Cellprofiler pipelines examples:
- QC.cppipe
- Illumination_correction.cppipe
- FindFeatures.cppipe
Few cellprofiler modules are multithreaded
- Split plate into a few wells (batches)
- Parallellize on Kubernetes (Relying on Job names and Kubernetes Scheduler to keep track of finished batches and analyses)
- Cat individual results into large table
- cp_pipeline_master.py (Python script running in a pod on cluster, reading data from Postgres Imagedb):
- some new tables in Imagedb (https://imagedb-adminer.k8s-prod.pharmb.io/?pgsql=imagedb-pg-postgresql.services.svc.cluster.local&username=postgres&db=imagedb&ns=public)
- For each new analyses, split into batches and for each batch create a Kubernetes Job Yaml
- Throw all job yamls onto Kubernetes Cluster (Hundreds or Thousands)
- Limit jobs concurrent running with Kubernetes Namespace Quotas
- Let Kubernetes Scheduler start new job-pods when resources are available
/share/mikro/ ( 8.6TB images )
Pipeline Gui: https://pipelinegui.k8s-prod.pharmb.io/
- A GUI for inserting Analyses definitions into the Postgres ImageDB
Visualize image feature results in ImageDB-Gui (https://imagedb.k8s-prod.pharmb.io/) Exp3 Vero Zika L2