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This ROS package is a visual-inertial odometry (VIO) system for the Turtlebot 2 using Pose Graph Optimizaiton with the help of factor graphs from GTSAM C++ Library. The package was designed in stonefish simulator using Turtlebot2 Simulation Packages. The package was tested on ROS Noetic running on Ubuntu 20.04 Machine.


Visual perception is crucial for robotics applications, requiring a robust system for localization using multiple sensers for accurate state estimation. Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO), combining a camera and Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), offers an efficient and accurate alternative to GPS and lidar for state estimation. Cameras provide rich visual data but suffer from limitations like low output rate and prone to motion blur, while IMUs offer high-frequency measurements but accumulate drift over time. VIO leverages the complementary strengths of both sensors.This paper discusses a VIO framework implemented on a Turtlebot platform using ROS and GTSAM for incremental smoothing and mapping. The approach involves a tightly coupled VIO pipeline, integrating camera and IMU data through Smart Projection Pose Factors for efficient state estimation. The methodology includes an image processing pipeline for feature detection and matching, and a graph optimization process for pose estimation.Initial testing in a simulation environment demonstrated the effectiveness of the VIO implementation, with future improvements suggested for buffer management and sensor calibration.

Package Architecture

Factor Graph


  • ROS Noetic
  • Stonefish Simulator
  • Turtlebot2 Simulation Packages
  • OpenCV
  • Eigen3


To install the turtlebot_vio package, follow these steps:

Install the dependencies:

  1. ROS Noetic: Follow the instructions here.
  2. Stonefish Simulator: Follow the instructions here
  3. Turtlebot Simulation Packages: Follow the instructions here
  4. GTSAM Library: Follow the instructions here
  5. OpenCV: Follow the instructions here
  6. If you don't have Eigen and Boost libraries installed, you can install them using the following commands:
    $ sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
    $ sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

Build the package:

To build the turtlebot_vio package, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository into your ROS catkin workspace:

    $ git clone
  2. Build the package:

    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ catkin build

    if you dont have catkin tools installed, you can install it from here

  3. Source the setup file:

    $ source devel/setup.bash

    You can add this line to your .bashrc file to run it automatically when you open a new terminal.

  4. If while building the package can not find the GTSAM library, provide necessary path to the library in CMakeLists.txt file. Same goes for PCL, Eigen and Boost libraries.



  1. Before launching the files change which mode (SIL/HIL) is in use from the src/ file and launch respective file using following instructions.
  • SIL - Software in Loop when working in Simulator.
  • HIL - Hardware in Loop when working on real turtlebot robot.(Not Tested)

To use the turtlebot_vio package, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the package:
    $ roslaunch turtlebot_vio turtlebot_poster_env.launch
    This will launch the turtlebot_vio node and the stonefish simulator with the turtlebot in the poster environment.

Once the simulation is running, you can visualize the VIO output using RViz. The graph starts optimization process after atleast two keyframes are added thus start moving the robot using the teleop package. You can use the following command to run the teleop node:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

If you don't have the teleop_twist_keyboard package installed, you can install it from here

If you want the run different environment, you can launch following launch file

$ roslaunch turtlebot_vio env.launch


Following plot shows the Ground Truth and Estimated Trajectory of the Turtlebot in the Poster Environment.

Factor Graph

Following plot shows the 3D features extracted from the camera images.

Factor Graph
Factor Graph

The detailed results and analysis can be found in the Report file.

The video of the testing can be found on YouTube

Future work

  1. Implementing the VIO on the real Turtlebot robot.
  2. Buffer management for the camera and IMU data.
  3. Sensor calibration for the camera and IMU.
  4. Implementing the VIO on different environments.
  5. Implementing the VIO on different robots.
  6. Completing IMU integration with the VIO pipeline.


Don't forget to touch grass!!


If you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to contact me at Email