Feed.TXT a.k.a. RSS (Really Simple Sharing) 5.0 ;-)
feedtxt library - Read Feed.TXT - Feeds in Text (Unicode) - Publish & Share Posts, Articles, Podcasts, 'n' More
github: feedtxt/feedtxt, rubygems: feedtxt, rdoc: feedtxt
Use Feedtxt.parse
to read / parse feeds in text using the Feed.TXT
format also known as RSS (Really Simple Sharing) 5.0 ;-).
The parse method will return an array:
[ feed_metadata,
[ item_metadata, item_content ],
[ item_metadata, item_content ],
- The 1st element is the feed metadata hash.
- The 2nd element is the items array.
- The 1st element in an item array is the item metadata hash.
- The 2nd element in an item array is the item content.
Easier to see it in action. Let's read in:
require 'feedtxt'
text =<<TXT
title: "My Example Feed"
home_page_url: "https://example.org/"
feed_url: "https://example.org/feed.txt"
id: "2"
url: "https://example.org/second-item"
This is a second item.
id: "1"
url: "https://example.org/initial-post"
Hello, world!
feed = Feedtxt.parse( text )
pp feed
resulting in:
{"title" =>"My Example Feed",
"feed_url" =>"https://example.org/feed.txt"
{"id" =>"2",
"This is a second item."
"Hello, world!"
and use like:
feed_metadata = feed[0]
feed_items = feed[1]
feed_metadata[ 'title' ]
# => "My Example Feed"
feed_metadata[ 'feed_url' ]
# => "https://example.org/feed.txt"
item = feed_items[0] # or feed[1][0]
item_metadata = item[0] # or feed[1][0][0]
item_content = item[1] # or feed[1][0][1]
item_metadata[ 'id' ]
# => "2"
item_metadata[ 'url' ]
# => "https://example.org/second-item"
# => "This is a second item."
item = feed_items[1] # or feed[1][1]
item_metadata = item[0] # or feed[1][1][0]
item_content = item[1] # or feed[1][1][1]
item_metadata[ 'id' ]
# => "1"
item_metadata[ 'url' ]
# => "https://example.org/initial-post"
# => "Hello, world!"
Another example. Let's try a podcast:
text =<<TXT
comment: "This is a podcast feed. You can add..."
title: "The Record"
home_page_url: "http://therecord.co/"
feed_url: "http://therecord.co/feed.txt"
id: "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish"
title: "Special #1 - Chris Parrish"
url: "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish"
summary: "Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and one-half of Aged & Distilled."
published: 2014-05-09T14:04:00-07:00
- url: "http://therecord.co/downloads/The-Record-sp1e1-ChrisParrish.m4a"
mime_type: "audio/x-m4a"
size_in_bytes: 89970236
duration_in_seconds: 6629
Chris has worked at [Adobe][1] and as a founder of Rogue Sheep, which won an Apple Design Award for Postage.
Chris's new company is Aged & Distilled with Guy English - which shipped [Napkin](2),
a Mac app for visual collaboration. Chris is also the co-host of The Record.
He lives on [Bainbridge Island][3], a quick ferry ride from Seattle.
[1]: http://adobe.com/
[2]: http://aged-and-distilled.com/napkin/
[3]: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/
feed = Feedtxt.parse( text )
pp feed
resulting in:
[{"comment"=>"This is a podcast feed. You can add...",
"title"=>"The Record",
"title"=>"Special #1 - Chris Parrish",
"summary"=>"Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and...",
"published"=>2014-05-09 23:04:00 +0200,
"Chris has worked at [Adobe][1] and as a founder of Rogue Sheep..."
and use like:
feed_metadata = feed[0]
feed_items = feed[1]
feed_metadata[ 'title' ]
# => "The Record"
feed_metadata[ 'feed_url' ]
# => "http://therecord.co/feed.txt"
item = feed_items[0] # or feed[1][0]
item_metadata = item[0] # or feed[1][0][0]
item_content = item[1] # or feed[1][0][1]
item_metadata[ 'title' ]
# => "Special #1 - Chris Parrish"
item_metadata[ 'url' ]
# => "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish
# => "Chris has worked at [Adobe][1] and as a founder of Rogue Sheep..."
Note: Feed.TXT supports alternative formats / styles for meta data blocks.
For now YAML, JSON and INI style
are built-in and shipping with the feedtxt
To use a format-specific parser use:
Note: Feedtxt.parse
will handle all formats auto-magically,
that is, it will check the text for the best matching (first)
feed begin marker
to find out what meta data format parser to use:
Format | FEED_BEGIN |
YAML | |>>> |
JSON | |{ |
INI | [>>> |
Or use the built-in text pattern (regular expression) constants to find out:
# => "^[ ]*\\|>>>+[ ]*$"
# => "^[ ]*\\|{+[ ]*$"
# => "^[ ]*\\[>>>+[ ]*$"
"title": "My Example Feed",
"home_page_url": "https://example.org/",
"feed_url": "https://example.org/feed.txt"
"id": "2",
"url": "https://example.org/second-item"
This is a second item.
"id": "1",
"url": "https://example.org/initial-post"
Hello, world!
Note: Use |{
and }|
to begin and end your Feed.TXT.
Use }/{
for first or next item
and }-{
for meta blocks inside items.
(Source: feeds/spec/example.json.txt
title = My Example Feed
home_page_url = https://example.org/
feed_url = https://example.org/feed.txt
id = 2
url = https://example.org/second-item
This is a second item.
id = 1
url = https://example.org/initial-post
Hello, world!
title: My Example Feed
home_page_url: https://example.org/
feed_url: https://example.org/feed.txt
id: 2
url: https://example.org/second-item
This is a second item.
id: 1
url: https://example.org/initial-post
Hello, world!
(Source: feeds/spec/example.ini.txt
Note: Use [>>>
and <<<]
to begin and end your Feed.TXT.
Use </>
for first or next item
and ---
for meta blocks inside items.