- Roth-Steyr now actually included
- SP2022 now actually correctly a Picatinny
- Woodsman mag revived from the dead
- M1 Garand Obrez now actually included
- Roth-Steyr added from Modmas (Thanks, NotColin for the model!)
- SP2022 rail is now correctly a Picatinny and not a MP5 Rail
- Updated to Otherloader v1.0.0
- Pistols now spawn in TNH
- Pistols manifest now included
- SP2022 mesh issue fixed
- Image added
- Mars Automatic added
- Kolibri and Kolibri mag hold position altered
- Glocks have been moved to a different pack
- Revolvers have been moved to a different pack
- Fixed Ruger 5-7 being incorrectly considered a Ruger 5-7 magazine
- Adjusted 92FS mag positions to the new mag positions after M9A1 overhaul.
- 92FS clarified to use M9A1 mags (Except the melom grips. they still say melom.)
- Stopped Glisenti from instantly reloading ejected unfired rounds
- Fixed Arex Carbine grip not disappearing when replaced with a Modul grip
- "Gilsenti" renamed to correct "Glisenti"
- SP2022 Rail Mount no longer jitters
- Fixed the Hi Point slide moving waaay too far back