diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_15.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_15.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f93fe51ae3d4..00000000000000
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_CADMIN_1_15.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
-    4.1.15. [TC-CADMIN-1.15] Removing Fabrics from DUT and Fabric index
-    enumeration using ECM [DUT - Commissionee]
-    - CADMIN.S
-    nodeId: 0x12344321
-    cluster: "Basic Information"
-    endpoint: 0
-    - label: "Precondition"
-      verification: |
-          Reset Devices to factory defaults
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 1: TH_CR1 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"
-      verification: |
-          "1. Provision the device using TH_CR1 (Chip-tool as controller)
-          "
-      disabled: true
-    - label:
-          "Step 2: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using a
-          commissioning timeout of PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration seconds using ECM"
-      PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR1 chip tool, open commissioning window using ECM
-          ./chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 1 1 180 1000 3840
-          Verify Manual pairing code on TH_CR1 (chip-tool) Log
-          [1635925713.966786][9695:9700] CHIP:SC: Success status report received. Session was established
-          [1635925713.966839][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: New secure session created for device 0x0000000000000001, key 33!!
-          [1635925713.966938][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: OpenCommissioningWindow for device ID 1
-          [1635925713.972601][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddingComm]
-          [1635925713.972705][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddedComma]
-          [1635925713.972815][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: Prepared encrypted message 0xaaaad9b57d10 to 0x0000000000000001 of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 31056i with MessageCounter:0.
-          [1635925713.972876][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaad9b57d10 with MessageCounter:0 to 0x0000000000000001 at monotonic time: 13449459 msec
-          [1635925713.973006][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [CommandSen]
-          [1635925713.973061][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: Manual pairing code: [36217551633]
-          [1635925713.973120][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: SetupQRCode: [MT:00000CQM00A7F87ZT10]
-          [1635925713.973178][9695:9700] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:1964916542 on exchange 31055i
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 3: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR2 using chip tool connect to the accessory
-          ./chip-tool pairing code 2 36217551633  --commissioner-name beta
-          Verify you got below message on TH_CR2 (chip-tool)
-          Device commissioning completed with success
-      disabled: true
-    - label:
-          "Step 4: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using a
-          commissioning timeout of PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration seconds using ECM"
-      PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR1 chip tool, open commissioning window using ECM
-          ./chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 1 1 300 1000 3840
-          Verify Manual pairing code on TH_CR1 (chip-tool) Log
-          [1635925713.966786][9695:9700] CHIP:SC: Success status report received. Session was established
-          [1635925713.966839][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: New secure session created for device 0x0000000000000001, key 33!!
-          [1635925713.966938][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: OpenCommissioningWindow for device ID 1
-          [1635925713.972601][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddingComm]
-          [1635925713.972705][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddedComma]
-          [1635925713.972815][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: Prepared encrypted message 0xaaaad9b57d10 to 0x0000000000000001 of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 31056i with MessageCounter:0.
-          [1635925713.972876][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaad9b57d10 with MessageCounter:0 to 0x0000000000000001 at monotonic time: 13449459 msec
-          [1635925713.973006][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [CommandSen]
-          [1635925713.973061][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: Manual pairing code: [36217551633]
-          [1635925713.973120][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: SetupQRCode: [MT:00000CQM00A7F87ZT10]
-          [1635925713.973178][9695:9700] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:1964916542 on exchange 31055i
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 5: TH_CR3 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR3  using chip tool connect to the accessory
-          ./chip-tool pairing code 3 36217551633  --commissioner-name gamma
-          Verify you got below message on TH_CR3 (chip-tool) side
-          Device commissioning completed with success
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 6: TH_CR2 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"
-      PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR2  using chip tool, read fabrics list
-          ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read fabrics 2 0 --fabric-filtered 0  --commissioner-name beta
-          Verify the list of Fabrics  consists of FabricIndex 1, FabricIndex 2, FabricIndex 3 on TH_CR2 (chip-tool) log
-          CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 2455995193
-          CHIP:TOO:   Fabrics: 3 entries
-          CHIP:TOO:     [1]: {
-          CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04656F56DBDB677DC957028DFC0ED76709C72753C9194B117A483BDC07386BFD9529B68EB4448FBBA3964EFF37A56A8F461D348B0DAF3B56A75F3B94BF8209D36F
-          CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 1
-          CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 1
-          CHIP:TOO:      }
-          CHIP:TOO:     [2]: {
-          CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04F8F28D5D70A4510E0F72FBBA31369796C4206FF95D97B77C1BDFD0438A3BE43510631A1B915BE189323F4CC0E015480192654D8170F8F230C7713898962958B7
-          CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 2
-          CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 2
-          CHIP:TOO:      }
-          CHIP:TOO:     [3]: {
-          CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04F8F28D5D70A4510E0F72FBBA31369796C4206FF95D97B77C1BDFD0438A3BE43510631A1B915BE189323F4CC0E015480192654D8170F8F230C7713898962958B7
-          CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 3
-          CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 3
-          CHIP:TOO:      }
-          CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:9143157 on exchange 1147i
-      disabled: true
-    - label:
-          "Step 7: TH_CR2 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = 2 command to
-          DUT_CE"
-      PICS: OPCREDS.S.C0a.Rsp
-      verification: |
-          on TH_CR2  using chip tool, remove fabric with FabricIndex=2
-          ./chip-tool operationalcredentials remove-fabric 2 2 0  --commissioner-name beta
-          Verify DUT_CE responses with NOCResponse with a StatusCode OK on TH_CR2 (chip-tool) log
-          CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008
-          CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Command 0x0000_0008
-          CHIP:TOO:   NOCResponse: {
-          CHIP:TOO:     statusCode: 0
-          CHIP:TOO:     fabricIndex: 2
-          CHIP:TOO:    }
-          CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
-      disabled: true
-    - label:
-          "Step 8: TH_CR2 writes and reads the Basic Information Clusters
-          NodeLabel mandatory attribute of DUT_CE"
-      PICS: BINFO.S.A0005
-      verification: |
-          Using TH_CR2 , write attribute and read attribute
-          Verify read/write commands fail as expected since the DUT_CE is no longer on the network on TH_CR2 (chip-tool) side
-          ./chip-tool  basicinformation write node-label te5new 2 0  --commissioner-name beta
-          [1678875950.655277][713499:713501] CHIP:SC: Received error (protocol code 1) during pairing process: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/CASESession.cpp:1727: CHIP Error 0x000000C9: No shared trusted root
-          [1678875950.655290][713499:713501] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0x7f5760026220]: Released - Type:2 LSID:1179
-          [1678875950.655316][713499:713501] CHIP:-: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/CASESession.cpp:1727: CHIP Error 0x000000C9: No shared trusted root at ../../commands/clusters/ModelCommand.cpp:62
-          ./chip-tool  basicinformation read node-label 2 0  --commissioner-name beta
-          [1678875950.655277][713499:713501] CHIP:SC: Received error (protocol code 1) during pairing process: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/CASESession.cpp:1727: CHIP Error 0x000000C9: No shared trusted root
-          [1678875950.655290][713499:713501] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0x7f5760026220]: Released - Type:2 LSID:1179
-          [1678875950.655316][713499:713501] CHIP:-: ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/protocols/secure_channel/CASESession.cpp:1727: CHIP Error 0x000000C9: No shared trusted root at ../../commands/clusters/ModelCommand.cpp:62
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 9: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"
-      PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR1 using chip tool, read fabrics list
-          Verify the list of Fabrics  consists of FabricIndex 1, FabricIndex 3 on TH_CR1 (chip-tool) log
-          ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read fabrics 1 0 --fabric-filtered 0
-          CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 2455995219
-          [1647863260.286772][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:   Fabrics: 2 entries
-          [1647863260.286908][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:     [1]: {
-          [1647863260.286947][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04656F56DBDB677DC957028DFC0ED76709C72753C9194B117A483BDC07386BFD9529B68EB4448FBBA3964EFF37A56A8F461D348B0DAF3B56A75F3B94BF8209D36F
-          [1647863260.286995][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          [1647863260.287026][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          [1647863260.287055][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 1
-          [1647863260.287084][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          [1647863260.287113][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 1
-          [1647863260.287144][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1647863260.287185][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:     [2]: {
-          [1647863260.287221][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04F8F28D5D70A4510E0F72FBBA31369796C4206FF95D97B77C1BDFD0438A3BE43510631A1B915BE189323F4CC0E015480192654D8170F8F230C7713898962958B7
-          [1647863260.287253][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          [1647863260.287282][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          [1647863260.287310][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 3
-          [1647863260.287339][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          [1647863260.287368][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 3
-          [1647863260.287396][9294:9299] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1647863260.287515][9294:9299] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:11301761 on exchange 13180i"
-      disabled: true
-    - label:
-          "Step 10: Verify DUT_CE is now discoverable over DNS-SD with 2
-          Operational service records (_matter._tcp SRV records)."
-      PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp
-      verification: |
-          Execute the below command in any linux platform or in TH_CR1
-          avahi-browse -rt _matter._tcp
-          + wlp5s0 IPv6 8E50A59FAF52A809-0000000000000001             _matter._tcp         local
-          + wlp5s0 IPv6 03E707466A904C7E-0000000000000003             _matter._tcp         local
-          = wlp5s0 IPv6 8E50A59FAF52A809-0000000000000001             _matter._tcp         local
-            hostname = [E45F010F27530000.local]
-            address = [fe80::e65f:1ff:fe0f:2753]
-            port = [5540]
-            txt = ["T=1" "SAI=300" "SII=5000"]
-          = wlp5s0 IPv6 03E707466A904C7E-0000000000000003             _matter._tcp         local
-            hostname = [E45F010F27530000.local]
-            address = [fe80::e65f:1ff:fe0f:2753]
-            port = [5540]
-            txt = ["T=1" "SAI=300" "SII=5000"]
-      disabled: true
-    - label:
-          "Step 11: TH_CR1 opens a commissioning window on DUT_CE using a
-          commissioning timeout of PIXIT.CADMIN.CwDuration seconds using ECM"
-      PICS: CADMIN.S.C00.Rsp
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR1 chip tool, open commissioning window using ECM
-          ./chip-tool pairing open-commissioning-window 1 1 180 1000 3840
-          Verify Manual pairing code on TH_CR1 (chip-tool) Log
-          [1635925713.966786][9695:9700] CHIP:SC: Success status report received. Session was established
-          [1635925713.966839][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: New secure session created for device 0x0000000000000001, key 33!!
-          [1635925713.966938][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: OpenCommissioningWindow for device ID 1
-          [1635925713.972601][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddingComm]
-          [1635925713.972705][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddedComma]
-          [1635925713.972815][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: Prepared encrypted message 0xaaaad9b57d10 to 0x0000000000000001 of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 31056i with MessageCounter:0.
-          [1635925713.972876][9695:9700] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xaaaad9b57d10 with MessageCounter:0 to 0x0000000000000001 at monotonic time: 13449459 msec
-          [1635925713.973006][9695:9700] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [CommandSen]
-          [1635925713.973061][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: Manual pairing code: [36217551633]
-          [1635925713.973120][9695:9700] CHIP:CTL: SetupQRCode: [MT:00000CQM00A7F87ZT10]
-          [1635925713.973178][9695:9700] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:1964916542 on exchange 31055i
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 12: TH_CR2 starts a commissioning process with DUT_CE"
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR2 using chip tool connect to the accessory
-          ./chip-tool pairing code 2 36217551633  --commissioner-name beta
-          Verify you got below message on TH_CR2 (chip-tool) side
-          Device commissioning completed with success
-      disabled: true
-    - label: "Step 13: TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE"
-      PICS: OPCREDS.S.A0001
-      verification: |
-          On TH_CR1 , read fabrics list
-          Verify the list shows FabricIndex=1, FabricIndex=3, FabricIndex=4 on TH_CR1 (chip-tool) side
-          ./chip-tool operationalcredentials read fabrics 1 0 --fabric-filtered 0
-          CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003E Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 2455995246
-          [1647863342.980899][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:   Fabrics: 3 entries
-          [1647863342.981158][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:     [1]: {
-          [1647863342.981231][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04656F56DBDB677DC957028DFC0ED76709C72753C9194B117A483BDC07386BFD9529B68EB4448FBBA3964EFF37A56A8F461D348B0DAF3B56A75F3B94BF8209D36F
-          [1647863342.981322][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          [1647863342.981380][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          [1647863342.981434][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 1
-          [1647863342.981486][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          [1647863342.981539][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 1
-          [1647863342.981594][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1647863342.981671][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:     [2]: {
-          [1647863342.981737][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04F8F28D5D70A4510E0F72FBBA31369796C4206FF95D97B77C1BDFD0438A3BE43510631A1B915BE189323F4CC0E015480192654D8170F8F230C7713898962958B7
-          [1647863342.981796][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          [1647863342.981849][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          [1647863342.981901][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 3
-          [1647863342.981952][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          [1647863342.982005][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 3
-          [1647863342.982057][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1647863342.982131][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:     [3]: {
-          [1647863342.982195][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       RootPublicKey: 04F8F28D5D70A4510E0F72FBBA31369796C4206FF95D97B77C1BDFD0438A3BE43510631A1B915BE189323F4CC0E015480192654D8170F8F230C7713898962958B7
-          [1647863342.982252][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       VendorId: 65521
-          [1647863342.982305][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       FabricId: 1
-          [1647863342.982357][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       NodeId: 2
-          [1647863342.982409][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       Label:
-          [1647863342.982460][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:       FabricIndex: 4
-          [1647863342.982512][9309:9314] CHIP:TOO:      }
-          [1647863342.982738][9309:9314] CHIP:EM: Sending Standalone Ack for MessageCounter:5772016 on exchange 3310i
-      disabled: true
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json b/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
index 265607715c07f8..a5e014ab233ea2 100644
--- a/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/manualTests.json
@@ -170,7 +170,6 @@
-        "Test_TC_CADMIN_1_15",
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_CADMIN_1_15.py b/src/python_testing/TC_CADMIN_1_15.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..1ee3606a9a3f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_CADMIN_1_15.py
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+# test-runner-runs:
+#   run1:
+#     app: ${ALL_CLUSTERS_APP}
+#     app-args: --discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1 --trace-to json:${TRACE_APP}.json
+#     script-args: >
+#       --storage-path admin_storage.json
+#       --commissioning-method on-network
+#       --discriminator 1234
+#       --passcode 20202021
+#       --trace-to json:${TRACE_TEST_JSON}.json
+#       --trace-to perfetto:${TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO}.perfetto
+#       --PICS src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values
+#     factory-reset: true
+#     quiet: true
+import logging
+import random
+from typing import Optional
+import chip.clusters as Clusters
+from chip import ChipDeviceCtrl
+from chip.ChipDeviceCtrl import CommissioningParameters
+from chip.exceptions import ChipStackError
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from mdns_discovery.mdns_discovery import MdnsDiscovery
+from mobly import asserts
+class TC_CADMIN_1_15(MatterBaseTest):
+    async def OpenCommissioningWindow(self, th: ChipDeviceCtrl, expectedErrCode: Optional[Clusters.AdministratorCommissioning.Enums.StatusCode] = None) -> CommissioningParameters:
+        if expectedErrCode == 0x00:
+            params = await th.OpenCommissioningWindow(
+                nodeid=self.dut_node_id, timeout=self.max_window_duration, iteration=10000, discriminator=self.discriminator, option=1)
+            return params
+        else:
+            ctx = asserts.assert_raises(ChipStackError)
+            with ctx:
+                await th.OpenCommissioningWindow(
+                    nodeid=self.dut_node_id, timeout=self.max_window_duration, iteration=10000, discriminator=self.discriminator, option=1)
+            errcode = ctx.exception.chip_error
+            logging.info('Commissioning complete done. Successful? {}, errorcode = {}'.format(errcode.is_success, errcode))
+            asserts.assert_false(errcode.is_success, 'Commissioning complete did not error as expected')
+            asserts.assert_true(errcode.sdk_code == expectedErrCode,
+                                'Unexpected error code returned from CommissioningComplete')
+    async def read_currentfabricindex(self, th: ChipDeviceCtrl) -> int:
+        cluster = Clusters.Objects.OperationalCredentials
+        attribute = Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Attributes.CurrentFabricIndex
+        current_fabric_index = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(dev_ctrl=th, endpoint=0, cluster=cluster, attribute=attribute)
+        return current_fabric_index
+    async def get_fabrics(self, th: ChipDeviceCtrl) -> int:
+        OC_cluster = Clusters.OperationalCredentials
+        fabrics = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(dev_ctrl=th, fabric_filtered=False, endpoint=0, cluster=OC_cluster, attribute=OC_cluster.Attributes.Fabrics)
+        return fabrics
+    async def CommissionAttempt(
+            self, setupPinCode: int, thnum: int, th):
+        logging.info(f"-----------------Commissioning with TH_CR{str(thnum)}-------------------------")
+        await th.CommissionOnNetwork(
+            nodeId=self.dut_node_id, setupPinCode=setupPinCode,
+            filterType=ChipDeviceCtrl.DiscoveryFilterType.LONG_DISCRIMINATOR, filter=self.discriminator)
+    def steps_TC_CADMIN_1_15(self) -> list[TestStep]:
+        return [
+            TestStep(
+                1, "TH_CR1 gets the MaxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds value from BasicCommissioningInfo attribute in GeneralCommissioning Cluster",
+                "Should set the MaxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds value from BasicCommissioningInfo attribute to timeout"),
+            TestStep(
+                2, "TH_CR1 reads the Fabrics attribute from the Node Operational Credentials cluster using a non-fabric-filtered read. Save the number of fabrics in the list as initial_number_of_fabrics"),
+            TestStep(
+                3, "TH_CR1 opens commissioning window on DUT with duration set to value for MaxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds",
+                "Commissioning window should open with timeout set to MaxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds"),
+            TestStep(4, "TH_CR2 fully commissions DUT_CE", "DUT should fully commission"),
+            TestStep(
+                5, "TH_CR1 opens commissioning window on DUT with duration set to value from BasicCommissioningInfo", "New commissioning window should open and be set to timeout"),
+            TestStep(6, "TH_CR3 fully commissions DUT_CE", "DUT should fully commission to TH_CR3"),
+            TestStep(7, "TH_CR2 reads the Fabrics attribute from the Node Operational Credentials cluster using a non-fabric-filtered read",
+                     "Verify the list shows initial_number_of_fabrics + 2 fabrics"),
+            TestStep(8, "Verify DUT_CE is now discoverable over DNS-SD with 3 Operational service records (_matter._tcp SRV records)."),
+            TestStep(9, "TH_CR2 reads the CurrentFabricIndex from the Node Operational Credentials cluster and saves as fabric_idx_cr2"),
+            TestStep(10, "TH_CR2 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = fabric_idx_cr2 command to DUT_CE",
+                     "Verify DUT_CE responses with NOCResponse with a StatusCode OK"),
+            TestStep(11, "TH_CR2 reads the Basic Information Cluster’s NodeLabel attribute of DUT_CE",
+                     "Verify read/write commands fail as expected since the DUT_CE is no longer on the network"),
+            TestStep(12, "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE",
+                     "Verify the list shows initial_number_of_fabrics + 1 fabrics and fabric_idx_cr2 is not included."),
+            TestStep(13, "TH_CR1 sends a OpenCommissioningWindow command to DUT_CE using a commissioning timeout of max_window_duration"),
+            TestStep(14, "TH_CR2 commissions DUT_CE", "Commissioning is successful"),
+            TestStep(15, "TH_CR2 reads the Fabrics attribute from the Node Operational Credentials cluster using a non-fabric-filtered read",
+                     "Verify the list shows initial_number_of_fabrics + 2 fabrics and fabric_idx_cr2 is not included, since a new fabric index should have been allocated."),
+            TestStep(16, "TH_CR2 reads the CurrentFabricIndex from the Node Operational Credentials cluster and saves as fabric_idx_cr2_2"),
+            TestStep(17, "TH_CR3 reads the CurrentFabricIndex from the Node Operational Credentials cluster and saves as fabric_idx_cr3"),
+            TestStep(18, "TH_CR1 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = fabric_idx_cr2_2 command to DUT_CE",
+                     "Verify DUT_CE responses with NOCResponse with a StatusCode OK"),
+            TestStep(19, "TH_CR1 sends RemoveFabric with FabricIndex = fabric_idx_cr3 command to DUT_CE",
+                     "Verify DUT_CE responses with NOCResponse with a StatusCode OK"),
+            TestStep(20, "TH_CR1 reads the list of Fabrics on DUT_CE",
+                     "Verify the list shows initial_number_of_fabrics fabrics."),
+        ]
+    def pics_TC_CADMIN_1_15(self) -> list[str]:
+        return ["CADMIN.S"]
+    @async_test_body
+    async def test_TC_CADMIN_1_15(self):
+        # Establishing TH1 controller
+        self.th1 = self.default_controller
+        self.discriminator = random.randint(0, 4095)
+        # Establishing TH2 controller
+        th2_certificate_authority = self.certificate_authority_manager.NewCertificateAuthority()
+        th2_fabric_admin = th2_certificate_authority.NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1, fabricId=self.th1.fabricId + 1)
+        self.th2 = th2_fabric_admin.NewController(nodeId=2, useTestCommissioner=True)
+        # Establishing TH3 controller
+        th3_certificate_authority = self.certificate_authority_manager.NewCertificateAuthority()
+        th3_fabric_admin = th3_certificate_authority.NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1, fabricId=self.th2.fabricId + 1)
+        self.th3 = th3_fabric_admin.NewController(nodeId=3, useTestCommissioner=True)
+        self.step(1)
+        GC_cluster = Clusters.GeneralCommissioning
+        attribute = GC_cluster.Attributes.BasicCommissioningInfo
+        duration = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(endpoint=0, cluster=GC_cluster, attribute=attribute)
+        self.max_window_duration = duration.maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds
+        self.step(2)
+        fabrics = await self.get_fabrics(th=self.th1)
+        initial_number_of_fabrics = len(fabrics)
+        self.step(3)
+        params = await self.OpenCommissioningWindow(th=self.th1, expectedErrCode=0x00)
+        setupPinCode = params.setupPinCode
+        self.step(4)
+        await self.CommissionAttempt(setupPinCode, thnum=2, th=self.th2)
+        self.step(5)
+        params2 = await self.OpenCommissioningWindow(th=self.th1, expectedErrCode=0x00)
+        setupPinCode2 = params2.setupPinCode
+        self.step(6)
+        await self.CommissionAttempt(setupPinCode2, thnum=3, th=self.th3)
+        self.step(7)
+        fabrics = await self.get_fabrics(th=self.th2)
+        if len(fabrics) != initial_number_of_fabrics + 2:
+            # len of fabrics is expected to be 3, if 3 not found then we assert failure here
+            asserts.fail("Expected number of fabrics not correct")
+        self.step(8)
+        # Gathering instance names associated with compressed fabrics for each TH in order to verify there are 3 operational service records for DUT.
+        mdns = MdnsDiscovery()
+        compressed_fabric_ids = {
+            "th1": self.th1.GetCompressedFabricId(),
+            "th2": self.th2.GetCompressedFabricId(),
+            "th3": self.th3.GetCompressedFabricId(),
+        }
+        op_services = []
+        for th, compressed_id in compressed_fabric_ids.items():
+            service = await MdnsDiscovery.get_operational_service(
+                mdns,
+                node_id=self.dut_node_id,
+                compressed_fabric_id=compressed_id,
+                log_output=True
+            )
+            op_services.append(service.instance_name)
+        asserts.assert_equal(
+            3,
+            len(set(op_services)),
+            f"Expected 3 instances but got {len(op_services)}"
+        )
+        self.step(9)
+        fabric_idx_cr2 = await self.read_currentfabricindex(th=self.th2)
+        self.step(10)
+        removeFabricCmd = Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.RemoveFabric(fabric_idx_cr2)
+        await self.th2.SendCommand(nodeid=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, payload=removeFabricCmd)
+        self.step(11)
+        # Verifies TH_CR2 is unable to read the Basic Information Cluster’s NodeLabel attribute of DUT_CE as no longer on network
+        try:
+            await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(
+                dev_ctrl=self.th2,
+                endpoint=0,
+                cluster=Clusters.BasicInformation,
+                attribute=Clusters.BasicInformation.Attributes.NodeLabel
+            )
+            asserts.fail("Expected exception not thrown")
+        except ChipStackError as e:
+            # Verify that the DUT returns an "Timeout" status response
+            asserts.assert_equal(e.err, 0x00000032,
+                                 "Expected to timeout as DUT_CE is no longer on network")
+        self.step(12)
+        fabrics2 = await self.get_fabrics(th=self.th1)
+        fabric_indexes = [fabric.fabricIndex for fabric in fabrics2]
+        if len(fabrics2) != initial_number_of_fabrics + 1:
+            # len of fabrics is expected to be 2, if 2 not found then we assert failure
+            asserts.fail(f"Expected number of fabrics not correct, should show 2, but instead shows {str(len(fabrics2))}")
+        if fabric_idx_cr2 in fabric_indexes:
+            asserts.fail("fabricIndexes should consist of indexes 1 and 3 at this point")
+        self.step(13)
+        params3 = await self.OpenCommissioningWindow(self.th1, expectedErrCode=0x00)
+        setupPinCode3 = params3.setupPinCode
+        self.step(14)
+        await self.CommissionAttempt(setupPinCode3, thnum=2, th=self.th2)
+        self.step(15)
+        fabrics3 = await self.get_fabrics(th=self.th2)
+        fabric_indexes2 = [fabric.fabricIndex for fabric in fabrics3]
+        if len(fabrics3) != initial_number_of_fabrics + 2:
+            # len of fabrics is expected to be 3, if 3 not found then we assert failure
+            asserts.fail("Expected number of fabrics not correct")
+        if fabric_idx_cr2 in fabric_indexes2:
+            asserts.fail("fabricIndexes should not consist of fabric_idx_cr2, but it appears it was")
+        self.step(16)
+        fabric_idx_cr2_2 = await self.read_currentfabricindex(th=self.th2)
+        self.step(17)
+        fabric_idx_cr3 = await self.read_currentfabricindex(th=self.th3)
+        self.step(18)
+        removeFabricCmd2 = Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.RemoveFabric(fabric_idx_cr2_2)
+        await self.th1.SendCommand(nodeid=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, payload=removeFabricCmd2)
+        self.step(19)
+        removeFabricCmd3 = Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.RemoveFabric(fabric_idx_cr3)
+        await self.th1.SendCommand(nodeid=self.dut_node_id, endpoint=0, payload=removeFabricCmd3)
+        self.step(20)
+        fabrics4 = await self.get_fabrics(th=self.th1)
+        if len(fabrics4) > initial_number_of_fabrics:
+            asserts.fail(
+                f"Expected number of fabrics not correct, should be {str(initial_number_of_fabrics)}, but instead found {str(len(fabrics4))}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    default_matter_test_main()
diff --git a/src/python_testing/mdns_discovery/mdns_discovery.py b/src/python_testing/mdns_discovery/mdns_discovery.py
index 1261ab3a578059..d36b3973b9815e 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/mdns_discovery/mdns_discovery.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/mdns_discovery/mdns_discovery.py
@@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ async def get_operational_service(self,
             raise ValueError("Both node_id and compressed_fabric_id must be provided together or not at all.")
         self._name_filter = f'{compressed_fabric_id:016x}-{node_id:016x}.{MdnsServiceType.OPERATIONAL.value}'.upper()
-        return await self._get_service(MdnsServiceType.OPERATIONAL, log_output, discovery_timeout_sec)
+        logger.info(f"name filter {self._name_filter}")
+        return await self._get_service(MdnsServiceType.OPERATIONAL, log_output, discovery_timeout_sec, self._name_filter)
     async def get_border_router_service(self, log_output: bool = False,
                                         discovery_timeout_sec: float = DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT_SEC
@@ -493,7 +494,8 @@ def _get_instance_name(self, service_info: AsyncServiceInfo) -> str:
     async def _get_service(self, service_type: MdnsServiceType,
                            log_output: bool,
-                           discovery_timeout_sec: float
+                           discovery_timeout_sec: float,
+                           expected_value: str = None,
                            ) -> Optional[MdnsServiceInfo]:
         Asynchronously discovers a specific type of mDNS service within the network and returns its details.
@@ -502,6 +504,7 @@ async def _get_service(self, service_type: MdnsServiceType,
             service_type (MdnsServiceType): The enum representing the type of mDNS service to discover.
             log_output (bool): Logs the discovered services to the console. Defaults to False.
             discovery_timeout_sec (float): Defaults to 15 seconds.
+            expected_value (str): Defaults to none as currently only utilized to gather specific record in multiple discovery records if available
             Optional[MdnsServiceInfo]: An instance of MdnsServiceInfo representing the discovered service, if
@@ -515,7 +518,12 @@ async def _get_service(self, service_type: MdnsServiceType,
             logger.info("Getting service from discovered services: %s", self._discovered_services)
         if service_type.value in self._discovered_services:
-            return self._discovered_services[service_type.value][0]
+            if expected_value is not None:
+                for service in self._discovered_services[service_type.value]:
+                    if service.service_name == expected_value.replace("._MATTER._TCP.LOCAL.", "._matter._tcp.local."):
+                        return service
+            else:
+                return self._discovered_services[service_type.value][0]
             return None