diff --git a/.github/workflows/examples-infineon.yaml b/.github/workflows/examples-infineon.yaml
index c06f6181b4aac1..7becd41f47c1ba 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/examples-infineon.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/examples-infineon.yaml
@@ -107,41 +107,89 @@ jobs:
                       out/artifacts/infineon-psoc6-light/chip-psoc6-lighting-example.out \
-            - name: Build example CYW30739 Apps
+            - name: Build CYW30739 Lighting App
               run: |
                   ./scripts/run_in_build_env.sh \
                     "./scripts/build/build_examples.py \
-                      --target cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-light \
-                      --target cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-lock \
-                      --target cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-ota-requestor \
-                      --target cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-switch \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01-light \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02-light \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03-light \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_02-light \
                       build \
                       --copy-artifacts-to out/artifacts \
             - name: Get light size stats
               run: |
                   .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
-                    cyw30739 cyw930739m2evb_01 light \
-                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-light/chip-cyw30739-lighting-example.elf \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01 light \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01-light/lighting_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01.elf \
+                    /tmp/bloat_reports/
+                  .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02 light \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02-light/lighting_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02.elf \
-            - name: Get lock size stats
-              run: |
                   .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
-                    cyw30739 cyw930739m2evb_01 lock \
-                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-lock/chip-cyw30739-lock-example.elf \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03 light \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03-light/lighting_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03.elf \
-            - name: Get ota-requestor size stats
+                  .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
+                    cyw30739 CYW930739M2EVB-02 light \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_02-light/lighting_app-CYW930739M2EVB-02.elf \
+                    /tmp/bloat_reports/
+            - name: Clean out build output
+              run: rm -rf ./out
+            - name: Build CYW30739 Light Switch App
+              run: |
+                  ./scripts/run_in_build_env.sh \
+                    "./scripts/build/build_examples.py \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01-light-switch \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02-light-switch \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03-light-switch \
+                      build \
+                      --copy-artifacts-to out/artifacts \
+                    "
+            - name: Get light-switch size stats
               run: |
                   .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
-                    cyw30739 cyw930739m2evb_01 ota-requestor \
-                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-ota-requestor/chip-cyw30739-ota-requestor-example.elf \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01 light-switch \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01-light-switch/light_switch_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01.elf \
+                    /tmp/bloat_reports/
+                  .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02 light-switch \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02-light-switch/light_switch_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02.elf \
-            - name: Get switch size stats
+                  .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03 light-switch \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03-light-switch/light_switch_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03.elf \
+                    /tmp/bloat_reports/
+            - name: Clean out build output
+              run: rm -rf ./out
+            - name: Build CYW30739 Lock App
               run: |
+                  ./scripts/run_in_build_env.sh \
+                    "./scripts/build/build_examples.py \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01-lock \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02-lock \
+                      --target cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03-lock \
+                      build \
+                      --copy-artifacts-to out/artifacts \
+                    "
+            - name: Get lock size stats
+              run: |
+                  .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01 lock \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01-lock/lock_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01.elf \
+                    /tmp/bloat_reports/
+                  .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02 lock \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02-lock/lock_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02.elf \
+                    /tmp/bloat_reports/
                   .environment/pigweed-venv/bin/python3 scripts/tools/memory/gh_sizes.py \
-                    cyw30739 cyw930739m2evb_01 switch \
-                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-switch/chip-cyw30739-light-switch-example.elf \
+                    cyw30739 CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03 lock \
+                    out/artifacts/cyw30739-cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03-lock/lock_app-CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03.elf \
+            - name: Clean out build output
+              run: rm -rf ./out
             - name: Uploading Size Reports
               uses: ./.github/actions/upload-size-reports
               if: ${{ !env.ACT }}
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index be8c70fb160cba..23621101854965 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
 [submodule "ot-stm32"]
 	path = third_party/openthread/ot-stm32
 	url = https://github.com/openthread/openthread
-        branch = eb6377f
-        platforms = stm32
+	branch = eb6377f
+	platforms = stm32
 [submodule "third_party/openthread/ot-ifx"]
 	path = third_party/openthread/ot-ifx
 	url = https://github.com/Infineon/ot-ifx-release.git
@@ -189,22 +189,6 @@
 [submodule "third_party/jsoncpp/repo"]
 	path = third_party/jsoncpp/repo
 	url = https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp.git
-[submodule "cyw30739_sdk/30739A0"]
-	path = third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/30739A0
-	url = https://github.com/Infineon/OT-Matter-30739A0.git
-	platforms = infineon
-[submodule "cyw30739_sdk/include"]
-	path = third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-include
-	url = https://github.com/Infineon/btsdk-include.git
-	platforms = infineon
-[submodule "cyw30739_sdk/target"]
-	path = third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/CYW930739M2EVB-01
-	url = https://github.com/Infineon/OT-Matter-TARGET_CYW930739M2EVB-01.git
-	platforms = infineon
-[submodule "cyw30739_sdk/tools"]
-	path = third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-tools
-	url = https://github.com/Infineon/btsdk-tools.git
-	platforms = infineon
 [submodule "third_party/p6/p6_sdk/libs/anycloud-ota"]
 	path = third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/anycloud-ota
 	url = https://github.com/Infineon/anycloud-ota
@@ -217,6 +201,12 @@
 	path = third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/serial-flash
 	url = https://github.com/Infineon/serial-flash
 	platforms = infineon
+[submodule "infineon/matter-wpan-sdk"]
+	path = third_party/infineon/repos/matter-wpan-sdk
+	url = https://github.com/Infineon/matter-wpan-sdk.git
+	branch = main
+	platforms = infineon
+	recursive = true
 [submodule "ti_simplelink_sdk"]
 	path = third_party/ti_simplelink_sdk/repo_cc13xx_cc26xx
 	url = https://github.com/TexasInstruments/cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk.git
diff --git a/examples/build_overrides/cyw30739_sdk.gni b/examples/build_overrides/cyw30739_sdk.gni
index d98ac9866b0a4f..5c4fa9ebe4df63 100644
--- a/examples/build_overrides/cyw30739_sdk.gni
+++ b/examples/build_overrides/cyw30739_sdk.gni
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 declare_args() {
+  # Root directory for Matter WPAN SDK.
+  matter_wpan_sdk_build_root =
+      "//third_party/connectedhomeip/third_party/infineon/repos/matter-wpan-sdk"
   # Root directory for CYW30739 SDK.
-  cyw30739_sdk_build_root =
-      "//third_party/connectedhomeip/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk"
+  cyw30739_sdk_build_root = "//third_party/connectedhomeip/third_party/infineon/repos/matter-wpan-sdk/cyw30739"
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
index 0a594386bc9206..a096888849634b 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
@@ -12,71 +12,54 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+app_name = "light_switch_app"
 cyw30739_project_dir =
-examples_plat_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739"
-declare_args() {
-  setupPinCode = 20202021
-  setupDiscriminator = 3840
-cyw30739_sdk("sdk") {
+matter_wpan_example("wpan_example") {
   sources = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h" ]
-  include_dirs = [
-    "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include",
-    "${examples_plat_dir}",
-  ]
-  defines = [
-  ]
+  include_dirs = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include" ]
-cyw30739_executable("light_switch_app") {
-  output_name = "chip-cyw30739-light-switch-example.elf"
-  sources = [
-    "src/AppShellCommands.cpp",
-    "src/BindingHandler.cpp",
-    "src/ButtonHandler.cpp",
-    "src/LightSwitch.cpp",
-    "src/LightingManager.cpp",
-    "src/ZclCallbacks.cpp",
-    "src/main.cpp",
-  ]
+template("matter_wpan_app") {
+  forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "board" ])
-  deps = [
-    ":sdk",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/providers:device_info_provider",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
-    "${chip_root}/src/lib",
-  ]
+  import("${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}/boards/${board}/args.gni")
-  include_dirs = [ "include" ]
+  matter_wpan_executable(target_name) {
+    sources = [
+      "src/AppShellCommands.cpp",
+      "src/AppTask.cpp",
+      "src/BindingHandler.cpp",
+      "src/ButtonHandler.cpp",
+      "src/LightSwitch.cpp",
+      "src/ZclCallbacks.cpp",
+    ]
-  if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-    sources += [
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.cpp",
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.h",
+    deps = [
+      "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
+      app_data_model,
+    include_dirs = [ "include" ]
-group("cyw30739") {
-  deps = [ ":light_switch_app" ]
+foreach(board, matter_wpan_sdk_board_list) {
+  matter_wpan_app("${app_name}-${board}") {
+  }
 group("default") {
-  deps = [ ":cyw30739" ]
+  deps = []
+  foreach(board, matter_wpan_sdk_board_list) {
+    deps += [ ":${app_name}-${board}" ]
+  }
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
index fc45a42a42f9f4..530cfde2501498 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
@@ -9,14 +9,22 @@ An example showing the use of Matter on the Infineon CYW30739 platform.
 -   [Matter CYW30739 Light Switch Example](#matter-cyw30739-light-switch-example)
     -   [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
     -   [Introduction](#introduction)
+    -   [Installing ModusToolbox™ Software](#installing-modustoolbox-software)
+        -   [ModusToolbox™ tools package](#modustoolbox-tools-package)
+            -   [Note for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)](#note-for-wsl-windows-subsystem-for-linux)
+        -   [Checkout Submodules](#checkout-submodules)
     -   [Building](#building)
-    -   [Building Options](#building-options)
+    -   [Factory Data](#factory-data)
+        -   [Commissionable Data](#commissionable-data)
+        -   [Device Information](#device-information)
         -   [DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration](#dac--dac-key--pai-certificate--certificate-declaration)
     -   [Flashing the Application](#flashing-the-application)
         -   [Enter Recovery Mode](#enter-recovery-mode)
         -   [Run Flash Script](#run-flash-script)
     -   [Running the Complete Example](#running-the-complete-example)
 ## Introduction
 The CYW30739 light switch example provides a baseline demonstration of a on-off
@@ -28,55 +36,130 @@ device and the Matter controller will exchange security information with the
 Rendez-vous procedure. Target Thread Network information including the active
 dataset and CASE credentials are then provided.
+## Installing [ModusToolbox™ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software)
+Follow the
+[Installation Guide](https://www.infineon.com/ModusToolboxInstallguide) to
+download and install the ModusToolbox™ Software.
+### ModusToolbox™ tools package
+ModusToolbox™ tools package should be automatically installed in the default
+location if you followed the
+[Installation Guide](https://www.infineon.com/ModusToolboxInstallguide). Please
+refer to the Installation Guide for the default location for different operating
+If you need to install the ModusToolbox™ tools package in a custom location, you
+must set the environment variable `CY_TOOLS_PATHS` to the
+`/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_x.x` to specify the location of tools.
+export CY_TOOLS_PATHS="/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_x.x"
+#### Note for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
+If you are using WSL, please ensure you have installed the ModusToolbox™
+Software for Linux. Running Windows tools directly from the WSL command line
+would cause path resolution failure in the build process.
+### Checkout Submodules
+Before building the example, check out the Matter repository and sync submodules
+using the following command:
+$ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+$ scripts/checkout_submodules.py --platform infineon
 ## Building
 -   Build the example application:
     $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/light-switch-app
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light-switch
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
+-   OR use GN/Ninja directly
     $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ rm -rf ./out/
+    $ source scripts/activate.sh
+    $ gn gen --root=examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light-switch
+    $ ninja -C out/cyw30739-light-switch [light_switch_app-BOARD_NAME]
--   OR use GN/Ninja directly
+-   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/activate.sh
-    $ gn gen out/debug
-    $ ninja -C out/debug
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ rm -rf out/cyw30739-light-switch
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
+## Factory Data
+### Commissionable Data
+Infineon CYW30739 examples use test passcode, discriminator and PAKE parameters
+by default. For a production build, manufacturers should override commissionable
+data by the following arguments:
+-   `matter_passcode`, `matter_discriminator`, `matter_pake_iteration_count`,
+    `matter_pake_salt`
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ rm -rf out/
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light-switch \
+    'matter_passcode=20202021' \
+    'matter_discriminator=3840' \
+    'matter_pake_iteration_count=1000' \
+    'matter_pake_salt="U1BBS0UyUCBLZXkgU2FsdA=="'
-## Building Options
+### Device Information
+Infineon CYW30739 examples support overriding the default device information by
+the following arguments:
+-   matter_vendor_name
+-   matter_vendor_id
+-   matter_product_name
+-   matter_product_id
+-   matter_serial_number
+-   matter_hardware_version
+-   matter_hardware_version_string
+To override the default device information, pass the desired values to the
+`gn_build_example.sh` script as arguments.
+    ```bash
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light-switch \
+    'matter_vendor_name="Infineon"' \
+    'matter_vendor_id="0x1388"' \
+    'matter_product_name="TEST_PRODUCT"' \
+    'matter_product_id="0x0001"' \
+    'matter_serial_number="TEST_SN"' \
+    'matter_hardware_version=30739' \
+    'matter_hardware_version_string="30739"'
+    ```
 ### DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration
-Infineon CYW30739 examples use test certifications, keys, and CD by default. For
-a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications, keys, and CD by
-the following arguments:
+Infineon CYW30739 examples use development certifications, keys, and CD by
+default. For a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications,
+keys, and CD by the following arguments:
--   `matter_dac`, `matter_dac_key`, `matter_pai`, `matter_cd`
+-   `matter_att_cert`, `matter_att_cert_password`, `matter_cd`
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/light-switch-app \
-    'matter_dac="/path/to/dac.der"' \
-    'matter_dac_key="/path/to/dac_key.der"' \
-    'matter_pai="/path/to/pai.der"' \
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light-switch \
+    'matter_att_cert="/path/to/att_cert.p12"' \
+    'matter_att_cert_password="password"' \
@@ -96,8 +179,8 @@ Put the CYW30739 in to the recovery mode before running the flash script.
 -   On the command line:
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ python3 out/debug/chip-cyw30739-light-switch-example.flash.py
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ out/cyw30739-light-switch/light_switch_app-BOARD_NAME.flash.py --port <port>
 ## Running the Complete Example
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
index 0f3c578940d0ce..20db27e3613083 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@ import("//build_overrides/chip.gni")
-cyw30739_sdk_target = get_label_info(":sdk", "label_no_toolchain")
+app_data_model = "${chip_root}/examples/light-switch-app/light-switch-common"
 chip_openthread_ftd = false
-enable_sleepy_device = true
+chip_enable_icd_server = true
 chip_enable_ota_requestor = true
-chip_error_logging = false
-chip_progress_logging = false
-chip_detail_logging = false
-chip_automation_logging = false
+matter_product_id = "0x0005"
+matter_product_name = "CYW30739 Light-Switch App"
+matter_att_cert = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0005.p12"
+matter_wpan_sdk_board_list = [
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01",
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02",
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03",
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..77eddf979ac5ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <platform/CHIPDeviceEvent.h>
+#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
+void AppChipEventHandler(const chip::DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent * aEvent, intptr_t arg);
+void AppTaskMain(intptr_t args);
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
index 82ea3f0e71d7a4..6cac0a980816fc 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
@@ -30,35 +30,11 @@
  * Device Identification Configuration
-/* The VendorName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The VendorID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 /* The SoftwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 /* The SoftwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The SerialNumber attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 // -------------------- Test Configuration --------------------
-// ------------------------- Debug use -------------------------
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightSwitch.h b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightSwitch.h
index 244c1bcb7b6452..ac62bf40ef4ac6 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightSwitch.h
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightSwitch.h
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <app/util/basic-types.h>
-#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
 class LightSwitch
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppShellCommands.cpp b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppShellCommands.cpp
index 5a63cea5d543d6..9be05feafe4ea6 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppShellCommands.cpp
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppShellCommands.cpp
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
 #include <App.h>
 #include <AppShellCommands.h>
 #include <BindingHandler.h>
+#include <LEDWidget.h>
 #include <LightSwitch.h>
-#include <LightingManager.h>
+#include <cycfg.h>
 #include <lib/shell/Engine.h>
 #include <lib/shell/commands/Help.h>
 #include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ static CHIP_ERROR AppCommandHandler(int argc, char ** argv)
 CHIP_ERROR OnCommandHandler(int argc, char ** argv)
     streamer_printf(streamer_get(), "Turning the light on ...\n");
-    LightMgr().Set(true, PLATFORM_LED_1);
+    LEDWid().Set(true, PLATFORM_LED_RED);
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR OnCommandHandler(int argc, char ** argv)
 CHIP_ERROR OffCommandHandler(int argc, char ** argv)
     streamer_printf(streamer_get(), "Turning the light off ...\n");
-    LightMgr().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_1);
+    LEDWid().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_RED);
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
@@ -96,13 +97,13 @@ CHIP_ERROR OffCommandHandler(int argc, char ** argv)
 CHIP_ERROR ToggleCommandHandler(int argc, char ** argv)
     streamer_printf(streamer_get(), "Toggling the light ...\n");
-    if (LightMgr().IsLightOn())
+    if (LEDWid().IsLEDOn())
-        LightMgr().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_1);
+        LEDWid().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_RED);
-        LightMgr().Set(true, PLATFORM_LED_1);
+        LEDWid().Set(true, PLATFORM_LED_RED);
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..1bb443c74bb0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "AppTask.h"
+#include "ButtonHandler.h"
+#include <BindingHandler.h>
+#include <LEDWidget.h>
+#include <LightSwitch.h>
+#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
+#include <cycfg.h>
+#include <matter_config.h>
+#include <wiced_device_config.h>
+using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer;
+using namespace ::chip::app;
+static bool sIsThreadProvisioned    = false;
+static bool sIsThreadEnabled        = false;
+static bool sIsThreadBLEAdvertising = false;
+static bool sHaveBLEConnections     = false;
+constexpr chip::EndpointId kLightDimmerSwitchEndpointId = 1;
+static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config[] = {
+    {
+        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_RED,
+        .bright = 50,
+    },
+    {
+        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW,
+        .bright = 50,
+    },
+void AppTaskMain(intptr_t args)
+    wiced_result_t result;
+    result = app_button_init();
+    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR app_button_init %d\n", result);
+    }
+    LEDWid().Init(chip_lighting_led_config, ArraySize(chip_lighting_led_config));
+    LightSwitch::GetInstance().Init(kLightDimmerSwitchEndpointId);
+    CYW30739MatterConfig::InitApp();
+void OnIdentifyTriggerEffect(Identify * identify)
+    switch (identify->mCurrentEffectIdentifier)
+    {
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink");
+        break;
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe");
+        break;
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay");
+        break;
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange");
+        break;
+    default:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "No identifier effect");
+        break;
+    }
+static Identify gIdentify = {
+    chip::EndpointId{ 1 },
+    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStart"); },
+    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStop"); },
+    Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kNone,
+    OnIdentifyTriggerEffect,
+void UpdateStatusLED()
+    LEDWid().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW);
+    // Status LED indicates:
+    // - blinking 1 s - advertising, ready to commission
+    // - blinking 200 ms - commissioning in progress
+    // - constant lightning means commissioned with Thread network
+    if (sIsThreadBLEAdvertising && !sHaveBLEConnections)
+    {
+        LEDWid().Blink(PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW, 50, 950);
+    }
+    else if (sIsThreadProvisioned && sIsThreadEnabled)
+    {
+        LEDWid().Set(true, PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW);
+    }
+    else if (sHaveBLEConnections)
+    {
+        LEDWid().Blink(PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW, 50, 150);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* back to default status */
+        LEDWid().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW);
+    }
+void AppChipEventHandler(const ChipDeviceEvent * aEvent, intptr_t arg)
+    switch (aEvent->Type)
+    {
+    case DeviceEventType::kCHIPoBLEAdvertisingChange:
+        sIsThreadBLEAdvertising = true;
+        sHaveBLEConnections     = ConnectivityMgr().NumBLEConnections() != 0;
+        UpdateStatusLED();
+        break;
+    case DeviceEventType::kThreadStateChange:
+        sIsThreadProvisioned = ConnectivityMgr().IsThreadProvisioned();
+        sIsThreadEnabled     = ConnectivityMgr().IsThreadEnabled();
+        UpdateStatusLED();
+        break;
+    case DeviceEventType::kThreadConnectivityChange:
+        if (aEvent->ThreadConnectivityChange.Result == kConnectivity_Established)
+            sHaveBLEConnections = true;
+        break;
+    default:
+        if ((ConnectivityMgr().NumBLEConnections() == 0) && (!sIsThreadProvisioned || !sIsThreadEnabled))
+        {
+            printf("[Event] Commissioning with a Thread network has not been done. An error occurred\n");
+            sIsThreadBLEAdvertising = false;
+            sHaveBLEConnections     = false;
+            UpdateStatusLED();
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+CHIP_ERROR StartBLEAdvertisingHandler()
+    /// Don't allow on starting Matter service BLE advertising after Thread provisioning.
+    if (chip::Server::GetInstance().GetFabricTable().FabricCount() != 0)
+    {
+        printf("Matter service BLE advertising not started - device is already commissioned\n");
+        return err;
+    }
+    if (ConnectivityMgr().IsBLEAdvertisingEnabled())
+    {
+        printf("BLE advertising is already enabled\n");
+        return err;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        printf("Start BLE advertising...\n");
+        err = ConnectivityMgr().SetBLEAdvertisingEnabled(true);
+        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+        {
+            printf("Enable BLE advertising failed\n");
+            return err;
+        }
+    }
+    printf("Enabling BLE advertising...\n");
+    /* Check Commissioning Window*/
+    if (chip::Server::GetInstance().GetCommissioningWindowManager().OpenBasicCommissioningWindow() != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+    {
+        printf("OpenBasicCommissioningWindow() failed\n");
+    }
+    return err;
+CHIP_ERROR StopBLEAdvertisingHandler()
+    printf("Stop BLE advertising...\n");
+    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetBLEAdvertisingEnabled(false);
+    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+    {
+        printf("Disable BLE advertising failed\n");
+        return err;
+    }
+    return err;
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
index 5be809bf53e88e..90dc68aa3d67ca 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
 #include <ButtonHandler.h>
+#include <LEDWidget.h>
 #include <LightSwitch.h>
-#include <LightingManager.h>
 #include <app-common/zap-generated/attributes/Accessors.h>
+#include <cycfg_pins.h>
 #include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
 #include <wiced_button_manager.h>
 #include <wiced_platform.h>
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ wiced_result_t app_button_init(void)
     memset(app_button_configurations, 0, (sizeof(wiced_button_configuration_t) * APP_MAX_BUTTON_DEF));
     memset(app_buttons, 0, (sizeof(button_manager_button_t) * APP_MAX_BUTTON_DEF));
-    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button            = PLATFORM_BUTTON_1;
+    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].gpio              = PLATFORM_BUTTON_USER;
     app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button_event_mask = BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT | BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT;
     app_buttons[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration                   = &app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON];
@@ -69,11 +70,16 @@ wiced_result_t app_button_init(void)
 void app_button_event_handler(const button_manager_button_t * button_mgr, button_manager_event_t event,
                               button_manager_button_state_t state)
-    if (button_mgr[0].configuration->button == PLATFORM_BUTTON_1)
+    if (button_mgr[0].configuration->gpio == PLATFORM_BUTTON_USER)
         if (event == BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT && state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
+        else if (event == BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT)
+        {
+            printf("Button Performing factory reset ...\r\n");
+            chip::DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().InitiateFactoryReset();
+        }
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightSwitch.cpp b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightSwitch.cpp
index 10c68ffc098030..848c665bea6e32 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightSwitch.cpp
+++ b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightSwitch.cpp
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
  *    limitations under the License.
-#include <LightSwitch.h>
 #include <BindingHandler.h>
+#include <LightSwitch.h>
 #include <app/util/binding-table.h>
 #include <controller/InvokeInteraction.h>
+#include <matter_config.h>
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 497efd24900daf..00000000000000
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- *
- *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
- *    All rights reserved.
- *
- *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *    limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <LightingManager.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using namespace chip;
-LightingManager LightingManager::sLight;
-bool usr_LED1_OnOffStatus = false;
-/* config LED 1 */
-static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config_1 = {
-    .led    = PLATFORM_LED_1,
-    .bright = 50,
-/* config LED 2 */
-static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config_2 = {
-    .led    = PLATFORM_LED_2,
-    .bright = 50,
-wiced_result_t LightingManager::Init()
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    result = wiced_led_manager_init(&chip_lighting_led_config_1);
-    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-        printf("Init LED1 fail (%d)\n", result);
-    result = wiced_led_manager_init(&chip_lighting_led_config_2);
-    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-        printf("Init LED2 fail (%d)\n", result);
-    return result;
-void LightingManager::Set(bool state, uint8_t pin)
-    DoSetLEDOnOff(state, pin);
-void LightingManager::Blink(wiced_led_t led_pin, uint32_t on_period_ms, uint32_t off_period_ms)
-    wiced_led_manager_blink_led(led_pin, on_period_ms, off_period_ms);
-bool LightingManager::IsLightOn(void)
-    return usr_LED1_OnOffStatus;
-void LightingManager::DoSetLEDOnOff(bool state, uint8_t pin)
-    if (pin == PLATFORM_LED_1)
-    {
-        usr_LED1_OnOffStatus = state;
-        if (state)
-        {
-            wiced_led_manager_enable_led(PLATFORM_LED_1);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            wiced_led_manager_disable_led(PLATFORM_LED_1);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (pin == PLATFORM_LED_2)
-    {
-        if (state)
-        {
-            wiced_led_manager_enable_led(PLATFORM_LED_2);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            wiced_led_manager_disable_led(PLATFORM_LED_2);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        printf("Invalid pin number\n");
-    }
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp b/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 483a475b51cee0..00000000000000
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
- *
- *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
- *    All rights reserved.
- *
- *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *    limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
-#include <AppShellCommands.h>
-#include <ButtonHandler.h>
-#include <ChipShellCollection.h>
-#include <DeviceInfoProviderImpl.h>
-#include <LightSwitch.h>
-#include <LightingManager.h>
-#include <OTAConfig.h>
-#include <app/TestEventTriggerDelegate.h>
-#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
-#include <app/clusters/ota-requestor/OTATestEventTriggerHandler.h>
-#include <app/server/OnboardingCodesUtil.h>
-#include <app/server/Server.h>
-#include <credentials/examples/DeviceAttestationCredsExample.h>
-#include <inet/EndPointStateOpenThread.h>
-#include <lib/shell/Engine.h>
-#include <lib/support/CHIPPlatformMemory.h>
-#include <mbedtls/platform.h>
-#include <platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h>
-#include <protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.h>
-#include <sparcommon.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <wiced_led_manager.h>
-#include <wiced_memory.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
-using namespace ::chip::Credentials;
-using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer;
-using namespace ::chip::Shell;
-using namespace ::chip::app;
-constexpr chip::EndpointId kLightDimmerSwitchEndpointId = 1;
-static chip::DeviceLayer::DeviceInfoProviderImpl gExampleDeviceInfoProvider;
-static FactoryDataProvider sFactoryDataProvider;
-static bool sIsThreadProvisioned    = false;
-static bool sIsThreadEnabled        = false;
-static bool sIsThreadBLEAdvertising = false;
-static bool sHaveBLEConnections     = false;
-static void InitApp(intptr_t args);
-static void ChipEventHandler(const chip::DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent *, intptr_t);
-// NOTE! This key is for test/certification only and should not be available in production devices!
-uint8_t sTestEventTriggerEnableKey[chip::TestEventTriggerDelegate::kEnableKeyLength] = { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55,
-                                                                                         0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb,
-                                                                                         0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff };
- * Identify Callbacks
- *********************************************************/
-void OnIdentifyTriggerEffect(Identify * identify)
-    switch (identify->mCurrentEffectIdentifier)
-    {
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink");
-        break;
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe");
-        break;
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay");
-        break;
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange");
-        break;
-    default:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "No identifier effect");
-        break;
-    }
-    return;
-static Identify gIdentify = {
-    chip::EndpointId{ 1 },
-    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStart"); },
-    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStop"); },
-    Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kNone,
-    OnIdentifyTriggerEffect,
-    CHIP_ERROR err;
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    printf("\nChip Light-Switch App starting\n");
-    mbedtls_platform_set_calloc_free(CHIPPlatformMemoryCalloc, CHIPPlatformMemoryFree);
-    err = chip::Platform::MemoryInit();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR MemoryInit %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    result = app_button_init();
-    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR app_button_init %d\n", result);
-    }
-    /* Init. LED Manager. */
-    LightMgr().Init();
-    printf("Initializing CHIP\n");
-    err = PlatformMgr().InitChipStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR InitChipStack %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    printf("Initializing OpenThread stack\n");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().InitThreadStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR InitThreadStack %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_Router);
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_SleepyEndDevice);
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_MinimalEndDevice);
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR SetThreadDeviceType %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    PlatformMgr().AddEventHandler(ChipEventHandler, 0);
-    printf("Starting event loop task\n");
-    err = PlatformMgr().StartEventLoopTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR StartEventLoopTask %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    printf("Starting thread task\n");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().StartThreadTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR StartThreadTask %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(InitApp, 0);
-    const int ret = Engine::Root().Init();
-    if (!chip::ChipError::IsSuccess(ret))
-    {
-        printf("ERROR Shell Init %d\n", ret);
-    }
-    RegisterAppShellCommands();
-    Engine::Root().RunMainLoop();
-    assert(!wiced_rtos_check_for_stack_overflow());
-void InitApp(intptr_t args)
-    ConfigurationMgr().LogDeviceConfig();
-    // Print QR Code URL
-    PrintOnboardingCodes(chip::RendezvousInformationFlag(chip::RendezvousInformationFlag::kBLE));
-    /* Start CHIP datamodel server */
-    static chip::SimpleTestEventTriggerDelegate sTestEventTriggerDelegate{};
-    static chip::OTATestEventTriggerHandler sOtaTestEventTriggerHandler{};
-    VerifyOrDie(sTestEventTriggerDelegate.Init(chip::ByteSpan(sTestEventTriggerEnableKey)) == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
-    VerifyOrDie(sTestEventTriggerDelegate.AddHandler(&sOtaTestEventTriggerHandler) == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
-    static chip::CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams initParams;
-    (void) initParams.InitializeStaticResourcesBeforeServerInit();
-    initParams.testEventTriggerDelegate = &sTestEventTriggerDelegate;
-    gExampleDeviceInfoProvider.SetStorageDelegate(initParams.persistentStorageDelegate);
-    chip::DeviceLayer::SetDeviceInfoProvider(&gExampleDeviceInfoProvider);
-    chip::Inet::EndPointStateOpenThread::OpenThreadEndpointInitParam nativeParams;
-    nativeParams.lockCb                = [] { ThreadStackMgr().LockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.unlockCb              = [] { ThreadStackMgr().UnlockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.openThreadInstancePtr = chip::DeviceLayer::ThreadStackMgrImpl().OTInstance();
-    initParams.endpointNativeParams    = static_cast<void *>(&nativeParams);
-    chip::Server::GetInstance().Init(initParams);
-    SetDeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
-    LightSwitch::GetInstance().Init(kLightDimmerSwitchEndpointId);
-    OTAConfig::Init();
-void UpdateStatusLED()
-    LightMgr().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_2);
-    // Status LED indicates:
-    // - blinking 1 s - advertising, ready to commission
-    // - blinking 200 ms - commissioning in progress
-    // - constant lightning means commissioned with Thread network
-    if (sIsThreadBLEAdvertising && !sHaveBLEConnections)
-    {
-        LightMgr().Blink(PLATFORM_LED_2, 50, 950);
-    }
-    else if (sIsThreadProvisioned && sIsThreadEnabled)
-    {
-        LightMgr().Set(true, PLATFORM_LED_2);
-    }
-    else if (sHaveBLEConnections)
-    {
-        LightMgr().Blink(PLATFORM_LED_2, 50, 150);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* back to default status */
-        LightMgr().Set(false, PLATFORM_LED_2);
-    }
-void ChipEventHandler(const ChipDeviceEvent * aEvent, intptr_t arg)
-    switch (aEvent->Type)
-    {
-    case DeviceEventType::kCHIPoBLEAdvertisingChange:
-        sIsThreadBLEAdvertising = true;
-        sHaveBLEConnections     = ConnectivityMgr().NumBLEConnections() != 0;
-        UpdateStatusLED();
-        break;
-    case DeviceEventType::kThreadStateChange:
-        sIsThreadProvisioned = ConnectivityMgr().IsThreadProvisioned();
-        sIsThreadEnabled     = ConnectivityMgr().IsThreadEnabled();
-        UpdateStatusLED();
-        break;
-    case DeviceEventType::kThreadConnectivityChange:
-        if (aEvent->ThreadConnectivityChange.Result == kConnectivity_Established)
-            sHaveBLEConnections = true;
-        break;
-    default:
-        if ((ConnectivityMgr().NumBLEConnections() == 0) && (!sIsThreadProvisioned || !sIsThreadEnabled))
-        {
-            printf("[Event] Commissioning with a Thread network has not been done. An error occurred\n");
-            sIsThreadBLEAdvertising = false;
-            sHaveBLEConnections     = false;
-            UpdateStatusLED();
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-CHIP_ERROR StartBLEAdvertisingHandler()
-    /// Don't allow on starting Matter service BLE advertising after Thread provisioning.
-    if (chip::Server::GetInstance().GetFabricTable().FabricCount() != 0)
-    {
-        printf("Matter service BLE advertising not started - device is already commissioned\n");
-        return err;
-    }
-    if (ConnectivityMgr().IsBLEAdvertisingEnabled())
-    {
-        printf("BLE advertising is already enabled\n");
-        return err;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        printf("Start BLE advertising...\n");
-        err = ConnectivityMgr().SetBLEAdvertisingEnabled(true);
-        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-        {
-            printf("Enable BLE advertising failed\n");
-            return err;
-        }
-    }
-    printf("Enabling BLE advertising...\n");
-    /* Check Commissioning Window*/
-    if (chip::Server::GetInstance().GetCommissioningWindowManager().OpenBasicCommissioningWindow() != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("OpenBasicCommissioningWindow() failed\n");
-    }
-    return err;
-CHIP_ERROR StopBLEAdvertisingHandler()
-    printf("Stop BLE advertising...\n");
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetBLEAdvertisingEnabled(false);
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("Disable BLE advertising failed\n");
-        return err;
-    }
-    return err;
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
index be63607b0bf97b..8fce49a0792afc 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
@@ -12,68 +12,52 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+app_name = "lighting_app"
 cyw30739_project_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739"
-examples_plat_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739"
-declare_args() {
-  setupPinCode = 20202021
-  setupDiscriminator = 3840
-cyw30739_sdk("sdk") {
+matter_wpan_example("wpan_example") {
   sources = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h" ]
-  include_dirs = [
-    "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include",
-    "${examples_plat_dir}",
-  ]
-  defines = [
-  ]
+  include_dirs = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include" ]
-cyw30739_executable("lighting_app") {
-  output_name = "chip-cyw30739-lighting-example.elf"
-  sources = [
-    "src/AppShellCommands.cpp",
-    "src/ButtonHandler.cpp",
-    "src/LightingManager.cpp",
-    "src/ZclCallbacks.cpp",
-    "src/main.cpp",
-  ]
+template("matter_wpan_app") {
+  forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "board" ])
-  deps = [
-    ":sdk",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/providers:device_info_provider",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
-    "${chip_root}/src/lib",
-  ]
+  import("${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}/boards/${board}/args.gni")
-  include_dirs = [ "include" ]
+  matter_wpan_executable(target_name) {
+    sources = [
+      "src/AppShellCommands.cpp",
+      "src/AppTask.cpp",
+      "src/ButtonHandler.cpp",
+      "src/LightingManager.cpp",
+      "src/ZclCallbacks.cpp",
+    ]
-  if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-    sources += [
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.cpp",
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.h",
+    deps = [
+      "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
+      app_data_model,
+    include_dirs = [ "include" ]
-group("cyw30739") {
-  deps = [ ":lighting_app" ]
+foreach(board, matter_wpan_sdk_board_list) {
+  matter_wpan_app("${app_name}-${board}") {
+  }
 group("default") {
-  deps = [ ":cyw30739" ]
+  deps = []
+  foreach(board, matter_wpan_sdk_board_list) {
+    deps += [ ":${app_name}-${board}" ]
+  }
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
index f085272b1c00d6..9dbfc23fe9e52f 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
@@ -7,9 +7,20 @@ An example showing the use of Matter on the Infineon CYW30739 platform.
 ## Table of Contents
 -   [CHIP CYW30739 Lighting Example](#matter-cyw30739-lighting-example)
+    -   [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
     -   [Introduction](#introduction)
+    -   [Installing ModusToolbox™ Software](#installing-modustoolbox-software)
+        -   [ModusToolbox™ tools package](#modustoolbox-tools-package)
+            -   [Note for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)](#note-for-wsl-windows-subsystem-for-linux)
+        -   [Checkout Submodules](#checkout-submodules)
     -   [Building](#building)
+    -   [Factory Data](#factory-data)
+        -   [Commissionable Data](#commissionable-data)
+        -   [Device Information](#device-information)
+        -   [DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration](#dac--dac-key--pai-certificate--certificate-declaration)
     -   [Flashing the Application](#flashing-the-application)
+        -   [Enter Recovery Mode](#enter-recovery-mode)
+        -   [Run Flash Script](#run-flash-script)
     -   [Running the Complete Example](#running-the-complete-example)
@@ -25,55 +36,130 @@ device and the Matter controller will exchange security information with the
 Rendez-vous procedure. Target Thread Network information including the active
 dataset and CASE credentials are then provided.
+## Installing [ModusToolbox™ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software)
+Follow the
+[Installation Guide](https://www.infineon.com/ModusToolboxInstallguide) to
+download and install the ModusToolbox™ Software.
+### ModusToolbox™ tools package
+ModusToolbox™ tools package should be automatically installed in the default
+location if you followed the
+[Installation Guide](https://www.infineon.com/ModusToolboxInstallguide). Please
+refer to the Installation Guide for the default location for different operating
+If you need to install the ModusToolbox™ tools package in a custom location, you
+must set the environment variable `CY_TOOLS_PATHS` to the
+`/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_x.x` to specify the location of tools.
+export CY_TOOLS_PATHS="/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_x.x"
+#### Note for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
+If you are using WSL, please ensure you have installed the ModusToolbox™
+Software for Linux. Running Windows tools directly from the WSL command line
+would cause path resolution failure in the build process.
+### Checkout Submodules
+Before building the example, check out the Matter repository and sync submodules
+using the following command:
+$ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+$ scripts/checkout_submodules.py --platform infineon
 ## Building
 -   Build the example application:
     $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lighting-app
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
+-   OR use GN/Ninja directly
     $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ rm -rf ./out/
+    $ source scripts/activate.sh
+    $ gn gen --root=examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light
+    $ ninja -C out/cyw30739-light [lighting_app-BOARD_NAME]
--   OR use GN/Ninja directly
+-   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/activate.sh
-    $ gn gen out/debug
-    $ ninja -C out/debug
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ rm -rf out/cyw30739-light
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
+## Factory Data
+### Commissionable Data
+Infineon CYW30739 examples use test passcode, discriminator and PAKE parameters
+by default. For a production build, manufacturers should override commissionable
+data by the following arguments:
+-   `matter_passcode`, `matter_discriminator`, `matter_pake_iteration_count`,
+    `matter_pake_salt`
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ rm -rf out/
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light \
+    'matter_passcode=20202021' \
+    'matter_discriminator=3840' \
+    'matter_pake_iteration_count=1000' \
+    'matter_pake_salt="U1BBS0UyUCBLZXkgU2FsdA=="'
-## Building Options
+### Device Information
+Infineon CYW30739 examples support overriding the default device information by
+the following arguments:
+-   matter_vendor_name
+-   matter_vendor_id
+-   matter_product_name
+-   matter_product_id
+-   matter_serial_number
+-   matter_hardware_version
+-   matter_hardware_version_string
+To override the default device information, pass the desired values to the
+`gn_build_example.sh` script as arguments.
+    ```bash
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light \
+    'matter_vendor_name="Infineon"' \
+    'matter_vendor_id="0x1388"' \
+    'matter_product_name="TEST_PRODUCT"' \
+    'matter_product_id="0x0001"' \
+    'matter_serial_number="TEST_SN"' \
+    'matter_hardware_version=30739' \
+    'matter_hardware_version_string="30739"'
+    ```
 ### DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration
-Infineon CYW30739 examples use test certifications, keys, and CD by default. For
-a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications, keys, and CD by
-the following arguments:
+Infineon CYW30739 examples use development certifications, keys, and CD by
+default. For a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications,
+keys, and CD by the following arguments:
--   `matter_dac`, `matter_dac_key`, `matter_pai`, `matter_cd`
+-   `matter_att_cert`, `matter_att_cert_password`, `matter_cd`
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lighting-app \
-    'matter_dac="/path/to/dac.der"' \
-    'matter_dac_key="/path/to/dac_key.der"' \
-    'matter_pai="/path/to/pai.der"' \
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-light \
+    'matter_att_cert="/path/to/att_cert.p12"' \
+    'matter_att_cert_password="password"' \
@@ -93,8 +179,8 @@ Put the CYW30739 in to the recovery mode before running the flash script.
 -   On the command line:
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ python3 out/debug/chip-cyw30739-lighting-example.flash.py
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ out/cyw30739-light/lighting_app-BOARD_NAME.flash.py --port <port>
 ## Running the Complete Example
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
index 770d2675cd9176..0dfb938cb3e235 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@ import("//build_overrides/chip.gni")
-cyw30739_sdk_target = get_label_info(":sdk", "label_no_toolchain")
-chip_openthread_ftd = false
-enable_sleepy_device = false
+app_data_model = "${chip_root}/examples/lighting-app/lighting-common"
+chip_openthread_ftd = true
 chip_enable_ota_requestor = true
-chip_error_logging = false
-chip_progress_logging = false
-chip_detail_logging = false
-chip_automation_logging = false
+matter_product_id = "0x0001"
+matter_product_name = "CYW30739 Lighting App"
+matter_att_cert = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0001.p12"
+matter_wpan_sdk_board_list = [
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01",
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02",
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03",
+  "CYW930739M2EVB-02",
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
similarity index 74%
rename from examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h
rename to examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
index 575d6c24a3e2d0..8fc6b14d3a9044 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
- *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
  *    All rights reserved.
  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -19,4 +18,7 @@
 #pragma once
-void RegisterAppShellCommands();
+#include <LightingManager.h>
+void AppTaskMain(intptr_t args);
+void LightManagerCallback(LightingManager::Actor_t actor, LightingManager::Action_t action, uint8_t level);
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
index 26d7e65bcca57e..f22fdc5307b9a6 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
@@ -29,33 +29,11 @@
 #pragma once
 // -------------------- Device Identification Configuration --------------------
-/* The VendorName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The VendorID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 /* The SoftwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 /* The SoftwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The SerialNumber attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 // -------------------- Test Configuration --------------------
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h
index 917bb37c023c63..5da05576ab4847 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
+#include <wiced_led_manager.h>
 class LightingManager
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ class LightingManager
     } Actor;
-    CHIP_ERROR Init();
     bool IsLightOn();
     bool IsActionInProgress();
     bool InitiateAction(Actor_t aActor, Action_t aAction, uint8_t vallue);
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..620fd4620de61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "AppTask.h"
+#include "ButtonHandler.h"
+#include <LEDWidget.h>
+#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
+#include <cycfg_pins.h>
+#include <matter_config.h>
+#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
+#include <wiced_led_manager.h>
+using namespace chip::app;
+/* config LED 1 */
+static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config[] = {
+    {
+        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_RED,
+        .bright = 50,
+    },
+ * Identify Callbacks
+ *********************************************************/
+void OnIdentifyTriggerEffect(Identify * identify)
+    switch (identify->mCurrentEffectIdentifier)
+    {
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink");
+        break;
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe");
+        break;
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay");
+        break;
+    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange");
+        break;
+    default:
+        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "No identifier effect");
+        break;
+    }
+static Identify gIdentify = {
+    chip::EndpointId{ 1 },
+    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStart"); },
+    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStop"); },
+    Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kNone,
+    OnIdentifyTriggerEffect,
+void AppTaskMain(intptr_t args)
+    wiced_result_t result;
+    result = app_button_init();
+    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR app_button_init %d\n", result);
+    }
+    LEDWid().Init(chip_lighting_led_config, ArraySize(chip_lighting_led_config));
+    LightMgr().SetCallbacks(LightManagerCallback, nullptr);
+    CYW30739MatterConfig::InitApp();
+    LightMgr().WriteClusterLevel(127);
+void LightManagerCallback(LightingManager::Actor_t actor, LightingManager::Action_t action, uint8_t level)
+    if (action == LightingManager::ON_ACTION)
+    {
+        printf("Turning light ON\n");
+        wiced_led_manager_enable_led(PLATFORM_LED_RED);
+    }
+    else if (action == LightingManager::OFF_ACTION)
+    {
+        printf("Turning light OFF\n");
+        wiced_led_manager_disable_led(PLATFORM_LED_RED);
+    }
+    else if (action == LightingManager::LEVEL_ACTION)
+    {
+        printf("Set light level = %d\n", level);
+        chip_lighting_led_config[0].bright = (uint16_t) level * 100 / 0xfe;
+        wiced_led_manager_reconfig_led(chip_lighting_led_config[0].led);
+    }
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
index ebb6b74fc903d0..965606aa22c488 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <ButtonHandler.h>
 #include <LightingManager.h>
 #include <app-common/zap-generated/attributes/Accessors.h>
+#include <cycfg_pins.h>
 #include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <wiced.h>
@@ -59,9 +60,10 @@ wiced_result_t app_button_init(void)
     memset(app_button_configurations, 0, (sizeof(wiced_button_configuration_t) * APP_MAX_BUTTON_DEF));
     memset(app_buttons, 0, (sizeof(button_manager_button_t) * APP_MAX_BUTTON_DEF));
-    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button            = PLATFORM_BUTTON_1;
-    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button_event_mask = BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT | BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT;
-    app_buttons[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration                   = &app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON];
+    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].gpio = PLATFORM_BUTTON_USER;
+    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button_event_mask =
+    app_buttons[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration = &app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON];
     result = wiced_button_manager_init(&app_button_manager, &app_button_manager_configuration, app_buttons, 1);
@@ -76,26 +78,34 @@ void app_button_event_handler(const button_manager_button_t * button_mgr, button
                               button_manager_button_state_t state)
     chip::BitMask<OccupancySensing::OccupancyBitmap> attributeValue;
-    if (button_mgr[0].configuration->button == PLATFORM_BUTTON_1 && event == BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT && state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
+    if (button_mgr[0].configuration->gpio == PLATFORM_BUTTON_USER)
-        if (LightMgr().IsLightOn())
+        if (event == BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT && state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
-            printf("Button Toggle:ON -> OFF\n");
-            LightMgr().InitiateAction(LightingManager::ACTOR_BUTTON, LightingManager::OFF_ACTION, 0);
+            if (LightMgr().IsLightOn())
+            {
+                printf("Button Toggle:ON -> OFF\n");
+                LightMgr().InitiateAction(LightingManager::ACTOR_BUTTON, LightingManager::OFF_ACTION, 0);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                printf("Button Toggle:OFF -> ON\n");
+                LightMgr().InitiateAction(LightingManager::ACTOR_BUTTON, LightingManager::ON_ACTION, 0);
+            }
-        else
+        else if (event == BUTTON_LONG_DURATION_EVENT && state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
-            printf("Button Toggle:OFF -> ON\n");
-            LightMgr().InitiateAction(LightingManager::ACTOR_BUTTON, LightingManager::ON_ACTION, 0);
+            // update the current occupancy here for hardcoded endpoint 1
+            OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Get(1, &attributeValue);
+            uint8_t bitValue = attributeValue.Raw();
+            printf("Button Holding Toggle: %d -> %d\n", bitValue, !bitValue);
+            attributeValue.SetRaw(!bitValue);
+            OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Set(1, attributeValue);
+        }
+        else if (event == BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT)
+        {
+            printf("Button Performing factory reset ...\r\n");
+            chip::DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().InitiateFactoryReset();
-    }
-    else if (button_mgr[0].configuration->button == PLATFORM_BUTTON_1 && event == BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT)
-    {
-        // update the current occupancy here for hardcoded endpoint 1
-        OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Get(1, &attributeValue);
-        uint8_t bitValue = attributeValue.Raw();
-        printf("Button Holding Toggle: %d -> %d\n", bitValue, !bitValue);
-        attributeValue.SetRaw(!bitValue);
-        OccupancySensing::Attributes::Occupancy::Set(1, attributeValue);
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp
index a121801134a24c..eb707676b59d4d 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp
+++ b/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/LightingManager.cpp
@@ -28,13 +28,6 @@ using namespace chip::app::Clusters;
 LightingManager LightingManager::sLight;
-CHIP_ERROR LightingManager::Init()
-    mState = kState_OffCompleted;
-    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
 void LightingManager::SetCallbacks(Callback_fn_initiated aActionInitiated_CB, Callback_fn_completed aActionCompleted_CB)
     mActionInitiated_CB = aActionInitiated_CB;
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
index 8d0cc6333d32d9..7ce4c26c03f4cc 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
@@ -12,68 +12,52 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+app_name = "lock_app"
 cyw30739_project_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739"
-examples_plat_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739"
-declare_args() {
-  setupPinCode = 20202021
-  setupDiscriminator = 3840
-cyw30739_sdk("sdk") {
+matter_wpan_example("wpan_example") {
   sources = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h" ]
-  include_dirs = [
-    "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include",
-    "${examples_plat_dir}",
-  ]
-  defines = [
-  ]
+  include_dirs = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include" ]
-cyw30739_executable("lock_app") {
-  output_name = "chip-cyw30739-lock-example.elf"
-  sources = [
-    "src/AppShellCommands.cpp",
-    "src/ButtonHandler.cpp",
-    "src/LockManager.cpp",
-    "src/ZclCallbacks.cpp",
-    "src/main.cpp",
-  ]
+template("matter_wpan_app") {
+  forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "board" ])
-  deps = [
-    ":sdk",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/lock-app/lock-common",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/providers:device_info_provider",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
-    "${chip_root}/src/lib",
-  ]
+  import("${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}/boards/${board}/args.gni")
-  include_dirs = [ "include" ]
+  matter_wpan_executable(target_name) {
+    sources = [
+      "src/AppShellCommands.cpp",
+      "src/AppTask.cpp",
+      "src/ButtonHandler.cpp",
+      "src/LockManager.cpp",
+      "src/ZclCallbacks.cpp",
+    ]
-  if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-    sources += [
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.cpp",
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.h",
+    deps = [
+      "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
+      app_data_model,
+    include_dirs = [ "include" ]
-group("cyw30739") {
-  deps = [ ":lock_app" ]
+foreach(board, matter_wpan_sdk_board_list) {
+  matter_wpan_app("${app_name}-${board}") {
+  }
 group("default") {
-  deps = [ ":cyw30739" ]
+  deps = []
+  foreach(board, matter_wpan_sdk_board_list) {
+    deps += [ ":${app_name}-${board}" ]
+  }
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
index b91f4b9157e155..6623f77c88c1c4 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
@@ -7,17 +7,28 @@ An example showing the use of Matter on the Infineon CYW30739 platform.
 ## Table of Contents
 -   [CHIP CYW30739 Lock Example](#matter-cyw30739-lock-example)
+    -   [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
     -   [Introduction](#introduction)
+    -   [Installing ModusToolbox™ Software](#installing-modustoolbox-software)
+        -   [ModusToolbox™ tools package](#modustoolbox-tools-package)
+            -   [Note for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)](#note-for-wsl-windows-subsystem-for-linux)
+        -   [Checkout Submodules](#checkout-submodules)
     -   [Building](#building)
+    -   [Factory Data](#factory-data)
+        -   [Commissionable Data](#commissionable-data)
+        -   [Device Information](#device-information)
+        -   [DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration](#dac--dac-key--pai-certificate--certificate-declaration)
     -   [Flashing the Application](#flashing-the-application)
+        -   [Enter Recovery Mode](#enter-recovery-mode)
+        -   [Run Flash Script](#run-flash-script)
     -   [Running the Complete Example](#running-the-complete-example)
 ## Introduction
-The CYW30739 lock example provides a baseline demonstration of a Light control
-device, built using Matter and the Infineon Modustoolbox SDK. It can be
+The CYW30739 lock example provides a baseline demonstration of a door lock
+control device, built using Matter and the Infineon Modustoolbox SDK. It can be
 controlled by a Matter controller over Thread network.
 The CYW30739 device can be commissioned over Bluetooth Low Energy where the
@@ -25,55 +36,130 @@ device and the Matter controller will exchange security information with the
 Rendez-vous procedure. Target Thread Network information including the active
 dataset and CASE credentials are then provided.
+## Installing [ModusToolbox™ Software](https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/design-support/tools/sdk/modustoolbox-software)
+Follow the
+[Installation Guide](https://www.infineon.com/ModusToolboxInstallguide) to
+download and install the ModusToolbox™ Software.
+### ModusToolbox™ tools package
+ModusToolbox™ tools package should be automatically installed in the default
+location if you followed the
+[Installation Guide](https://www.infineon.com/ModusToolboxInstallguide). Please
+refer to the Installation Guide for the default location for different operating
+If you need to install the ModusToolbox™ tools package in a custom location, you
+must set the environment variable `CY_TOOLS_PATHS` to the
+`/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_x.x` to specify the location of tools.
+export CY_TOOLS_PATHS="/path/to/ModusToolbox/tools_x.x"
+#### Note for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
+If you are using WSL, please ensure you have installed the ModusToolbox™
+Software for Linux. Running Windows tools directly from the WSL command line
+would cause path resolution failure in the build process.
+### Checkout Submodules
+Before building the example, check out the Matter repository and sync submodules
+using the following command:
+$ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+$ scripts/checkout_submodules.py --platform infineon
 ## Building
 -   Build the example application:
     $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lock-app
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-lock
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
+-   OR use GN/Ninja directly
     $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ rm -rf ./out/
+    $ source scripts/activate.sh
+    $ gn gen --root=examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-lock
+    $ ninja -C out/cyw30739-lock [lock_app-BOARD_NAME]
--   OR use GN/Ninja directly
+-   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/activate.sh
-    $ gn gen out/debug
-    $ ninja -C out/debug
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ rm -rf out/cyw30739-lock
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
+## Factory Data
+### Commissionable Data
+Infineon CYW30739 examples use test passcode, discriminator and PAKE parameters
+by default. For a production build, manufacturers should override commissionable
+data by the following arguments:
+-   `matter_passcode`, `matter_discriminator`, `matter_pake_iteration_count`,
+    `matter_pake_salt`
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ rm -rf out/
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-lock \
+    'matter_passcode=20202021' \
+    'matter_discriminator=3840' \
+    'matter_pake_iteration_count=1000' \
+    'matter_pake_salt="U1BBS0UyUCBLZXkgU2FsdA=="'
-## Building Options
+### Device Information
+Infineon CYW30739 examples support overriding the default device information by
+the following arguments:
+-   matter_vendor_name
+-   matter_vendor_id
+-   matter_product_name
+-   matter_product_id
+-   matter_serial_number
+-   matter_hardware_version
+-   matter_hardware_version_string
+To override the default device information, pass the desired values to the
+`gn_build_example.sh` script as arguments.
+    ```bash
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-lock \
+    'matter_vendor_name="Infineon"' \
+    'matter_vendor_id="0x1388"' \
+    'matter_product_name="TEST_PRODUCT"' \
+    'matter_product_id="0x0001"' \
+    'matter_serial_number="TEST_SN"' \
+    'matter_hardware_version=30739' \
+    'matter_hardware_version_string="30739"'
+    ```
 ### DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration
-Infineon CYW30739 examples use test certifications, keys, and CD by default. For
-a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications, keys, and CD by
-the following arguments:
+Infineon CYW30739 examples use development certifications, keys, and CD by
+default. For a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications,
+keys, and CD by the following arguments:
--   `matter_dac`, `matter_dac_key`, `matter_pai`, `matter_cd`
+-   `matter_att_cert`, `matter_att_cert_password`, `matter_cd`
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lighting-app \
-    'matter_dac="/path/to/dac.der"' \
-    'matter_dac_key="/path/to/dac_key.der"' \
-    'matter_pai="/path/to/pai.der"' \
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/cyw30739-lock \
+    'matter_att_cert="/path/to/att_cert.p12"' \
+    'matter_att_cert_password="password"' \
@@ -93,8 +179,8 @@ Put the CYW30739 in to the recovery mode before running the flash script.
 -   On the command line:
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ python3 out/debug/chip-cyw30739-lock-example.flash.py
+    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
+    $ out/cyw30739-lock/lock_app-BOARD_NAME.flash.py --port <port>
 ## Running the Complete Example
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
index 770d2675cd9176..8b4b4d6c2d6708 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@ import("//build_overrides/chip.gni")
-cyw30739_sdk_target = get_label_info(":sdk", "label_no_toolchain")
+app_data_model = "${chip_root}/examples/lock-app/lock-common"
 chip_openthread_ftd = false
-enable_sleepy_device = false
+chip_enable_icd_server = true
 chip_enable_ota_requestor = true
-chip_error_logging = false
-chip_progress_logging = false
-chip_detail_logging = false
-chip_automation_logging = false
+matter_product_id = "0x0002"
+matter_product_name = "CYW30739 Lock App"
+matter_att_cert = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0002.p12"
+matter_wpan_sdk_board_list = [
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01",
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02",
+  "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03",
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
similarity index 86%
rename from examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h
rename to examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
index a139b9fb293003..078484a2e35ebe 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppTask.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
  *    All rights reserved.
  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -18,4 +18,6 @@
 #pragma once
-void RegisterAppShellCommands();
+#include <cstdint>
+void AppTaskMain(intptr_t args);
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
index ffe889f725d909..f22fdc5307b9a6 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
@@ -29,33 +29,11 @@
 #pragma once
 // -------------------- Device Identification Configuration --------------------
-/* The VendorName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The VendorID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 /* The SoftwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 /* The SoftwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The SerialNumber attribute of the Basic cluster. */
 // -------------------- Test Configuration --------------------
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..2277049316d803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/AppTask.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "AppTask.h"
+#include "ButtonHandler.h"
+#include <LEDWidget.h>
+#include <LockManager.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/attributes/Accessors.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
+#include <app/clusters/door-lock-server/door-lock-server.h>
+#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
+#include <cycfg.h>
+#include <matter_config.h>
+#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
+#include <wiced_led_manager.h>
+using chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState;
+using chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::OperationErrorEnum;
+using chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::OperationSourceEnum;
+using namespace CYW30739DoorLock::LockInitParams;
+using namespace chip::app;
+wiced_bool_t syncClusterToButtonAction = false;
+static Identify gIdentify = {
+    chip::EndpointId{ 1 },
+    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStart"); },
+    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStop"); },
+    Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kVisibleIndicator,
+static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config[] = {
+    {
+        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_RED,
+        .bright = 50,
+    },
+    {
+        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW,
+        .bright = 50,
+    },
+static void ActionInitiated(LockManager::Action_t aAction, int32_t aActor);
+static void ActionCompleted(LockManager::Action_t aAction);
+static void UpdateClusterState(intptr_t context);
+void AppTaskMain(intptr_t args)
+    wiced_result_t result;
+    result = app_button_init();
+    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR app_button_init %d\n", result);
+    }
+    LEDWid().Init(chip_lighting_led_config, ArraySize(chip_lighting_led_config));
+    CYW30739MatterConfig::InitApp();
+    chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState> state;
+    chip::EndpointId endpointId{ 1 };
+    chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().LockChipStack();
+    chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Attributes::LockState::Get(endpointId, state);
+    uint8_t numberOfCredentialsPerUser = 0;
+    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser(endpointId, numberOfCredentialsPerUser))
+    {
+        ChipLogError(Zcl,
+                     "Unable to get number of credentials supported per user when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 5 "
+                     "[endpointId=%d]",
+                     endpointId);
+        numberOfCredentialsPerUser = 5;
+    }
+    uint16_t numberOfUsers = 0;
+    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfUserSupported(endpointId, numberOfUsers))
+    {
+        ChipLogError(Zcl,
+                     "Unable to get number of supported users when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
+                     endpointId);
+        numberOfUsers = 10;
+    }
+    uint8_t numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser = 0;
+    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesPerUserSupported(endpointId, numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser))
+    {
+        ChipLogError(
+            Zcl,
+            "Unable to get number of supported weekday schedules when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
+            endpointId);
+        numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser = 10;
+    }
+    uint8_t numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser = 0;
+    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfYearDaySchedulesPerUserSupported(endpointId, numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser))
+    {
+        ChipLogError(
+            Zcl,
+            "Unable to get number of supported yearday schedules when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
+            endpointId);
+        numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser = 10;
+    }
+    uint8_t numberOfHolidaySchedules = 0;
+    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported(endpointId, numberOfHolidaySchedules))
+    {
+        ChipLogError(
+            Zcl,
+            "Unable to get number of supported holiday schedules when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
+            endpointId);
+        numberOfHolidaySchedules = 10;
+    }
+    chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().UnlockChipStack();
+    LockMgr().Init(state,
+                   ParamBuilder()
+                       .SetNumberOfUsers(numberOfUsers)
+                       .SetNumberOfCredentialsPerUser(numberOfCredentialsPerUser)
+                       .SetNumberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser(numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser)
+                       .SetNumberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser(numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser)
+                       .SetNumberOfHolidaySchedules(numberOfHolidaySchedules)
+                       .GetLockParam());
+    LockMgr().SetCallbacks(ActionInitiated, ActionCompleted);
+static void ActionInitiated(LockManager::Action_t aAction, int32_t aActor)
+    // If the action has been initiated by the lock, update the bolt lock trait
+    // and start flashing the LEDs rapidly to indicate action initiation.
+    if (aAction == LockManager::LOCK_ACTION)
+    {
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Lock Action has been initiated");
+    }
+    else if (aAction == LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION)
+    {
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Unlock Action has been initiated");
+    }
+    if (aActor == AppEvent::kEventType_Button)
+    {
+        syncClusterToButtonAction = true;
+    }
+    // Action initiated, update the light led
+    if (aAction == LockManager::LOCK_ACTION)
+    {
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Lock Action has been initiated");
+        wiced_led_manager_disable_led(PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW);
+    }
+    else if (aAction == LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION)
+    {
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Unlock Action has been initiated");
+        wiced_led_manager_enable_led(PLATFORM_LED_YELLOW);
+    }
+static void UpdateClusterState(intptr_t context)
+    bool unlocked        = LockMgr().NextState();
+    DlLockState newState = unlocked ? DlLockState::kUnlocked : DlLockState::kLocked;
+    OperationSourceEnum source = OperationSourceEnum::kUnspecified;
+    // write the new lock value
+    Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status = DoorLockServer::Instance().SetLockState(1, newState, source)
+        ? Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Success
+        : Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Failure;
+    if (status != Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Success)
+    {
+        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERR: updating lock state %x", to_underlying(status));
+    }
+static void ActionCompleted(LockManager::Action_t aAction)
+    // if the action has been completed by the lock, update the bolt lock trait.
+    // Turn on the lock LED if in a LOCKED state OR
+    // Turn off the lock LED if in an UNLOCKED state.
+    if (aAction == LockManager::LOCK_ACTION)
+    {
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Lock Action has been completed");
+    }
+    else if (aAction == LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION)
+    {
+        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Unlock Action has been completed");
+    }
+    if (syncClusterToButtonAction)
+    {
+        chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(UpdateClusterState, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(nullptr));
+        syncClusterToButtonAction = false;
+    }
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
index 40233323890c96..37451eb0247208 100644
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
+++ b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/ButtonHandler.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 #include <ButtonHandler.h>
 #include <LockManager.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
+#include <cycfg_pins.h>
+#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
 #include <wiced.h>
 #include <wiced_button_manager.h>
 #include <wiced_platform.h>
@@ -55,9 +56,10 @@ wiced_result_t app_button_init(void)
     memset(app_button_configurations, 0, (sizeof(wiced_button_configuration_t) * APP_MAX_BUTTON_DEF));
     memset(app_buttons, 0, (sizeof(button_manager_button_t) * APP_MAX_BUTTON_DEF));
-    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button            = PLATFORM_BUTTON_1;
-    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button_event_mask = (BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT | BUTTON_LONG_DURATION_EVENT);
-    app_buttons[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration                   = &app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON];
+    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].gpio = PLATFORM_BUTTON_USER;
+    app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON].button_event_mask =
+    app_buttons[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration = &app_button_configurations[ON_OFF_BUTTON];
     result = wiced_button_manager_init(&app_button_manager, &app_button_manager_configuration, app_buttons, 1);
@@ -74,30 +76,31 @@ void app_button_event_handler(const button_manager_button_t * button_mgr, button
     bool initiated = false;
     LockManager::Action_t action;
-    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "app_button_event_handler. button=%d, event=%d, state=%d\n",
-                    button_mgr[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration->button, event, state);
-    /* This app is interested in PLATFORM_BUTTON_1 only */
-    if (button_mgr[0].configuration->button != PLATFORM_BUTTON_1)
-        return;
-    /* This callback is invoked both for held and released state, we want to process on the released event to avoid duplication */
-    if (state != BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
-        return;
+    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "app_button_event_handler. gpio=%d, event=%d, state=%d\n", button_mgr[ON_OFF_BUTTON].configuration->gpio,
+                    event, state);
     /* single click to Lock/Unlock
        long press to generate Jammed event */
-    if (event == BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT)
-    {
-        action = (LockMgr().NextState() == true) ? LockManager::LOCK_ACTION : LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION;
-    }
-    else if (event == BUTTON_LONG_DURATION_EVENT)
-    {
-        action = LockManager::LOCK_JAMMED;
-    }
-    else
+    if (button_mgr[0].configuration->gpio == PLATFORM_BUTTON_USER)
-        return;
+        if (event == BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT && state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
+        {
+            action = (LockMgr().NextState() == true) ? LockManager::LOCK_ACTION : LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION;
+        }
+        else if (event == BUTTON_LONG_DURATION_EVENT && state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
+        {
+            action = LockManager::LOCK_JAMMED;
+        }
+        else if (event == BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT)
+        {
+            printf("Button Performing factory reset ...\r\n");
+            chip::DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().InitiateFactoryReset();
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return;
+        }
     initiated = LockMgr().InitiateAction(AppEvent::kEventType_Button, action);
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp b/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c82cc894bae5af..00000000000000
--- a/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
- *
- *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
- *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
- *    All rights reserved.
- *
- *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *    limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
-#include <AppShellCommands.h>
-#include <ButtonHandler.h>
-#include <ChipShellCollection.h>
-#include <DeviceInfoProviderImpl.h>
-#include <LockManager.h>
-#include <app-common/zap-generated/attributes/Accessors.h>
-#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
-#include <OTAConfig.h>
-#include <app/TestEventTriggerDelegate.h>
-#include <app/clusters/door-lock-server/door-lock-server.h>
-#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
-#include <app/clusters/ota-requestor/OTATestEventTriggerHandler.h>
-#include <app/server/OnboardingCodesUtil.h>
-#include <app/server/Server.h>
-#include <credentials/examples/DeviceAttestationCredsExample.h>
-#include <inet/EndPointStateOpenThread.h>
-#include <lib/shell/Engine.h>
-#include <lib/support/CHIPPlatformMemory.h>
-#include <mbedtls/platform.h>
-#include <platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h>
-#include <protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.h>
-#include <sparcommon.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <wiced_led_manager.h>
-#include <wiced_memory.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
-using chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState;
-using chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::OperationErrorEnum;
-using chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::OperationSourceEnum;
-using namespace chip;
-using namespace chip::app;
-using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer::Internal;
-using namespace ::chip::Credentials;
-using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer;
-using namespace ::chip::Shell;
-using namespace CYW30739DoorLock::LockInitParams;
-wiced_bool_t syncClusterToButtonAction = false;
-static chip::DeviceLayer::DeviceInfoProviderImpl gExampleDeviceInfoProvider;
-static FactoryDataProvider sFactoryDataProvider;
-static void InitApp(intptr_t args);
-static void ActionInitiated(LockManager::Action_t aAction, int32_t aActor);
-static void ActionCompleted(LockManager::Action_t aAction);
-static void UpdateClusterState(intptr_t context);
-#ifndef _countof
-#define _countof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
-// NOTE! This key is for test/certification only and should not be available in production devices!
-uint8_t sTestEventTriggerEnableKey[chip::TestEventTriggerDelegate::kEnableKeyLength] = { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55,
-                                                                                         0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb,
-                                                                                         0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff };
-static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config[2] = {
-    {
-        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_1,
-        .bright = 50,
-    },
-    {
-        .led    = PLATFORM_LED_2,
-        .bright = 50,
-    },
-static Identify gIdentify = {
-    chip::EndpointId{ 1 },
-    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStart"); },
-    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStop"); },
-    Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kVisibleIndicator,
-    CHIP_ERROR err;
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    uint32_t i;
-    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "ChipLock App starting");
-    mbedtls_platform_set_calloc_free(CHIPPlatformMemoryCalloc, CHIPPlatformMemoryFree);
-    err = chip::Platform::MemoryInit();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR MemoryInit %ld", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    result = app_button_init();
-    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR app_button_init %d", result);
-    }
-    /* Init. LED Manager. */
-    for (i = 0; i < _countof(chip_lighting_led_config); i++)
-    {
-        result = wiced_led_manager_init(&chip_lighting_led_config[i]);
-        if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-            ChipLogError(Zcl, "wiced_led_manager_init fail i=%ld, (%d)", i, result);
-    }
-    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Initializing CHIP");
-    err = PlatformMgr().InitChipStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR InitChipStack %ld", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Initializing OpenThread stack");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().InitThreadStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR InitThreadStack %ld", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_Router);
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_SleepyEndDevice);
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_MinimalEndDevice);
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR SetThreadDeviceType %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Starting event loop task");
-    err = PlatformMgr().StartEventLoopTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR StartEventLoopTask %ld", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Starting thread task");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().StartThreadTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR StartThreadTask %ld", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(InitApp, 0);
-    const int ret = Engine::Root().Init();
-    if (!chip::ChipError::IsSuccess(ret))
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERROR Shell Init %d", ret);
-    }
-    RegisterAppShellCommands();
-    Engine::Root().RunMainLoop();
-    assert(!wiced_rtos_check_for_stack_overflow());
-void InitApp(intptr_t args)
-    // Print QR Code URL
-    PrintOnboardingCodes(chip::RendezvousInformationFlag(chip::RendezvousInformationFlag::kBLE));
-    /* Start CHIP datamodel server */
-    static chip::SimpleTestEventTriggerDelegate sTestEventTriggerDelegate{};
-    static chip::OTATestEventTriggerHandler sOtaTestEventTriggerHandler{};
-    VerifyOrDie(sTestEventTriggerDelegate.Init(chip::ByteSpan(sTestEventTriggerEnableKey)) == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
-    VerifyOrDie(sTestEventTriggerDelegate.AddHandler(&sOtaTestEventTriggerHandler) == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
-    static chip::CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams initParams;
-    (void) initParams.InitializeStaticResourcesBeforeServerInit();
-    initParams.testEventTriggerDelegate = &sTestEventTriggerDelegate;
-    gExampleDeviceInfoProvider.SetStorageDelegate(initParams.persistentStorageDelegate);
-    chip::DeviceLayer::SetDeviceInfoProvider(&gExampleDeviceInfoProvider);
-    chip::Inet::EndPointStateOpenThread::OpenThreadEndpointInitParam nativeParams;
-    nativeParams.lockCb                = [] { ThreadStackMgr().LockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.unlockCb              = [] { ThreadStackMgr().UnlockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.openThreadInstancePtr = chip::DeviceLayer::ThreadStackMgrImpl().OTInstance();
-    initParams.endpointNativeParams    = static_cast<void *>(&nativeParams);
-    chip::Server::GetInstance().Init(initParams);
-    SetDeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
-    // Initial lock state
-    chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState> state;
-    chip::EndpointId endpointId{ 1 };
-    chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().LockChipStack();
-    chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Attributes::LockState::Get(endpointId, state);
-    uint8_t numberOfCredentialsPerUser = 0;
-    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser(endpointId, numberOfCredentialsPerUser))
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl,
-                     "Unable to get number of credentials supported per user when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 5 "
-                     "[endpointId=%d]",
-                     endpointId);
-        numberOfCredentialsPerUser = 5;
-    }
-    uint16_t numberOfUsers = 0;
-    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfUserSupported(endpointId, numberOfUsers))
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl,
-                     "Unable to get number of supported users when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
-                     endpointId);
-        numberOfUsers = 10;
-    }
-    uint8_t numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser = 0;
-    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfWeekDaySchedulesPerUserSupported(endpointId, numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser))
-    {
-        ChipLogError(
-            Zcl,
-            "Unable to get number of supported weekday schedules when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
-            endpointId);
-        numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser = 10;
-    }
-    uint8_t numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser = 0;
-    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfYearDaySchedulesPerUserSupported(endpointId, numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser))
-    {
-        ChipLogError(
-            Zcl,
-            "Unable to get number of supported yearday schedules when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
-            endpointId);
-        numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser = 10;
-    }
-    uint8_t numberOfHolidaySchedules = 0;
-    if (!DoorLockServer::Instance().GetNumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported(endpointId, numberOfHolidaySchedules))
-    {
-        ChipLogError(
-            Zcl,
-            "Unable to get number of supported holiday schedules when initializing lock endpoint, defaulting to 10 [endpointId=%d]",
-            endpointId);
-        numberOfHolidaySchedules = 10;
-    }
-    chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().UnlockChipStack();
-    err = LockMgr().Init(state,
-                         ParamBuilder()
-                             .SetNumberOfUsers(numberOfUsers)
-                             .SetNumberOfCredentialsPerUser(numberOfCredentialsPerUser)
-                             .SetNumberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser(numberOfWeekdaySchedulesPerUser)
-                             .SetNumberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser(numberOfYeardaySchedulesPerUser)
-                             .SetNumberOfHolidaySchedules(numberOfHolidaySchedules)
-                             .GetLockParam());
-    LockMgr().SetCallbacks(ActionInitiated, ActionCompleted);
-    ConfigurationMgr().LogDeviceConfig();
-    OTAConfig::Init();
-void ActionInitiated(LockManager::Action_t aAction, int32_t aActor)
-    // If the action has been initiated by the lock, update the bolt lock trait
-    // and start flashing the LEDs rapidly to indicate action initiation.
-    if (aAction == LockManager::LOCK_ACTION)
-    {
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Lock Action has been initiated");
-    }
-    else if (aAction == LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION)
-    {
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Unlock Action has been initiated");
-    }
-    if (aActor == AppEvent::kEventType_Button)
-    {
-        syncClusterToButtonAction = true;
-    }
-    // Action initiated, update the light led
-    if (aAction == LockManager::LOCK_ACTION)
-    {
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Lock Action has been initiated");
-        wiced_led_manager_disable_led(PLATFORM_LED_2);
-    }
-    else if (aAction == LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION)
-    {
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Unlock Action has been initiated");
-        wiced_led_manager_enable_led(PLATFORM_LED_2);
-    }
-void UpdateClusterState(intptr_t context)
-    bool unlocked        = LockMgr().NextState();
-    DlLockState newState = unlocked ? DlLockState::kUnlocked : DlLockState::kLocked;
-    OperationSourceEnum source = OperationSourceEnum::kUnspecified;
-    // write the new lock value
-    Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status = DoorLockServer::Instance().SetLockState(1, newState, source)
-        ? Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Success
-        : Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Failure;
-    if (status != Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Success)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(Zcl, "ERR: updating lock state %x", to_underlying(status));
-    }
-void ActionCompleted(LockManager::Action_t aAction)
-    // if the action has been completed by the lock, update the bolt lock trait.
-    // Turn on the lock LED if in a LOCKED state OR
-    // Turn off the lock LED if in an UNLOCKED state.
-    if (aAction == LockManager::LOCK_ACTION)
-    {
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Lock Action has been completed");
-    }
-    else if (aAction == LockManager::UNLOCK_ACTION)
-    {
-        ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Unlock Action has been completed");
-    }
-    if (syncClusterToButtonAction)
-    {
-        chip::DeviceLayer::PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(UpdateClusterState, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(nullptr));
-        syncClusterToButtonAction = false;
-    }
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/.gn b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/.gn
deleted file mode 100644
index 90115e4209947e..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/.gn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# The location of the build configuration file.
-buildconfig = "${build_root}/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn"
-# CHIP uses angle bracket includes.
-check_system_includes = true
-default_args = {
-  target_cpu = "arm"
-  target_os = "cyw30739"
-  import("//args.gni")
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
deleted file mode 100644
index 3701330b0f7113..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-cyw30739_project_dir =
-    "${chip_root}/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739"
-examples_plat_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739"
-declare_args() {
-  setupPinCode = 20202021
-  setupDiscriminator = 3840
-cyw30739_sdk("sdk") {
-  sources = [ "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h" ]
-  include_dirs = [
-    "${cyw30739_project_dir}/include",
-    "${examples_plat_dir}",
-  ]
-  defines = [
-  ]
-cyw30739_executable("ota_requestor_app") {
-  output_name = "chip-cyw30739-ota-requestor-example.elf"
-  sources = [ "src/main.cpp" ]
-  deps = [
-    ":sdk",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common",
-    "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
-    "${chip_root}/src/lib",
-  ]
-  include_dirs = [ "include" ]
-  if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-    sources += [
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.cpp",
-      "${examples_plat_dir}/OTAConfig.h",
-    ]
-  }
-group("cyw30739") {
-  deps = [ ":ota_requestor_app" ]
-group("default") {
-  deps = [ ":cyw30739" ]
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 629418c395d552..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Matter CYW30739 OTA Requestor Example
-An example showing the use of the Matter OTA Requestor functionality on the
-Infineon CYW30739 platform.
-## Table of Contents
--   [CHIP CYW30739 OTA Requestor Example](#matter-cyw30739-ota-requestor-example)
-    -   [Introduction](#introduction)
-    -   [Building](#building)
-    -   [Flashing the Application](#flashing-the-application)
-    -   [Running the Complete Example](#running-the-complete-example)
-## Introduction
-The CYW30739 OTA Requestor example provides a baseline demonstration the Matter
-OTA Requestor functionality built with the Infineon Modustoolbox SDK. It can be
-controlled by a Matter controller over Thread network.
-The CYW30739 device can be commissioned over Bluetooth Low Energy where the
-device and the Matter controller will exchange security information with the
-Rendez-vous procedure. Target Thread Network information including the active
-dataset and CASE credentials are then provided.
-## Building
--   Build the example application:
-    ```bash
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/ota-requestor-app
-    ```
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
-    ```bash
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
-    $ rm -rf ./out/
-    ```
--   OR use GN/Ninja directly
-    ```bash
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ git submodule update --init
-    $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/activate.sh
-    $ gn gen out/debug
-    $ ninja -C out/debug
-    ```
--   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
-    ```bash
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ rm -rf out/
-    ```
-## Building Options
-### DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration
-Infineon CYW30739 examples use test certifications, keys, and CD by default. For
-a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications, keys, and CD by
-the following arguments:
--   `matter_dac`, `matter_dac_key`, `matter_pai`, `matter_cd`
-    ```bash
-    $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lighting-app \
-    'matter_dac="/path/to/dac.der"' \
-    'matter_dac_key="/path/to/dac_key.der"' \
-    'matter_pai="/path/to/pai.der"' \
-    'matter_cd="/path/to/cd.der"'
-    ```
-## Flashing the Application
-### Enter Recovery Mode
-Put the CYW30739 in to the recovery mode before running the flash script.
-1. Press and hold the `RECOVERY` button on the board.
-2. Press and hold the `RESET` button on the board.
-3. Release the `RESET` button.
-4. After one second, release the `RECOVERY` button.
-### Run Flash Script
--   On the command line:
-    ```bash
-    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739
-    $ python3 out/debug/chip-cyw30739-ota-requestor-example.flash.py
-    ```
-## Running the Complete Example
--   It is assumed here that you already have an OpenThread border router
-    configured and running. If not see the following guide
-    [Openthread_border_router](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/docs/guides/openthread_border_router_pi.md)
-    for more information on how to setup a border router on a raspberryPi.
-    -   Get the active dataset hex for the chip-tool.
-        ```bash
-        ot-ctl dataset active -x
-        ```
--   You can provision and control the Chip device using the python controller,
-    Chip tool standalone, Android or iOS app
-    [Chip tool](https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/examples/chip-tool/README.md)
-    Here is an example with the chip tool:
-    -   Start a Linux OTA Provider.
-        ```bash
-        # Start the OTA provider server with an OTA binary file
-        chip-ota-provider-app -f <path/to/ota/binary>
-        ```
-    -   Setup the CYW30739 OTA Requestor the the Linux OTA Provider by the
-        controller.
-        ```bash
-        # Pair the OTA Requestor
-        chip-tool pairing ble-thread 1234 hex:0e080000000000000000000300000b35060004001fffe00208dead00beef00cafe0708fddead00beef000005108e11d8ea8ffaa875713699f59e8807e0030a4f70656e5468726561640102c2980410edc641eb63b100b87e90a9980959befc0c0402a0fff8 20202021 3840
-        # Pair the OTA Provider
-        chip-tool pairing onnetwork-vendor 4321 20202021 9050
-        # Announce the OTA provider to the requestor
-        chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider 4321 9 0 0 1234 0
-        ```
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4645ad4beb71..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-cyw30739_sdk_target = get_label_info(":sdk", "label_no_toolchain")
-chip_openthread_ftd = false
-enable_sleepy_device = false
-chip_enable_ota_requestor = true
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/build_overrides b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/build_overrides
deleted file mode 120000
index ee19c065d619a2..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/build_overrides
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a889907606bd..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/CHIPProjectConfig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- *
- *    Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
- *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
- *    All rights reserved.
- *
- *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *    limitations under the License.
- */
- *    @file
- *          Example project configuration file for CHIP.
- *
- *          This is a place to put application or project-specific overrides
- *          to the default configuration values for general CHIP features.
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-// -------------------- Device Identification Configuration --------------------
-/* The VendorName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The VendorID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductName attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The ProductID attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The HardwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The SoftwareVersionString attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The SoftwareVersion attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-/* The SerialNumber attribute of the Basic cluster. */
-// -------------------- Test Configuration --------------------
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ce58809f68dc..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- *
- *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
- *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
- *    All rights reserved.
- *
- *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *    limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
-#include <ChipShellCollection.h>
-#include <OTAConfig.h>
-#include <app/server/Server.h>
-#include <credentials/examples/DeviceAttestationCredsExample.h>
-#include <inet/EndPointStateOpenThread.h>
-#include <lib/shell/Engine.h>
-#include <lib/support/CHIPPlatformMemory.h>
-#include <mbedtls/platform.h>
-#include <platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h>
-#include <protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.h>
-#include <sparcommon.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <wiced_memory.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
-using namespace chip;
-using namespace chip::Credentials;
-using namespace chip::DeviceLayer;
-using namespace chip::Shell;
-static FactoryDataProvider sFactoryDataProvider;
-static void InitApp(intptr_t args);
-    CHIP_ERROR err;
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    printf("\nOtaRequestor App starting\n");
-    mbedtls_platform_set_calloc_free(CHIPPlatformMemoryCalloc, CHIPPlatformMemoryFree);
-    err = Platform::MemoryInit();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR MemoryInit %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    /* Init. LED Manager. */
-    printf("Initializing CHIP\n");
-    err = PlatformMgr().InitChipStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR InitChipStack %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    printf("Initializing OpenThread stack\n");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().InitThreadStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR InitThreadStack %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_Router);
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_SleepyEndDevice);
-    err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_MinimalEndDevice);
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR SetThreadDeviceType %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    printf("Starting event loop task\n");
-    err = PlatformMgr().StartEventLoopTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR StartEventLoopTask %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    printf("Starting thread task\n");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().StartThreadTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR StartThreadTask %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(InitApp, 0);
-    const int ret = Engine::Root().Init();
-    if (!ChipError::IsSuccess(ret))
-    {
-        printf("ERROR Shell Init %d\n", ret);
-    }
-    Engine::Root().RunMainLoop();
-    assert(!wiced_rtos_check_for_stack_overflow());
-void InitApp(intptr_t args)
-    ConfigurationMgr().LogDeviceConfig();
-    /* Start CHIP datamodel server */
-    static chip::CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams initParams;
-    (void) initParams.InitializeStaticResourcesBeforeServerInit();
-    chip::Inet::EndPointStateOpenThread::OpenThreadEndpointInitParam nativeParams;
-    nativeParams.lockCb                = [] { ThreadStackMgr().LockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.unlockCb              = [] { ThreadStackMgr().UnlockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.openThreadInstancePtr = chip::DeviceLayer::ThreadStackMgrImpl().OTInstance();
-    initParams.endpointNativeParams    = static_cast<void *>(&nativeParams);
-    chip::Server::GetInstance().Init(initParams);
-    SetDeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
-    OTAConfig::Init();
diff --git a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/third_party/connectedhomeip b/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/third_party/connectedhomeip
deleted file mode 120000
index 3efed95be5dbe9..00000000000000
--- a/examples/ota-requestor-app/infineon/cyw30739/third_party/connectedhomeip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0001.p12 b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0001.p12
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fb8f0e9f53ed59
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0001.p12 differ
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0002.p12 b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0002.p12
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..cf8bc38fa23fcd
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0002.p12 differ
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0005.p12 b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0005.p12
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b9145561204ddc
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0005.p12 differ
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0006.p12 b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0006.p12
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..15d1ab7841c9a6
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/attestation/Matter-Development-DAC-1388-0006.p12 differ
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/certification-declaration/Matter-Development-CD-1388-0001-0008.der b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/certification-declaration/Matter-Development-CD-1388-0001-0008.der
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..35a115805cc50f
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/platform/infineon/credentials/development/certification-declaration/Matter-Development-CD-1388-0001-0008.der differ
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/AppShellCommands.h
similarity index 100%
rename from examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/AppShellCommands.h
rename to examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/AppShellCommands.h
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
index 8390dd680d1004..0673c55c351de3 100644
--- a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/BUILD.gn
@@ -13,6 +13,26 @@
 # limitations under the License.
+static_library("platform") {
+  sources = [
+    "LEDWidget.h",
+    "OTAConfig.h",
+    "main.cpp",
+  ]
+  public_configs = [ ":${target_name}-config" ]
+  deps = [ app_data_model ]
+config("platform-config") {
+  include_dirs = [ "." ]
 config("chip_examples_project_config") {
   include_dirs = [ "project_include" ]
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/LEDWidget.cpp b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/LEDWidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..cfea4d695ab981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/LEDWidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "LEDWidget.h"
+#include <cycfg_pins.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+LEDWidget LEDWidget::sLEDWidget;
+bool usr_LED1_OnOffStatus = false;
+void LEDWidget::Init(wiced_led_config_t * config, size_t count)
+    const wiced_result_t result = wiced_led_manager_init(config, count);
+    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
+        printf("wiced_led_manager_init failed %d\n", result);
+void LEDWidget::Set(bool state, wiced_led_t pin)
+    DoSetLEDOnOff(state, pin);
+void LEDWidget::Blink(wiced_led_t led_pin, uint32_t on_period_ms, uint32_t off_period_ms)
+    wiced_led_manager_blink_led(led_pin, on_period_ms, off_period_ms);
+bool LEDWidget::IsLEDOn(void)
+    return usr_LED1_OnOffStatus;
+void LEDWidget::DoSetLEDOnOff(bool state, wiced_led_t pin)
+    if (pin == PLATFORM_LED_RED)
+    {
+        usr_LED1_OnOffStatus = state;
+    }
+    if (state)
+    {
+        wiced_led_manager_enable_led(pin);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        wiced_led_manager_disable_led(pin);
+    }
diff --git a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/LEDWidget.h
similarity index 71%
rename from examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h
rename to examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/LEDWidget.h
index 21a3b3871b05d1..67f4d564f5a04b 100644
--- a/examples/light-switch-app/infineon/cyw30739/include/LightingManager.h
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/LEDWidget.h
@@ -17,28 +17,24 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
 #include <wiced_led_manager.h>
-class LightingManager
+class LEDWidget
-    wiced_result_t Init();
-    void Set(bool state, uint8_t pin);
+    void Init(wiced_led_config_t * config, size_t count);
+    void Set(bool state, wiced_led_t pin);
     void Blink(wiced_led_t led_pin, uint32_t on_period_ms, uint32_t off_period_ms);
-    bool IsLightOn();
+    bool IsLEDOn();
-    void DoSetLEDOnOff(bool state, uint8_t pin);
-    friend LightingManager & LightMgr(void);
+    void DoSetLEDOnOff(bool state, wiced_led_t pin);
+    friend LEDWidget & LEDWid(void);
     bool usr_LED1_OnOffStatus;
-    static LightingManager sLight;
+    static LEDWidget sLEDWidget;
-inline LightingManager & LightMgr(void)
+inline LEDWidget & LEDWid(void)
-    return LightingManager::sLight;
+    return LEDWidget::sLEDWidget;
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
index 4c1695e32252e1..3659eb4d9e8c88 100644
--- a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/args.gni
@@ -17,3 +17,7 @@ chip_device_project_config_include = "<CHIPProjectConfig.h>"
 chip_project_config_include = "<CHIPProjectConfig.h>"
 chip_inet_project_config_include = "<CHIPProjectConfig.h>"
 chip_system_project_config_include = "<CHIPProjectConfig.h>"
+declare_args() {
+  app_data_model = ""
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/cyw30739_example.gni b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/cyw30739_example.gni
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..df8e50ee68bf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/cyw30739_example.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+cyw30739_example_dir = "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739"
+template("cyw30739_example") {
+  forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "board" ])
+  static_library(target_name) {
+    sources = [
+      "${cyw30739_example_dir}/LEDWidget.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_example_dir}/OTAConfig.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_example_dir}/matter_config.cpp",
+    ]
+    configs += [
+      "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:emwin-config",
+      "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:wpan_sdk-config",
+    ]
+    deps = [
+      "${chip_root}/examples/providers:device_info_provider",
+      "${chip_root}/examples/shell/shell_common:shell_common",
+      "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:${board}",
+      app_data_model,
+    ]
+    public_deps = [ "${cyw30739_example_dir}:platform" ]
+  }
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/main.cpp b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..71689caf97cba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <matter_config.h>
+#include <sparcommon.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+    printf("\nApp starting\n");
+    if (CYW30739MatterConfig::InitMatter() != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+        printf("\nERROR InitMatter\n");
diff --git a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/matter_config.cpp
similarity index 51%
rename from examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
rename to examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/matter_config.cpp
index f851e2e8819664..6b0b56730edecd 100644
--- a/examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739/src/main.cpp
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/matter_config.cpp
@@ -16,18 +16,25 @@
  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  *    limitations under the License.
-#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
+#include "matter_config.h"
+#include "AppTask.h"
+#include "GUI.h"
+#include "cy_serial_flash.h"
 #include <AppShellCommands.h>
-#include <ButtonHandler.h>
 #include <ChipShellCollection.h>
 #include <DeviceInfoProviderImpl.h>
-#include <LightingManager.h>
+#include <LEDWidget.h>
+#include <cycfg_pins.h>
+#include <matter_config.h>
 #include <OTAConfig.h>
-#include <app/TestEventTriggerDelegate.h>
-#include <app/clusters/identify-server/identify-server.h>
+#include "wiced_hal_i2c.h"
 #include <app/clusters/ota-requestor/OTATestEventTriggerHandler.h>
 #include <app/server/OnboardingCodesUtil.h>
 #include <app/server/Server.h>
@@ -36,144 +43,78 @@
 #include <lib/shell/Engine.h>
 #include <lib/support/CHIPPlatformMemory.h>
 #include <mbedtls/platform.h>
+#include <platform/DeviceInstanceInfoProvider.h>
 #include <platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h>
+#include <platform/KeyValueStoreManager.h>
 #include <protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.h>
-#include <sparcommon.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <wiced_led_manager.h>
-#include <wiced_memory.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
+#include "wiced_optiga.h"
+#include <wiced_rtos.h>
+using namespace ::chip;
+using namespace ::chip::Inet;
 using namespace ::chip::Credentials;
 using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer;
 using namespace ::chip::Shell;
 using namespace ::chip::app;
-static chip::DeviceLayer::DeviceInfoProviderImpl gExampleDeviceInfoProvider;
+static DeviceInfoProviderImpl sExampleDeviceInfoProvider;
 static FactoryDataProvider sFactoryDataProvider;
-static void InitApp(intptr_t args);
-static void LightManagerCallback(LightingManager::Actor_t actor, LightingManager::Action_t action, uint8_t value);
-static wiced_led_config_t chip_lighting_led_config = {
-    .led    = PLATFORM_LED_1,
-    .bright = 50,
 // NOTE! This key is for test/certification only and should not be available in production devices!
 uint8_t sTestEventTriggerEnableKey[chip::TestEventTriggerDelegate::kEnableKeyLength] = { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55,
                                                                                          0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb,
                                                                                          0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff };
- * Identify Callbacks
- *********************************************************/
-void OnIdentifyTriggerEffect(Identify * identify)
+void __attribute__((weak)) AppChipEventHandler(const chip::DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent * aEvent, intptr_t arg)
-    switch (identify->mCurrentEffectIdentifier)
-    {
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBlink");
-        break;
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kBreathe");
-        break;
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kOkay");
-        break;
-    case Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Clusters::Identify::EffectIdentifierEnum::kChannelChange");
-        break;
-    default:
-        ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "No identifier effect");
-        break;
-    }
-    return;
+    (void) aEvent;
+    (void) arg;
-static Identify gIdentify = {
-    chip::EndpointId{ 1 },
-    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStart"); },
-    [](Identify *) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "onIdentifyStop"); },
-    Clusters::Identify::IdentifyTypeEnum::kNone,
-    OnIdentifyTriggerEffect,
+void __attribute__((weak)) RegisterAppShellCommands();
+void LockOpenThreadTask(void)
-    CHIP_ERROR err;
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    printf("\nChipLighting App starting\n");
-    mbedtls_platform_set_calloc_free(CHIPPlatformMemoryCalloc, CHIPPlatformMemoryFree);
-    err = chip::Platform::MemoryInit();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR MemoryInit %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
-    result = app_button_init();
-    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR app_button_init %d\n", result);
-    }
+    ThreadStackMgr().LockThreadStack();
-    /* Init. LED Manager. */
-    result = wiced_led_manager_init(&chip_lighting_led_config);
-    if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-        printf("wiced_led_manager_init fail (%d)\n", result);
+void UnlockOpenThreadTask(void)
+    ThreadStackMgr().UnlockThreadStack();
-    printf("Initializing CHIP\n");
-    err = PlatformMgr().InitChipStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR InitChipStack %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
+CHIP_ERROR CYW30739MatterConfig::InitOpenThread(void)
+    CHIP_ERROR err;
-    printf("Initializing OpenThread stack\n");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().InitThreadStack();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR InitThreadStack %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
+    ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(ThreadStackMgr().InitThreadStack());
     err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_Router);
     err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_SleepyEndDevice);
     err = ConnectivityMgr().SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::kThreadDeviceType_MinimalEndDevice);
     if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
         printf("ERROR SetThreadDeviceType %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    printf("Starting event loop task\n");
-    err = PlatformMgr().StartEventLoopTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR StartEventLoopTask %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
     printf("Starting thread task\n");
-    err = ThreadStackMgr().StartThreadTask();
-    if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-    {
-        printf("ERROR StartThreadTask %ld\n", err.AsInteger());
-    }
+    ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(ThreadStackMgr().StartThreadTask());
-    PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(InitApp, 0);
+    return err;
+void CYW30739MatterConfig::InitShell(void)
     const int ret = Engine::Root().Init();
     if (!chip::ChipError::IsSuccess(ret))
@@ -181,12 +122,68 @@ APPLICATION_START()
+void CYW30739MatterConfig::InitBoard(void)
+    /* Init. I2C interface. */
+    wiced_hal_i2c_select_pads(PLATFORM_I2C_1_SCL, PLATFORM_I2C_1_SDA);
+    wiced_hal_i2c_init();
+    wiced_hal_i2c_set_speed(I2CM_SPEED_400KHZ);
+    GUI_Init();
+    wiced_optiga_init();
+CHIP_ERROR CYW30739MatterConfig::InitMatter(void)
+    InitBoard();
+    mbedtls_platform_setup(NULL);
+    mbedtls_platform_set_calloc_free(CHIPPlatformMemoryCalloc, CHIPPlatformMemoryFree);
+    // Init Chip memory management before the stack
+    ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(chip::Platform::MemoryInit());
+    printf("Initializing CHIP\n");
+    ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(PlatformMgr().InitChipStack());
+    SetCommissionableDataProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
+    SetDeviceInstanceInfoProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
+    SetDeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
+    printf("Initializing OpenThread stack\n");
+    ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(InitOpenThread());
+    PlatformMgr().ScheduleWork(AppTaskMain, 0);
+    // Add CHIP event handler and start CHIP thread.
+    // Note that all the initialization code should happen prior to this point to avoid data races
+    // between the main and the CHIP threads.
+    PlatformMgr().AddEventHandler(AppChipEventHandler, 0);
+    printf("Starting event loop task\n");
+    ReturnLogErrorOnFailure(PlatformMgr().StartEventLoopTask());
+    InitShell();
+    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
-void InitApp(intptr_t args)
+void CYW30739MatterConfig::InitApp(void)
+    LogAppInit();
     // Print QR Code URL
@@ -196,45 +193,35 @@ void InitApp(intptr_t args)
     static chip::OTATestEventTriggerHandler sOtaTestEventTriggerHandler{};
     VerifyOrDie(sTestEventTriggerDelegate.Init(chip::ByteSpan(sTestEventTriggerEnableKey)) == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
     VerifyOrDie(sTestEventTriggerDelegate.AddHandler(&sOtaTestEventTriggerHandler) == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
+    // Create initParams with SDK example defaults here
     static chip::CommonCaseDeviceServerInitParams initParams;
     (void) initParams.InitializeStaticResourcesBeforeServerInit();
     initParams.testEventTriggerDelegate = &sTestEventTriggerDelegate;
-    gExampleDeviceInfoProvider.SetStorageDelegate(initParams.persistentStorageDelegate);
-    chip::DeviceLayer::SetDeviceInfoProvider(&gExampleDeviceInfoProvider);
+    sExampleDeviceInfoProvider.SetStorageDelegate(initParams.persistentStorageDelegate);
+    SetDeviceInfoProvider(&sExampleDeviceInfoProvider);
+    // Set up OpenThread configuration when OpenThread is included
     chip::Inet::EndPointStateOpenThread::OpenThreadEndpointInitParam nativeParams;
     nativeParams.lockCb                = [] { ThreadStackMgr().LockThreadStack(); };
     nativeParams.unlockCb              = [] { ThreadStackMgr().UnlockThreadStack(); };
-    nativeParams.openThreadInstancePtr = chip::DeviceLayer::ThreadStackMgrImpl().OTInstance();
+    nativeParams.openThreadInstancePtr = ThreadStackMgrImpl().OTInstance();
     initParams.endpointNativeParams    = static_cast<void *>(&nativeParams);
-    chip::Server::GetInstance().Init(initParams);
-    SetDeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider(&sFactoryDataProvider);
-    LightMgr().Init();
-    LightMgr().SetCallbacks(LightManagerCallback, nullptr);
-    LightMgr().WriteClusterLevel(254);
+    // Init Matter Server
+    chip::Server::GetInstance().Init(initParams);
-void LightManagerCallback(LightingManager::Actor_t actor, LightingManager::Action_t action, uint8_t level)
+void CYW30739MatterConfig::LogAppInit(void)
-    if (action == LightingManager::ON_ACTION)
-    {
-        printf("Turning light ON\n");
-        wiced_led_manager_enable_led(PLATFORM_LED_1);
-    }
-    else if (action == LightingManager::OFF_ACTION)
-    {
-        printf("Turning light OFF\n");
-        wiced_led_manager_disable_led(PLATFORM_LED_1);
-    }
-    else if (action == LightingManager::LEVEL_ACTION)
+    char productName[ConfigurationManager::kMaxProductNameLength + 1];
+    if (CHIP_NO_ERROR == GetDeviceInstanceInfoProvider()->GetProductName(productName, sizeof(productName)))
-        printf("Set light level = %d\n", level);
-        chip_lighting_led_config.bright = (uint16_t) level * 100 / 0xfe;
-        wiced_led_manager_reconfig_led(&chip_lighting_led_config);
+        printf("Initializing %s\n", productName);
diff --git a/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/matter_config.h b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/matter_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..a8df27415648e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739/matter_config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ *
+ *    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
+ *    Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC.
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
+class CYW30739MatterConfig
+    static CHIP_ERROR InitMatter(void);
+    static void InitApp(void);
+    static CHIP_ERROR InitOpenThread(void);
+    static void LogAppInit(void);
+    static void InitShell(void);
+    static void InitBoard(void);
diff --git a/scripts/build/build/targets.py b/scripts/build/build/targets.py
index 3f5fc57a616901..9a662c3e5af6ad 100755
--- a/scripts/build/build/targets.py
+++ b/scripts/build/build/targets.py
@@ -537,15 +537,18 @@ def BuildCyw30739Target():
     target = BuildTarget('cyw30739', Cyw30739Builder)
     # board
+        TargetPart('cyw30739b2_p5_evk_01', board=Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_01),
+        TargetPart('cyw30739b2_p5_evk_02', board=Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_02),
+        TargetPart('cyw30739b2_p5_evk_03', board=Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_03),
         TargetPart('cyw930739m2evb_01', board=Cyw30739Board.CYW930739M2EVB_01),
+        TargetPart('cyw930739m2evb_02', board=Cyw30739Board.CYW930739M2EVB_02),
     # apps
         TargetPart('light', app=Cyw30739App.LIGHT),
+        TargetPart('light-switch', app=Cyw30739App.LIGHT_SWITCH),
         TargetPart('lock', app=Cyw30739App.LOCK),
-        TargetPart('ota-requestor', app=Cyw30739App.OTA_REQUESTOR),
-        TargetPart('switch', app=Cyw30739App.SWITCH),
     return target
diff --git a/scripts/build/builders/cyw30739.py b/scripts/build/builders/cyw30739.py
index 722a07578fa0b1..41bfecc10fd789 100644
--- a/scripts/build/builders/cyw30739.py
+++ b/scripts/build/builders/cyw30739.py
@@ -20,44 +20,44 @@
 class Cyw30739App(Enum):
     LIGHT = auto()
+    LIGHT_SWITCH = auto()
     LOCK = auto()
-    OTA_REQUESTOR = auto()
-    SWITCH = auto()
     def ExampleName(self):
         if self == Cyw30739App.LIGHT:
             return "lighting-app"
+        elif self == Cyw30739App.LIGHT_SWITCH:
+            return "light-switch-app"
         elif self == Cyw30739App.LOCK:
             return "lock-app"
-        elif self == Cyw30739App.OTA_REQUESTOR:
-            return "ota-requestor-app"
-        elif self == Cyw30739App.SWITCH:
-            return "light-switch-app"
             raise Exception("Unknown app type: %r" % self)
     def AppNamePrefix(self):
-        if self == Cyw30739App.LIGHT:
-            return "chip-cyw30739-lighting-example"
-        elif self == Cyw30739App.LOCK:
-            return "chip-cyw30739-lock-example"
-        elif self == Cyw30739App.OTA_REQUESTOR:
-            return "chip-cyw30739-ota-requestor-example"
-        elif self == Cyw30739App.SWITCH:
-            return "chip-cyw30739-light-switch-example"
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Unknown app type: %r" % self)
+        return self.ExampleName().replace("-", "_")
     def BuildRoot(self, root):
         return os.path.join(root, "examples", self.ExampleName(), "infineon/cyw30739")
 class Cyw30739Board(Enum):
-    CYW930739M2EVB_01 = 1
+    CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_01 = auto()
+    CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_02 = auto()
+    CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_03 = auto()
+    CYW930739M2EVB_01 = auto()
+    CYW930739M2EVB_02 = auto()
     def GnArgName(self):
-        if self == Cyw30739Board.CYW930739M2EVB_01:
+        if self == Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_01:
+            return "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-01"
+        elif self == Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_02:
+            return "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-02"
+        elif self == Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_03:
+            return "CYW30739B2-P5-EVK-03"
+        elif self == Cyw30739Board.CYW930739M2EVB_01:
             return "CYW930739M2EVB-01"
+        elif self == Cyw30739Board.CYW930739M2EVB_02:
+            return "CYW930739M2EVB-02"
             raise Exception("Unknown board #: %r" % self)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def __init__(
         app: Cyw30739App = Cyw30739App.LIGHT,
-        board: Cyw30739Board = Cyw30739Board.CYW930739M2EVB_01,
+        board: Cyw30739Board = Cyw30739Board.CYW30739B2_P5_EVK_01,
         release: bool = False,
         super(Cyw30739Builder, self).__init__(
@@ -76,6 +76,19 @@ def __init__(
         self.app = app
         self.board = board
         self.release = release
+        self.build_command = f"{app.AppNamePrefix()}-{board.GnArgName()}"
+        self._output_dir = None
+    @property
+    def output_dir(self):
+        return self._output_dir
+    @output_dir.setter
+    def output_dir(self, value):
+        if hasattr(self, "board"):
+            board = self.board.GnArgName().lower().replace("-", "_")
+            value = value.replace(f"-{board}", "")
+        self._output_dir = value
     def GnBuildArgs(self):
         args = []
@@ -88,6 +101,6 @@ def GnBuildArgs(self):
     def build_outputs(self):
         items = {}
         for extension in ["elf", "elf.map"]:
-            name = "%s.%s" % (self.app.AppNamePrefix(), extension)
+            name = "%s-%s.%s" % (self.app.AppNamePrefix(), self.board.GnArgName(), extension)
             items[name] = os.path.join(self.output_dir, name)
         return items
diff --git a/scripts/build/testdata/all_targets_linux_x64.txt b/scripts/build/testdata/all_targets_linux_x64.txt
index a1d6a46755e938..4bd269b22b07eb 100644
--- a/scripts/build/testdata/all_targets_linux_x64.txt
+++ b/scripts/build/testdata/all_targets_linux_x64.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ android-{arm,arm64,x86,x64,androidstudio-arm,androidstudio-arm64,androidstudio-x
diff --git a/scripts/flashing/cyw30739_firmware_utils.py b/scripts/flashing/cyw30739_firmware_utils.py
index 0b671bffd76c86..b741c2568b6ef5 100644
--- a/scripts/flashing/cyw30739_firmware_utils.py
+++ b/scripts/flashing/cyw30739_firmware_utils.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 For `Flasher`, see the class documentation.
+import pathlib
 import sys
 import firmware_utils
@@ -43,17 +44,37 @@
             "default": None,
             "argparse": {"action": "store"},
+        "hci_id": {
+            "help": "The HCI ID file.",
+            "default": None,
+            "argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
+        },
+        "btp": {
+            "help": "The BTP file.",
+            "default": None,
+            "argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
+        },
+        "minidriver": {
+            "help": "The minidriver.",
+            "default": None,
+            "argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
+        },
+        "flags": {
+            "help": "The additional flags file.",
+            "default": None,
+            "argparse": {"type": pathlib.Path},
+        },
         "program": {
             "help": "The script to program the flash.",
             "command": [
-                "bash",
-                "--norc",
-                "--noprofile",
-                "{sdk_scripts_dir}/bt_program.bash",
-                "--tools={sdk_tools_dir}",
-                "--scripts={sdk_scripts_dir}",
-                "--elf={application}",
-                "--direct={direct}",
+                "perl",
+                "{sdk_scripts_dir}/ChipLoad.pl",
+                "-tools_path", "{sdk_tools_dir}",
+                "-id", "{hci_id}",
+                "-btp", "{btp}",
+                "-mini", "{minidriver}",
+                "-flags", "{flags}",
+                "-direct", "{direct}",
@@ -65,6 +86,18 @@
+FLASH_SUCCESS_MESSAGES = "Download succeeded."
+FLASH_FAIL_MESSAGES = """Download failed.
+If the serial port was not detected, make sure no other program such as ClientControl has the port open.
+If you have issues downloading to the kit, follow the steps below:
+Press and hold the 'Recover' button on the kit.
+Press and hold the 'Reset' button on the kit.
+Release the 'Reset' button.
+After one second, release the 'Recover' button."""
 class Flasher(firmware_utils.Flasher):
     """Manage CYW30739 flashing."""
@@ -89,16 +122,13 @@ def flash(self):
         """Flash image."""
         arguments = [
-            "--hex={}/{}_download.hex".format(
-                self.option.application.parent, self.option.application.stem
-            ),
+            "-build_path", self.option.application.parent,
+            "-hex", self.option.application.with_suffix(".hex"),
         if self.option.port:
-            arguments.append("--uart={port}")
-        if self.option.verbose > 0:
-            arguments.append("--verbose")
+            arguments.extend(["-uart", "{port}"])
-        return self.run_tool("program", arguments, name="Flash")
+        return self.run_tool("program", arguments, pass_message=FLASH_SUCCESS_MESSAGES, fail_message=FLASH_FAIL_MESSAGES)
     def reset(self):
         """Not supported"""
diff --git a/src/lib/shell/streamer_cyw30739.cpp b/src/lib/shell/streamer_cyw30739.cpp
index 6c8e5aca412114..f2b3db1d7b4a87 100644
--- a/src/lib/shell/streamer_cyw30739.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/shell/streamer_cyw30739.cpp
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 #include <lib/core/CHIPSafeCasts.h>
 #include <lib/shell/streamer.h>
 #include <platform/PlatformManager.h>
+#include <wiced_hal_platform.h>
 #include <wiced_hal_puart.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
 namespace chip {
 namespace Shell {
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/BUILD.gn b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/BUILD.gn
index 7da725e63034be..7613847e0f134c 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/BUILD.gn
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/BUILD.gn
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
@@ -25,53 +26,38 @@ if (chip_enable_openthread) {
 static_library("CYW30739") {
   sources = [
-    "BLEManagerImpl.cpp",
-    "CYW30739Config.cpp",
-    "CYW30739Config.h",
-    "ConfigurationManagerImpl.cpp",
-    "DiagnosticDataProviderImpl.cpp",
-    "DiagnosticDataProviderImpl.h",
-    "EventFlags.cpp",
-    "EventFlags.h",
-    "Logging.cpp",
-    "PlatformManagerImpl.cpp",
+    "OTAImageProcessorImpl.h",
-    "SystemTimeSupport.cpp",
-    "cycfg_gatt_db.c",
-    "cycfg_gatt_db.h",
-  if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-    sources += [
-      "OTAImageProcessorImpl.cpp",
-      "OTAImageProcessorImpl.h",
-    ]
-  }
   deps = [
-    "${chip_root}/src/platform/logging:headers",
+    "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:wpan_sdk",
   public = [
+    "CYW30739Config.h",
+    "DiagnosticDataProviderImpl.h",
+    "EventFlags.h",
+    "cycfg_gatt_db.h",
   public_deps = [ "${chip_root}/src/platform:platform_base" ]
@@ -79,7 +65,6 @@ static_library("CYW30739") {
   if (chip_enable_openthread) {
     sources += [
-      "ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp",
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.cpp b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.cpp
index 15438ceb18e446..1b50c56d383ae5 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.cpp
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.cpp
@@ -45,7 +45,14 @@ CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(Key key, T & val)
 CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueStr(Key key, char * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen)
-    return ReadConfigValueBin(key, buf, bufSize, outLen);
+    const CHIP_ERROR err = ReadConfigValueBin(key, buf, bufSize, outLen);
+    if (outLen >= bufSize)
+    buf[outLen] = '\0';
+    return err;
 CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueBin(Key key, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen)
@@ -75,6 +82,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueBin(Key key, void * buf, size_t bufSiz
 template CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(Key key, bool & val);
+template CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint16_t & val);
 template CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint32_t & val);
 template CHIP_ERROR CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint64_t & val);
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.h b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.h
index 80f0895e10687e..f5e56f0fee42cc 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.h
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.h
@@ -54,21 +54,23 @@ class CYW30739Config
     // Key definitions for well-known keys.
     // Factory config keys
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SerialNum             = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x00);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDeviceId           = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x01);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDeviceCert         = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x02);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDevicePrivateKey   = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x03);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ManufacturingDate     = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x04);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SetupPinCode          = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x05);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDeviceICACerts     = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x06);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SetupDiscriminator    = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x07);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pIterationCount = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x08);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pSalt           = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x09);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pVerifier       = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x0a);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_DAC                   = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x0b);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_DACKey                = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x0c);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_PAICert               = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x0d);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_CertDeclaration       = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x0e);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_VendorName            = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x00);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_VendorId              = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x01);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ProductName           = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x02);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ProductId             = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x03);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SerialNum             = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x04);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ManufacturingDate     = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x05);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_HardwareVersion       = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x06);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_HardwareVersionString = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x07);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SetupPinCode          = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x10);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SetupDiscriminator    = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x11);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pIterationCount = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x12);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pSalt           = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x13);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pVerifier       = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x14);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_DAC                   = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x20);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_DACKey                = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x21);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_PAICert               = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x22);
+    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_CertDeclaration       = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipFactory_KeyBase, 0x23);
     // CHIP Config Keys
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ServiceConfig      = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x00);
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_PairedAccountId    = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x01);
@@ -76,7 +78,6 @@ class CYW30739Config
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_LastUsedEpochKeyId = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x03);
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_FailSafeArmed      = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x04);
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_GroupKey           = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x05);
-    static constexpr Key kConfigKey_HardwareVersion    = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x06);
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_RegulatoryLocation = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x07);
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_CountryCode        = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x08);
     static constexpr Key kConfigKey_RebootCount        = CYW30739ConfigKey(kChipConfig_KeyBase, 0x09);
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/EventFlags.cpp b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/EventFlags.cpp
index 4a299843cf6a39..4b6b5d88c7f12c 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/EventFlags.cpp
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/EventFlags.cpp
@@ -44,15 +44,12 @@ CHIP_ERROR EventFlags::Init(void)
     return err;
-CHIP_ERROR EventFlags::Set(uint32_t flags)
+__attribute__((section(".text_in_ram"))) CHIP_ERROR EventFlags::Set(uint32_t flags)
-    if (wiced_rtos_set_event_flags(mFlags, flags) != WICED_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "wiced_rtos_set_event_flags %08lx", flags);
-        return CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL;
-    }
+    assert(wiced_rtos_set_event_flags(mFlags, flags) == WICED_SUCCESS);
     return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.cpp b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.cpp
index 0c33a279756f16..0ece03d3c19c83 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.cpp
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,54 @@ namespace DeviceLayer {
 using namespace chip::DeviceLayer::Internal;
+ * Members functions that implement the CommissionableDataProvider
+ */
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t & setupDiscriminator)
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_SetupDiscriminator, setupDiscriminator);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::SetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t setupDiscriminator)
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetSpake2pIterationCount(uint32_t & iterationCount)
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_Spake2pIterationCount, iterationCount);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetSpake2pSalt(MutableByteSpan & saltBuf)
+    size_t read_size;
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(
+        CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueBin(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_Spake2pSalt, saltBuf.data(), saltBuf.size(), read_size));
+    saltBuf.reduce_size(read_size);
+    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetSpake2pVerifier(MutableByteSpan & verifierBuf, size_t & outVerifierLen)
+    ReturnErrorOnFailure(CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueBin(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_Spake2pVerifier, verifierBuf.data(),
+                                                            verifierBuf.size(), outVerifierLen));
+    verifierBuf.reduce_size(outVerifierLen);
+    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetSetupPasscode(uint32_t & setupPasscode)
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_SetupPinCode, setupPasscode);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::SetSetupPasscode(uint32_t setupPasscode)
+ * Members functions that implement the DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
+ */
 CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetCertificationDeclaration(MutableByteSpan & out_cd_buffer)
     size_t read_size;
@@ -77,6 +125,90 @@ CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::SignWithDeviceAttestationKey(const ByteSpan & me
     return CopySpanToMutableSpan(ByteSpan{ signature.ConstBytes(), signature.Length() }, out_signature_buffer);
+ * Members functions that implement the DeviceInstanceInfoProvider
+ */
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetVendorName(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+    size_t read_size;
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueStr(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_VendorName, buf, bufSize, read_size);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetVendorId(uint16_t & vendorId)
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_VendorId, vendorId);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetProductName(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+    size_t read_size;
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueStr(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_ProductName, buf, bufSize, read_size);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetProductId(uint16_t & productId)
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_ProductId, productId);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetPartNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetProductURL(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetProductLabel(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetSerialNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+    size_t read_size;
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueStr(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_SerialNum, buf, bufSize, read_size);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetManufacturingDate(uint16_t & year, uint8_t & month, uint8_t & day)
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetHardwareVersion(uint16_t & hardwareVersion)
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValue(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_HardwareVersion, hardwareVersion);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetHardwareVersionString(char * buf, size_t bufSize)
+    size_t read_size;
+    return CYW30739Config::ReadConfigValueStr(CYW30739Config::kConfigKey_HardwareVersionString, buf, bufSize, read_size);
+CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetRotatingDeviceIdUniqueId(MutableByteSpan & uniqueIdSpan)
+    ChipError err = CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_KEY_TYPE;
+    if (chip::DeviceLayer::ConfigurationMgr().GetRotatingDeviceIdUniqueId(uniqueIdSpan) != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+    {
+        static_assert(ConfigurationManager::kRotatingDeviceIDUniqueIDLength >=
+                          ConfigurationManager::kMinRotatingDeviceIDUniqueIDLength,
+                      "Length of unique ID for rotating device ID is smaller than minimum.");
+        constexpr uint8_t uniqueId[] = CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ROTATING_DEVICE_ID_UNIQUE_ID;
+        ReturnErrorCodeIf(sizeof(uniqueId) > uniqueIdSpan.size(), CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);
+        ReturnErrorCodeIf(sizeof(uniqueId) != ConfigurationManager::kRotatingDeviceIDUniqueIDLength, CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);
+        memcpy(uniqueIdSpan.data(), uniqueId, sizeof(uniqueId));
+        uniqueIdSpan.reduce_size(sizeof(uniqueId));
+    }
+    return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+    return err;
 CHIP_ERROR FactoryDataProvider::GetDeviceAttestationCertKey(MutableByteSpan & out_key_buffer)
     size_t read_size;
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h
index 6fc22b9c96e20e..def69734e1dc22 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/FactoryDataProvider.h
@@ -19,13 +19,26 @@
 #include <credentials/DeviceAttestationCredsProvider.h>
 #include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
+#include <platform/CommissionableDataProvider.h>
+#include <platform/DeviceInstanceInfoProvider.h>
 namespace chip {
 namespace DeviceLayer {
-class FactoryDataProvider : public chip::Credentials::DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
+class FactoryDataProvider : public CommissionableDataProvider,
+                            public chip::Credentials::DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider,
+                            public DeviceInstanceInfoProvider
+    // ===== Members functions that implement the CommissionableDataProvider
+    CHIP_ERROR GetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t & setupDiscriminator);
+    CHIP_ERROR SetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t setupDiscriminator);
+    CHIP_ERROR GetSpake2pIterationCount(uint32_t & iterationCount);
+    CHIP_ERROR GetSpake2pSalt(MutableByteSpan & saltBuf);
+    CHIP_ERROR GetSpake2pVerifier(MutableByteSpan & verifierBuf, size_t & outVerifierLen);
+    CHIP_ERROR GetSetupPasscode(uint32_t & setupPasscode);
+    CHIP_ERROR SetSetupPasscode(uint32_t setupPasscode);
     // ===== Members functions that implement the DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
     CHIP_ERROR GetCertificationDeclaration(MutableByteSpan & out_cd_buffer) override;
     CHIP_ERROR GetFirmwareInformation(MutableByteSpan & out_firmware_info_buffer) override;
@@ -33,6 +46,20 @@ class FactoryDataProvider : public chip::Credentials::DeviceAttestationCredentia
     CHIP_ERROR GetProductAttestationIntermediateCert(MutableByteSpan & out_pai_buffer) override;
     CHIP_ERROR SignWithDeviceAttestationKey(const ByteSpan & message_to_sign, MutableByteSpan & out_signature_buffer) override;
+    // ===== Members functions that implement the DeviceInstanceInfoProvider
+    CHIP_ERROR GetVendorName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetVendorId(uint16_t & vendorId) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetProductName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetProductId(uint16_t & productId) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetPartNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetProductURL(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetProductLabel(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetSerialNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetManufacturingDate(uint16_t & year, uint8_t & month, uint8_t & day) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetHardwareVersion(uint16_t & hardwareVersion) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetHardwareVersionString(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
+    CHIP_ERROR GetRotatingDeviceIdUniqueId(MutableByteSpan & uniqueIdSpan) override;
     CHIP_ERROR GetDeviceAttestationCertKey(MutableByteSpan & out_key_buffer);
     CHIP_ERROR LoadKeypairFromDer(const ByteSpan & der_buffer, Crypto::P256Keypair & keypair);
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.cpp b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.cpp
index f78d6397823317..079acbe90682d6 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.cpp
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.cpp
@@ -121,8 +121,7 @@ CHIP_ERROR KeyValueStoreManagerImpl::_Put(const char * key, const void * value,
                  err = CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
     entry = AllocateEntry(key);
-    VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr, ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "%s AllocateEntry %s", __func__, ErrorStr(err));
-                 err = CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
+    VerifyOrExit(entry != nullptr, ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "%s AllocateEntry failed", __func__); err = CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY);
     if (value_size != 0)
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.h b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.h
index 9d16dd4ce1e6cd..9f51a3e324110f 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.h
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/KeyValueStoreManagerImpl.h
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class KeyValueStoreManagerImpl final : public KeyValueStoreManager
     using Config = Internal::CYW30739Config;
-    static constexpr uint8_t mMaxEntryCount = 128;
+    static constexpr uint8_t mMaxEntryCount = 192;
     struct KeyStorage
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/PlatformManagerImpl.cpp b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/PlatformManagerImpl.cpp
index 643cecc44d9fdb..c6c2698f7961fa 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/PlatformManagerImpl.cpp
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/PlatformManagerImpl.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
 #include <hal/wiced_memory.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
+#include <wiced_hal_platform.h>
 namespace chip {
 namespace DeviceLayer {
@@ -218,12 +218,11 @@ void PlatformManagerImpl::TimerCallback(WICED_TIMER_PARAM_TYPE params)
 int PlatformManagerImpl::GetEntropy(void * data, unsigned char * output, size_t len, size_t * olen)
-    const wiced_result_t result = wiced_platform_entropy_get(output, static_cast<uint16_t>(len));
+    const wiced_result_t result = wiced_hal_platform_random_get(output, len, olen);
     if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
         return -1;
-    *olen = len;
     return 0;
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp
index 21297d75cf5252..58e905a84004b6 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include <lib/support/CHIPPlatformMemory.h>
 #include <openthread-system.h>
-#include <wiced_platform.h>
 namespace chip {
 namespace DeviceLayer {
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ void ThreadStackManagerImpl::SignalThreadActivityPending()
-void ThreadStackManagerImpl::SignalThreadActivityPendingFromISR()
+__attribute__((section(".text_in_ram"))) void ThreadStackManagerImpl::SignalThreadActivityPendingFromISR()
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ extern "C" void otTaskletsSignalPending(otInstance * p_instance)
-extern "C" void otSysEventSignalPending(void)
+extern "C" __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram"))) void otSysEventSignalPending(void)
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/args.gni b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/args.gni
index 252c5e6716e59e..11bfab9379ff68 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/args.gni
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/args.gni
@@ -41,9 +41,13 @@ chip_with_lwip = false
 chip_system_config_locking = "none"
 chip_system_config_use_sockets = false
+chip_use_transitional_commissionable_data_provider = false
 optimize_debug_level = "s"
+is_debug = true
 lwip_debug = false
 default_configs_optimize = [ "$dir_pw_build:optimize_size" ]
+default_configs_specs = [ "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}:specs-config" ]
 chip_build_tests = false
@@ -53,9 +57,6 @@ openthread_external_mbedtls = mbedtls_target
 openthread_project_core_config_file = "OpenThreadConfig.h"
 openthread_core_config_deps = [ "${chip_root}/examples/platform/infineon/cyw30739:openthread_core_config_ifx_chip_examples" ]
-openthread_external_platform =
-    "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx:libopenthread-ifx"
 openthread_enable_core_config_args = true
 openthread_config_dhcp6_client_enable = true
 openthread_config_dns_client_enable = true
@@ -64,9 +65,3 @@ openthread_config_ip6_slaac_enable = true
 openthread_config_joiner_enable = true
 openthread_config_log_output = "platform_defined"
 openthread_config_srp_client_enable = true
-# TODO: this should be removed once sufficient flash for things
-#       like:
-# ./scripts/build/build_examples.py --target cyw30739-cyw930739m2evb_01-ota-requestor build
-chip_detail_logging = false
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739-chip-mbedtls-config.h b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739-chip-mbedtls-config.h
index 1dda5aa93cf4ff..1446a2d3d7b3a9 100644
--- a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739-chip-mbedtls-config.h
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739-chip-mbedtls-config.h
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #pragma once
@@ -67,6 +69,17 @@
 // #define MBEDTLS_SHA512_ALT
 // #define MBEDTLS_XTEA_ALT
+ * When replacing the elliptic curve module, please consider, that it is
+ * implemented with two .c files:
+ *      - ecp.c
+ *      - ecp_curves.c
+ * You can replace them very much like all the other MBEDTLS__MODULE_NAME__ALT
+ * macros as described above. The only difference is that you have to make sure
+ * that you provide functionality for both .c files.
+ */
diff --git a/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739_platform.gni b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739_platform.gni
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..367727207e506b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739_platform.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+cyw30739_platform_dir = "${chip_root}/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739"
+template("cyw30739_platform") {
+  forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "chip_family" ])
+  static_library(target_name) {
+    sources = [
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/BLEManagerImpl.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/CYW30739Config.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/ConfigurationManagerImpl.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/DiagnosticDataProviderImpl.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/EventFlags.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/Logging.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/OTAImageProcessorImpl.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/PlatformManagerImpl.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/SystemTimeSupport.cpp",
+      "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/cycfg_gatt_db.c",
+    ]
+    if (chip_enable_openthread) {
+      sources += [ "${cyw30739_platform_dir}/ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp" ]
+    }
+    configs +=
+        [ "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:wpan_sdk-${chip_family}-config" ]
+    deps = [
+      "${chip_root}/src/platform:platform",
+      "${chip_root}/src/platform/logging:headers",
+    ]
+    if (chip_enable_openthread) {
+      deps += [
+        "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/platforms:libopenthread-platform",
+      ]
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/BUILD.gn b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/BUILD.gn
deleted file mode 100644
index 46ca83b4eae8e4..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/BUILD.gn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-declare_args() {
-  # Build target to use for CYW30739 SDK. Use this to set global SDK defines.
-  cyw30739_sdk_target = ""
-assert(cyw30739_sdk_target != "", "cyw30739_sdk_target must be specified")
-config("cyw30739_sdk_no_warn_rwx") {
-  ldflags = [ "-Wl,--no-warn-rwx-segment" ]
-group("cyw30739_sdk") {
-  public_deps = [ cyw30739_sdk_target ]
-  all_dependent_configs = [ ":cyw30739_sdk_no_warn_rwx" ]
-config("mbedtls_cyw30739_config") {
-  defines = [
-    "MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE=<third_party/openthread/repo/third_party/mbedtls/mbedtls-config.h>",
-    "MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE=<src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/cyw30739-chip-mbedtls-config.h>",
-  ]
-  include_dirs = [ chip_root ]
-mbedtls_target("mbedtls") {
-  sources = [
-    "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx/src/cyw30739/mbedtls/library/aes_alt.c",
-    "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx/src/cyw30739/mbedtls/library/ccm_alt.c",
-    "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx/src/cyw30739/mbedtls/library/sha256_alt.c",
-  ]
-  public_configs = [ ":mbedtls_cyw30739_config" ]
-  public_deps = [ "${openthread_root}/src/core:libopenthread_core_headers" ]
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_notices.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_notices.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d64d129352038..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_notices.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * File Name: cycfg_notices.h
- *
- * Description:
- * Contains warnings and errors that occurred while generating code for the
- * design.
- * This file was automatically generated and should not be modified.
- * Tools Package
- * 20739B2 CSP
- * personalities
- * udd
- *
- ********************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2021 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ********************************************************************************/
-#if !defined(CYCFG_NOTICES_H)
-#ifndef LBCA1KU1WA
-#error                                                                                                                             \
-    "Unexpected target MCU; expected LBCA1KU1WA. There may be an inconsistency between the *.modus file and the makefile target configuration device sets."
-#endif /* CYCFG_NOTICES_H */
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_pins.c b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_pins.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ec8bc6af4af752..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_pins.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- * File Name: cycfg_pins.c
- *
- * Description:
- * Pin configuration
- * This file was automatically generated and should not be modified.
- * Tools Package
- * 30739A0 CSP
- * personalities
- * udd
- *
- ********************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ********************************************************************************/
-#include "cycfg_pins.h"
-#define BUTTON_USER_config                                                                                                         \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_0].gpio_pin,                                       \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_HIGH,                                         \
-        .button_pressed_value = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                                                               \
-    }
-#define GPIO3_config                                                                                                               \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_5].gpio_pin,                                       \
-        .config = GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_INPUT_DISABLE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                   \
-    }
-#define GPIO4_config                                                                                                               \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_9].gpio_pin,                                       \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-#define GPIO5_config                                                                                                               \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_11].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-#define GPIO6_config                                                                                                               \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_12].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-#define DEBUG_UART_TXD_config                                                                                                      \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_15].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-#define LED1_config                                                                                                                \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_16].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_HIGH,                                        \
-    }
-#define LED2_config                                                                                                                \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_17].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_HIGH,                                        \
-    }
-#define GPIO2_config                                                                                                               \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_3].gpio_pin,                                       \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-#define BUTTON_USER_config                                                                                                         \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_0].gpio_pin,                                       \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_HIGH,                                         \
-        .button_pressed_value = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                                                               \
-    }
-#define DEBUG_UART_TXD_config                                                                                                      \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_11].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-#define LED1_config                                                                                                                \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_12].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_HIGH,                                        \
-    }
-#define LED2_config                                                                                                                \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_13].gpio_pin,                                      \
-        .config = GPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_HIGH,                                        \
-    }
-#define GPIO2_config                                                                                                               \
-    {                                                                                                                              \
-        .gpio   = (wiced_bt_gpio_numbers_t *) &platform_gpio_pins[PLATFORM_GPIO_3].gpio_pin,                                       \
-        .config = GPIO_INPUT_ENABLE | GPIO_PULL_UP_DOWN_NONE, .default_state = GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT_LOW,                                \
-    }
-const wiced_platform_gpio_t platform_gpio_pins[] = {
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_1]  = { WICED_P04, pwm_0_pwm_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_2]  = { WICED_P06, uart_1_rxd_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_4]  = { WICED_P10, uart_1_txd_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_6]  = { WICED_P17, amplifiers_0_rx_pu_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_7]  = { WICED_P23, spi_1_mosi_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_8]  = { WICED_P24, spi_1_miso_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_10] = { WICED_P26, amplifiers_0_tx_pu_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_13] = { WICED_P30, spi_1_cs_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_14] = { WICED_P31, spi_1_clk_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_0]       = { WICED_P00, WICED_GPIO },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_1]       = { WICED_P04, pwm_0_pwm_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_2]       = { WICED_P06, uart_1_rxd_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_3]       = { WICED_P07, WICED_GPIO },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_4]       = { WICED_P10, uart_1_txd_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_5]       = { WICED_P16, spi_1_clk_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_6]       = { WICED_P17, amplifiers_0_rx_pu_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_7]       = { WICED_P25, spi_1_cs_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_8]       = { WICED_P26, amplifiers_0_tx_pu_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_9]       = { WICED_P28, spi_1_mosi_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_10]      = { WICED_P29, spi_1_miso_0_TRIGGER_IN },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_11]      = { WICED_P33, WICED_GPIO },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_12]      = { WICED_P34, WICED_GPIO },
-    [PLATFORM_GPIO_13]      = { WICED_P38, WICED_GPIO },
-const size_t platform_gpio_pin_count             = (sizeof(platform_gpio_pins) / sizeof(wiced_platform_gpio_t));
-const wiced_platform_led_config_t platform_led[] = {
-    [WICED_PLATFORM_LED_1] = LED1_config,
-    [WICED_PLATFORM_LED_2] = LED2_config,
-const size_t led_count                                 = (sizeof(platform_led) / sizeof(wiced_platform_led_config_t));
-const wiced_platform_button_config_t platform_button[] = {
-const size_t button_count                          = (sizeof(platform_button) / sizeof(wiced_platform_button_config_t));
-const wiced_platform_gpio_config_t platform_gpio[] = {
-    [WICED_PLATFORM_GPIO_2] = GPIO2_config,
-const size_t gpio_count = (sizeof(platform_gpio) / sizeof(wiced_platform_gpio_config_t));
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_pins.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_pins.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e3c8ab28fc58..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_pins.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * File Name: cycfg_pins.h
- *
- * Description:
- * Pin configuration
- * This file was automatically generated and should not be modified.
- * Tools Package
- * 30739A0 CSP
- * personalities
- * udd
- *
- ********************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ********************************************************************************/
-#if !defined(CYCFG_PINS_H)
-#define CYCFG_PINS_H
-#include "cycfg_notices.h"
-#include "cycfg_routing.h"
-#include "wiced_platform.h"
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-#define amplifiers_0_ENABLED 1U
-#define bluetooth_0_ENABLED 1U
-#define ioss_0_ENABLED 1U
-#define WICED_GET_PIN_FOR_LED(idx) (*(platform_led[(idx)].gpio))
-#define WICED_GET_PIN_FOR_BUTTON(idx) (*(platform_button[(idx)].gpio))
-#define WICED_GET_PIN_FOR_IO(idx) (*(platform_gpio[(idx)].gpio))
-#define PUART_TXD WICED_P10
-//#define GPIO3_ENABLED 1U
-//#define GPIO3 WICED_P16
-#define RX_PU_ENABLED 1U
-#define RX_PU WICED_P17
-//#define GPIO4_ENABLED 1U
-//#define GPIO4 WICED_P25
-#define TX_PU_ENABLED 1U
-#define TX_PU WICED_P26
-//#define GPIO5_ENABLED 1U
-//#define GPIO5 WICED_P28
-//#define GPIO6_ENABLED 1U
-//#define GPIO6 WICED_P29
-#define LED1_ENABLED 1U
-#define LED1 WICED_P34
-#define LED2_ENABLED 1U
-#define LED2 WICED_P38
-#define PWM0_ENABLED 1U
-#define PWM0 WICED_P04
-#define PUART_RXD WICED_P06
-#define GPIO2_ENABLED 1U
-#define GPIO2 WICED_P07
-#define pwm_0_ENABLED 1U
-#define spi_1_ENABLED 1U
-#define uart_1_ENABLED 1U
-extern const wiced_platform_gpio_t platform_gpio_pins[];
-extern const size_t platform_gpio_pin_count;
-extern const wiced_platform_led_config_t platform_led[];
-extern const size_t led_count;
-extern const wiced_platform_button_config_t platform_button[];
-extern const size_t button_count;
-extern const wiced_platform_gpio_config_t platform_gpio[];
-extern const size_t gpio_count;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* CYCFG_PINS_H */
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_routing.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_routing.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e1a38b050feb..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/bsp_design_modus/cycfg_routing.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * File Name: cycfg_routing.h
- *
- * Description:
- * Establishes all necessary connections between hardware elements.
- * This file was automatically generated and should not be modified.
- * Tools Package
- * 30739A0 CSP
- * personalities
- * udd
- *
- ********************************************************************************
- * Copyright 2022 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- ********************************************************************************/
-#if !defined(CYCFG_ROUTING_H)
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-#include "cycfg_notices.h"
-static inline void init_cycfg_routing(void) {}
-#define init_cycfg_connectivity() init_cycfg_routing()
-#define ioss_0_pin_4_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_6_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_10_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_17_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_26_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_4_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_6_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_10_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_16_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_17_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_25_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_26_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_28_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define ioss_0_pin_29_AUX UNKNOWN
-#define amplifiers_0_rx_pu_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_RX_PU
-#define amplifiers_0_tx_pu_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_TX_PU
-#define pwm_0_pwm_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_PWM0
-#define spi_1_clk_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_SPI_2_CLK
-#define spi_1_cs_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_SPI_2_CS
-#define spi_1_miso_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_SPI_2_MISO
-#define spi_1_mosi_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_SPI_2_MOSI
-#define uart_1_rxd_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_UART_2_RXD
-#define uart_1_txd_0_TRIGGER_IN WICED_UART_2_TXD
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* CYCFG_ROUTING_H */
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/btp_reader.py b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/btp_reader.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 69ee21956329d7..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/btp_reader.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""BTP file reader
-This is a helper script to parse BTP file into json.
-import argparse
-import json
-import pathlib
-import sys
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--btp", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--enable_ota", action="store_true")
-    option = parser.parse_args()
-    items = {}
-    with open(option.btp) as btp:
-        for line in btp:
-            item = line.strip().split("=")
-            if len(item) == 2:
-                key = item[0].strip()
-                value = item[1].strip()
-                if value.startswith('"'):
-                    items[key] = value.strip('"')
-                else:
-                    items[key] = int(value, 0)
-    ds_len = items["ConfigDS2Location"] - items["ConfigDSLocation"]
-    xs_location_end = 0x00600000
-    items["ConfigXS1Location"] = items["ConfigDS2Location"] + ds_len
-    if option.enable_ota:
-        items["ConfigXS1Length"] = 0x00073000
-        items["ConfigXS2Location"] = (
-            items["ConfigXS1Location"] + items["ConfigXS1Length"]
-        )
-        items["ConfigXS2Length"] = xs_location_end - items["ConfigXS2Location"]
-    else:
-        items["ConfigXS1Length"] = xs_location_end - items["ConfigXS1Location"]
-        items["ConfigXS2Length"] = 0
-        items["ConfigXS2Location"] = xs_location_end
-    items["ConfigXS1DS1Offset"] = items["ConfigXS1Location"] - \
-        items["ConfigDSLocation"]
-    for key in items:
-        if type(items[key]) is int:
-            items[key] = "0x{:08x}".format(items[key])
-    print(json.dumps(items))
-    return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/compress_cgs_data.py b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/compress_cgs_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 803415316db4e7..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/compress_cgs_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""CGS data entry compressor
-This script compresses "Data" entries into "Compressed data" entries
-from the input CGS file to the output CGS file with the given LZSS tool.
-"Data" entries that are smaller than 512 bytes would be skipped.
-import argparse
-import io
-import pathlib
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from collections import namedtuple
-Item = namedtuple('Item', 'line type nested_data')
-Entry = namedtuple('Entry', 'items name remark')
-CommentedBytes = namedtuple('CommentedBytes', 'items data')
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--input", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--lzss_tool", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    option = parser.parse_args()
-    cgs = parse_cgs(option.input)
-    compress_cgs(option, cgs)
-    export_cgs(option.output, cgs)
-def parse_cgs(file_name):
-    cgs = []
-    with open(file_name, mode="r") as file:
-        for line in file:
-            if len(line) == 0:
-                break
-            striped_line = line.strip()
-            item_type = None
-            nested_data = None
-            if striped_line.startswith('ENTRY'):
-                item_type = "entry"
-                nested_data = parse_entry(file, line)
-            elif striped_line.startswith('#') or striped_line.startswith('//'):
-                item_type = "comment"
-            elif striped_line.startswith('DEFINITION'):
-                item_type = "definition"
-            cgs.append(Item(line, item_type, nested_data))
-    return cgs
-def parse_entry(file: io.TextIOBase, line):
-    # compile the regex for extracting name and remark of the entry.
-    data_re = re.compile(r"""
-      ^\s*               # Allow leading spaces
-      ENTRY\s+"([^"]+)"  # Parse the entry name
-      (?:                # Optional non-capturing part begin
-        \s*=\s*          # Allow leading and trailing spaces
-        "([^"]+)"        # Parse the entry remark
-      )?                 # Optional non-capturing part end
-      \s*$               # Allow trailing spaces
-    """, re.VERBOSE)
-    items = []
-    name = None
-    remark = None
-    while len(line) != 0:
-        striped_line = line.strip()
-        item_type = None
-        nested_data = None
-        if striped_line.startswith('ENTRY'):
-            item_type = "entry"
-            match = data_re.match(striped_line)
-            if match:
-                name = match[1]
-                remark = match[2]
-        elif striped_line.startswith('COMMENTED_BYTES'):
-            item_type = "commented_bytes"
-            nested_data = parse_commented_bytes(file, line)
-        elif striped_line.startswith('{'):
-            item_type = "start"
-        elif striped_line.startswith('}'):
-            item_type = "end"
-        items.append(Item(line, item_type, nested_data))
-        if item_type == "end":
-            break
-        line = file.readline()
-    return Entry(items, name, remark)
-def parse_commented_bytes(file: io.TextIOBase, line):
-    items = []
-    data = bytearray()
-    while len(line) != 0:
-        striped_line = line.strip()
-        name = None
-        if striped_line.startswith('COMMENTED_BYTES'):
-            name = "commented_bytes"
-        elif striped_line.startswith('<hex>'):
-            name = "hex"
-        elif striped_line.startswith('{'):
-            name = "start"
-        elif striped_line.startswith('}'):
-            name = "end"
-        else:
-            name = "data"
-            data += bytearray.fromhex(striped_line)
-        items.append(Item(line, name, None))
-        if name == "end":
-            break
-        line = file.readline()
-    return CommentedBytes(items, data)
-def compress_cgs(option, cgs):
-    for item in cgs:
-        if item.nested_data is None:
-            continue
-        entry = compress_entry(option, item.nested_data)
-        if entry is None:
-            continue
-        cgs.insert(cgs.index(item), Item(item.line, item.type, entry))
-        cgs.remove(item)
-def compress_entry(option, entry):
-    if entry.name != 'Data':
-        return None
-    for item in entry.items:
-        if item.nested_data is None:
-            continue
-        commented_bytes = compress_commented_bytes(option, item.nested_data)
-        if commented_bytes is None:
-            return None
-        entry.items.insert(entry.items.index(item), Item(item.line, item.type, commented_bytes))
-        entry.items.remove(item)
-    return Entry(entry.items, 'Compressed data', entry.remark)
-def compress_commented_bytes(option, commented_bytes):
-    if len(commented_bytes.data) < 512:
-        return None
-    return CommentedBytes(commented_bytes.items, compress_data(option, commented_bytes.data))
-def compress_data(option, data):
-    raw_file = str(option.input.with_suffix('.tmp'))
-    compressed_file = str(option.input.with_suffix('.tmp.lz'))
-    with open(raw_file, mode="wb") as binary:
-        binary.write(data)
-    subprocess.run([option.lzss_tool, "e", raw_file,
-                   compressed_file, ], check=True)
-    with open(compressed_file, mode="rb") as binary:
-        return binary.read()
-def export_cgs(file_name, cgs):
-    with open(file_name, mode="w") as file:
-        for item in cgs:
-            if item.nested_data is None:
-                file.write(item.line)
-            else:
-                export_entry(file, item.nested_data)
-def export_entry(file: io.TextIOBase, entry):
-    for item in entry.items:
-        if item.type == 'entry':
-            file.write('ENTRY "{}"'.format(entry.name))
-            if entry.remark:
-                file.write(' = "{}"'.format(entry.remark))
-            file.write('\n')
-        elif item.nested_data is None:
-            file.write(item.line)
-        else:
-            export_commented_bytes(file, item.nested_data, entry.name == 'Compressed data')
-def export_commented_bytes(file: io.TextIOBase, commented_bytes, is_compressed_data):
-    for item in commented_bytes.items:
-        if is_compressed_data and item.type == 'data':
-            continue
-        file.write(item.line)
-        if is_compressed_data and item.type == 'hex':
-            indent = item.line.rstrip()[:-len('<hex>')]
-            for i in range(0, len(commented_bytes.data), 16):
-                file.write(indent + commented_bytes.data[i:i + 16].hex(' ') + '\n')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_arm.gni b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_arm.gni
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b76f74c502a3..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_arm.gni
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-arm_cpu = "cortex-m4"
-arm_float_abi = "hard"
-arm_fpu = "fpv4-sp-d16"
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_executable.gni b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_executable.gni
deleted file mode 100644
index 0251a1d5805fce..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_executable.gni
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-template("cyw30739_executable") {
-  if (!defined(invoker.output_dir)) {
-    invoker.output_dir = root_out_dir
-  }
-  output_base_name = get_path_info(invoker.output_name, "name")
-  ldscript_file = "${root_build_dir}/${output_base_name}.ld"
-  flashable_target = "${target_name}.flashable"
-  pre_build_target = "${target_name}.pre_build"
-  post_build_target = "${target_name}.post_build"
-  cyw30739_sdk_pre_build(pre_build_target) {
-  }
-  cyw30739_sdk_post_build(post_build_target) {
-    executable_target = "${flashable_target}.executable"
-  }
-  group(target_name) {
-    deps = [
-      ":${flashable_target}",
-      ":${post_build_target}",
-    ]
-  }
-  # Copy flashing dependencies to the output directory so that the output
-  # is collectively self-contained; this allows flashing to work reliably
-  # even if the build and flashing steps take place on different machines
-  # or in different containers.
-  flashing_runtime_target = target_name + ".flashing_runtime"
-  flashing_script_inputs = [
-    "${chip_root}/scripts/flashing/cyw30739_firmware_utils.py",
-    "${chip_root}/scripts/flashing/firmware_utils.py",
-  ]
-  copy(flashing_runtime_target) {
-    sources = flashing_script_inputs
-    outputs = [ "${root_out_dir}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
-  }
-  flashing_script_generator =
-      "${chip_root}/scripts/flashing/gen_flashing_script.py"
-  flashing_script_name = output_base_name + ".flash.py"
-  flashing_options = [
-    "cyw30739",
-    "--sdk-scripts-dir",
-    rebase_path(invoker.cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir),
-    "--sdk-tools-dir",
-    rebase_path(invoker.cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir),
-  ]
-  flashable_executable(flashable_target) {
-    forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
-    data_deps = [ ":${flashing_runtime_target}" ]
-    deps += [ ":${pre_build_target}" ]
-    inputs = [ ldscript_file ]
-    ldflags = [ "-T" + rebase_path(ldscript_file, root_build_dir) ]
-  }
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_sdk.gni b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_sdk.gni
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bb9a47e53d727..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/cyw30739_sdk.gni
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,599 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-declare_args() {
-  # Enable sleepy end device
-  enable_sleepy_device = false
-  # Location of the CYW30739 SDK.
-  cyw30739_sdk_root = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/repos"
-  cyw30739_sdk_verbose = false
-  cyw30739_sdk_debug = 0
-  # Matter DAC in the DER format.
-  matter_dac = "${chip_root}/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-DAC-FFF2-8002-0010-Cert.der"
-  # Matter DAC EC key in the DER format.
-  matter_dac_key = "${chip_root}/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-DAC-FFF2-8002-0010-Key.der"
-  # Matter PAI certificate in the DER format.
-  matter_pai = "${chip_root}/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-NoPID-Cert.der"
-  # Matter Certification Declaration in the DER format.
-  matter_cd = "${chip_root}/credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-FFF2-8001-8002.der"
-assert(cyw30739_sdk_root != "", "cyw30739_sdk_root must be specified")
-cyw30739_sdk_bsp_design_modus_dir =
-    "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/bsp_design_modus"
-cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir = "${cyw30739_sdk_root}/30739A0/COMPONENT_30739A0"
-cyw30739_sdk_board_dir = "${cyw30739_sdk_root}/CYW930739M2EVB-01"
-cyw30739_sdk_include_dir = "${cyw30739_sdk_root}/btsdk-include"
-cyw30739_sdk_patch_dir =
-    "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/internal/30739A0/patches_CYW930739M2EVB_01"
-cyw30739_sdk_platform_dir = "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms"
-cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir = "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/make/scripts"
-cyw30739_sdk_btp_file = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/flash.btp"
-cyw30739_sdk_patch_sym_file = "${cyw30739_sdk_patch_dir}/patch.sym"
-cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir = "${cyw30739_sdk_root}/btsdk-tools/"
-if (host_os == "linux") {
-  cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir += "Linux64"
-} else if (host_os == "mac") {
-  cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir += "OSX"
-} else if (host_os == "win") {
-  cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir += "Windows"
-btp_reader_args =
-    [ "--btp=" + rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_btp_file, root_build_dir) ]
-if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-  btp_reader_args += [ "--enable_ota" ]
-btp = exec_script("${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/btp_reader.py",
-                  btp_reader_args,
-                  "json",
-                  [ cyw30739_sdk_btp_file ])
-cyw30739_sdk_crt_entry = "spar_crt_setup"
-template("cyw30739_sdk_script") {
-  action(target_name) {
-    forward_variables_from(invoker,
-                           [
-                             "deps",
-                             "script_file_name",
-                             "sources",
-                             "outputs",
-                           ])
-    script_file = "${cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir}/${script_file_name}"
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    inputs = [ script_file ]
-    args = [
-      "bash",
-      "--norc",
-      "--noprofile",
-      rebase_path(script_file, root_build_dir),
-      "--scripts=" + rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    if (defined(invoker.args)) {
-      args += invoker.args
-    }
-    if (cyw30739_sdk_verbose) {
-      args += [ "--verbose" ]
-    }
-  }
-# Defines a CYW30739 SDK build target.
-# Parameters:
-#   cyw30739_sdk_root - The location of the erf32 SDK.
-#   sources - The sources files to build.
-template("cyw30739_sdk") {
-  if (defined(invoker.cyw30739_sdk_root)) {
-    cyw30739_sdk_root = invoker.cyw30739_sdk_root
-  }
-  assert(cyw30739_sdk_root != "", "cyw30739_sdk_root must be specified")
-  config("${target_name}_config") {
-    include_dirs = []
-    defines = []
-    libs = []
-    if (defined(invoker.include_dirs)) {
-      include_dirs += invoker.include_dirs
-    }
-    if (defined(invoker.defines)) {
-      defines += invoker.defines
-    }
-    if (enable_sleepy_device) {
-      assert(!chip_openthread_ftd, "OpenThread SED must run with FTD disabled.")
-      defines += [ "CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_SED=1" ]
-    }
-    include_dirs += [
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/WICED/common",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/include",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/include/hal",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/include/internal",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/include/stack",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/include",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_include_dir}",
-    ]
-    cflags = [ "--specs=nano.specs" ]
-    if (is_debug) {
-      cflags += [ "-Wno-unused" ]
-    }
-    ldflags = [
-      "--specs=nano.specs",
-      "-Wl,--entry=${cyw30739_sdk_crt_entry}",
-      "-Wl,--just-symbols=" +
-          rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_patch_sym_file, root_build_dir),
-      "-nostartfiles",
-    ]
-  }
-  cyw30739_sdk_script("${target_name}_gen_lib_installer") {
-    script_file_name = "bt_gen_lib_installer.bash"
-    lib_installer_file = "${root_gen_dir}/lib_installer.c"
-    args = [ "--out=" + rebase_path(lib_installer_file, root_build_dir) ]
-    outputs = [ lib_installer_file ]
-  }
-  source_set(target_name) {
-    sources = [
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/WICED/common/spar_setup.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/platform_entropy.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/platform_nvram.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/platform_retarget_lock.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/platform_stdio.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/wiced_platform.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/wiced_platform_bt_cfg.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/wiced_platform_bt_cfg.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/wiced_platform_memory.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/platforms/wiced_platform_os.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/gpio_button.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/gpio_button.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/platform.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/platform_button.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/wiced_platform.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/wiced_platform_memory.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_board_dir}/wiced_platform_os.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_bsp_design_modus_dir}/cycfg_notices.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_bsp_design_modus_dir}/cycfg_pins.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_bsp_design_modus_dir}/cycfg_pins.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_bsp_design_modus_dir}/cycfg_routing.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/include/auto_flags.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/include/wiced_button_manager.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/include/wiced_led_manager.h",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/src/platform_retarget_lock.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/src/wiced_button_manager.c",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/src/wiced_led_manager.c",
-    ]
-    if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-      sources += [
-        "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/include/ota_fw_upgrade.h",
-        "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/src/ota_fw_upgrade.c",
-      ]
-    }
-    sources += get_target_outputs(":${target_name}_gen_lib_installer")
-    if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
-      sources += invoker.sources
-    }
-    defines = [
-      "CHIP_HAVE_CONFIG_H=1",
-      "ENABLE_DEBUG=${cyw30739_sdk_debug}",
-      "SPAR_CRT_SETUP=${cyw30739_sdk_crt_entry}",
-      "XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE=${btp.ConfigXS1Location}",
-      "XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE=${btp.ConfigXS2Location}",
-    ]
-    if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-      defines += [ "BLE_OTA_FW_UPGRADE=1" ]
-    }
-    public_configs = [ ":${target_name}_config" ]
-    deps = [ ":${target_name}_gen_lib_installer" ]
-  }
-template("cyw30739_sdk_pre_build") {
-  action(target_name) {
-    script_file = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/scripts/wiced-gen-ld.pl"
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    inputs = [
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/btp_reader.py",
-      script_file,
-    ]
-    sources = [
-      cyw30739_sdk_btp_file,
-      cyw30739_sdk_patch_sym_file,
-    ]
-    outputs = [ invoker.ldscript_file ]
-    args = [
-      "perl",
-      "-I",
-      rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir, root_build_dir),
-      rebase_path(script_file, root_build_dir),
-      "FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR=${btp.DLConfigSSLocation}",
-      "FLASH0_LENGTH=0x00100000",
-      "XIP_DS_OFFSET=${btp.ConfigXS1DS1Offset}",
-      "XIP_LEN=${btp.ConfigXS1Length}",
-      "SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR=0x00200000",
-      "SRAM_LENGTH=0x00070000",
-      "AON_AREA_END=0x00284000",
-      "ISTATIC_BEGIN=0x500C00",
-      "ISTATIC_LEN=0x400",
-      "NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES=256",
-      "BTP=" + rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_btp_file, root_build_dir),
-      rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_patch_sym_file, root_build_dir),
-      "out=" + rebase_path(invoker.ldscript_file, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-  }
-template("cyw30739_sdk_post_build") {
-  output_base_path = "${root_out_dir}/${invoker.output_base_name}"
-  elf = "${output_base_path}.elf"
-  hex = "${output_base_path}_download.hex"
-  ss_hex = "${output_base_path}.ss.hex"
-  ds_hex = "${output_base_path}.ds.hex"
-  xs_hex = "${output_base_path}.xs.hex"
-  ss_hdf = "${output_base_path}.ss.hdf"
-  ss_cgs = "${output_base_path}.ss.cgs"
-  empty_cgs = "${output_base_path}.empty.cgs"
-  cgs = "${output_base_path}.cgs"
-  cx_cgs = "${output_base_path}.cx.cgs"
-  hdf = "${root_out_dir}/configdef30739A0.hdf"
-  patched_cgs_args =
-      exec_script("${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py",
-                  [
-                    "perl",
-                    rebase_path("${cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir}/wiced-bdaddr.pl",
-                                root_build_dir),
-                    "30739A0",
-                    rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_btp_file, root_build_dir),
-                    "-O",
-                    "DLConfigBD_ADDRBase:default",
-                  ],
-                  "list lines",
-                  [ "${cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir}/wiced-bdaddr.pl" ])
-  cgs_args = []
-  foreach(arg, patched_cgs_args) {
-    cgs_args += string_split(arg)
-  }
-  group(target_name) {
-    deps = [ ":${target_name}_merge_hex" ]
-    if (chip_enable_ota_requestor) {
-      deps += [ ":${target_name}_ota_image" ]
-    }
-    data_deps = [
-      ":${target_name}_btp",
-      ":${target_name}_disassemble",
-      ":${target_name}_hci_id",
-      ":${target_name}_minidriver",
-    ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_merge_hex") {
-    config_header =
-        "${chip_root}/src/platform/Infineon/CYW30739/CYW30739Config.h"
-    script = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/merge_hex.py"
-    outputs = [ hex ]
-    sources = [
-      config_header,
-      ds_hex,
-      matter_cd,
-      matter_dac,
-      matter_dac_key,
-      matter_pai,
-      ss_hex,
-      xs_hex,
-    ]
-    args = [
-      "--output=" + rebase_path(hex, root_build_dir),
-      "--ss_hex=" + rebase_path(ss_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "--ds_hex=" + rebase_path(ds_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "--xs_hex=" + rebase_path(xs_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "--config_header=" + rebase_path(config_header, root_build_dir),
-      "--config=DAC:file:" + rebase_path(matter_dac, root_build_dir),
-      "--config=DACKey:file:" + rebase_path(matter_dac_key, root_build_dir),
-      "--config=PAICert:file:" + rebase_path(matter_pai, root_build_dir),
-      "--config=CertDeclaration:file:" + rebase_path(matter_cd, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    foreach(arg, cgs_args) {
-      options = []
-      options = string_split(arg, ":")
-      if (options[0] == "DLConfigBD_ADDRBase") {
-        args += [ "--config=ExtendedAddress:address:" + options[1] ]
-      }
-    }
-    deps = [
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_ds_hex",
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_ss_hex",
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_xs_hex",
-    ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_gen_ss_hex") {
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    outputs = [ ss_hex ]
-    sources = [
-      cyw30739_sdk_btp_file,
-      empty_cgs,
-    ]
-    args = [
-      rebase_path("${cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir}/CGS/cgs", root_build_dir),
-      "-D",
-      rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
-      "-I",
-      rebase_path(ss_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "-B",
-      rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_btp_file, root_build_dir),
-      "--cgs-files",
-      rebase_path(empty_cgs, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    args += cgs_args
-    deps = [ ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_ss_cgs" ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_gen_ds_hex") {
-    cgs_map = "${cgs}.map"
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    outputs = [
-      cgs_map,
-      ds_hex,
-    ]
-    sources = [
-      cx_cgs,
-      cyw30739_sdk_btp_file,
-    ]
-    inputs = [ hdf ]
-    args = [
-      rebase_path("${cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir}/CGS/cgs", root_build_dir),
-      "-D",
-      rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
-      "-M",
-      rebase_path(cgs_map, root_build_dir),
-      "-I",
-      rebase_path(ds_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "-B",
-      rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_btp_file, root_build_dir),
-      "--cgs-files",
-      rebase_path(cx_cgs, root_build_dir),
-      "--paramoverride",
-      "DLConfigFixedHeader:0",
-    ]
-    deps = [
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_compress_cgs_data",
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_hdf",
-    ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_gen_xs_hex") {
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    outputs = [ xs_hex ]
-    sources = [ elf ]
-    args = [
-      "arm-none-eabi-objcopy",
-      "--only-section=.app_xip_area",
-      "--output-target=ihex",
-      rebase_path(elf, root_build_dir),
-      rebase_path(xs_hex, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    deps = [ ":${invoker.executable_target}" ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_compress_cgs_data") {
-    script = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/compress_cgs_data.py"
-    outputs = [ cx_cgs ]
-    sources = [ cgs ]
-    args = [
-      "--output=" + rebase_path(cx_cgs, root_build_dir),
-      "--input=" + rebase_path(cgs, root_build_dir),
-      "--lzss_tool=" +
-          rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir + "/lzss/lzss", root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    deps = [ ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_cgs" ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_gen_ss_cgs") {
-    script = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/scripts/gen_ss_cgs.py"
-    outputs = [
-      ss_hdf,
-      ss_cgs,
-      empty_cgs,
-    ]
-    args = [
-      "--ss_hdf=" + rebase_path(ss_hdf, root_build_dir),
-      "--ss_cgs=" + rebase_path(ss_cgs, root_build_dir),
-      "--empty_cgs=" + rebase_path(empty_cgs, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_gen_cgs") {
-    script_file = "${cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir}/wiced-gen-cgs.pl"
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    inputs = [ script_file ]
-    sources = [
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_patch_dir}/patch.cgs",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_platform_dir}/platform.cgs",
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_platform_dir}/platform_xip.cgs",
-      cyw30739_sdk_btp_file,
-      elf,
-      hdf,
-      invoker.ldscript_file,
-    ]
-    outputs = [ cgs ]
-    args = [
-      "perl",
-      "-I",
-      rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_scripts_dir, root_build_dir),
-      rebase_path(script_file, root_build_dir),
-      "${cyw30739_sdk_crt_entry}.entry",
-      "out=" + rebase_path(cgs, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    foreach(source, sources) {
-      args += [ rebase_path(source, root_build_dir) ]
-    }
-    deps = [
-      ":${invoker.executable_target}",
-      ":${invoker.pre_build_target}",
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_hdf",
-    ]
-  }
-  action("${target_name}_disassemble") {
-    asm = "${output_base_path}.asm"
-    script = "${build_root}/gn_run_binary.py"
-    outputs = [ asm ]
-    sources = [ elf ]
-    args = [
-      "bash",
-      "--norc",
-      "--noprofile",
-      "-c",
-      "arm-none-eabi-objdump --disassemble " +
-          rebase_path(elf, root_build_dir) + " > " +
-          rebase_path(asm, root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    deps = [ ":${invoker.executable_target}" ]
-  }
-  copy("${target_name}_btp") {
-    sources = [ "${cyw30739_sdk_btp_file}" ]
-    outputs = [ "${output_base_path}.btp" ]
-  }
-  copy("${target_name}_hdf") {
-    sources =
-        [ "${cyw30739_sdk_baselib_dir}/internal/30739A0/configdef30739A0.hdf" ]
-    outputs = [ hdf ]
-  }
-  copy("${target_name}_hci_id") {
-    sources = [ "${cyw30739_sdk_platform_dir}/IDFILE.txt" ]
-    outputs = [ "${output_base_path}_hci_id.txt" ]
-  }
-  copy("${target_name}_minidriver") {
-    sources = [ "${cyw30739_sdk_platform_dir}/minidriver.hex" ]
-    outputs = [ "${root_out_dir}/{{source_file_part}}" ]
-  }
-  write_file("${root_out_dir}/chipload_flags.txt", "-NOHCIRESET")
-  action("${target_name}_ota_image") {
-    script = "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}/gen_ota_image.py"
-    binary = "${output_base_path}.bin"
-    outputs = [ binary ]
-    sources = [
-      ds_hex,
-      xs_hex,
-    ]
-    args = [
-      "--binary=" + rebase_path(binary, root_build_dir),
-      "--ds_hex=" + rebase_path(ds_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "--xs_hex=" + rebase_path(xs_hex, root_build_dir),
-      "--lzss_tool=" +
-          rebase_path(cyw30739_sdk_tools_dir + "/lzss/lzss", root_build_dir),
-      "--active_xs_len=${btp.ConfigXS1Length}",
-      "--upgrade_xs_len=${btp.ConfigXS2Length}",
-      "--project_config=" +
-          rebase_path("//include/CHIPProjectConfig.h", root_build_dir),
-      "--ota_image_tool=" +
-          rebase_path("${chip_root}/src/app/ota_image_tool.py", root_build_dir),
-    ]
-    deps = [
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_ds_hex",
-      ":${invoker.target_name}_gen_xs_hex",
-    ]
-  }
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/flash.btp b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/flash.btp
deleted file mode 100644
index e57581ecb82493..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/flash.btp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-DevicePreset "30739 Flash"
-	ConfigFSOffset = 0
-	DLReadWriteMode = "Cortex M3 HCI"
-	DLWriteVerifyMode = "Write and verify"
-	DLMaxWriteSize = 240
-	DLSectorEraseMode = "Chip erase"
-	MinidriverRebaudRate = 3000000
-	DLDTRReset = 0
-	DLPostResetDelay_ms = 100
-	DLAutobaud = 0
-	DLAutobaudRepeat = 1
-	DLAutobaudRepeatDelay_ms = 200
-	DLWaitForLaunchAnnounce = 0
-	DLConfigReprogramIF_PLL = 0
-	DLUsbBulkPipe = 0
-	DLMinidriver = 1
-	DLMinidriverPathUSB = "[MINIDRIVERS]\30739\INVALID.hex"
-	DLMinidriverPathNET = "[MINIDRIVERS]\30739\INVALID.hex"
-	DLMinidriverPathSDIO = "[MINIDRIVERS]\30739\INVALID.hex"
-	DLMinidriverPathUPRX = "[MINIDRIVERS]\30739\INVALID.hex"
-	DLMinidriverPathUART = "[MINIDRIVERS]\30739\uart.hex"
-	DLFirmware = 1
-	DLFirmwareTargeting = "Standard"
-	DLConfig = 1
-	DLConfigTargeting = "Flash absolute"
-	ConfigPath = ""
-	DLConfigFixedHeader = 1
-	DLConfigFixedHeaderFromBurnImage = 0
-	DLConfigOmitRF_PLL = 1
-	DLConfigIncludeChargerConfig = 0
-	DLConfigDFUKey = 4294967295
-	DLConfigCrystalFreqMHzX10000 = 240000
-	DLConfigOutputPowerAdjust = 40
-	DLConfigImpedanceMatchTuning = 31
-	DLConfigSerialControlBaudRate = 115200
-	DLConfigEEPROMAccessSpeed = 100
-	DLConfigVSOffset = 0
-	ConfigDSLocation = 0x509000
-	ConfigDS2Location = 0x51d000
-	DLConfigSSLocation = 0x500000
-	DLConfigIncludeBTWSecurityKey = 0
-	DLConfigVSLocation = 0x501000
-	DLConfigVSLength = 0x4000
-	DLConfigRemoteDeviceCount = 0
-	DLConfigBD_ADDRBase = "30739A0*****"
-	DLConfigFixedBD_ADDRFlag = "Can change"
-	OTAFWUAckAllRecords = 0
-	OTAFWUUpdateFirmware = 1
-	OTAFWUUpdateConfig = 1
-	CustomSkipInitialHCIReset = 0
-	CustomHCIResetTimeoutMS = 5000
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/gen_ota_image.py b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/gen_ota_image.py
deleted file mode 100644
index edd51c6bef7b4a..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/gen_ota_image.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""OTA image generator
-This script generates OTA image file from the input hex files.
-The XS data would be compressed into OTA image with the given LZSS tool.
-import argparse
-import pathlib
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import zlib
-from struct import pack, pack_into
-from intelhex import IntelHex
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--binary", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--ds_hex", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--xs_hex", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--lzss_tool", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--active_xs_len", required=True,
-                        type=lambda x: int(x, 0))
-    parser.add_argument("--upgrade_xs_len", required=True,
-                        type=lambda x: int(x, 0))
-    parser.add_argument("--project_config", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--ota_image_tool", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    option = parser.parse_args()
-    intel_hex = IntelHex(str(option.ds_hex))
-    intel_hex.loadhex(str(option.xs_hex))
-    ds_segment, xs_segment = intel_hex.segments()[0:2]
-    ds_header = intel_hex.tobinarray(
-        start=ds_segment[0], end=ds_segment[0] + 0x10 - 1)
-    ds_data = intel_hex.tobinarray(
-        start=ds_segment[0] + 0x10, end=ds_segment[1] - 1)
-    xs_data = intel_hex.tobinarray(start=xs_segment[0], end=xs_segment[1] - 1)
-    # Align to 4 bytes
-    ds_data = pad_data(ds_data, 4)
-    xs_data = pad_data(xs_data, 4)
-    # Pad XS data CRC to DS data
-    xs_crc = zlib.crc32(xs_data)
-    ds_data += pack("<L", xs_crc)
-    # Compressed data
-    cx_data = compress_data(option, xs_data, ".xs.bin")
-    cx_crc = zlib.crc32(cx_data)
-    # DS header
-    ds_crc = zlib.crc32(ds_data)
-    pack_into("<LL", ds_header, 0x08, ds_crc, len(ds_data))
-    # XS header
-    xs_header = ds_header.tobytes()
-    xs_header += pack("<LL", xs_crc, len(xs_data))
-    xs_header += pack("<LL", cx_crc, len(cx_data))
-    print("DS: Length 0x{:08x}, CRC 0x{:08x}".format(len(ds_data), ds_crc))
-    print("XS: Length 0x{:08x}, CRC 0x{:08x}".format(len(xs_data), xs_crc))
-    print("CX: Length 0x{:08x}, CRC 0x{:08x}".format(len(cx_data), cx_crc))
-    print(
-        "Active  XS: Used {:7,}, Free {:7,}".format(
-            len(xs_data), option.active_xs_len - len(xs_data)
-        )
-    )
-    upgrade_xs_len = len(xs_header) + len(cx_data)
-    print(
-        "Upgrade XS: Used {:7,}, Free {:7,}".format(
-            upgrade_xs_len, option.upgrade_xs_len - upgrade_xs_len
-        )
-    )
-    if option.upgrade_xs_len < upgrade_xs_len:
-        print("Error: Insufficient space for the upgrade XS.")
-        return -1
-    gen_image(option, ds_header, ds_data, xs_header, cx_data)
-    return 0
-def compress_data(option, data, file_suffix):
-    raw_file = str(option.binary.with_suffix(file_suffix))
-    compressed_file = str(option.binary.with_suffix(file_suffix + ".lz"))
-    with open(raw_file, mode="wb") as binary:
-        binary.write(data)
-    subprocess.run([option.lzss_tool, "e", raw_file,
-                   compressed_file, ], check=True)
-    with open(compressed_file, mode="rb") as binary:
-        return binary.read()
-def pad_data(data, aligned_size):
-    data = bytearray(data)
-    remained_length = len(data) % aligned_size
-    if remained_length != 0:
-        data += bytes(aligned_size - remained_length)
-    return data
-def gen_image(option, ds_header, ds_data, xs_header, cx_data):
-    configs = parse_config(option)
-    write_binary(option, ds_header, ds_data, xs_header, cx_data)
-    run_ota_image_tool(option, configs)
-    # Get the header size
-    header_size = 0
-    for line in subprocess.run(
-        [option.ota_image_tool, "show", option.binary.with_suffix(".ota"), ],
-        check=True,
-        capture_output=True,
-        text=True,
-    ).stdout.splitlines():
-        if line.startswith("Header Size:"):
-            header_size = int(line.split(":")[1])
-            break
-    if header_size % 4 == 0:
-        return
-    # Insert zeroes to align sections to word
-    inserted_zero_count = 4 - header_size % 4
-    write_binary(option, ds_header, ds_data, xs_header,
-                 cx_data, inserted_zero_count)
-    run_ota_image_tool(option, configs)
-def parse_config(option):
-    configs = {}
-    with open(option.project_config, "r") as config_file:
-        for line in config_file.readlines():
-            tokens = line.strip().split()
-            if not tokens or not tokens[0].endswith("define"):
-                continue
-            key = tokens[1]
-            value = tokens[2]
-            if value.startswith('"'):
-                configs[key] = value.strip('"')
-            else:
-                configs[key] = int(value, 0)
-    return configs
-def write_binary(option, ds_header, ds_data, xs_header, cx_data, inserted_zero_count=0):
-    with open(str(option.binary), mode="wb") as binary:
-        binary.write(bytes(inserted_zero_count))
-        binary.write(ds_header)
-        binary.write(ds_data)
-        binary.write(xs_header)
-        binary.write(cx_data)
-def run_ota_image_tool(option, configs):
-    subprocess.run(
-        [
-            option.ota_image_tool,
-            "create",
-            "--vendor-id={}".format(
-                configs["CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID"]),
-            "--product-id={}".format(
-                configs["CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_PRODUCT_ID"]),
-            "--version={}".format(
-            ),
-            "--version-str={}".format(
-            ),
-            "--digest-algorithm=sha256",
-            option.binary,
-            option.binary.with_suffix(".ota"),
-        ],
-        stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
-        check=True,
-    )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/auto_flags.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/auto_flags.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e09909a5840a1..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/auto_flags.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#define CPU_CM4 1
-#define MICRO_BCS 1
-#define TOOLCHAIN_wiced 1
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/ota_fw_upgrade.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/ota_fw_upgrade.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 422da8230450a2..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/ota_fw_upgrade.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-#pragma once
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-void wiced_firmware_upgrade_bootloader(void);
-bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_prepare(void);
-uint32_t wiced_firmware_upgrade_process_block(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len);
-bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_finalize(void);
-bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_apply(void);
-void wiced_firmware_upgrade_abort(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/wiced_button_manager.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/wiced_button_manager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 65091250a0d809..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/wiced_button_manager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-/** @file
- *
- * Button manager defines generic interface for button events and button type configurations.
- * It exposes interface to configure platform button events (like click,long press) with user configurable timing.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "platform_button.h"
-#include "wiced.h"
-#include "wiced_rtos.h"
-#include "wiced_timer.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- *                      Macros
- ******************************************************/
- *                    Constants
- ******************************************************/
- *                   Enumerations
- ******************************************************/
- * @brief Button Manager events.
- *
- */
-typedef enum
-    BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT = (1 << 0), /**< A click is a combination of press and release button events. Typically ~ < 200 ms.  */
-    BUTTON_SHORT_DURATION_EVENT     = (1 << 1), /**< Short duration click event */
-    BUTTON_MEDIUM_DURATION_EVENT    = (1 << 2), /**< Medium duration click event */
-    BUTTON_LONG_DURATION_EVENT      = (1 << 3), /**< Long duration click event */
-    BUTTON_VERY_LONG_DURATION_EVENT = (1 << 4), /**< Very long duration click event */
-        (1 << 5),                    /**< A double click is a combination of two single clicks with some delay between them   */
-    BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT = (1 << 6), /**< Button is holding over at least two long duration. */
-} button_manager_event_t;
- * @brief Button states.
- *
- */
-typedef enum
-    BUTTON_STATE_HELD     = (0), /**< Button state held                                                          */
-    BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED = (1), /**< Button state released                                                      */
-} button_manager_button_state_t;
- *                 Type Definitions
- ******************************************************/
- * @brief Worker thread structure.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    wiced_thread_t * thread;     /**< Button event thread                                                          */
-    wiced_queue_t * event_queue; /**< Button event queue                                                           */
-} button_worker_thread_t;
- * @brief Button Event Message.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    event_handler_t function; /**< Button event handler function                 */
-    void * arg;               /**< Button event message arguments to be passed   */
-} button_event_message_t;
- *                    Structures
- ******************************************************/
- * @brief Button configuration.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    platform_button_t button;   /**< Logical Button-ids which map to physical buttons on the board    */
-    uint16_t button_event_mask; /**< Button event mask                                                */
-    uint32_t application_event; /**< Application event                                                */
-} wiced_button_configuration_t;
- * @brief Button Information.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    const wiced_button_configuration_t * configuration; /**< Button configuration               */
-    button_manager_button_state_t current_state;        /**< Button current state               */
-    button_manager_event_t last_sent_event;             /**< Button last sent event             */
-    uint64_t pressed_timestamp;                         /**< Button pressed time stamp (us)     */
-    uint64_t released_timestamp;                        /**< Button released time stamp (us)    */
-    uint32_t last_released_timestamp;                   /**< Button last released time stamp    */
-    wiced_bool_t check_for_double_click;                /**< Button double click event or not   */
-    uint32_t repeat;                                    /**< Button holding counter */
-    int32_t debounce_counter;                           /**< Button debounce counter            */
-    wiced_timer_t debounce_timer;                       /**< Button debounce timer              */
-    wiced_bool_t debouncing;                            /**< Button debounce state indication   */
-    wiced_timer_t long_press_timer;                     /**< Button long press detection timer  */
-    uint64_t timer_timestamp;                           /**< Button event time stamp (us)       */
-} button_manager_button_t;
- * Button event handler
- *
- * @param button    Which button in the list has been pressed/released/held
- * @param event     What exact event the button is generating.
- * @param state     What exact state the button is in.
- *
- * @return void     Library should not care whether app handled the button-events correctly or not.
- *
- */
-typedef void (*wiced_button_event_handler_t)(const button_manager_button_t * button, button_manager_event_t event,
-                                             button_manager_button_state_t state);
- * @brief Button manager Configuration.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    uint16_t short_hold_duration;        /**< held for short duration (ms)             */
-    uint16_t medium_hold_duration;       /**< held for medium duration (ms)            */
-    uint16_t long_hold_duration;         /**< held for long duration (ms)              */
-    uint16_t very_long_hold_duration;    /**< held for very long duration (ms)         */
-    uint16_t debounce_duration;          /**< duration taken to de-bounce (ms)         */
-    uint16_t double_click_interval;      /**< Time interval between two RELEASE events */
-    wiced_bool_t continuous_hold_detect; /**< Flag to enable button holding detection.\n
-                                              If this is set to true, the BUTTON_VERY_LONG_DURATION_EVENT is disabled
-                                              and a BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT will be triggered if a button is pressed over
-                                              twice the long_hold_duration.\n
-                                              The BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT will continuous be sent every long_hold_duration
-                                              after the first BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT event been sent. */
-    wiced_button_event_handler_t event_handler;
-} wiced_button_manager_configuration_t;
- * @brief Button Manager structure.
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    const wiced_button_manager_configuration_t * configuration; /**< Button manager configuration               */
-    button_manager_button_t * buttons;                          /**< Button information                         */
-    uint32_t number_of_buttons;                                 /**< Number of buttons                          */
-    wiced_button_event_handler_t button_callback;               /**< Button event handler                       */
-} button_manager_t;
- * Button's state change call back
- *
- * @param id            Id of the button
- * @param new_state     What exact new state the button is going to.
- *
- * @return void     Library should not care whether app handled the button-events correctly or not.
- */
-typedef void (*wiced_button_state_change_callback_t)(platform_button_t id, wiced_bool_t new_state);
- *                 Global Variables
- ******************************************************/
- *               Function Declarations
- ******************************************************/
- * The application should call this function to Initialize the Button Manager
- *
- * @param  manager            : pointer to button manager.
- * @param  configuration      : Configuration for the button.
- * @param  buttons            : Button information.
- * @param  number_of_buttons  : Number of buttons.
- * @return                    : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_button_manager_init(button_manager_t * manager,
-                                                const wiced_button_manager_configuration_t * configuration,
-                                                button_manager_button_t * buttons, uint32_t number_of_buttons);
- * The application should call this function to de-Initialize the Button Manager
- *
- * @param     manager   : Pointer to button manager to de-initialize.
- * @return              : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_button_manager_deinit(button_manager_t * manager);
- * Checks if there is pending event and then re-send the event.
- *
- * @return         void : no return value is expected.
- */
-extern void wiced_button_manager_pending_event_handle(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/wiced_led_manager.h b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/wiced_led_manager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c23f3672a2c9e5..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/include/wiced_led_manager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-/** @file
- *
- * This file provides definitions of the LED Manager library interface.
- * LED Manager library provides API's to enable/disable, blink and set brightness of a LED.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include "platform_led.h"
-#include "wiced.h"
-#include "wiced_rtos.h"
-#include "wiced_timer.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- *                      Macros
- ******************************************************/
- *                    Constants
- ******************************************************/
- *                   Enumerations
- ******************************************************/
- * @brief Logical LED-id's which map to physical LED's on the board
- *
- */
-typedef platform_led_t wiced_led_t;
- * @brief LED configuration
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    wiced_led_t led; /**< LED id             */
-    uint16_t bright; /**< in % from 1 to 100 */
-} wiced_led_config_t;
- *                 Global Variables
- ******************************************************/
- *               Function Declarations
- ******************************************************/
- * Function to Initialize the LED Manager
- *
- * @param  config      : Configuration for the LED.
- * @return             : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_init(wiced_led_config_t * config);
- * Function to de-initialize the LED Manager
- *
- * @param  void        : No arguments.
- * @return             : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_deinit(void);
- * Enables the selected LED
- *
- * @param  led      : LED to be enabled.
- * @return          : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_enable_led(wiced_led_t led);
- * Disables the selected LED
- *
- * @param  led      : LED to be disabled.
- * @return          : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_disable_led(wiced_led_t led);
- * Reconfigures the LED
- *
- * @param  config      : Configuration for the LED.
- * @return             : result.
- */
-extern wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_reconfig_led(wiced_led_config_t * config);
- * Function called to blink a LED
- *
- * @param  led            : LED to be blinked.
- * @param  on_period      : on period (ms)
- * @param  off_period     : off period (ms)
- * @return                : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_blink_led(wiced_led_t led, uint32_t on_period, uint32_t off_period);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/merge_hex.py b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/merge_hex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ed9c034c4c8020..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/merge_hex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Hex file merger
-This is a helper script for merging SS, DS and XS into a single hex file.
-import argparse
-import os
-import pathlib
-import re
-import zlib
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from struct import pack, unpack
-import leb128
-from intelhex import IntelHex
-def main():
-    args = parse_args()
-    configs = gen_thread_factory_config()
-    configs.update(gen_matter_factory_config(args.config_header))
-    parse_config_args(configs, args.config)
-    merged_hex = insert_config(IntelHex(str(args.ss_hex)), configs)
-    merged_hex.merge(IntelHex(str(args.ds_hex)))
-    merged_hex.merge(IntelHex(str(args.xs_hex)))
-    merged_hex.write_hex_file(args.output)
-def parse_args():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--output", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--ss_hex", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--ds_hex", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--xs_hex", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--config_header", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--config", action="append", type=str)
-    return parser.parse_args()
-def gen_thread_factory_config() -> OrderedDict:
-    configs = OrderedDict()
-    configs["ExtendedAddress"] = {"key": THREAD_FACTORY_KEY_BASE, "value": os.urandom(8)}
-    return configs
-def gen_matter_factory_config(path: pathlib.Path) -> OrderedDict:
-    # compile the regex for extracting name and key of factory configurations.
-    factory_config_re = re.compile(r"""
-      .*                    # Prefix
-      kConfigKey_(\w+)      # Parse the config name
-      \s*=.*                # Allow spaces
-      kChipFactory_KeyBase  # Only match factory configurations
-      \s*,\s*               # Allow spaces
-      (0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)      # Parse the config key
-    """, re.VERBOSE)
-    configs = OrderedDict()
-    with open(str(path), mode="r") as config_file:
-        for line in config_file:
-            match = factory_config_re.match(line.strip())
-            if match:
-                name = match[1]
-                key = MATTER_FACTORY_KEY_BASE + int(match[2], 0)
-                configs[name] = {"key": key}
-    return configs
-def parse_config_args(configs: OrderedDict, args: list):
-    for arg in args:
-        name, category, value = arg.split(":")
-        if name not in configs:
-            print(f"[Warning] Ignored unknown config: {name}")
-            continue
-        if category == "address":
-            addr = bytearray.fromhex(value)
-            if len(addr) == 6:
-                # RFC 4291 Appendix A
-                addr[3:3] = b'\xff\xfe'
-            elif len(addr) != 8:
-                print(f"[Warning] Ignored config {name}: Invalid length: {len(addr)}")
-                return
-            configs[name]["value"] = addr[::-1]
-        elif category == "file":
-            with open(value, mode="rb") as file:
-                configs[name]["value"] = file.read()
-        else:
-            print(f"[Warning] Ignored config {name}: Invalid category: {category}")
-def insert_config(origin_hex: IntelHex, configs: OrderedDict):
-    ss_segment = origin_hex.segments()[0]
-    origin_ss_header = origin_hex.tobinarray(
-        start=ss_segment[0], end=ss_segment[0] + 0x10 - 1)
-    origin_ss_data = origin_hex.tobinarray(
-        start=ss_segment[0] + 0x10, end=ss_segment[1] - 1)
-    signature, _, _ = unpack("<8sLL", origin_ss_header)
-    ss_data = bytearray()
-    for config in configs.values():
-        if "value" in config:
-            ss_data += config["key"].to_bytes(2, byteorder="little")
-            ss_data += leb128.u.encode(len(config["value"]))
-            ss_data += config["value"]
-    ss_data += origin_ss_data
-    ss_header = pack("<8sLL", signature, zlib.crc32(ss_data), len(ss_data))
-    ss_hex = IntelHex()
-    ss_hex.puts(ss_segment[0], ss_header + ss_data)
-    return ss_hex
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/30739A0 b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/30739A0
deleted file mode 160000
index f951c7d3d3c37e..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/30739A0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit f951c7d3d3c37e995b38ea1fdfe1cdae9a5e9cc8
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/CYW930739M2EVB-01 b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/CYW930739M2EVB-01
deleted file mode 160000
index d3e46e83a248fd..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/CYW930739M2EVB-01
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit d3e46e83a248fdd4617839761ce2333f8eac1f2c
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-include b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-include
deleted file mode 160000
index b9a1aac342f239..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-include
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit b9a1aac342f2399ccd4894b0fe6f9e323a613b68
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-tools b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-tools
deleted file mode 160000
index 0943e94ccca9ed..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-tools
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 0943e94ccca9ed871b0e9a6ebfbc126ad50a6d11
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/scripts/gen_ss_cgs.py b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/scripts/gen_ss_cgs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aaf1ef4f7f410e..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/scripts/gen_ss_cgs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""SS CGS generator
-This script generates SS CGS and HDF files.
-import argparse
-import io
-import os
-import pathlib
-import sys
-from collections import OrderedDict
-def main():
-    args = parse_args()
-    configs = gen_thread_factory_config()
-    gen_ss_hdf(args.ss_hdf, configs)
-    gen_ss_cgs(args.ss_cgs, args.ss_hdf, configs)
-    gen_empty_cgs(args.empty_cgs, args.ss_hdf, configs)
-def parse_args():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument("--ss_hdf", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--ss_cgs", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    parser.add_argument("--empty_cgs", required=True, type=pathlib.Path)
-    return parser.parse_args()
-def gen_thread_factory_config() -> OrderedDict:
-    configs = OrderedDict()
-    configs["ExtendedAddress"] = {"key": THREAD_FACTORY_KEY_BASE, "value": os.urandom(8)}
-    return configs
-def gen_ss_hdf(path: pathlib.Path, configs: OrderedDict):
-    with open(str(path), mode="w") as hdf:
-        hdf.write("""\
-SECTION "Config Data Entries" 0
-        for name, config in configs.items():
-            if "value" in config:
-                write_hdf_command(hdf, name, config["key"])
-        hdf.write("}")
-def write_hdf_command(hdf: io.TextIOBase, name: str, key: int):
-    hdf.write(f"""\
-    COMMAND "{name}" {key:#x}
-    {{
-        PARAM "Data"
-            uint8[0xff00] omit_pad_bytes;
-    }}
-def gen_ss_cgs(cgs_path: pathlib.Path, hdf_path: pathlib.Path, configs: OrderedDict):
-    with open(str(cgs_path), mode="w") as cgs:
-        write_cgs_header(cgs, hdf_path)
-        for name, config in configs.items():
-            if "value" in config:
-                write_cgs_data(cgs, name, config["value"])
-def gen_empty_cgs(cgs_path: pathlib.Path, hdf_path: pathlib.Path, configs: OrderedDict):
-    with open(str(cgs_path), mode="w") as cgs:
-        write_cgs_header(cgs, hdf_path)
-        for name, config in configs.items():
-            if "value" in config:
-                write_cgs_data(cgs, name)
-                break
-def write_cgs_header(cgs: io.TextIOBase, hdf_path: pathlib.Path):
-    cgs.write(f"""\
-DEFINITION <{hdf_path}>
-def write_cgs_data(cgs: io.TextIOBase, name: str, data: bytes = b""):
-    cgs.write(f"""\
-ENTRY "{name}"
-    "Data" =
-    {{
-        <hex>
-    indent = "        "
-    for i in range(0, len(data), 16):
-        cgs.write(indent + data[i:i+16].hex(' ') + "\n")
-    cgs.write("""\
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/scripts/wiced-gen-ld.pl b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/scripts/wiced-gen-ld.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c3cff862cdd1..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/scripts/wiced-gen-ld.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
-# an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
-# This software, including source code, documentation and related
-# materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
-# or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
-# worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
-# United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
-# Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
-# agreement accompanying the software package from which you
-# obtained this Software ("EULA").
-# If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
-# non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
-# source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
-# integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
-# compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
-# above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
-# reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
-# does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
-# Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
-# not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
-# failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
-# significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
-# including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
-# of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
-# so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
-# read patch.elf and generate linker directive file
-# call with "perl wiced-gen-ld.pl <args> patch.elf out=<*.ld>"
-# the "patch.elf" is parsed to determine where to start the application memory
-# the "out=<*.ld>" file is the output linker script
-# arguments:
-#   SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR=0x123456, SRAM_LENGTH=0x1234: start and length of SRAM section for app code and data
-#   NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES=256: used to calculate reserved space in SRAM for patch entries
-#   ISTATIC_BEGIN=0x123456, ISTATIC_LEN=0x1234: start and length of static section data, typically encrypted keys
-#   PRAM_OBJ=abc.o;def.o;ghi.o: code/rodata for patch ram
-#   XIP_LEN=0x1234, XIP_OBJ=abc.o;def.o;ghi.o: execute in place area for on-chip-flash starting at 0x504000, contains code and rodata from listed object files
-#   UNUSED_BEGIN=0x123456, UNUSED_LEN=0x1234: start and length of an UNUSED section defined to avoid loading anything into
-#   DIRECT_LOAD=1: indicates RAM download rather than FLASH
-#   overlay=overlays.ld: a linker script snippet generated for an overlay section
-# ram is extended with PRAM (taking from patch space) or XIP (taking from on-chip-flash, code or rodata only)
-# .dsp_pram_section is for dsp download (libraries/codec_ak4679_lib/akm4679_dsp_*.h)
-# look up for memory map and section input/output information
-my $mem_lut = {
-	".app_xip_area" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"KEEP(*(.xs_header))",
-#    argument XIP_OBJ will add section matches $(XIP_OBJ)(.text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.* .rodata .constdata* .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.* )
-#    special section for Position Independent trampoline functions.
-            "*(.pisec_*)",
-			"KEEP(*(.data_in_xip_area))",
-			"KEEP(*(.dsp_pram_section))",],
-		"mem_type" => "xip_section",
-		"pre" => ["xip_area_begin"],
-		"post" => ["spar_irom_end","xip_area_end"],},
-	".setup" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(.init_code)",
-			"*(.init_text)",
-			"*(.init_data)",
-			"*(.spar_setup)"],
-		"mem_type" => "ram",
-		"pre" => [],
-		"post" => [],},
-	".text" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(.app_init_code)",
-			"*(.emb_text)",
-			"*(.text)",
-			"*(.text_in_ram)",
-			"*(.text.*)",
-            "*(EmHeAacDec)",
-			"*(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)",
-			"*(.glue_7t)",
-			"*(.glue_7)",
-			"*(.vfp11_veneer)",
-			"*(.v4_bx)",
-			"*(.ARM.extab*)",
-			"*(.gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)",
-			"*(.ARM.exidx*)",
-			"*(.gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)",
-			"*(.vpc_decoder_section)",
-			"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);",
-			"KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.init_array.*) SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.ctors.*)))",
-			"KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))",
-			"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);"],
-		"mem_type" => "ram",
-		"pre" => [],
-		"post" => [],},
-	".text.mbedtls" => {
-		"sections" => [
-		    "libmbedtls.*.o(.text.*)",
-		],
-		"mem_type" => "ram",
-		"pre" => [],
-		"post" => [],
-	},
-	".rodata" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(const_drom_var)",
-			"*(.rodata)",
-            "*(.constdata*)",
-			"*(.rodata.*)",
-			"*(.gnu.linkonce.r.*)",
-			"*(.data.rom)"],
-		"mem_type" => "ram",
-		"pre" => [],
-		"post" => ["spar_irom_end"],},
-	".data" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(.data)",
-			"*(.data.*)",
-			"*(.gnu.linkonce.d.*)",
-			"*(.init_patch_table)"],
-		"mem_type" => "ram",
-		"pre" => ["spar_iram_begin", "spar_iram_data_begin"],
-		"post" => ["spar_iram_data_end"],},
-	".bss" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(.bss)",
-			"*(.bss.*)",
-			"*(.gnu.linkonce.b.*)",
-			"*(COMMON)"],
-		"mem_type" => "ram",
-		"pre" => ["spar_iram_bss_begin"],
-		"post" => ["spar_iram_bss_end", "spar_iram_end"],},
-	".unused" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(.code_in_retention_ram)",
-			"*(.data_in_retention_ram)"],
-		"mem_type" => "unused",
-		"pre" => ["unused_iram_begin"],
-		"post" => ["unused_iram_end"],},
-	".aon" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"*(always_on_ram_var)",
-			"*(.aon_code)",
-			"*(.data_in_retention_ram)",
-			"*(.code_in_retention_ram)"],
-		"mem_type" => "aon",
-		"pre" => ["aon_iram_begin"],
-		"post" => ["aon_iram_end"],},
-	".static_area" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"KEEP(*(.data_in_static_area))"],
-		"mem_type" => "static_section",
-		"pre" => ["static_area_begin"],
-		"post" => ["static_area_end"],},
-	".pram_rodata" => {
-		"sections" => [
-			"KEEP(*(.dsp_pram_section))"],
-		"mem_type" => "pram",
-		"pre" => [],
-        "post" => ["pram_area_end"],},
-    ".log_section" => {
-        "sections" => [
-            "KEEP(*(log_data))"],
-        "mem_type" => "log_section",
-        "pre" => [],
-		"post" => [],},
-my $xip_extra_in = [
-	"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);",
-	"KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.init_array.*) SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.ctors.*)))",
-	"KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))",
-	"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);",
-	"*(.app_init_code)",
-	"*(.emb_text)",
-	"*(.text)",
-	"*(EmHeAacDec)",
-	"*(.text.*)",
-	"*(.gnu.linkonce.t.*)",
-	"*(i.*)",
-	"*(.glue_7t)",
-	"*(.glue_7)",
-	"*(.vfp11_veneer)",
-	"*(.v4_bx)",
-	"*(.ARM.extab*)",
-	"*(.gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)",
-	"*(.ARM.exidx*)",
-	"*(.gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)",
-	"*(const_drom_var)",
-	"*(.rodata)",
-	"*(.constdata*)",
-	"*(.rodata.*)",
-	"*(.gnu.linkonce.r.*)",
-	"*(.data.rom)",
-sub main
-	my $param;
-#	print "args: @ARGS\n";
-	foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
-		if($arg =~ /\.elf$/) {
-			$param->{'elf'} = $arg;
-		}
-		if($arg =~ /\.sym$/) {
-			$param->{'sym'} = $arg;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^ISTATIC_BEGIN=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'ISTATIC_BEGIN'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^ISTATIC_LEN=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'ISTATIC_LEN'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^UNUSED_BEGIN=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'UNUSED_BEGIN'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^UNUSED_LEN=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'UNUSED_LEN'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^AON_AREA_END=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'AON_AREA_END'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^SRAM_LENGTH=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'SRAM_LENGTH'} = hex($1);
-		}
-        elsif($arg =~ /^PATCH_RAM_OBJ=(.*)/) {
-            $param->{'PATCH_RAM_OBJ'} = $1;
-            my @patch_ram_obj = split ";", $1;
-            my @patch_ram_o;
-            foreach my $obj (@patch_ram_obj) {
-                $obj =~ s/^\./\*/;
-                $obj .= " (.text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.* .rodata .constdata* .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)";
-                push @patch_ram_o, $obj;
-		}
-            unshift @{$mem_lut->{'.pram_rodata'}->{sections}}, @patch_ram_o;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES=(\d+)/) {
-			$param->{'NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES'} = $1;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^DIRECT_LOAD=(\d)/) {
-			$param->{'direct_load'} = $1;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^BTP=(.*)/) {
-			$param->{'btp'} = $1;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^FLASH0_LENGTH=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'FLASH0_LENGTH'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^XIP_DS_OFFSET=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'XIP_DS_OFFSET'} = hex($1);
-			$param->{'xip'} = 1;
-			push @{$mem_lut->{'.app_xip_area'}->{sections}}, @{$xip_extra_in};
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^XIP_LEN=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'XIP_LEN'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^XIP_OBJ=(.*)/) {
-			my @xip_obj = split ";", $1;
-			my @xip_o;
-			foreach my $obj (@xip_obj) {
-				$obj =~ s/^\./\*/;
-				$obj .= " (.text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.* .rodata .constdata* .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)";
-				push @xip_o, $obj;
-			}
-			unshift @{$mem_lut->{'.app_xip_area'}->{sections}}, @xip_o;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^APP_DS2_LEN=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'APP_DS2_LEN'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^DS_LOCATION=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'DS_LOCATION'} = hex($1);
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^OTA_UPGRADE_STORE=(\w+)/) {
-			$param->{'OTA_UPGRADE_STORE'} = $1;
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^overlay=(.*)$/) {
-			$param->{'overlay'} = $1;
-			warn "overlay is $1\n";
-		}
-		elsif($arg =~ /^out=(.*)/) {
-			$param->{'outfile'} = $1;
-		}
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{btp} && defined $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR} && defined $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH}) {
-		open(my $BTP, "<", $param->{btp}) || die "Could not open *.btp file \"$param->{btp}\", $!";
-		while(defined(my $line = <$BTP>)) {
-			if($line =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*\=\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {
-				$param->{$1} = hex($2);
-			}
-			elsif($line =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*\=\s*([0-9]+)/) {
-				$param->{$1} = int($2);
-			}
-		}
-		close $BTP;
-	}
-	# override ConfigDSLocation if DS_LOCATION provided on command line
-	if(defined $param->{ConfigDSLocation} && defined $param->{DS_LOCATION}) {
-		$param->{ConfigDSLocation} = $param->{DS_LOCATION};
-	}
-	my $section_lut = {};
-	if(defined $param->{elf}) {
-	my $sections = [];
-	my $stringtable = {};
-	my $sym_str_tbl = {};
-	my $symbol_entries = [];
-	parse_elf($param->{elf}, $sections, $stringtable, $sym_str_tbl, $symbol_entries, 1);
-	#printf "got %d sections\n", scalar(@{$sections});
-	foreach my $section (@{$sections}) {
-		if(!defined $section->{name}) {
-			#print "section name index $section->{sh_name}\n";
-			#printf("%s\n", $stringtable->{$section->{sh_name}}) if defined $section->{sh_name};
-			$section->{name} = $stringtable->{$section->{sh_name}};
-		}
-		$section_lut->{$section->{name}} = $section;
-		#printf "section %s: start 0x%x len 0x%x\n", $section->{name}, $section->{sh_addr}, $section->{sh_size};
-	}
-	}
-	elsif(defined $param->{sym}) {
-		# using sym file, so fake reading section headers from elf
-		open(my $SYM, "<", $param->{sym}) or die "Could not read $param->{sym}, $!\n";
-		while(defined(my $line = <$SYM>)) {
-			if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/) {
-				last if $1 eq "END_SECTION_INFO";
-				$section_lut->{$1} = { sh_addr => hex($2) };
-			}
-		}
-		close $SYM;
-	}
-	$param->{SRAM_START_ADDR} = $section_lut->{first_free_section_in_SRAM}->{sh_addr}
-			if defined $section_lut->{first_free_section_in_SRAM}->{sh_addr};
-	$param->{SRAM_START_ADDR} = $section_lut->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr}
-			if defined $section_lut->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr};
-    # for DIRECT_LOAD, add app code after init sections (including SlimBoot)
-	$param->{SRAM_START_ADDR} = $section_lut->{POST_INIT_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr}
-			if defined $section_lut->{POST_INIT_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr} &&
-			   defined $param->{direct_load} && $param->{direct_load};
-    die "Ram start undefined\n" if !defined $param->{SRAM_START_ADDR};
-	output_ld($section_lut, $param);
-sub output_ld
-	my ($sections, $param) = @_;
-	my ($ram_start, $ram_begin, $ram_end, $ram_len,
-		$rom_start, $rom_begin, $rom_end, $rom_len,
-		$aon_begin, $aon_end, $aon_len,
-		$xip_start, $xip_len);
-	$rom_start = $sections->{CODE_AREA}->{sh_addr} if defined $sections->{CODE_AREA};
-    die "Could not locate CODE_AREA in patch elf\n" if !defined $rom_start;
-	$ram_start = $param->{SRAM_START_ADDR};
-	my $num_patches = $param->{NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES};
-	$num_patches = 256 if !defined $num_patches;
-	$ram_begin = $param->{SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR};
-	$ram_end = $ram_begin + $param->{SRAM_LENGTH};
-	die "Could not locate data ram start in patch elf\n" if !defined $ram_begin;
-	die "Could not locate data ram end in patch elf\n" if !defined $ram_end;
-	if (defined $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_PROM}) {
-		$rom_begin = $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_PROM}->{sh_addr};
-		$rom_end = $sections->{PATCH_CODE_END}->{sh_addr};
-		die "Could not locate code ram start in patch elf\n" if !defined $rom_begin;
-		die "Could not locate code ram end in patch elf\n" if !defined $rom_end;
-	}
-	if(defined $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_AON}) {
-		$aon_begin = $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_AON}->{sh_addr};
-		$aon_end = $sections->{AON_AREA_END}->{sh_addr};
-		$aon_end = $param->{AON_AREA_END} if !defined $aon_end;
-		die "Could not locate aon ram start in patch elf\n" if !defined $aon_begin;
-		die "Could not locate aon ram end in patch elf\n" if !defined $aon_end;
-	}
-	my $patch_replace_area = $num_patches * 4;
-	$ram_len = $ram_end - $ram_start - $patch_replace_area;
-	$rom_len = $rom_end - $rom_begin if defined $rom_begin;
-	$aon_len = $aon_end - $aon_begin if defined $aon_begin;
-#	$(QUIET)$(XCC) -E -x c -P $(addprefix -D,$(LINK_LOC_FLAGS)) -I $(dir $(ELF_OUT)) -o $@ $<
-	$param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN} = $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN} if defined $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN};
-	$param->{ISTATIC_LEN} = $param->{ISTATIC_LEN} if defined $param->{ISTATIC_LEN};
-	$param->{'direct_load'} = 0 if !defined $param->{direct_load};
-	open(my $OUT, ">", $param->{outfile}) || die "ERROR: Cannot open $param->{outfile}, $!";
-	print $OUT "OUTPUT_FORMAT (\"elf32-littlearm\", \"elf32-bigarm\", \"elf32-littlearm\")\n";
-	print $OUT "SEARCH_DIR(.)\n";
-#	print $OUT "/* @ARGV */\n";
-#	print $OUT "/*\n";
-#	foreach my$key (sort(keys(%{$param}))) {
-#	    print $OUT "$key => $param->{$key}\n";
-#	}
-#	print $OUT "*/\n";
-	if(defined $rom_start) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* pram_patch_begin=0x%06X pram_patch_end=0x%06X pram_end=0x%06X */\n", $rom_start, $rom_begin, $rom_end;
-	}
-	print $OUT sprintf "/* ram_patch_begin=0x%06X ram_patch_end=0x%06X ram_end=0x%06X */\n", $sections->{SRAM_AREA}->{sh_addr}, $ram_start, $ram_end;
-	if(defined $aon_len) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* aon_patch_begin=0x%06X aon_patch_end=0x%06X aon_end=0x%06X */\n", $sections->{AON_AREA}->{sh_addr}, $aon_begin, $aon_end;
-	}
-    if(defined $aon_len) {
-        print $OUT sprintf "/* app_ram_begin=0x%06X app_ram_end=0x%06X */\n", $ram_start, $ram_start+$ram_len;
-    }
-	if(defined $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR} && defined $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH}) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR=0x%06X FLASH0_LENGTH=0x%06X */\n", $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR}, $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH};
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{DLConfigSSLocation}) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_SS=0x%06X */\n", $param->{DLConfigSSLocation};
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{DLConfigVSLocation}) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_VS=0x%06X */\n", $param->{DLConfigVSLocation};
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{ConfigDSLocation}) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_DS=0x%06X */\n", $param->{ConfigDSLocation};
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{ConfigDS2Location}) {
-        if(defined $param->{APP_DS2_LEN}) {
-            $param->{ConfigDS2Location} = $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR} + $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH} - $param->{APP_DS2_LEN};
-        }
-		print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_DS2=0x%06X */\n", $param->{ConfigDS2Location};
-	}
-    if(defined $param->{ConfigDSLocation}) {
-        my $store = $param->{ConfigDS2Location} - $param->{ConfigDSLocation};
-        $param->{'OTA_UPGRADE_STORE'} = 'off_chip_sflash' if !defined $param->{OTA_UPGRADE_STORE};
-        $store /=2 if $param->{OTA_UPGRADE_STORE} eq 'on_chip_flash';
-        print $OUT sprintf "/* UPGRADE_STORAGE_LENGTH=0x%06X (%s) */\n", $store, $param->{OTA_UPGRADE_STORE};
-    }
-	print $OUT "MEMORY\n";
-	print $OUT "{\n";
-	print $OUT sprintf "\tram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $ram_start, $ram_len;
-	if(defined $aon_len) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "\taon (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $aon_begin, $aon_len;
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{UNUSED_LEN}) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "\tunused (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = %d\n", $param->{UNUSED_BEGIN}, $param->{UNUSED_LEN};
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN}) {
-		print $OUT sprintf "\tstatic_section (r) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN}, $param->{ISTATIC_LEN};
-	}
-	if(defined $param->{xip}) {
-		$xip_start = $param->{ConfigDSLocation} + $param->{XIP_DS_OFFSET};
-		$xip_len = $param->{XIP_LEN};
-		$xip_len = $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH} - ($xip_start - $param->{ConfigDSLocation}) if !defined $xip_len;
-        print $OUT sprintf "\txip_section (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $xip_start, $xip_len;
-	}
-    if(defined $param->{PATCH_RAM_OBJ}) {
-        print $OUT sprintf "\tpram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $rom_begin, $rom_end - $rom_begin;
-	}
-    print $OUT sprintf "\tlog_section (r) : ORIGIN = 0x81000004, LENGTH = 0x100000\n";
-	print $OUT "}\n";
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_irom_begin spar_irom_end spar_irom_length);\n";
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_iram_begin spar_iram_end spar_iram_length);\n";
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_iram_data_begin spar_iram_data_end spar_iram_data_length);\n";
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_iram_bss_begin spar_iram_bss_end spar_iram_bss_length);\n";
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_irom_data_begin);\n";
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(aon_iram_end);\n" if defined $aon_len;
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(xip_area_begin);\n" if defined $xip_start;
-	print $OUT "EXTERN(xip_area_end);\n" if defined $xip_len;
-	print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_irom_length = spar_irom_end - spar_irom_begin);\n";
-	print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_iram_length = spar_iram_end - spar_iram_begin);\n";
-	print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_iram_data_length = spar_iram_data_end - spar_iram_data_begin);\n";
-	print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_iram_bss_length = spar_iram_bss_end - spar_iram_bss_begin);\n";
-	print $OUT "SECTIONS\n";
-	print $OUT "{\n";
-	printf $OUT sprintf "\tspar_irom_begin = 0x%X;\n", $ram_start;
-#	print "\t#include \"spar_ram_overlays.ld\"\n";
-	if(defined $param->{overlay}) {
-		open(my $OVER, "<", $param->{overlay}) || die "Could not open overlay *.ld file \"$param->{overlay}\", $!";
-		while(defined(my $line = <$OVER>)) {
-			print $OUT $line;
-		}
-		close $OVER;
-	}
-	output_section('.text.mbedtls', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-	# if objects are assigned to XIP, match their .text and .rodata
-	output_section('.app_xip_area', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $param->{xip};
-	# When direct loading, don't overlap init code with dynamic allocation.
-	if($param->{direct_load})
-	{
-		output_section('.setup', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-	}
-    output_section('.pram_rodata', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $param->{PATCH_RAM_OBJ};
-    output_section('.text', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-    output_section('.rodata', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-	output_section('.data', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-	# Nothing to load because it is loaded from EEPROM/SF at boot.
-	print $OUT "\tspar_irom_data_begin = spar_iram_data_begin;\n";
-	output_section('.bss', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-    if(!$param->{direct_load}) {
-		# Place the setup area after bss so that when dynamic allocation occurs
-		# after spar setup, it will reclaim the RAM taken up by the setup function.
-		output_section('.setup', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-	}
-	output_section('.aon', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $aon_len;
-	output_section('.static_area', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN};
-    output_section('.log_section', $mem_lut, $OUT);
-	print $OUT "}\n";
-sub output_section
-	my ($name, $lut, $fh, $pre, $post) = @_;
-	my $info = $lut->{$name};
-	die "Could not find ld table entry for $name\n" if !defined $info;
-	my $align = "ALIGN (4)";
-	$align = "" if $name eq '.text';
-	print $fh "\t$name : $align\n\t{\n";
-	print $fh "\t\tCREATE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS\n";
-	foreach my $sym (@{$info->{pre}}) {
-		print $fh "\t\t$sym = .;\n";
-	}
-	foreach my $sect (@{$info->{sections}}) {
-		print $fh "\t\t$sect\n";
-	}
-	foreach my $sym (@{$info->{post}}) {
-		print $fh "\t\t$sym = .;\n";
-	}
-	print $fh "\t} >$info->{mem_type}\n";
-#	print "\n";
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/ota_fw_upgrade.c b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/ota_fw_upgrade.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a741a1ac42dc40..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/ota_fw_upgrade.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-/** @file
- *
- * WICED Firmware Upgrade internal definitions specific to shim layer
- *
- * This file provides common functions required to support WICED Smart Ready Upgrade
- * whether it is being done over the air, UART, or SPI.  Primarily the
- * functionality is provided for storing and retrieving information from  Serial Flash
- * The data being stored is DS portion of burn image generated from CGS.
- */
-#include <ota_fw_upgrade.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <wiced_bt_ota_firmware_upgrade.h>
-#include <wiced_hal_eflash.h>
-#include <wiced_hal_wdog.h>
-#define EF_PAGE_SIZE (0x1000u)
-// Types
-#pragma pack(1)
-typedef struct
-    //! Base address or offset of the failsafe (not upgradable) dynamic section base.  This field
-    //! must be present.
-    UINT32 failsafe_ds_base;
-    //! Base address or offset of the upgradable dynamic section base.  This field is optional for
-    //! media types for which DFU is supported.
-    UINT32 upgradable_ds_base;
-    //! Base address or offset to the area reserved for volatile section copy 1.  Whether this is an
-    //! address or offset depends on the media type, and is an internal detail of those media types'
-    //! access functions.  Double-buffering of the volatile section alternates between the two
-    //! copies when the active copy fills up and has to be consolidated to the other.  The volatile
-    //! section stores information that is mutable at runtime, and is therefore subject to loss if a
-    //! write operation is interrupted by loss of power.  Only an item that is currently being
-    //! written is subject to loss.  Generally, NVRAM media with large page sizes (like flash) use
-    //! double-buffering, while media with small page sizes (like EEPROM) allocate one or more
-    //! complete pages per volatile section item.
-    UINT32 vs_copy1_base;
-    //! Base address or offset to the area reserved for volatile section copy 2.  Whether this is an
-    //! address or offset depends on the media type, and is an internal detail of those media types'
-    //! access functions.  See the documentation for vs_copy1_base, but note that not all media
-    //! types use double-buffering.
-    UINT32 vs_copy2_base;
-    //! Length in bytes per copy of the area reserved for each volatile section copy.  If the target
-    //! media uses double buffering to protect against loss, the total space used by the volatile
-    //! section is twice this amount.  See the documentation for vs_copy1_base and vs_copy1_base.
-    UINT32 vs_length_per_copy;
-    //! Block size for volatile section items.  For media with small page sizes (like EEPROM) which
-    //! allocate one or more pages per volatile section item, blocks must be a multiple of the media
-    //! page size.
-    UINT32 vs_block_size;
-    //! Media page size.  This info is needed for managing volatile section contents.
-    UINT32 media_page_size;
-#pragma pack()
-//! Enumeration used to specify one of the three sections of config data.
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! If config data is stored in NVRAM:
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! Static section is written once during manufacturing, and never again.  This section includes
-//! per-device information like crystal trimming information and an assigned address like BD_ADDR
-//! for Bluetooth devices or a MAC address for ethernet or WLAN devices.  The static section also
-//! includes key layout information like whether a volatile section is present and if so, where it
-//! is located.
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! Dynamic section is written during manufacturing.  This section might be subject to upgrades in
-//! the field, by the end user.  An example of such an upgrade process is USB device firmware
-//! upgrade.  If this section is subject to upgrade in the field, then a failsafe config must be
-//! present, which if present would either force the device into an upgrade-only mode, or fall back
-//! to the un-upgraded behavior it would have exhibited when it left the factory.
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! Volatile section is used to hold information that can change at runtime, for example storing
-//! pairing information for pairing with other devices.  The volatile section is implemented as
-//! failsafe as possible for the target media, such that the most recently written "nugget" of
-//! information is subject to loss, but contents that were present before a given write operation
-//! will be preserved.
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! The "volatile" nomenclature is somewhat misleading because this section is only ever present on
-//! NVRAM (nonvolatile memory).  The "volatile" nomenclature is simply used to highlight the fact
-//! that the contents are subject to loss.  This is generally a non-issue, but if multiple "nuggets"
-//! of information are interdependent but written independently, then it is possible for one
-//! "nugget" in the interdependent set to be lost, in which case the firmware that uses this
-//! information needs to be ready to recognize that situation and take appropriate action to discard
-//! or if possible repair the rest of the set.  If no "nuggets" of volatile information form
-//! interdependent sets then loss of power during a write operation is functionally equivalent to
-//! loss of power immediately before the write operation was initiated.
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! If config data is stored in RAM (downloaded by the host):
-//!                                                                                         <br><br>
-//! Only the static and dynamic sections are relevant.  The distinction between the two halves is
-//! more or less irrelevant, merely being a reflection of the NVRAM organization.  Nonetheless, the
-//! location in which certain pieces of information are stored is influenced by the NVRAM
-//! organization.  A volatile section should never be specified for RAM config data.
-typedef enum
-    //! Configuration data section containing per-device information and key layout information.
-    //! The layout information communicates to firmware where to find the rest of the configuration
-    //! data.  See the documentation for the config_section_id_t enumeration as a whole for more
-    //! complete info.
-    //! Configuration data section containing per-product or product family information.  See the
-    //! documentation for the config_section_id_t enumeration as a whole for more complete info.
-    //! Configuration data section in NVRAM containing information that can be changed at runtime.
-    //! This refers to info that needs to be preserved across resets or power cycles.  See the
-    //! documentation for the config_section_id_t enumeration as a whole for more complete info,
-    //! including where the seemingly contradictory name comes from.
-} config_section_id_t;
-//! \internal
-//! Structure used internally by the config module to achieve config media abstraction.  It stores
-//! layout information for any supported config data media type, as well as media-specific function
-//! pointers for various tasks.
-typedef struct
-    //! Access function pointer to read raw data from the media on which config data is stored.
-    void (*fp_ReadRaw)(int offset, config_section_id_t which_section, OUT BYTE * buffer, int length);
-    //! Access function pointer to write raw data to the media on which config data is stored.
-    void (*fp_WriteRaw)(int offset, config_section_id_t which_section, IN BYTE * buffer, int length);
-    //! Address of the static section.
-    UINT32 ss_base;
-    //! Function to handle when the layout config item below has been filled in.  It will have been
-    //! filled in using content from the static section, then this function will be called.
-    void (*fp_ConfigLayoutHasBeenSet)(void);
-    //! Address of the valid dynamic section (which might be the failsafe copy, or might be the
-    //! upgradable copy).
-    UINT32 active_ds_base;
-    //! Access function pointer to read a volatile section item from config data.  The function is
-    //! presented as being specific to the type of media, but it really reflects the partitioning
-    //! scheme used by this media as dictated by its physical page size.  The truly media-specific
-    //! access function is in fp_ReadRaw.
-    UINT16 (*fp_ReadVolatileSectionItem)(UINT16 group_id, UINT16 sub_id_in_group, OUT BYTE * buffer, UINT16 max_length);
-    //! Access function pointer to write a volatile section item to config data.  The function is
-    //! presented as being specific to the type of media, but it really reflects the partitioning
-    //! scheme used by this media as dictated by its physical page size.  The truly media-specific
-    //! access function is in fp_WriteRaw.
-    void (*fp_WriteVolatileSectionItem)(UINT16 group_id, UINT16 sub_id_in_group, IN BYTE * buffer, UINT16 length);
-    //! Layout info, retrieved from the static section.
-    //! Checksum/CRC info for validating segment by segment in the dynamic section.
-    UINT32 checksum;
-    UINT32 crc32;
-    BOOL8 valid_crc32;
-    //! Used to allow faster access to the config if it is memory mapped (not in serial flash for example)
-    BOOL8 direct_access;
-    //! Whether a valid DS section was found or not.
-    BOOL8 valid_ds_found;
-typedef struct ds_header
-    char signature[8];
-    uint32_t crc32;
-    uint32_t length;
-    uint8_t data[0];
-} ds_header_t;
-typedef struct upgrade_xs
-    ds_header_t ds_header;
-    uint32_t crc32;
-    uint32_t length;
-    uint32_t compressed_data_crc32;
-    uint32_t compressed_data_length;
-    uint8_t compressed_data[0];
-} upgrade_xs_t;
-extern const CONFIG_INFO_t g_config_Info;
-static uint32_t upgrade_location_write(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len);
-static bool lzss_decompress(const void * src, size_t n, bool (*data_writer)(uint32_t, int))
-    __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
-static bool xs_data_writer(uint32_t data_offset, int c) __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
-static uint32_t calc_crc32(const uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
-static uint32_t ef_offset(uint32_t offset) __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
-static uint32_t upgrade_ds_location(void);
- *               Function Definitions
- ******************************************************/
-__attribute__((section(".init_code"))) void wiced_firmware_upgrade_bootloader(void)
-    const ds_header_t * ds_header   = (const ds_header_t *) g_config_Info.active_ds_base;
-    const upgrade_xs_t * upgrade_xs = (upgrade_xs_t *) XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE;
-    /* Check the DS header of the upgrade XS */
-    if (memcmp(&upgrade_xs->ds_header, ds_header, sizeof(*ds_header)) != 0)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Erase the active XS */
-    if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE), upgrade_xs->length))
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Copy the upgrade XS to the active XS */
-    if (!lzss_decompress(upgrade_xs->compressed_data, upgrade_xs->compressed_data_length, xs_data_writer))
-    {
-        goto reset;
-    }
-    /* Verify the active XS */
-    if (calc_crc32((void *) XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE, upgrade_xs->length) != upgrade_xs->crc32)
-        goto reset;
-    /* Erase the upgrade XS */
-    wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE), EF_PAGE_SIZE);
-    return;
-    wiced_hal_wdog_reset_system();
-    while (1)
-        ;
-bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_prepare(void)
-    const uint32_t ds1_length = g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base - g_config_Info.layout.failsafe_ds_base;
-    const uint32_t ds2_length = XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE - g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base;
-    printf("Active DS: 0x%08x\n", g_config_Info.active_ds_base);
-    printf("Active XS: 0x%08x\n", XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE);
-    if (upgrade_ds_location() == 0 || ds1_length != ds2_length)
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    printf("Erasing Upgrade DS: 0x%08lx, len: 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_ds_location(), ds1_length);
-    if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(upgrade_ds_location()), ds1_length))
-    {
-        printf("ERROR erase\n");
-        return false;
-    }
-    const uint32_t upgrade_xs_length = FLASH_SIZE - ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE);
-    printf("Erasing Upgrade XS: 0x%08x, len: 0x%08lx\n", XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE, upgrade_xs_length);
-    if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE), upgrade_xs_length))
-    {
-        printf("ERROR erase\n");
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-uint32_t wiced_firmware_upgrade_process_block(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
-    const ds_header_t * ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) upgrade_ds_location();
-    if (offset == 0)
-    {
-        ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) data;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) upgrade_ds_location();
-    }
-    const uint32_t ds_length = sizeof(*ds_header) + ds_header->length;
-    uint32_t ds_write_length;
-    uint32_t xs_write_length;
-    if (offset < ds_length)
-    {
-        if (offset + len <= ds_length)
-        {
-            ds_write_length = len;
-            xs_write_length = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ds_write_length = ds_length - offset;
-            xs_write_length = len - ds_write_length;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ds_write_length = 0;
-        xs_write_length = len;
-    }
-    uint32_t byte_written = 0;
-    if (ds_write_length > 0)
-    {
-        const uint32_t ds_offset = offset + upgrade_ds_location();
-        byte_written += upgrade_location_write(ds_offset, data, ds_write_length);
-    }
-    if (xs_write_length > 0)
-    {
-        const uint32_t xs_offset = offset + ds_write_length - ds_length + XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE;
-        byte_written += upgrade_location_write(xs_offset, data + ds_write_length, xs_write_length);
-    }
-    return byte_written;
-uint32_t upgrade_location_write(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
-    // reserve first 4 bytes of download to commit when complete, in case of unexpected power loss
-    // boot rom checks this signature to validate DS
-    uint32_t offset_adjustment;
-    if (offset == upgrade_ds_location())
-    {
-        offset_adjustment = 4;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        offset_adjustment = 0;
-    }
-    offset += offset_adjustment;
-    data += offset_adjustment;
-    len -= offset_adjustment;
-    printf("write: offset: 0x%08lx len: %lu\n", offset, len);
-    /* write length should in words */
-    if (wiced_hal_eflash_write(ef_offset(offset), (uint8_t *) data, (len + 3) & 0xfffffffc) == WICED_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        return len + offset_adjustment;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        printf("ERROR write\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_finalize(void)
-    const ds_header_t * ds_header   = (ds_header_t *) upgrade_ds_location();
-    const upgrade_xs_t * upgrade_xs = (upgrade_xs_t *) XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE;
-    const uint32_t ds_crc32 = calc_crc32(ds_header->data, ds_header->length);
-    const uint32_t cx_crc32 = calc_crc32(upgrade_xs->compressed_data, upgrade_xs->compressed_data_length);
-    printf("DS: length 0x%08lx, crc32 0x%08lx\n", ds_header->length, ds_crc32);
-    printf("XS: length 0x%08lx, crc32 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_xs->length, upgrade_xs->crc32);
-    printf("CX: length 0x%08lx, crc32 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_xs->compressed_data_length, cx_crc32);
-    return ds_header->crc32 == ds_crc32 && upgrade_xs->compressed_data_crc32 == cx_crc32;
-bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_apply(void)
-    enum
-    {
-        SIGNATURE = 0x4d435242,
-    };
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    uint32_t signature = SIGNATURE;
-    printf("Switching DS to 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_ds_location());
-    // commit reserved first 4 bytes of download to complete
-    // this is done last and after crc in case of power loss during download
-    // boot rom checks this signature to validate DS, checking DS1 first, then DS2
-    wiced_hal_eflash_write(ef_offset(upgrade_ds_location()), (uint8_t *) &signature, 4);
-    // check that the write completed
-    wiced_hal_eflash_read(ef_offset(upgrade_ds_location()), (uint8_t *) &signature, 4);
-    if (signature != SIGNATURE)
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    // clear first active DS sector in eflash, so that on next boot, CRC check will fail and ROM code boots from upgraded DS
-    result = wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(g_config_Info.active_ds_base), EF_PAGE_SIZE);
-    printf("wiced_hal_eflash_erase status %d\n", result);
-    return result == WICED_SUCCESS;
-void wiced_firmware_upgrade_abort(void) {}
-bool lzss_decompress(const void * src, size_t n, bool (*data_writer)(uint32_t, int))
-    enum
-    {
-        /* size of ring buffer */
-        N = 4096,
-        /* upper limit for match_length */
-        F = 18,
-        /*
-         * encode string into position and length
-         * if match_length is greater than this
-         */
-        THRESHOLD = 2,
-    };
-    /* ring buffer of size N, with extra F-1 bytes to facilitate string comparison */
-    static uint8_t ring_buf[N + F - 1];
-    int r;
-    int c;
-    unsigned int flags;
-    uint32_t offset        = 0;
-    const uint8_t * s      = src;
-    const uint8_t * s_stop = s + n;
-    memset(ring_buf, 0, N - F);
-    r     = N - F;
-    flags = 0;
-    while (s != s_stop)
-    {
-        if (((flags >>= 1) & 0x100) == 0)
-        {
-            c     = *s++;
-            flags = c | 0xff00; /* ues higher byte cleverly */
-        }                       /* to count eight */
-        if (flags & 1)
-        {
-            c             = *s++;
-            ring_buf[r++] = c;
-            r &= N - 1;
-            if (!data_writer(offset++, c))
-                return FALSE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            int i;
-            int patloc = *s++;
-            int patlen = *s++;
-            patloc |= ((patlen & 0xf0) << 4);
-            patlen = (patlen & 0x0f) + THRESHOLD;
-            for (i = 0; i <= patlen; i++)
-            {
-                c             = ring_buf[(patloc + i) & (N - 1)];
-                ring_buf[r++] = c;
-                r &= N - 1;
-                if (!data_writer(offset++, c))
-                    return FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return data_writer(offset, EOF);
-bool xs_data_writer(uint32_t data_offset, int c)
-    static uint8_t xs_data_buf[EF_PAGE_SIZE];
-    const uint32_t offset = data_offset % sizeof(xs_data_buf);
-    if (c != EOF)
-    {
-        xs_data_buf[offset] = c;
-    }
-    uint32_t write_length = 0;
-    if (offset + 1 == sizeof(xs_data_buf))
-    {
-        write_length = offset + 1;
-    }
-    else if (c == EOF)
-    {
-        write_length = offset;
-    }
-    if (write_length > 0)
-    {
-        const uint32_t write_offset = XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE + data_offset - offset;
-        if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_write(ef_offset(write_offset), xs_data_buf, write_length))
-        {
-            return FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-uint32_t calc_crc32(const uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len)
-    uint32_t crc32_Update(uint32_t crc, const uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len);
-    uint32_t crc32 = 0xffffffff;
-    uint32_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < len; i += UINT16_MAX)
-    {
-        crc32 = crc32_Update(crc32, buf + i, MIN(len - i, UINT16_MAX));
-    }
-    return crc32 ^ 0xffffffff;
-uint32_t ef_offset(uint32_t offset)
-    return offset - FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS;
-uint32_t upgrade_ds_location(void)
-    if (g_config_Info.active_ds_base == g_config_Info.layout.failsafe_ds_base)
-    {
-        return g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base;
-    }
-    else if (g_config_Info.active_ds_base == g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base)
-    {
-        return g_config_Info.layout.failsafe_ds_base;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-/* Dummy stub */
-wiced_bool_t wiced_ota_fw_upgrade_init(void * public_key, wiced_ota_firmware_upgrade_status_callback_t * p_status_callback,
-                                       wiced_ota_firmware_upgrade_send_data_callback_t * p_send_data_callback)
-    return TRUE;
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/platform_retarget_lock.c b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/platform_retarget_lock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2de5160261a8c6..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/platform_retarget_lock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-#include <sys/lock.h>
-#include <wiced_rtos.h>
-typedef struct __lock
-    wiced_mutex_t * mutex;
-} lock_t;
-static void lock_init_recursive(lock_t * lock);
-lock_t __lock___sinit_recursive_mutex;
-lock_t __lock___sfp_recursive_mutex;
-lock_t __lock___atexit_recursive_mutex;
-lock_t __lock___malloc_recursive_mutex;
-lock_t __lock___env_recursive_mutex;
-lock_t __lock___tz_mutex;
-void platform_retarget_lock_init(void)
-    lock_init_recursive(&__lock___sinit_recursive_mutex);
-    lock_init_recursive(&__lock___sfp_recursive_mutex);
-    lock_init_recursive(&__lock___malloc_recursive_mutex);
-void __retarget_lock_init_recursive(lock_t ** lock) {}
-void __retarget_lock_close_recursive(lock_t * lock) {}
-void __retarget_lock_acquire(lock_t * lock) {}
-void __retarget_lock_acquire_recursive(lock_t * lock)
-    if (lock != NULL && lock->mutex != NULL)
-    {
-        wiced_rtos_lock_mutex(lock->mutex);
-    }
-void __retarget_lock_release(lock_t * lock) {}
-void __retarget_lock_release_recursive(lock_t * lock)
-    if (lock != NULL && lock->mutex != NULL)
-    {
-        wiced_rtos_unlock_mutex(lock->mutex);
-    }
-void lock_init_recursive(lock_t * lock)
-    lock->mutex = wiced_rtos_create_mutex();
-    if (lock->mutex != NULL)
-    {
-        wiced_rtos_init_mutex(lock->mutex);
-    }
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/wiced_button_manager.c b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/wiced_button_manager.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c8761c6e354023..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/wiced_button_manager.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-/** @file
- *
- * Button manager implements generic interface for button events and button type configurations.
- * It exposes interface to configure platform button events (like click,long press) with user configurable timing.
- */
-#include "wiced_button_manager.h"
-#include "clock_timer.h"
-#include "platform_button.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "wiced_bt_trace.h"
-#ifdef CYW55572
-#include "wiced_memory.h"
-#include "wiced_misc_rtos_utils.h"
-#include <wiced_sleep.h>
- *                      Macros
- ******************************************************/
-#define BUTTON_TIMER_TIMEOUT (100) /*msec*/
- *                    Constants
- ******************************************************/
- *                   Enumerations
- ******************************************************/
- *                 Type Definitions
- ******************************************************/
-#if BTSTACK_VER >= 0x03000001
-#ifdef CYW55572
- *                    Structures
- ******************************************************/
-#ifdef CYW55572
-typedef struct
-    button_manager_button_t * p_button;
-    button_manager_event_t event;
-} button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t;
- *               Function Declarations
- ******************************************************/
-static void button_state_change_callback(platform_button_t id, wiced_bool_t new_state);
-static wiced_result_t button_pressed_event_handler(void * arg);
-static wiced_result_t button_released_event_handler(void * arg);
-static wiced_result_t deferred_button_timer_handler(void * arg);
-static wiced_bool_t button_check_event_mask(button_manager_button_t * button, uint16_t new_event);
-static void button_check_for_double_click(button_manager_button_t * button, button_manager_event_t * new_event);
-static button_manager_event_t button_deduce_duration_event(button_manager_button_t * button, uint32_t current_interval);
-static button_manager_button_t * get_button(platform_button_t id);
-#ifdef CYW55572
-static void button_event_defer_to_mpaf(void * arg);
- *               Variables Definitions
- ******************************************************/
-static button_manager_t * button_manager;
-#ifdef CYW55572
-static wiced_mutex_t * p_mutex_button_event;
-static wiced_bt_buffer_q_t button_event_queue;
-static wiced_bt_pool_t * p_button_event_pool = NULL;
- *               Function Definitions
- ******************************************************/
- * button_long_press_detect_timeout_handler
- *
- * Timeout handler for button long press detect timer.
- *
- * The execution duration of this utility is defined in BUTTON_TIMER_TIMEOUT.
- */
-static void button_long_press_detect_timeout_handler(TIMER_PARAM_TYPE arg)
-    button_manager_button_t * p_button = (button_manager_button_t *) arg;
-    /* Check if button is under debouncing state. */
-    if (p_button->debouncing)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Get current button state. */
-    p_button->current_state = (button_manager_button_state_t) platform_button_get_value(p_button->configuration->button);
-    if (p_button->current_state != BUTTON_STATE_HELD)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Err: Button %d is already released\n", p_button->configuration->button);
-        if (wiced_is_timer_in_use(&p_button->long_press_timer))
-        {
-            wiced_stop_timer(&p_button->long_press_timer);
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Get current timestatmp. */
-    p_button->timer_timestamp = clock_SystemTimeMicroseconds64();
-    deferred_button_timer_handler((void *) p_button);
- * button_debounce_timeout_handler
- *
- * Timeout handler for button debounce timer.
- */
-static void button_debounce_timeout_handler(TIMER_PARAM_TYPE arg)
-    button_manager_button_t * p_button = (button_manager_button_t *) arg;
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    // WICED_BT_TRACE("button_debounce_timeout_handler (%d, %d)\n", p_button->configuration->button, p_button->debounce_counter);
-    if (p_button->debounce_counter > 0)
-    {
-        /* Reset the button debounce counter. */
-        p_button->debounce_counter = 0;
-        button_pressed_event_handler((void *) p_button);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (wiced_is_timer_in_use(&p_button->long_press_timer))
-        {
-            wiced_stop_timer(&p_button->long_press_timer);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Reset the button debounce state. */
-    p_button->debouncing = WICED_FALSE;
- * The application should call this function to Initialize the Button Manager
- */
-wiced_result_t __attribute__((weak))
-wiced_button_manager_init(button_manager_t * manager, const wiced_button_manager_configuration_t * configuration,
-                          button_manager_button_t * buttons, uint32_t number_of_buttons)
-    uint32_t a;
-    memset(manager, 0, sizeof(*manager));
-    manager->configuration     = configuration;
-    manager->buttons           = buttons;
-    manager->number_of_buttons = number_of_buttons;
-    button_manager = manager;
-    for (a = 0; a < number_of_buttons; a++)
-    {
-        platform_button_init(buttons[a].configuration->button);
-        platform_button_enable(buttons[a].configuration->button);
-        buttons[a].current_state    = BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED;
-        buttons[a].repeat           = 0;
-        buttons[a].debounce_counter = 0;
-        buttons[a].debouncing       = WICED_FALSE;
-    }
-    platform_button_register_state_change_callback(button_state_change_callback);
-    /* Initialize the timers used for detecting the long press event. */
-    for (a = 0; a < number_of_buttons; a++)
-    {
-        wiced_init_timer(&buttons[a].long_press_timer, button_long_press_detect_timeout_handler, (TIMER_PARAM_TYPE) &buttons[a],
-                         WICED_MILLI_SECONDS_PERIODIC_TIMER);
-    }
-    /* Initialize the timers used for de-bounce. */
-    for (a = 0; a < number_of_buttons; a++)
-    {
-        wiced_init_timer(&buttons[a].debounce_timer, button_debounce_timeout_handler, (TIMER_PARAM_TYPE) &buttons[a],
-                         WICED_MILLI_SECONDS_TIMER);
-    }
-#ifdef CYW55572
-    p_button_event_pool =
-        wiced_bt_create_pool("Button Event", sizeof(button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t), BUTTON_EVENT_QUEUE_DEPTH, NULL);
-    if (!p_button_event_pool)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("%s: Fail to create pool.\n", __FUNCTION__);
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    wiced_bt_init_q(&button_event_queue, NULL);
-    p_mutex_button_event = wiced_rtos_create_mutex();
-    if (p_mutex_button_event == NULL)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("%s: Fail to create mutex.\n", __FUNCTION__);
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    if (wiced_rtos_init_mutex(p_mutex_button_event) != WICED_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("%s: Fail to init. mutex.\n", __FUNCTION__);
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
- * The application should call this function to de-Initialize the Button Manager
- *
- * @param     manager   : Pointer to button manager to de-initialize.
- * @return              : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_button_manager_deinit(button_manager_t * manager)
-    uint32_t a;
-    for (a = 0; a < manager->number_of_buttons; a++)
-    {
-        platform_button_disable(manager->buttons[a].configuration->button);
-        platform_button_deinit(manager->buttons[a].configuration->button);
-    }
-    for (a = 0; a < manager->number_of_buttons; a++)
-    {
-        if (WICED_TRUE == wiced_is_timer_in_use(&manager->buttons[a].debounce_timer))
-        {
-            wiced_stop_timer(&manager->buttons[a].debounce_timer);
-        }
-        wiced_deinit_timer(&manager->buttons[a].debounce_timer);
-        if (WICED_TRUE == wiced_is_timer_in_use(&manager->buttons[a].long_press_timer))
-        {
-            wiced_stop_timer(&manager->buttons[a].long_press_timer);
-        }
-        wiced_deinit_timer(&manager->buttons[a].long_press_timer);
-    }
-    button_manager = NULL;
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
- * Deferred Handler initiated from timer handler
- *
- * @param     arg   : Arguments passed by the timer framework to timer handler
- * @return          : result
- */
-static wiced_result_t deferred_button_timer_handler(void * arg)
-    button_manager_button_t * p_button = (button_manager_button_t *) arg;
-    uint64_t duration; // us
-    button_manager_event_t new_held_event = 0;
-    /* Check current button state. */
-    if (p_button->current_state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
-    {
-        return WICED_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /* Calculate the time difference. */
-    duration = p_button->timer_timestamp - p_button->pressed_timestamp; // us
-    duration = duration / 1000;                                         // ms
-    /* deduce the event depending on the duration */
-    new_held_event = button_deduce_duration_event(p_button, (uint32_t) duration);
-    /*
-     * timers should be mainly interested in duration-specific events;
-     * let release_handler only report Click events to the application
-     */
-    if (new_held_event == BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT)
-    {
-        return WICED_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    if (button_check_event_mask(p_button, new_held_event))
-    {
-        if (p_button->last_sent_event != BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT)
-        {
-            if (p_button->last_sent_event != new_held_event)
-            {
-                button_manager->configuration->event_handler(p_button, new_held_event, p_button->current_state);
-                p_button->last_sent_event = new_held_event;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            button_manager->configuration->event_handler(p_button, new_held_event, p_button->current_state);
-            p_button->last_sent_event = new_held_event;
-        }
-    }
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
-static void button_state_change_callback_pressed(button_manager_button_t * p_button)
-    /* Check if the button is under de-bounce state. */
-    if (p_button->debouncing)
-    { // under de-bounce state
-        p_button->debounce_counter++;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* ignore pressed event for already pressed button*/
-        if (p_button->current_state == BUTTON_STATE_HELD)
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Get current timestamp for pressed event. */
-        p_button->pressed_timestamp = clock_SystemTimeMicroseconds64();
-        /* Start the button debounce timer. */
-        wiced_start_timer(&p_button->debounce_timer, (uint32_t) button_manager->configuration->debounce_duration);
-        /* Start the long pressed event detect timer. */
-        wiced_start_timer(&p_button->long_press_timer, BUTTON_TIMER_TIMEOUT);
-        /* Update information. */
-        p_button->debouncing       = WICED_TRUE;
-        p_button->debounce_counter = 1;
-    }
-static void button_state_change_callback_released(button_manager_button_t * p_button)
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    /* Check if the button is under de-bounce state. */
-    if (p_button->debouncing)
-    { // under de-bounce state
-        p_button->debounce_counter--;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* ignore released event for already released button */
-        if (p_button->current_state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Get current timestamp for release event. */
-        p_button->released_timestamp = clock_SystemTimeMicroseconds64();
-        /* Stop the long pressed event detect timer. */
-        if (wiced_is_timer_in_use(&p_button->long_press_timer))
-        {
-            wiced_stop_timer(&p_button->long_press_timer);
-        }
-        button_released_event_handler((void *) p_button);
-    }
- * Call back received when button state is changed.
- *
- * @param     id        : id of the button.
- * @param     new_state : new state of the button.
- * @return         void : no return value is expected.
- */
-static void button_state_change_callback(platform_button_t id, wiced_bool_t new_state)
-    button_manager_button_t * button = get_button(id);
-#if 0
-    WICED_BT_TRACE("button_state_change_callback (button %d %s, %s, %d, %d)\n",
-                   id,
-                   button->current_state == BUTTON_STATE_HELD ? "H" : "R",
-                   button->debouncing ? "D" : "-",
-                   new_state,
-                   button->debounce_counter);
-    /* Check module state.*/
-    if (button == NULL || button_manager == NULL)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("button manager not initialized\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    if (new_state == WICED_TRUE)
-    {
-        button_state_change_callback_pressed(button);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        button_state_change_callback_released(button);
-    }
- * Event handler for button press event.
- *
- * @param     arg   : Arguments passed by the event manager
- * @return    void  : No return value expected.
- */
-static wiced_result_t button_pressed_event_handler(void * arg)
-    button_manager_button_t * button = (button_manager_button_t *) arg;
-    if (button->current_state == BUTTON_STATE_HELD)
-    {
-        return WICED_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /** Button is pressed; update the state so that timer-handlers know it */
-    button->current_state = BUTTON_STATE_HELD;
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
- * Event handler for button release event.
- *
- * @param     arg   : Arguments passed by the event manager
- * @return    void  : No return value expected.
- */
-static wiced_result_t button_released_event_handler(void * arg)
-    button_manager_button_t * button         = (button_manager_button_t *) arg;
-    button_manager_event_t new_release_event = 0;
-    uint64_t duration; // us
-    if (button->current_state == BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED)
-    {
-        return WICED_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    button->current_state = BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED;
-    /* Calculate the time difference. */
-    duration = button->released_timestamp - button->pressed_timestamp; // us
-    duration = duration / 1000;                                        // ms
-    /** If release event comes before debounce duration, ignore it */
-    if (duration <= button_manager->configuration->debounce_duration)
-    {
-        return WICED_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    /** deduce the event depending on the duration */
-    new_release_event = button_deduce_duration_event(button, (uint32_t) duration);
-    /** Check if this Release is from 2nd click of a double-click event */
-    button_check_for_double_click(button, &new_release_event);
-    /**
-     * As the new state is Release and application has asked for this kind of event,
-     * send it irrespective of whether timer-handler
-     * had sent it previously
-     */
-    if (button_check_event_mask(button, new_release_event))
-    {
-#ifndef CYW55572
-        button_manager->configuration->event_handler(button, new_release_event, button->current_state);
-        /*
-         * Button released event is handled by another thread, it needs defer to mpaf thread.
-         * Deferred_button_timer_handler(long press) is handled by timer which is in mpaf thread,
-         * it does not need defer.
-         */
-        wiced_result_t result;
-        wiced_rtos_lock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-        button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t * p_data = (button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t *) wiced_bt_get_buffer_from_pool(p_button_event_pool);
-        if (!p_data)
-        {
-            wiced_rtos_unlock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-            WICED_BT_TRACE("Err: release event_handler no memory \n");
-            goto DEFER_MPAF_ERROR;
-        }
-        p_data->p_button = button;
-        p_data->event    = new_release_event;
-        wiced_bt_enqueue(&button_event_queue, (wiced_bt_buffer_t *) p_data);
-        wiced_rtos_unlock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-        result = wiced_rtos_defer_execution(WICED_RTOS_DEFER_TO_MPAF_THREAD, &button_event_defer_to_mpaf, NULL);
-        if (result != WICED_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            wiced_rtos_lock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-            button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t * p_buf = (button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t *) wiced_bt_dequeue(&button_event_queue);
-            wiced_bt_free_buffer(p_buf);
-            wiced_rtos_unlock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-            WICED_BT_TRACE("Err: release event_handler wiced_rtos_defer_execution (%d)\n", result);
-            goto DEFER_MPAF_ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef CYW55572
-    /** reset the button's last-sent so that a new press/held after this release is handled properly */
-    button->last_sent_event = 0;
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
- * Checks if the event is a double click event.
- *
- * @param     button    : button information.
- * @param     new_event : new event generated for the button.
- * @return         void : no return value is expected.
- */
-static void button_check_for_double_click(button_manager_button_t * button, button_manager_event_t * new_event)
-    if (!button_check_event_mask(button, BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT) || *new_event != BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    /** figure out the time-difference in two-releases */
-    if ((button->released_timestamp - button->last_released_timestamp) <= button_manager->configuration->double_click_interval)
-    {
-        /** morph it as DOUBLE_CLICK */
-        *new_event = BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK_EVENT;
-    }
-    button->last_released_timestamp = button->released_timestamp;
-    return;
- * Checks the event mask for the button
- *
- * @param     button        : button information.
- * @param     new_event     : new event generated for the button.
- * @return    wiced_bool_t  : returns true/false based on the new event.
- */
-static wiced_bool_t button_check_event_mask(button_manager_button_t * button, uint16_t new_event)
-    if (!button)
-    {
-        return WICED_FALSE;
-    }
-    return ((new_event & button->configuration->button_event_mask) ? WICED_TRUE : WICED_FALSE);
- * Checks duration of the event
- *
- * @param   button                    : the button that been triggered
- * @param   current_interval          : current time interval
- * @return  button_manager_event_t    : returns button manager event.
- */
-static button_manager_event_t button_deduce_duration_event(button_manager_button_t * button, uint32_t current_interval)
-    button_manager_event_t new_event = 0;
-    uint32_t target_hold_interval;
-    if (current_interval <= button_manager->configuration->debounce_duration)
-    {
-        return (button_manager_event_t) 0;
-    }
-    else if (current_interval > button_manager->configuration->debounce_duration &&
-             current_interval <= button_manager->configuration->short_hold_duration)
-    {
-        return BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT;
-    }
-    else if (current_interval > button_manager->configuration->short_hold_duration &&
-             current_interval <= button_manager->configuration->medium_hold_duration)
-    {
-    }
-    else if (current_interval > button_manager->configuration->medium_hold_duration &&
-             current_interval <= button_manager->configuration->long_hold_duration)
-    {
-    }
-    else if (current_interval > button_manager->configuration->long_hold_duration &&
-             current_interval <= button_manager->configuration->very_long_hold_duration)
-    {
-        button->repeat = 0;
-    }
-    else
-    { // current_interval > button_manager->configuration->very_long_hold_duration
-        if (button_manager->configuration->continuous_hold_detect == WICED_FALSE)
-        {
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            target_hold_interval = (button->repeat + 2) * button_manager->configuration->long_hold_duration;
-            if (current_interval > target_hold_interval)
-            {
-                button->repeat++;
-                return BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return (button_manager_event_t) 0;
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * returns button based on the button id
- *
- * @param   id                         : id of the buttonl
- * @return  button_manager_button_t    : returns button.
- */
-static button_manager_button_t * get_button(platform_button_t id)
-    uint8_t a;
-    for (a = 0; a < button_manager->number_of_buttons; a++)
-    {
-        if (button_manager->buttons[a].configuration->button == id)
-        {
-            return &button_manager->buttons[a];
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * Checks if there is pending event and then re-send the event.
- *
- * @return         void : no return value is expected.
- */
-void wiced_button_manager_pending_event_handle(void)
-    uint32_t a;
-    if (wiced_sleep_get_boot_mode() == WICED_SLEEP_FAST_BOOT)
-    {
-        for (a = 0; a < button_manager->number_of_buttons; a++)
-        {
-            if (platform_button_pending_event_get_and_clear(button_manager->buttons[a].configuration->button))
-            {
-                button_manager->configuration->event_handler(&button_manager->buttons[a], BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT,
-                                                             BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#ifdef CYW55572
-static void button_event_defer_to_mpaf(void * arg)
-    button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t button_event_buf;
-    wiced_rtos_lock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-    button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t * p_buf = (button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t *) wiced_bt_dequeue(&button_event_queue);
-    memcpy(&button_event_buf, p_buf, sizeof(button_event_defer_to_mpaf_t));
-    wiced_bt_free_buffer(p_buf);
-    wiced_rtos_unlock_mutex(p_mutex_button_event);
-    button_manager->configuration->event_handler(button_event_buf.p_button, button_event_buf.event,
-                                                 button_event_buf.p_button->current_state);
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/wiced_led_manager.c b/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/wiced_led_manager.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7761c92f8fcbfa..00000000000000
--- a/third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/src/wiced_led_manager.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
- * an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software, including source code, documentation and related
- * materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
- * or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
- * worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
- * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
- * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
- * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
- * obtained this Software ("EULA").
- * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
- * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
- * source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
- * integrated circuit products.  Any reproduction, modification, translation,
- * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
- * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
- *
- * reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
- * does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
- * Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
- * not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
- * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
- * significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
- * including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
- * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
- * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
- */
-/** @file
- *
- * This file provides implementation for the LED Manager library interface.
- * LED Manager library provides API's to enable/disable, blink and set brightness of a LED.
- */
-#include "wiced_led_manager.h"
-#include "platform_led.h"
-#include "wiced_bt_dev.h"
-#include "wiced_bt_trace.h"
-#include "wiced_hal_gpio.h"
-#include "wiced_platform.h"
-#include "wiced_rtos.h"
-#include "wiced_timer.h"
- *                      Macros
- ******************************************************/
-#define LED_FREQ (60) /*Hz*/
- *                    Constants
- ******************************************************/
- *                   Enumerations
- ******************************************************/
- *                 Type Definitions
- ******************************************************/
-extern platform_led_config_t platform_led_config[PLATFORM_LED_MAX];
- *                    Structures
- ******************************************************/
- * @brief timer structure for LED manager
- *
- */
-typedef struct
-    wiced_led_t led;
-    wiced_bool_t led_state;
-    uint32_t on_period;
-    uint32_t off_period;
-    wiced_timer_t timer;
-    wiced_bool_t is_init;
-} led_manager_timer;
- * @brief LED timer
- *
- */
-static led_manager_timer led_timer[PLATFORM_LED_MAX] = { 0 };
- *               Function Declarations
- ******************************************************/
-void led_timer_function(uint32_t arg);
- * Function to Initialize the LED Manager
- *
- * @param  config      : Configuration for the LED.
- * @return             : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_init(wiced_led_config_t * config)
-    uint32_t i;
-    uint16_t bright;
-    // WICED_BT_TRACE("%s <<\n",__func__);
-    if (config == NULL)
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    if (config->led >= PLATFORM_LED_MAX)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Invalid LED for platform\n");
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    /* check whether initialized */
-    if (led_timer[config->led].is_init)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Error: Init LED(%d) multiple times\n", config->led);
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    bright = config->bright;
-    if (bright > 99)
-    {
-        bright = 99;
-    }
-    if (WICED_SUCCESS != platform_led_init(&platform_led_config[config->led], LED_FREQ, bright))
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    led_timer[config->led].led = config->led;
-    /* initialize timer */
-    wiced_init_timer(&led_timer[config->led].timer, &led_timer_function, (uint32_t) config->led,
-    led_timer[config->led].is_init = WICED_TRUE;
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
- * Function to de-initialize the LED Manager
- *
- * @param  void        : No arguments.
- * @return             : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_deinit()
-    uint32_t i;
-    /*if any led active we stop all of them*/
-    for (i = 0; i < PLATFORM_LED_MAX; i++)
-        platform_led_deinit(&platform_led_config[i]);
-    /* deinit timer */
-    for (i = 0; i < PLATFORM_LED_MAX; i++)
-    {
-        if (led_timer[i].is_init)
-        {
-            wiced_deinit_timer(&led_timer[i].timer);
-            led_timer[i].is_init = WICED_FALSE;
-        }
-    }
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
- * Enables the selected LED
- *
- * @param  led      : LED to be enabled.
- * @return          : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_enable_led(wiced_led_t led)
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    if (led >= PLATFORM_LED_MAX)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Invalid LED for platform\n");
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    result = platform_led_start(&platform_led_config[led]);
-    return result;
- * Disables the selected LED
- *
- * @param  led      : LED to be disabled.
- * @return          : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_disable_led(wiced_led_t led)
-    wiced_result_t result;
-    if (led >= PLATFORM_LED_MAX)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Invalid LED for platform\n");
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    if (wiced_is_timer_in_use(&led_timer[led].timer))
-    {
-        wiced_stop_timer(&led_timer[led].timer);
-        // wiced_deinit_timer(&led_timer[led].timer);
-    }
-    result = platform_led_stop(&platform_led_config[led]);
-    return result;
- * Reconfigures the LED
- *
- * @param  config      : Configuration for the LED.
- * @return             : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_reconfig_led(wiced_led_config_t * config)
-    uint16_t bright;
-    if (config == NULL)
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    if (config->led >= PLATFORM_LED_MAX)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Invalid LED for platform\n");
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    bright = config->bright;
-    if (bright > 99)
-    {
-        bright = 99;
-    }
-    return platform_led_reinit(&platform_led_config[config->led], LED_FREQ, bright);
- * LED timer handler
- *
- * @param  arg            : arguments passed to the handler.
- * @return                : no return value expected.
- */
-void led_timer_function(uint32_t arg)
-    if (led_timer[arg].led_state == WICED_TRUE)
-    {
-        // WICED_BT_TRACE("Timer led %d stop\n",led_timer[arg].led);
-        platform_led_stop(&platform_led_config[led_timer[arg].led]);
-        led_timer[arg].led_state = WICED_FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        platform_led_start(&platform_led_config[led_timer[arg].led]);
-        // WICED_BT_TRACE("Timer led %d start\n",led_timer[arg].led);
-        led_timer[arg].led_state = WICED_TRUE;
-    }
-    wiced_stop_timer(&led_timer[arg].timer);
-    wiced_start_timer(&led_timer[arg].timer,
-                      led_timer[arg].led_state == WICED_TRUE ? led_timer[arg].on_period : led_timer[arg].off_period);
- * Function called to blink a LED
- *
- * @param  led            : LED to be blinked.
- * @param  on_period      : on period (ms)
- * @param  off_period     : off period (ms)
- * @return                : result.
- */
-wiced_result_t wiced_led_manager_blink_led(wiced_led_t led, uint32_t on_period, uint32_t off_period)
-    // WICED_BT_TRACE("%s <<\n",__func__);
-    if (led >= PLATFORM_LED_MAX)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("Invalid LED for platform\n");
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    if (led_timer[led].is_init == WICED_FALSE)
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("LED(%d) un-init\n", led);
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    led_timer[led].on_period  = on_period;
-    led_timer[led].off_period = off_period;
-    if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_led_manager_enable_led(led))
-    {
-        WICED_BT_TRACE("LED enable failed\n");
-        return WICED_ERROR;
-    }
-    led_timer[led].led_state = WICED_TRUE;
-    wiced_start_timer(&led_timer[led].timer, on_period);
-    // WICED_BT_TRACE("timer started\n");
-    return WICED_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/third_party/infineon/repos/matter-wpan-sdk b/third_party/infineon/repos/matter-wpan-sdk
new file mode 160000
index 00000000000000..f6e196cbd982cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/infineon/repos/matter-wpan-sdk
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit f6e196cbd982cfd4c74ffca6ba4128dba298b8ac
diff --git a/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx b/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx
index 8da150a2ef425d..2f7a13230d26c2 160000
--- a/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx
+++ b/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 8da150a2ef425dc06a02e56c5019a3b75ed627d1
+Subproject commit 2f7a13230d26c25b23726cd1a0ee49cc6b2df03c
diff --git a/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/BUILD.gn b/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/BUILD.gn
index fefabcd3562fef..379f50ad81be5b 100644
--- a/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/BUILD.gn
+++ b/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/BUILD.gn
@@ -16,42 +16,19 @@ import("//build_overrides/chip.gni")
-openthread_ifx_root = "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx"
 openthread_ifx_mcu = "cyw30739"
 config("openthread_ifx_config") {
-  include_dirs = [
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/mbedtls/include",
-  ]
+  include_dirs = [ "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}" ]
 source_set("openthread_core_config_ifx") {
   sources = [ "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/openthread-core-cyw30739-config.h" ]
-  public_deps = [ "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}:cyw30739_sdk" ]
-  public_configs = [ ":openthread_ifx_config" ]
-source_set("libopenthread-ifx") {
-  sources = [
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/alarm.c",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/entropy.c",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/logging.c",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/misc.c",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/radio.c",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/radio_wrapper.cpp",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/settings.c",
-    "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${openthread_ifx_mcu}/system.c",
-  ]
-  defines = [ "CHIP_HAVE_CONFIG_H=1" ]
-  public_deps = [
-    ":openthread_core_config_ifx",
-    "${openthread_root}/src/core:libopenthread_core_headers",
-    "..:libopenthread-platform",
-    "..:libopenthread-platform-utils",
+  public_configs = [
+    "${cyw30739_sdk_build_root}:mbedtls_config",
+    ":openthread_ifx_config",
diff --git a/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/ifx_openthread.gni b/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/ifx_openthread.gni
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c6051efebdc14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx/ifx_openthread.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+openthread_ifx_root = "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/ot-ifx"
+template("ifx_openthread") {
+  forward_variables_from(invoker,
+                         [
+                           "board",
+                           "chip_family",
+                         ])
+  static_library(target_name) {
+    sources = [
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/alarm.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/crypto.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/entropy.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/logging.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/misc.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/radio.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/radio_wrapper.cpp",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/settings.c",
+      "${openthread_ifx_root}/src/${chip_family}/system.c",
+    ]
+    defines = [ "CHIP_HAVE_CONFIG_H=1" ]
+    configs +=
+        [ "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:wpan_sdk-${chip_family}-config" ]
+    deps = [
+      "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:${board}",
+      "${matter_wpan_sdk_build_root}:wpan_sdk-${board}",
+    ]
+    public_deps = [
+      "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/platforms:libopenthread-platform",
+      "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/platforms:libopenthread-platform-utils",
+      "${chip_root}/third_party/openthread/platforms/ifx:openthread_core_config_ifx",
+      "${openthread_root}/src/core:libopenthread_core_headers",
+    ]
+  }