- Login into ScienceCluster
ssh shortusername@cluster.s3it.uzh.ch
Enter your Active directory password
To setup the password less authentication, please refer to ScienceCluster documentation
Once you login successfully to the server, you should see details about your directory usage.
You can know more about the directory structure
cd data
- Create a folder for your project and change to the folder
mkdir <folder-name>
cd <folder-name>
git clone https://github.com/poojaruhal/CodeRef.git
You can download the dataset from the SeaDrive folder "CodeRef-dataset"
module load mamba
module load multigpu
module load cuda/11.6.2
module load libxml2/2.9.13-ndomtw6
module load libxml2/2.9.12-koohqap
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-py310_23.1.0-1-Linux-x86_64.sh
sh Miniconda3-py310_23.1.0-1-Linux-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
conda info --envs
conda create -n "shirin-codet5" python=3.7 cudatoolkit
conda activate shirin-codet5
pip install -r requirements.txt
wandb login <your-auth-key>
[CHANGE sh/pre-train.sh]
chmod +x ./pre-train.sh
module load mamba
- Change to the project directory
cd data/<folder-name>/CodeRef
- Activate the virtual environment
conda activate shirin-codet5
- Submit sbatch job to slurm and it should return the <job_id> and create files with .out and .err names
sbtach scluster-codet5-sbatch.sh
- Check the job status
squeue -u <shortname>
- Check the status of the job_id
scontrol show --detail jobid <390248>
- Monitor the resources
- Cancel the job
scancel <job-id>
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