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Build Instructions

This document contains the instructions for building this repository on Linux and Windows.

This repository contains Vulkan development tools and layers, supplementing the loader and validation layer core components found at

System Requirements

Windows System Requirements

Windows 7+ with additional required software packages:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional or 2017 Professional. Note: it is possible that lesser/older versions may work, but not guaranteed.
  • CMake 3.14.0 is recommended.
    • Tell the installer to "Add CMake to the system PATH" environment variable.
  • Python 3.7.2 or later (from Notes:
    • Select to install the optional sub-package to add Python to the system PATH environment variable.
    • Need python3.3 or later to get the Windows py.exe launcher that is used to get python3 rather than python2 if both are installed on Windows
    • Install jsonschema package (pip3 install jsonschema)
  • Git (from
    • Tell the installer to allow it to be used for "Developer Prompt" as well as "Git Bash".
    • Tell the installer to treat line endings "as is" (i.e. both DOS and Unix-style line endings).

Optional software packages:

  • Cygwin (from
    • Cygwin provides some Linux-like tools, which are valuable for obtaining the source code, and running CMake. Especially valuable are the BASH shell and git packages.
    • If you do not wish to use Cygwin, there are other shells and environments that can be used. You can also use a Git package that does not come from Cygwin.

Ubuntu System Requirements

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and 20.04 have been tested with this repo.

CMake 3.14.0 is recommended.

# Dependencies from included submodule components
sudo apt-get install git build-essential bison libx11-xcb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libwayland-dev libxrandr-dev libxcb-randr0-dev

# Additional dependencies for this repo:
sudo apt-get install wget autotools-dev libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev

# If performing 32-bit builds, you will also need:
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 g++-multilib

# Install jsonschema python package
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install jsonschema

Fedora Core System Requirements

Fedora Core 28 and 29 were tested with this repo.

CMake 3.14.0 is recommended.

Additional package dependencies include:

# Dependencies from included submodule components
sudo dnf install git @development-tools glm-devel \
                 libpng-devel wayland-devel libpciaccess-devel \
                 libX11-devel libXpresent libxcb xcb-util libxcb-devel libXrandr-devel \
                 xcb-util-keysyms-devel xcb-util-wm-devel

# Install jsonschema python package
sudo dnf install python3-pip
pip3 install jsonschema

Optional software packages:

macOS System Requirements

macOS 10.11.4 have been tested with this repo.

Setup Homebrew and components

  • Follow instructions on to get homebrew installed.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Ensure Homebrew is at the beginning of your PATH:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
  • Add packages with the following (may need refinement)
brew install python python3 git
  • Install jsonschema python package
pip3 install jsonschema

Android Additional System Requirements

Install the required tools for Linux and Windows covered above, then add the following.

Install the Android SDK and NDK

  • With Android Studio
    • Install Android Studio 2.3 or later.
    • From the "Welcome to Android Studio" splash screen, add the following components using Configure > SDK Manager:
      • SDK Platforms > Android 8.0.0 and newer
      • SDK Tools > Android SDK Build-Tools
      • SDK Tools > Android SDK Platform-Tools
      • SDK Tools > Android SDK Tools
      • SDK Tools > NDK
  • sdkmanager CLI tool

Set SDK/NDK Build Environment Variables

Some common locations for the ANDROID_SDK_HOME and ANDROID_NDK_HOME are:

On Linux:

    export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$HOME/Android/sdk
    export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$HOME/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle

On Windows:

    set ANDROID_NDK_HOME=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\ndk-bundle


    export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
    export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle

Getting Started Build Instructions

64-bit Windows Build

    git clone
    cd Vulkan-Profiles
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -A x64 ..
    cmake --build . --parallel

32-bit Windows Build

    git clone
    cd Vulkan-Profiles
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -A Win32 ..
    cmake --build . --parallel

Windows Unit Tests

ctest -C Debug --output-on-failure --parallel 16
ctest -C Release  --output-on-failure --parallel 16

Linux and macOS Build

    git clone
    cd Vulkan-Profiles
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    cmake --build . --parallel

Linux and macOS Unit Tests

ctest --parallel 8 --output-on-failure

Android Build

Use the following to ensure the Android build works.

Android Build using CMake For Windows, Linux, and OSX

cmake -Bandroid-build \
  -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<ndk-path>/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \

cd android-build
cmake --build . --parallel

Android Unit Tests

The Android test packages are created in the following directory: Vulkan-Profiles/android-build/apk/out

adb install -r apk/out/TestPackageName.apk
adb shell am start -a android.intent.MAIN -c android-intent.category.LAUNCH -n com.example.TestPackageName/ --es args --gtest_catch_exceptions=0
# Test output is written to logcat
adb logcat > tempfile
grep VulkanProfilesLayerTests: tempfile

Repository Dependencies

This repository attempts to resolve some of its dependencies by using components found from the following places, in this order:

  1. CMake or Environment variable overrides (e.g., -DVULKAN_HEADERS_INSTALL_DIR)
  2. LunarG Vulkan SDK, located by the VULKAN_SDK environment variable
  3. System-installed packages, mostly applicable on Linux

Dependencies that cannot be resolved by the SDK or installed packages must be resolved with the "install directory" override and are listed below. The "install directory" override can also be used to force the use of a specific version of that dependency.


This repository has a required dependency on the Vulkan Headers repository. You must clone the headers repository and build its install target before building this repository. The Vulkan-Headers repository is required because it contains the Vulkan API definition files (registry) that are required to build the validation layers. You must also take note of the headers' install directory and pass it on the CMake command line for building this repository, as described below.


The tools in this repository depend on the Vulkan loader.

A loader can be used from an installed LunarG SDK, an installed Linux package, or from a driver installation on Windows.

If a loader is not available from any of these methods and/or it is important to use a loader built from a repository, then you must build the Vulkan-Loader repository with its install target. Take note of its install directory location and pass it on the CMake command line for building this repository, as described below.


The tools in this repository depend on the Vulkan validation layers.

Validation layers can be used from an installed LunarG SDK, an installed Linux package, or from a driver installation on Windows.

If the validation layers are not available from any of these methods and/or it is important to use the validation layers built from a repository, then you must build the Vulkan-ValidationLayers repository with its install target. Take note of its install directory location and pass it on the CMake command line for building this repository, as described below.