From 7eff9cd2cae18afe4f6c5c5da3586656d07c4459 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 13:54:34 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Some refactoring to dac revocation set generation script

 credentials/ | 140 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 104 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 534edc15b0f203..6422bfe79cba57 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Project CHIP Authors
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 import click
 import requests
 from click_option_group import RequiredMutuallyExclusiveOptionGroup, optgroup
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
 from cryptography import x509
@@ -44,20 +45,61 @@ class RevocationType(Enum):
-def use_dcld(dcld, production, cmdlist):
-    return [dcld] + cmdlist + (['--node', PRODUCTION_NODE_URL] if production else [])
 def extract_single_integer_attribute(subject, oid):
     attribute_list = subject.get_attributes_for_oid(oid)
     if len(attribute_list) == 1:
-        if attribute_list[0].value.isdigit():
-            return int(attribute_list[0].value)
+        return int(attribute_list[0].value, 16)
     return None
+class DCLDRequestsHelper:
+    def __init__(self, use_rest, dcld, production, rest_node_url):
+        self.use_rest = use_rest
+        self.dcld = dcld
+        self.production = production
+        self.rest_node_url = rest_node_url
+    def use_dcld(self, dcld, production, cmdlist):
+        return [dcld] + cmdlist + (['--node', PRODUCTION_NODE_URL] if production else [])
+    def get_dcld_cmd_output(self, cmdlist):
+        # Set the output as JSON
+        subprocess.Popen([self.dcld, 'config', 'output', 'json'])
+        cmdpipe = subprocess.Popen(self.use_dcld(self.dcld, self.production, cmdlist),
+                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        return json.loads(
+    def get_revocation_points(self):
+        if self.use_rest:
+            response = requests.get(f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points").json()
+        else:
+            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output(['query', 'pki', 'all-revocation-points'])
+        return response["PkiRevocationDistributionPoint"]
+    def get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(self, crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id):
+        if self.use_rest:
+            response = requests.get(
+                f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/certificates/{crl_signer_issuer_name}/{crl_signer_authority_key_id}").json()
+        else:
+            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output(
+                ['query', 'pki', 'x509-cert', '-u', crl_signer_issuer_name, '-k', crl_signer_authority_key_id])
+        return response["approvedCertificates"]["certs"][0]["pemCert"]
+    def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id):
+        if self.use_rest:
+            response = requests.get(f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points/{issuer_subject_key_id}").json()
+        else:
+            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output(['query', 'pki', 'revocation-points',
+                                                '--issuer-subject-key-id', issuer_subject_key_id])
+        return response["pkiRevocationDistributionPointsByIssuerSubjectKeyID"]["points"]
 @click.help_option('-h', '--help')'Input data sources', cls=RequiredMutuallyExclusiveOptionGroup)
@@ -68,7 +110,7 @@ def extract_single_integer_attribute(subject, oid):'Optional arguments')
 @optgroup.option('--output', default='sample_revocation_set_list.json', type=str, metavar='FILEPATH', help="Output filename (default: sample_revocation_set_list.json)")
 def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_http, output):
-    """DCL PAA mirroring tools"""
+    """Tool to construct revocation set from DCL"""
     production = False
     dcld = use_test_net_dcld
@@ -83,28 +125,20 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
     rest_node_url = PRODUCTION_NODE_URL_REST if production else TEST_NODE_URL_REST
-    # TODO: Extract this to a helper function
-    if use_rest:
-        revocation_point_list = requests.get(f"{rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points").json()["PkiRevocationDistributionPoint"]
-    else:
-        cmdlist = ['config', 'output', 'json']
-        subprocess.Popen([dcld] + cmdlist)
-        cmdlist = ['query', 'pki', 'all-revocation-points']
+    dcld_helper = DCLDRequestsHelper(use_rest, dcld, production, rest_node_url)
-        cmdpipe = subprocess.Popen(use_dcld(dcld, production, cmdlist), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        revocation_point_list = json.loads(["PkiRevocationDistributionPoint"]
+    revocation_point_list = dcld_helper.get_revocation_points()
     revocation_set = []
     for revocation_point in revocation_point_list:
         # 1. Validate Revocation Type
-        if revocation_point["revocationType"] != RevocationType.CRL:
+        if revocation_point["revocationType"] != RevocationType.CRL.value:
+            print("Revocation Type is not CRL, continue...")
         # 2. Parse the certificate
-        crl_signer_certificate = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(revocation_point["crlSignerCertificate"])
+        crl_signer_certificate = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(revocation_point["crlSignerCertificate"], 'utf-8'))
         vid = revocation_point["vid"]
         pid = revocation_point["pid"]
@@ -119,12 +153,15 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
             if crl_vid is not None:
                 if vid != crl_vid:
                     # TODO: Need to log all situations where a continue is called
+                    print("VID is not CRL VID, continue...")
             if crl_vid is None or vid != crl_vid:
+                print("VID is not CRL VID, continue...")
             if crl_pid is not None:
                 if pid != crl_pid:
+                    print("PID is not CRL PID, continue...")
         # 5. Validate the certification path containing CRLSignerCertificate.
@@ -133,30 +170,54 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         crl_signer_authority_key_id = crl_signer_certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
-        paa_certificate = None
+        # Convert CRL Signer AKID to colon separated hex
+        crl_signer_authority_key_id = crl_signer_authority_key_id.hex().upper()
+        crl_signer_authority_key_id = ':'.join([crl_signer_authority_key_id[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(crl_signer_authority_key_id), 2)])
-        # TODO: Extract this to a helper function
-        if use_rest:
-            response = requests.get(
-                f"{rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/certificates/{crl_signer_issuer_name}/{crl_signer_authority_key_id}").json()["approvedCertificates"]["certs"][0]
-            paa_certificate = response["pemCert"]
-        else:
-            cmdlist = ['query', 'pki', 'x509-cert', '-u', crl_signer_issuer_name, '-k', crl_signer_authority_key_id]
-            cmdpipe = subprocess.Popen(use_dcld(dcld, production, cmdlist), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-            paa_certificate = json.loads(["approvedCertificates"]["certs"][0]["pemCert"]
+        paa_certificate = dcld_helper.get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id)
         if paa_certificate is None:
+            print("PAA Certificate not found, continue...")
-        paa_certificate_object = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(paa_certificate)
+        paa_certificate_object = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(paa_certificate, 'utf-8'))
+        # This requires cryptography 40.0.0 and this haults on 40.0.0
+        # try:
+        #     crl_signer_certificate.verify_directly_issued_by(paa_certificate_object)
+        # except Exception as e:
+        #     print("CRL Signer Certificate is not issued by PAA Certificate, continue...")
+        #     continue
+        # Verify issuer matches with subject
+        if crl_signer_certificate.issuer != paa_certificate_object.subject:
+            print("CRL Signer Certificate issuer does not match with PAA Certificate subject, continue...")
+            continue
+        # Check crl signers AKID matches with SKID of paa_certificate_object's AKID
+        paa_skid = paa_certificate_object.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
+        crl_akid = crl_signer_certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
+        if paa_skid != crl_akid:
+            print("CRL Signer's AKID does not match with PAA Certificate SKID, continue...")
+            continue
+        # verify if PAA singed the crl's public key
-            crl_signer_certificate.verify_directly_issued_by(paa_certificate_object)
-        except Exception:
+            paa_certificate_object.public_key().verify(crl_signer_certificate.signature,
+                                                        crl_signer_certificate.tbs_certificate_bytes,
+                                                        ec.ECDSA(crl_signer_certificate.signature_hash_algorithm))
+        except Exception as e:
+            print("CRL Signer Certificate is not signed by PAA Certificate, continue...")
+            print("Error: ", e)
         # 6. Obtain the CRL
-        r = requests.get(revocation_point["dataURL"])
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(revocation_point["dataURL"], timeout=5)
+        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
+            print("Timeout fetching CRL from ", revocation_point["dataURL"])
+            continue
         crl_file = x509.load_der_x509_crl(r.content)
         # 7. Perform CRL File Validation
@@ -164,6 +225,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         crl_signer_subject_key_id = crl_signer_certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
         if crl_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
+            print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
         issuer_subject_key_id = ''.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in crl_authority_key_id)
@@ -192,13 +254,16 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
                 issuing_distribution_point = crl_file.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
             except Exception:
+                print("CRL Issuing Distribution Point not found, continue...")
             uri_list = issuing_distribution_point.full_name
             if len(uri_list) == 1 and isinstance(uri_list[0], x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
                 if uri_list[0].value != revocation_point["dataURL"]:
+                    print("CRL Issuing Distribution Point URI is not CRL URL, continue...")
+                print("CRL Issuing Distribution Point URI is not CRL URL, continue...")
         # 9. Assign CRL File Issuer
@@ -213,6 +278,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
                 if revoked_cert_issuer is not None:
                     if revoked_cert_issuer != certificate_authority_name:
+                        print("CRL Issuer is not CRL File Issuer, continue...")
             except Exception:
@@ -223,8 +289,10 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
                 if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
+                    print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
             except Exception:
+                print("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
             # c. and d.

From c66885bc836e6bd80cdc241713fbf912368c12dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:41:32 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] restyle and linter fixes

 credentials/ | 55 +++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 6422bfe79cba57..4f7a94725b91c4 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 import click
 import requests
 from click_option_group import RequiredMutuallyExclusiveOptionGroup, optgroup
-from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
 from cryptography import x509
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
 class RevocationType(Enum):
@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         # Convert CRL Signer AKID to colon separated hex
         crl_signer_authority_key_id = crl_signer_authority_key_id.hex().upper()
-        crl_signer_authority_key_id = ':'.join([crl_signer_authority_key_id[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(crl_signer_authority_key_id), 2)])
+        crl_signer_authority_key_id = ':'.join([crl_signer_authority_key_id[i:i+2]
+                                               for i in range(0, len(crl_signer_authority_key_id), 2)])
         paa_certificate = dcld_helper.get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id)
@@ -204,8 +205,8 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         # verify if PAA singed the crl's public key
-                                                        crl_signer_certificate.tbs_certificate_bytes,
-                                                        ec.ECDSA(crl_signer_certificate.signature_hash_algorithm))
+                                                       crl_signer_certificate.tbs_certificate_bytes,
+                                                       ec.ECDSA(crl_signer_certificate.signature_hash_algorithm))
         except Exception as e:
             print("CRL Signer Certificate is not signed by PAA Certificate, continue...")
             print("Error: ", e)
@@ -230,26 +231,11 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         issuer_subject_key_id = ''.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in crl_authority_key_id)
-        same_issuer_points = None
+        # b.
+        count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid = sum(item.get('vid') == vid for item in same_issuer_points)
+        same_issuer_points = dcld_helper.get_revocations_points_by_skid(issuer_subject_key_id)
-        # TODO: Extract this to a helper function
-        if use_rest:
-            response = requests.get(
-                f"{rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points/{issuer_subject_key_id}").json()["pkiRevocationDistributionPointsByIssuerSubjectKeyID"]
-            same_issuer_points = response["points"]
-        else:
-            cmdlist = ['query', 'pki', 'revocation-points', '--issuer-subject-key-id', issuer_subject_key_id]
-            cmdpipe = subprocess.Popen(use_dcld(dcld, production, cmdlist), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-            same_issuer_points = json.loads([
-                "pkiRevocationDistributionPointsByIssuerSubjectKeyID"]["points"]
-        matching_entries = False
-        for same_issuer_point in same_issuer_points:
-            if same_issuer_point["vid"] == vid:
-                matching_entries = True
-                break
-        if matching_entries:
+        if count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid > 1:
                 issuing_distribution_point = crl_file.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
@@ -268,10 +254,13 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         # 9. Assign CRL File Issuer
         certificate_authority_name = base64.b64encode(crl_file.issuer.public_bytes()).decode('utf-8')
+        print(f"CRL File Issuer: {certificate_authority_name}")
         serialnumber_list = []
         # 10. Iterate through the Revoked Certificates List
         for revoked_cert in crl_file:
+            print(revoked_cert)
+            # a.
                 revoked_cert_issuer = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
@@ -284,16 +273,16 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
             # b.
-            try:
-                revoked_cert_authority_key_id = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
-                    x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
-                if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
-                    print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
-                    continue
-            except Exception:
-                print("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
-                continue
+            # try:
+            #     revoked_cert_authority_key_id = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
+            #         x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
+            #
+            #     if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
+            #         print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
+            #         continue
+            # except Exception:
+            #     print("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
+            #     continue
             # c. and d.
             serialnumber_list.append(bytes(str('{:02X}'.format(revoked_cert.serial_number)), 'utf-8').decode('utf-8'))

From 3a3dc2e2cfbee177c24e1eb92e317064d621e8cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 14:52:42 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] one last lint fix

 credentials/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 4f7a94725b91c4..984a10534ebd2e 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         issuer_subject_key_id = ''.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in crl_authority_key_id)
         # b.
-        count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid = sum(item.get('vid') == vid for item in same_issuer_points)
         same_issuer_points = dcld_helper.get_revocations_points_by_skid(issuer_subject_key_id)
+        count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid = sum(item.get('vid') == vid for item in same_issuer_points)
         if count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid > 1:

From 2a3e71529163468cc2fa219527a7fbb09ca91787 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 16:37:17 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] address comments

 credentials/ | 152 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 984a10534ebd2e..a1915b877866ad 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -54,47 +54,130 @@ def extract_single_integer_attribute(subject, oid):
     return None
-class DCLDRequestsHelper:
-    def __init__(self, use_rest, dcld, production, rest_node_url):
+class DCLDClient:
+    '''
+    A client for interacting with DCLD using either the REST API or command line interface (CLI).
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, use_rest:bool, dcld_exe:str, production:bool, rest_node_url:str):
+        '''
+        Initialize the client
+        use_rest: bool
+            Use RESTful API with HTTPS against `rest_node_url`
+        dcld_exe: str
+            Path to `dcld` executable
+        production: bool
+            Use MainNet DCL URL with dcld executable
+        rest_node_url: str
+            RESTful API URL
+        '''
         self.use_rest = use_rest
-        self.dcld = dcld
+        self.dcld_exe = dcld_exe
         self.production = production
         self.rest_node_url = rest_node_url
-    def use_dcld(self, dcld, production, cmdlist):
-        return [dcld] + cmdlist + (['--node', PRODUCTION_NODE_URL] if production else [])
+    def build_dcld_command_line(self, cmdlist:list[str])->list[str]:
+        '''
+        Build command line for `dcld` executable.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        cmdlist: list[str]
+            List of command line arguments to append to some predefined arguments
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list[str]
+            The complete command list including the DCLD executable and node option if in production
+        '''
+        return [self.dcld_exe] + cmdlist + (['--node', PRODUCTION_NODE_URL] if self.production else [])
+    def get_dcld_cmd_output_json(self, cmdlist:list[str])->dict:
+        '''
+        Executes a DCLD CLI command and returns the JSON output.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        cmdlist: list[str]
+            List of command line arguments to append to some predefined arguments
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict
+            The JSON output from the command
+        '''
-    def get_dcld_cmd_output(self, cmdlist):
         # Set the output as JSON
-        subprocess.Popen([self.dcld, 'config', 'output', 'json'])
+        subprocess.Popen([self.dcld_exe, 'config', 'output', 'json'])
-        cmdpipe = subprocess.Popen(self.use_dcld(self.dcld, self.production, cmdlist),
+        cmdpipe = subprocess.Popen(self.build_dcld_command_line(cmdlist),
                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
         return json.loads(
-    def get_revocation_points(self):
+    def get_revocation_points(self)->list[dict]:
+        '''
+        Get revocation points from DCL
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list[dict]
+            List of revocation points
+        '''
         if self.use_rest:
             response = requests.get(f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points").json()
-            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output(['query', 'pki', 'all-revocation-points'])
+            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output_json(['query', 'pki', 'all-revocation-points'])
         return response["PkiRevocationDistributionPoint"]
-    def get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(self, crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id):
+    def get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(self, crl_signer_issuer_name_b64, crl_signer_authority_key_id)->str:
+        '''
+        Get PAA certificate for CRL issuer
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        crl_signer_issuer_name_b64: str
+            The issuer name of the CRL signer.
+        crl_signer_authority_key_id: str
+            The authority key ID of the CRL signer.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str
+            PAA certificate in PEM format
+        '''
         if self.use_rest:
             response = requests.get(
-                f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/certificates/{crl_signer_issuer_name}/{crl_signer_authority_key_id}").json()
+                f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/certificates/{crl_signer_issuer_name_b64}/{crl_signer_authority_key_id}").json()
-            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output(
-                ['query', 'pki', 'x509-cert', '-u', crl_signer_issuer_name, '-k', crl_signer_authority_key_id])
+            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output_json(
+                ['query', 'pki', 'x509-cert', '-u', crl_signer_issuer_name_b64, '-k', crl_signer_authority_key_id])
         return response["approvedCertificates"]["certs"][0]["pemCert"]
-    def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id):
+    def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id)->list[dict]:
+        '''
+        Get revocation points by subject key ID
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        issuer_subject_key_id: str
+            Subject key ID
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list[dict]
+            List of revocation points
+        '''
         if self.use_rest:
             response = requests.get(f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points/{issuer_subject_key_id}").json()
-            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output(['query', 'pki', 'revocation-points',
+            response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output_json(['query', 'pki', 'revocation-points',
                                                 '--issuer-subject-key-id', issuer_subject_key_id])
         return response["pkiRevocationDistributionPointsByIssuerSubjectKeyID"]["points"]
@@ -125,9 +208,9 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
     rest_node_url = PRODUCTION_NODE_URL_REST if production else TEST_NODE_URL_REST
-    dcld_helper = DCLDRequestsHelper(use_rest, dcld, production, rest_node_url)
+    dcld_client = DCLDClient(use_rest, dcld, production, rest_node_url)
-    revocation_point_list = dcld_helper.get_revocation_points()
+    revocation_point_list = dcld_client.get_revocation_points()
     revocation_set = []
@@ -175,7 +258,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         crl_signer_authority_key_id = ':'.join([crl_signer_authority_key_id[i:i+2]
                                                for i in range(0, len(crl_signer_authority_key_id), 2)])
-        paa_certificate = dcld_helper.get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id)
+        paa_certificate = dcld_client.get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id)
         if paa_certificate is None:
             print("PAA Certificate not found, continue...")
@@ -183,13 +266,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         paa_certificate_object = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(paa_certificate, 'utf-8'))
-        # This requires cryptography 40.0.0 and this haults on 40.0.0
-        # try:
-        #     crl_signer_certificate.verify_directly_issued_by(paa_certificate_object)
-        # except Exception as e:
-        #     print("CRL Signer Certificate is not issued by PAA Certificate, continue...")
-        #     continue
+        # TODO: use verify_directly_issued_by() method when we upgrade cryptography to v40.0.0
         # Verify issuer matches with subject
         if crl_signer_certificate.issuer != paa_certificate_object.subject:
             print("CRL Signer Certificate issuer does not match with PAA Certificate subject, continue...")
@@ -232,7 +309,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         issuer_subject_key_id = ''.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in crl_authority_key_id)
         # b.
-        same_issuer_points = dcld_helper.get_revocations_points_by_skid(issuer_subject_key_id)
+        same_issuer_points = dcld_client.get_revocations_points_by_skid(issuer_subject_key_id)
         count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid = sum(item.get('vid') == vid for item in same_issuer_points)
         if count_with_matching_vid_issuer_skid > 1:
@@ -259,7 +336,6 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         serialnumber_list = []
         # 10. Iterate through the Revoked Certificates List
         for revoked_cert in crl_file:
-            print(revoked_cert)
             # a.
                 revoked_cert_issuer = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
@@ -273,16 +349,16 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
             # b.
-            # try:
-            #     revoked_cert_authority_key_id = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
-            #         x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
-            #
-            #     if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
-            #         print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
-            #         continue
-            # except Exception:
-            #     print("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
-            #     continue
+            try:
+                revoked_cert_authority_key_id = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
+                    x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
+                if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
+                    print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
+                    continue
+            except Exception:
+                print("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
+                continue
             # c. and d.
             serialnumber_list.append(bytes(str('{:02X}'.format(revoked_cert.serial_number)), 'utf-8').decode('utf-8'))

From e59b9eb86fbd53d65c49a187849ade8ea7b5dafb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 11:07:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Restyled by autopep8

 credentials/ | 14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index a1915b877866ad..21fc612fe3ec92 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class DCLDClient:
-    def __init__(self, use_rest:bool, dcld_exe:str, production:bool, rest_node_url:str):
+    def __init__(self, use_rest: bool, dcld_exe: str, production: bool, rest_node_url: str):
         Initialize the client
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def __init__(self, use_rest:bool, dcld_exe:str, production:bool, rest_node_url:s
         self.production = production
         self.rest_node_url = rest_node_url
-    def build_dcld_command_line(self, cmdlist:list[str])->list[str]:
+    def build_dcld_command_line(self, cmdlist: list[str]) -> list[str]:
         Build command line for `dcld` executable.
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def build_dcld_command_line(self, cmdlist:list[str])->list[str]:
         return [self.dcld_exe] + cmdlist + (['--node', PRODUCTION_NODE_URL] if self.production else [])
-    def get_dcld_cmd_output_json(self, cmdlist:list[str])->dict:
+    def get_dcld_cmd_output_json(self, cmdlist: list[str]) -> dict:
         Executes a DCLD CLI command and returns the JSON output.
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def get_dcld_cmd_output_json(self, cmdlist:list[str])->dict:
                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
         return json.loads(
-    def get_revocation_points(self)->list[dict]:
+    def get_revocation_points(self) -> list[dict]:
         Get revocation points from DCL
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def get_revocation_points(self)->list[dict]:
         return response["PkiRevocationDistributionPoint"]
-    def get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(self, crl_signer_issuer_name_b64, crl_signer_authority_key_id)->str:
+    def get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(self, crl_signer_issuer_name_b64, crl_signer_authority_key_id) -> str:
         Get PAA certificate for CRL issuer
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ def get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(self, crl_signer_issuer_name_b64, crl_signer_aut
         return response["approvedCertificates"]["certs"][0]["pemCert"]
-    def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id)->list[dict]:
+    def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id) -> list[dict]:
         Get revocation points by subject key ID
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id)->list[dict]:
             response = requests.get(f"{self.rest_node_url}/dcl/pki/revocation-points/{issuer_subject_key_id}").json()
             response = self.get_dcld_cmd_output_json(['query', 'pki', 'revocation-points',
-                                                '--issuer-subject-key-id', issuer_subject_key_id])
+                                                      '--issuer-subject-key-id', issuer_subject_key_id])
         return response["pkiRevocationDistributionPointsByIssuerSubjectKeyID"]["points"]

From 532a0e8f1e19629e8d7128ca90d3468b24bf4d09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 08:07:42 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 6/8] add logger

 credentials/ | 60 +++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 21fc612fe3ec92..2fae7b2f5f43c3 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 import base64
 import json
+import logging
 import subprocess
 import sys
 from enum import Enum
@@ -32,6 +33,15 @@
 from cryptography import x509
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
+# Supported log levels, mapping string values required for argument
+# parsing into logging constants
+__LOG_LEVELS__ = {
+    'debug': logging.DEBUG,
+    'info': logging.INFO,
+    'warn': logging.WARN,
+    'fatal': logging.FATAL,
 class RevocationType(Enum):
     CRL = 1
@@ -191,10 +201,20 @@ def get_revocations_points_by_skid(self, issuer_subject_key_id) -> list[dict]:
 @optgroup.option('--use-main-net-http', is_flag=True, type=str, help="Use RESTful API with HTTPS against public MainNet observer.")
 @optgroup.option('--use-test-net-http', is_flag=True, type=str, help="Use RESTful API with HTTPS against public TestNet observer.")'Optional arguments')
-@optgroup.option('--output', default='sample_revocation_set_list.json', type=str, metavar='FILEPATH', help="Output filename (default: sample_revocation_set_list.json)")
-def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_http, output):
+@optgroup.option('--output', default='sample_revocation_set_list.json', type=str, metavar='FILEPATH',
+                 help="Output filename (default: sample_revocation_set_list.json)")
+@optgroup.option('--log-level', default='INFO', show_default=True, type=click.Choice(__LOG_LEVELS__.keys(),
+                                                                                     case_sensitive=False), callback=lambda c, p, v: __LOG_LEVELS__[v],
+                 help='Determines the verbosity of script output')
+def main(use_main_net_dcld: str, use_test_net_dcld: str, use_main_net_http: bool, use_test_net_http: bool, output: str, log_level: str):
     """Tool to construct revocation set from DCL"""
+    logging.basicConfig(
+        level=log_level,
+        format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s',
+        datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
+    )
     production = False
     dcld = use_test_net_dcld
@@ -217,7 +237,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
     for revocation_point in revocation_point_list:
         # 1. Validate Revocation Type
         if revocation_point["revocationType"] != RevocationType.CRL.value:
-            print("Revocation Type is not CRL, continue...")
+            logging.warning("Revocation Type is not CRL, continue...")
         # 2. Parse the certificate
@@ -236,15 +256,15 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
             if crl_vid is not None:
                 if vid != crl_vid:
                     # TODO: Need to log all situations where a continue is called
-                    print("VID is not CRL VID, continue...")
+                    logging.warning("VID is not CRL VID, continue...")
             if crl_vid is None or vid != crl_vid:
-                print("VID is not CRL VID, continue...")
+                logging.warning("VID is not CRL VID, continue...")
             if crl_pid is not None:
                 if pid != crl_pid:
-                    print("PID is not CRL PID, continue...")
+                    logging.warning("PID is not CRL PID, continue...")
         # 5. Validate the certification path containing CRLSignerCertificate.
@@ -261,7 +281,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         paa_certificate = dcld_client.get_paa_cert_for_crl_issuer(crl_signer_issuer_name, crl_signer_authority_key_id)
         if paa_certificate is None:
-            print("PAA Certificate not found, continue...")
+            logging.warning("PAA Certificate not found, continue...")
         paa_certificate_object = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(bytes(paa_certificate, 'utf-8'))
@@ -269,14 +289,14 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         # TODO: use verify_directly_issued_by() method when we upgrade cryptography to v40.0.0
         # Verify issuer matches with subject
         if crl_signer_certificate.issuer != paa_certificate_object.subject:
-            print("CRL Signer Certificate issuer does not match with PAA Certificate subject, continue...")
+            logging.warning("CRL Signer Certificate issuer does not match with PAA Certificate subject, continue...")
         # Check crl signers AKID matches with SKID of paa_certificate_object's AKID
         paa_skid = paa_certificate_object.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
         crl_akid = crl_signer_certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
         if paa_skid != crl_akid:
-            print("CRL Signer's AKID does not match with PAA Certificate SKID, continue...")
+            logging.warning("CRL Signer's AKID does not match with PAA Certificate SKID, continue...")
         # verify if PAA singed the crl's public key
@@ -285,15 +305,15 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         except Exception as e:
-            print("CRL Signer Certificate is not signed by PAA Certificate, continue...")
-            print("Error: ", e)
+            logging.warning("CRL Signer Certificate is not signed by PAA Certificate, continue...")
+            logging.error("Error: ", e)
         # 6. Obtain the CRL
             r = requests.get(revocation_point["dataURL"], timeout=5)
         except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
-            print("Timeout fetching CRL from ", revocation_point["dataURL"])
+            logging.warning("Timeout fetching CRL from ", revocation_point["dataURL"])
         crl_file = x509.load_der_x509_crl(r.content)
@@ -303,7 +323,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
         crl_signer_subject_key_id = crl_signer_certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
         if crl_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
-            print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
+            logging.warning("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
         issuer_subject_key_id = ''.join('{:02X}'.format(x) for x in crl_authority_key_id)
@@ -317,21 +337,21 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
                 issuing_distribution_point = crl_file.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
             except Exception:
-                print("CRL Issuing Distribution Point not found, continue...")
+                logging.warning("CRL Issuing Distribution Point not found, continue...")
             uri_list = issuing_distribution_point.full_name
             if len(uri_list) == 1 and isinstance(uri_list[0], x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
                 if uri_list[0].value != revocation_point["dataURL"]:
-                    print("CRL Issuing Distribution Point URI is not CRL URL, continue...")
+                    logging.warning("CRL Issuing Distribution Point URI is not CRL URL, continue...")
-                print("CRL Issuing Distribution Point URI is not CRL URL, continue...")
+                logging.warning("CRL Issuing Distribution Point URI is not CRL URL, continue...")
         # 9. Assign CRL File Issuer
         certificate_authority_name = base64.b64encode(crl_file.issuer.public_bytes()).decode('utf-8')
-        print(f"CRL File Issuer: {certificate_authority_name}")
+        logging.debug(f"CRL File Issuer: {certificate_authority_name}")
         serialnumber_list = []
         # 10. Iterate through the Revoked Certificates List
@@ -343,7 +363,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
                 if revoked_cert_issuer is not None:
                     if revoked_cert_issuer != certificate_authority_name:
-                        print("CRL Issuer is not CRL File Issuer, continue...")
+                        logging.warning("CRL Issuer is not CRL File Issuer, continue...")
             except Exception:
@@ -354,10 +374,10 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld, use_test_net_dcld, use_main_net_http, use_test_net_h
                 if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
-                    print("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
+                    logging.warning("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
             except Exception:
-                print("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
+                logging.warning("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
             # c. and d.

From e94208593fe96f76c3059a95c60e06b302a513e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 12:26:08 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Catch the exception when loading the CRL

 credentials/ | 13 +++++++++----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 2fae7b2f5f43c3..889c245f60ec4b 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld: str, use_test_net_dcld: str, use_main_net_http: bool
             logging.warning("CRL Signer's AKID does not match with PAA Certificate SKID, continue...")
-        # verify if PAA singed the crl's public key
+        # verify if PAA singed the crl signer certificate
@@ -310,13 +310,18 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld: str, use_test_net_dcld: str, use_main_net_http: bool
         # 6. Obtain the CRL
+        logging.debug(f"Fetching CRL from {revocation_point['dataURL']}")
             r = requests.get(revocation_point["dataURL"], timeout=5)
-        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
-            logging.warning("Timeout fetching CRL from ", revocation_point["dataURL"])
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error('Failed to fetch CRL')
-        crl_file = x509.load_der_x509_crl(r.content)
+        try:
+            crl_file = x509.load_der_x509_crl(r.content)
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.error('Failed to load CRL')
+            continue
         # 7. Perform CRL File Validation
         crl_authority_key_id = crl_file.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier

From 5308d950a40522f17bf97be9a909ac3407a12a50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Shubham Patil <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 10:07:48 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] CRL entry extension do not have a AKID extension

 credentials/ | 21 +++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/credentials/ b/credentials/
index 889c245f60ec4b..bfc5ce560c1f80 100644
--- a/credentials/
+++ b/credentials/
@@ -304,22 +304,21 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld: str, use_test_net_dcld: str, use_main_net_http: bool
-        except Exception as e:
+        except Exception:
             logging.warning("CRL Signer Certificate is not signed by PAA Certificate, continue...")
-            logging.error("Error: ", e)
         # 6. Obtain the CRL
         logging.debug(f"Fetching CRL from {revocation_point['dataURL']}")
             r = requests.get(revocation_point["dataURL"], timeout=5)
-        except Exception as e:
+        except Exception:
             logging.error('Failed to fetch CRL')
             crl_file = x509.load_der_x509_crl(r.content)
-        except Exception as e:
+        except Exception:
             logging.error('Failed to load CRL')
@@ -374,16 +373,10 @@ def main(use_main_net_dcld: str, use_test_net_dcld: str, use_main_net_http: bool
             # b.
-            try:
-                revoked_cert_authority_key_id = revoked_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(
-                    x509.OID_AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER).value.key_identifier
-                if revoked_cert_authority_key_id is None or revoked_cert_authority_key_id != crl_signer_subject_key_id:
-                    logging.warning("CRL Authority Key ID is not CRL Signer Subject Key ID, continue...")
-                    continue
-            except Exception:
-                logging.warning("CRL Authority Key ID not found, continue...")
-                continue
+            # TODO: Verify that the certificate chain of the entry is linking to the same PAA
+            #       that issued the CRLSignerCertificate for this entry, including path through
+            #       CRLSignerDelegator if present. If the PAAs under which were issued the certificate
+            #       and the CRLSignerCertificate are different, ignore the entry.
             # c. and d.
             serialnumber_list.append(bytes(str('{:02X}'.format(revoked_cert.serial_number)), 'utf-8').decode('utf-8'))