I try to follow these guidelines:
- Git commits
- Short commit message headline (if possible, up to 60 characters)
- Blank line before message body
- Message should be like: "Add foo ...", "Fix ..."
- If you need to do formatting changes like indentation, put them into their own commit
- Git workflow
- Rebase every branch before merging it with --no-ff. Rebasing your pull request to the current main branch helps me merging it.
- No merging main into branches - try to rebase always
- User branches might be heavily rebased/reordered/squashed because I like a clean history
- No Tabs please
- No trailing whitespace please
- 4 spaces indentation
- Run flake8
pytest tests/test-schema.py
IRC: tinita on libera Matrix: tinita on matrix.org
Check out https://matrix.to/#/#chat:yaml.io for chatting about YAML