On Linux after building, the following executables are available in the project root directory. All support "-h" argument to get the detailed usage:
- picohttp_ct: runs various HTTP tests
- picoquic_ct: runs various QUIC tests
- with no arguments, runs all tests.
- picoquicdemo: QUIC/HTTP demo client and server for HTTP/3, HTTP/0.9, QUIC performance tests and Siduck(simple test of Datagram support)
- picoquic_sample: QUIC/HTTP sample demonstrating how to write an application using the picoquic stack. It is not meant to be actually used. See sample/README.md for detailed usage
- client: ./picoquicdemo servername serverportnumber HTTPpath
- downloaded files will be in current directory. use -o for another folder
- example: ./picoquicdemo -o ../received 4433 index.html
- server: ./picoquicdemo -p portnumber
- -p argument tells the program that it is acting as a server
- HTML root folder is current directory by default. use -w for another folder
- keys and certs are specified by -k and -c. See -h for more details.
- example: ./picoquicdemo -w ../htmlroot -p 4433
- additional useful information for HTTP usage is available at:
- add -q $folder to cli commands so that QUIC logs are generated in that folder
- you may use https://qvis.quictools.info/ by uploading the QLOG files and visualize the flows.