Binary - Subtraction
Prefix unary - Negation
Binary * Multiplication
Binary / Division
Binary ^ Power
Binary % Modulo
Constant pi π
Constant e Euler's number
Function(1) sqrt Square root
Function(1) sin Sine
Function(1) asin Arc sine
Function(1) cos Cosine
Function(1) acos Arc cosine
Function(1) tan Tangent
Function(1) atan Arc tangent
Function(1) csc Cosecant
Function(1) acsc Arc cosecant
Function(1) sec Secant
Function(1) asec Arc secant
Function(1) cot Cotangent
Function(1) acot Arc cotangent
Function(1) sinh Hyperbolic sine
Function(1) asinh Hyperbolic arc sine
Function(1) cosh Hyperbolic cosine
Function(1) acosh Hyperbolic arc cosine
Function(1) tanh Hyperbolic tangent
Function(1) atanh Hyperbolic arc tangent
Function(1) csch Hyperbolic cosecant
Function(1) acsch Hyperbolic arc cosecant
Function(1) sech Hyperbolic secant
Function(1) asech Hyperbolic arc secant
Function(1) coth Hyperbolic cotangent
Function(1) acoth Hyperbolic arc cotangent
Function(2) P Permutation
Function(2) C Combination
Function(2) H H(x, y) = C(x + y - 1, x - 1) = C(x + y - 1, y)
Function(2) log Logarithm. The second argument is the base.
Function(1) log10 Logarithm base 10
Function(1) log2 Logarithm base 2
Function(1) ln Natural logarithm
Function(1) ceil Least integer not less than
Function(1) floor Greatest integer not greater than
Function(1) round Round decimal places
Function(1) abs Absolute value
Function(any) min Returns the least value of the arguments. If no arguments are given, returns 0.
Function(any) max Returns the greatest value of the arguments. If no arguments are given, returns 0.
Postfix unary ! Factorial
Postfix unary torad Converts degrees to radians
Postfix unary todeg Converts radians to degrees

Adding custom functions and constants

MathExpression expr = new("f(x)");
expr.CustomFunctions.Add(new FunctionalOperator("f", x => x[0] * 2, 1));
expr.CustomConstants.Add(new ConstantOperator("x", 100));
double value = expr.Evaluate(); // value is 200

Error handling

MathExpression expr = new("sin(1,)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 6, Type = UnexpectedClosingParenthesis }
MathExpression expr = new("2sin(2)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 1, Type = UnexpectedFunctionalOperator }
MathExpression expr = new("cos(1, 2)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 0, Type = IncorrectArgumentCount }
MathExpression expr = new("tan(pipi)");
// prints ParserExceptionContext { Position = 4, Type = UnknownOperator }

All error types

Type Description
InvalidNumberFormat An error where a number with an invalid format was found in a MathExpression.
IncorrectArgumentCount An error where either too many or too few arguments were passed to a FunctionalOperator.
InvalidCustomFunctionName An error where some of the custom functions provided have names that either start with a number, are empty, or contain characters that are not alphanumeric or are not underscores.
NullCustomFunction An error where MathExpression.CustomFunctions contains a null element.
InvalidCustomConstantName An error where some of the custom constants provided have names that either start with a number, are empty, or contain characters that are not alphanumeric or are not underscores.
NullCustomConstant An error where MathExpression.CustomConstants contain a null element.
NaNConstant An error where MathExpression.CustomConstants have a ConstantOperator.Value of double.NaN.
ConflictingNames An error where two Operators in a MathExpression share the same name.
UnexpectedBinaryOperator An error where a BinaryOperator is used incorrectly.
TooManyOpeningParentheses An error where a opening parenthesiis is used without a corresponding opening parenthesis.
UnexpectedClosingParenthesis An error where a closing parenthesis is used incorrectly, or where a closing parenthesis is used without a corresponding opening parenthesis.
UnexpectedComma An error where a comma is used incorrectly.
UnexpectedConstantOperator An error where a ConstantOperator is used incorrectly.
UnexpectedFunctionalOperator An error where a FunctionalOperator is used incorrectly.
UnexpectedNumber An error where a number is used incorrectly.
UnexpectedOpeningParenthesis An error where a opening parenthesis is used incorrectly.
UnexpectedPostfixUnaryOperator An error where a PostfixUnaryOperator is used incorrectly.
UnexpectedPrefixUnaryOperator An error where a PrefixUnaryOperator is used incorrectly.
UnknownOperator An error where an unknown Operator is used in a MathExpression.
UnexpectedNewline An error where a MathExpression ended unexpectedly.

Complete Docs

For the complete auto-generated documentation, see here. (The docs generation tool Vsxmd currently doesn't work with <inheritdoc> tags and will just leave them empty or write "Inherited from parent.")