This repository contains the Pest Plugin Browser.
If you want to start testing your application with Pest, visit the main * *Pest Repository**.
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- Install PHP dependencies using Composer:
composer install
- Install Node.js dependencies:
npm install
- Install Playwright browsers:
npx playwright install
To run the test suite, execute:
For each Operation/Assertion, we add a corresponding Test.
We can make use of the playgroundUrl()
helper, to get its URL during the test.
We can provide a URI that will be appended, e.g: playgroundUrl('/test/interactive-elements')
Attention: we can use ->visit('/foo')
, using the base URL, without the helper.
The helper exists for assertion scenarios, like:
Check the playground/resources/views/test-pages
folder for existing views.
They are accessible by the playground route /test/{page}
E.g.: The view resources/views/test-pages/interactive-elements.blade.php
is visited
on playgroundUrl('/test/interactive-elements')
The playground is standard Laravel App, where you may add a page with a feature for your test.
Just add the view, and the Nav Menu will automatically update based on the view name.
Pest is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Pest Plugin Browser brings end-to-end testing to the elegant syntax from Pest. This allows to test your application in a browser environment, enabling to test all the components, such as frontend, backend and database.
- back
- click
- clickAndHold
- clickAtPoint
- clickAtXPath
- clickLink
- controlClick
- doubleClick
- forward
- pause
- setTimeout
- refresh
- rightClick
- screenshot
- visit
Check the given element.
Uncheck the given element.
Click the element at the given selector.
Perform a mouse click and hold the mouse button down at the given selector.
Click the topmost element at the given pair of coordinates.
$this->clickAtPoint('//div[@class = "selector"]');
Click the element at the given XPath expression.
$this->clickAtXPath('//div[@class = "selector"]');
Clicks some text on the page.
$this->clickLink('Sign In');
Control click the element at the given selector.
Double-click the element at the given selector.
Go back one page from the browser history.
Go forward one page from the browser history.
Pauses the execution for a specified number of milliseconds.
Discouraged: Never pause in production. Tests that wait for an amount of time are inherently flaky. Use "wait for element" or "wait for an event" approaches - you can wait for an event your app dispatches.
$this->pause(5000); // Pause for 5 seconds
Changes the timeout for the currently running test to the given value in milliseconds. This feature works well in combination with pause when necessary or in other relevant scenarios.
$this->setTimeout(10000); // set timeout for test execution to 10 seconds
Refreshes the current page.
Right click the element at the given selector.
Takes a full-page screenshot of the current page and saves it under /Browser/screenshots
Visits the given URL, and starts a new browser test.
- assertAttribute
- assertAttributeContains
- assertAttributeDoesntContain
- assertAttributeMissing
- assertDontSee
- assertQueryStringHas
- assertQueryStringMissing
- assertPathBeginsWith
- assertPathEndsWith
- assertPathContains
- assertPathIs
- assertPathIsNot
- assertPresent
- assertNotPresent
- assertScript
- assertVisible
- assertMissing
- assertChecked
- assertNotChecked
Assert that the specified element has the expected attribute and value:
->assertAttribute('html', 'data-theme', 'light');
Assert that the specified element has the expected attribute and the value contains a specific value:
->assertAttributeContains('html', 'data-theme', 'ight');
Assert that the specified element has the expected attribute, but the value does not contain a specific value:
->assertAttributeDoesntContain('html', 'data-theme', 'not here');
Assert that the specified element is missing a particular attribute :
->assertAttributeMissing('html', 'data-missing');
Assert that the given text is not present on the page:
->assertDontSee('we are a streaming service');
Assert that an element with the given selector is visible:
test('assert visible', function () {
Assert that an element with the given selector is hidden:
test('assert missing', function () {
Assert that the given query string is present in the url:
->assertQueryStringHas('q', 'test');
Assert that the given query string is not present in the url:
->assertQueryStringMissing('q', 'test-1');
Assert that the current URL path begins with the given path:
Assert that the current URL path ends with the given path:
Assert that the current URL path contains the given path:
Assert that the current URL path matches the given path:
// Asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard
Assert that the current URL path does not match the given path:
Assert that the given script returns the expected value:
->assertScript('document.querySelector("title").textContent.includes("Laravel")', true);
Assert that the element with a given selector is present on the page:
Assert that the element with a given selector is not present on the page:
Assert that the element with a given selector is checked:
Assert that the element with a given selector is not checked: