diff --git a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
index be6f4c0622c94a..6ec108dda3135b 100644
--- a/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
+++ b/examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common/all-clusters-app.matter
@@ -3419,6 +3419,19 @@ cluster RefrigeratorAlarm = 87 {
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ResetRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap alarms = 0;
+ }
+ request struct ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap mask = 0;
+ }
+ /** Reset alarm */
+ command Reset(ResetRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Modify enabled alarms */
+ command ModifyEnabledAlarms(ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
/** Attributes and commands for selecting a mode from a list of supported options. */
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
index 686d67e3fa49aa..fd198e72c50149 100644
--- a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_refrigerator_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_temperaturecontrolledcabinet_ffdb696680.matter
@@ -1371,6 +1371,19 @@ cluster RefrigeratorAlarm = 87 {
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ResetRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap alarms = 0;
+ }
+ request struct ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap mask = 0;
+ }
+ /** Reset alarm */
+ command Reset(ResetRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Modify enabled alarms */
+ command ModifyEnabledAlarms(ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
/** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of temperature, and reporting temperature measurements. */
diff --git a/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-thread-app.matter b/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-thread-app.matter
index 838776ac2a823b..8fb41134001727 100644
--- a/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-thread-app.matter
+++ b/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-thread-app.matter
@@ -1710,6 +1710,19 @@ cluster RefrigeratorAlarm = 87 {
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ResetRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap alarms = 0;
+ }
+ request struct ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap mask = 0;
+ }
+ /** Reset alarm */
+ command Reset(ResetRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Modify enabled alarms */
+ command ModifyEnabledAlarms(ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
endpoint 0 {
diff --git a/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-wifi-app.matter b/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-wifi-app.matter
index 530f00d32fd7ab..67aadeb285a928 100644
--- a/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-wifi-app.matter
+++ b/examples/refrigerator-app/silabs/data_model/refrigerator-wifi-app.matter
@@ -1621,6 +1621,19 @@ cluster RefrigeratorAlarm = 87 {
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ResetRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap alarms = 0;
+ }
+ request struct ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap mask = 0;
+ }
+ /** Reset alarm */
+ command Reset(ResetRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Modify enabled alarms */
+ command ModifyEnabledAlarms(ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
endpoint 0 {
diff --git a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/refrigerator-alarm.xml b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/refrigerator-alarm.xml
index ca091a5deab23e..66113ea3c052d1 100644
--- a/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/refrigerator-alarm.xml
+++ b/src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip/refrigerator-alarm.xml
@@ -39,6 +39,20 @@ limitations under the License.
+ Reset alarm
+ Modify enabled alarms
diff --git a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
index 69dd7b62df393a..98c4a42df85bad 100644
--- a/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
+++ b/src/controller/data_model/controller-clusters.matter
@@ -3637,6 +3637,19 @@ cluster RefrigeratorAlarm = 87 {
readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ResetRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap alarms = 0;
+ }
+ request struct ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest {
+ AlarmBitmap mask = 0;
+ }
+ /** Reset alarm */
+ command Reset(ResetRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Modify enabled alarms */
+ command ModifyEnabledAlarms(ModifyEnabledAlarmsRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
/** Attributes and commands for selecting a mode from a list of supported options. */
diff --git a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ClusterIDMapping.java b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ClusterIDMapping.java
index a0718acb1c73b2..2d427a0c0319fb 100644
--- a/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ClusterIDMapping.java
+++ b/src/controller/java/generated/java/chip/devicecontroller/ClusterIDMapping.java
@@ -7204,7 +7204,9 @@ public static Event value(long id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
- public enum Command {;
+ public enum Command {
+ Reset(0L),
+ ModifyEnabledAlarms(1L),;
private final long id;
Command(long id) {
this.id = id;
@@ -7222,7 +7224,41 @@ public static Command value(long id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
throw new NoSuchFieldError();
- }@Override
+ }public enum ResetCommandField {Alarms(0),;
+ private final int id;
+ ResetCommandField(int id) {
+ this.id = id;
+ }
+ public int getID() {
+ return id;
+ }
+ public static ResetCommandField value(int id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
+ for (ResetCommandField field : ResetCommandField.values()) {
+ if (field.getID() == id) {
+ return field;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new NoSuchFieldError();
+ }
+ }public enum ModifyEnabledAlarmsCommandField {Mask(0),;
+ private final int id;
+ ModifyEnabledAlarmsCommandField(int id) {
+ this.id = id;
+ }
+ public int getID() {
+ return id;
+ }
+ public static ModifyEnabledAlarmsCommandField value(int id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
+ for (ModifyEnabledAlarmsCommandField field : ModifyEnabledAlarmsCommandField.values()) {
+ if (field.getID() == id) {
+ return field;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new NoSuchFieldError();
+ }
+ }@Override
public String getAttributeName(long id) throws NoSuchFieldError {
return Attribute.value(id).toString();
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/CHIPClusters.py b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/CHIPClusters.py
index b391ff5252df2f..1fd710140e3651 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/CHIPClusters.py
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/CHIPClusters.py
@@ -4656,6 +4656,20 @@ class ChipClusters:
"clusterName": "RefrigeratorAlarm",
"clusterId": 0x00000057,
"commands": {
+ 0x00000000: {
+ "commandId": 0x00000000,
+ "commandName": "Reset",
+ "args": {
+ "alarms": "int",
+ },
+ },
+ 0x00000001: {
+ "commandId": 0x00000001,
+ "commandName": "ModifyEnabledAlarms",
+ "args": {
+ "mask": "int",
+ },
+ },
"attributes": {
0x00000000: {
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/Objects.py b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/Objects.py
index 0a8f62def35a92..271702e37ef001 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/Objects.py
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/clusters/Objects.py
@@ -17019,6 +17019,39 @@ class Bitmaps:
class AlarmBitmap(IntFlag):
kDoorOpen = 0x1
+ class Commands:
+ @dataclass
+ class Reset(ClusterCommand):
+ cluster_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000057
+ command_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000000
+ is_client: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
+ response_type: typing.ClassVar[typing.Optional[str]] = None
+ @ChipUtility.classproperty
+ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
+ return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
+ Fields=[
+ ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="alarms", Tag=0, Type=uint),
+ ])
+ alarms: uint = 0
+ @dataclass
+ class ModifyEnabledAlarms(ClusterCommand):
+ cluster_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000057
+ command_id: typing.ClassVar[int] = 0x00000001
+ is_client: typing.ClassVar[bool] = True
+ response_type: typing.ClassVar[typing.Optional[str]] = None
+ @ChipUtility.classproperty
+ def descriptor(cls) -> ClusterObjectDescriptor:
+ return ClusterObjectDescriptor(
+ Fields=[
+ ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor(Label="mask", Tag=0, Type=uint),
+ ])
+ mask: uint = 0
class Attributes:
class Mask(ClusterAttributeDescriptor):
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
index 8193460364759d..9a9c40a32810bd 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.h
@@ -5208,6 +5208,19 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
@interface MTRBaseClusterRefrigeratorAlarm : MTRGenericBaseCluster
+ * Command Reset
+ *
+ * Reset alarm
+ */
+- (void)resetWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams *)params completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+ * Command ModifyEnabledAlarms
+ *
+ * Modify enabled alarms
+ */
+- (void)modifyEnabledAlarmsWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams *)params completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
- (void)readAttributeMaskWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4));
- (void)subscribeAttributeMaskWithParams:(MTRSubscribeParams *)params
subscriptionEstablished:(MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable)subscriptionEstablished
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.mm b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.mm
index ff9a7ca7c96a80..f86a6374b11a8b 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.mm
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRBaseClusters.mm
@@ -39191,6 +39191,55 @@ + (void)readAttributeClusterRevisionWithClusterStateCache:(MTRClusterStateCacheC
@implementation MTRBaseClusterRefrigeratorAlarm
+- (void)resetWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams *)params completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion
+ if (params == nil) {
+ params = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams
+ alloc] init];
+ }
+ auto responseHandler = ^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completion(error);
+ };
+ auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ using RequestType = RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Type;
+ [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
+ clusterID:@(RequestType::GetClusterId())
+ commandID:@(RequestType::GetCommandId())
+ commandPayload:params
+ timedInvokeTimeout:timedInvokeTimeoutMs
+ serverSideProcessingTimeout:params.serverSideProcessingTimeout
+ responseClass:nil
+ queue:self.callbackQueue
+ completion:responseHandler];
+- (void)modifyEnabledAlarmsWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams *)params completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion
+ if (params == nil) {
+ params = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams
+ alloc] init];
+ }
+ auto responseHandler = ^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completion(error);
+ };
+ auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ using RequestType = RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Type;
+ [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
+ clusterID:@(RequestType::GetClusterId())
+ commandID:@(RequestType::GetCommandId())
+ commandPayload:params
+ timedInvokeTimeout:timedInvokeTimeoutMs
+ serverSideProcessingTimeout:params.serverSideProcessingTimeout
+ responseClass:nil
+ queue:self.callbackQueue
+ completion:responseHandler];
- (void)readAttributeMaskWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
using TypeInfo = RefrigeratorAlarm::Attributes::Mask::TypeInfo;
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
index 1f1e93e1059df2..65793b713e8606 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterConstants.h
@@ -6334,6 +6334,10 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(uint32_t, MTRCommandIDType) {
// Cluster TemperatureControl commands
MTRCommandIDTypeClusterTemperatureControlCommandSetTemperatureID MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4)) = 0x00000000,
+ // Cluster RefrigeratorAlarm commands
+ MTRCommandIDTypeClusterRefrigeratorAlarmCommandResetID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000000,
+ MTRCommandIDTypeClusterRefrigeratorAlarmCommandModifyEnabledAlarmsID MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE = 0x00000001,
// Cluster DishwasherMode commands
MTRCommandIDTypeClusterDishwasherModeCommandChangeToModeID MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4)) = 0x00000000,
MTRCommandIDTypeClusterDishwasherModeCommandChangeToModeResponseID MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4)) = 0x00000001,
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterNames.mm b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterNames.mm
index f00e246b93d3a8..398b9c11b939d8 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterNames.mm
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusterNames.mm
@@ -9524,6 +9524,14 @@
switch (commandID) {
+ case MTRCommandIDTypeClusterRefrigeratorAlarmCommandResetID:
+ result = @"Reset";
+ break;
+ case MTRCommandIDTypeClusterRefrigeratorAlarmCommandModifyEnabledAlarmsID:
+ result = @"ModifyEnabledAlarms";
+ break;
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", commandID];
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
index 500436c2afa82a..ae57a152dabdeb 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.h
@@ -2480,6 +2480,9 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
@interface MTRClusterRefrigeratorAlarm : MTRGenericCluster
+- (void)resetWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray *> * _Nullable)expectedDataValueDictionaries expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+- (void)modifyEnabledAlarmsWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray *> * _Nullable)expectedDataValueDictionaries expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)readAttributeMaskWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4));
- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)readAttributeStateWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4));
@@ -2504,8 +2507,8 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
@interface MTRClusterRefrigeratorAlarm (Availability)
- * The queue is currently unused, but may be used in the future for calling completions
- * for command invocations if commands are added to this cluster.
+ * For all instance methods that take a completion (i.e. command invocations),
+ * the completion will be called on the provided queue.
- (instancetype _Nullable)initWithDevice:(MTRDevice *)device
endpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.mm b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.mm
index 7382e8a74d0f2e..6df23048dec5cc 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.mm
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRClusters.mm
@@ -6859,6 +6859,60 @@ - (void)setTemperatureWithParams:(MTRTemperatureControlClusterSetTemperaturePara
@implementation MTRClusterRefrigeratorAlarm
+- (void)resetWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion
+ if (params == nil) {
+ params = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams
+ alloc] init];
+ }
+ auto responseHandler = ^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completion(error);
+ };
+ auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ using RequestType = RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Type;
+ [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
+ clusterID:@(RequestType::GetClusterId())
+ commandID:@(RequestType::GetCommandId())
+ commandPayload:params
+ expectedValues:expectedValues
+ expectedValueInterval:expectedValueIntervalMs
+ timedInvokeTimeout:timedInvokeTimeoutMs
+ serverSideProcessingTimeout:params.serverSideProcessingTimeout
+ responseClass:nil
+ queue:self.callbackQueue
+ completion:responseHandler];
+- (void)modifyEnabledAlarmsWithParams:(MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams *)params expectedValues:(NSArray *> * _Nullable)expectedValues expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueIntervalMs completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion
+ if (params == nil) {
+ params = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams
+ alloc] init];
+ }
+ auto responseHandler = ^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ completion(error);
+ };
+ auto * timedInvokeTimeoutMs = params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ using RequestType = RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Type;
+ [self.device _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:self.endpointID
+ clusterID:@(RequestType::GetClusterId())
+ commandID:@(RequestType::GetCommandId())
+ commandPayload:params
+ expectedValues:expectedValues
+ expectedValueInterval:expectedValueIntervalMs
+ timedInvokeTimeout:timedInvokeTimeoutMs
+ serverSideProcessingTimeout:params.serverSideProcessingTimeout
+ responseClass:nil
+ queue:self.callbackQueue
+ completion:responseHandler];
- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)readAttributeMaskWithParams:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params
return [self.device readAttributeWithEndpointID:self.endpointID clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeRefrigeratorAlarmID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterRefrigeratorAlarmAttributeMaskID) params:params];
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h
index 26b4c7e981e130..47f96d4a96e27d 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.h
@@ -4388,6 +4388,66 @@ MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * serverSideProcessingTimeout;
+@interface MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams : NSObject
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull alarms MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+ * Controls whether the command is a timed command (using Timed Invoke).
+ *
+ * If nil (the default value), a regular invoke is done for commands that do
+ * not require a timed invoke and a timed invoke with some default timed request
+ * timeout is done for commands that require a timed invoke.
+ *
+ * If not nil, a timed invoke is done, with the provided value used as the timed
+ * request timeout. The value should be chosen small enough to provide the
+ * desired security properties but large enough that it will allow a round-trip
+ * from the sever to the client (for the status response and actual invoke
+ * request) within the timeout window.
+ *
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ * Controls how much time, in seconds, we will allow for the server to process the command.
+ *
+ * The command will then time out if that much time, plus an allowance for retransmits due to network failures, passes.
+ *
+ * If nil, the framework will try to select an appropriate timeout value itself.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * serverSideProcessingTimeout;
+@interface MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams : NSObject
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * _Nonnull mask MTR_PROVISIONALLY_AVAILABLE;
+ * Controls whether the command is a timed command (using Timed Invoke).
+ *
+ * If nil (the default value), a regular invoke is done for commands that do
+ * not require a timed invoke and a timed invoke with some default timed request
+ * timeout is done for commands that require a timed invoke.
+ *
+ * If not nil, a timed invoke is done, with the provided value used as the timed
+ * request timeout. The value should be chosen small enough to provide the
+ * desired security properties but large enough that it will allow a round-trip
+ * from the sever to the client (for the status response and actual invoke
+ * request) within the timeout window.
+ *
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ * Controls how much time, in seconds, we will allow for the server to process the command.
+ *
+ * The command will then time out if that much time, plus an allowance for retransmits due to network failures, passes.
+ *
+ * If nil, the framework will try to select an appropriate timeout value itself.
+ */
+@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * serverSideProcessingTimeout;
MTR_AVAILABLE(ios(18.4), macos(15.4), watchos(11.4), tvos(18.4))
@interface MTRDishwasherModeClusterChangeToModeParams : NSObject
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm
index 1923b91f868c66..47e1ef6fe7a25d 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloadsObjc.mm
@@ -11991,6 +11991,164 @@ - (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
+@implementation MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams
+- (instancetype)init
+ if (self = [super init]) {
+ _alarms = @(0);
+ _timedInvokeTimeoutMs = nil;
+ _serverSideProcessingTimeout = nil;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
+ auto other = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams alloc] init];
+ other.alarms = self.alarms;
+ other.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = self.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ other.serverSideProcessingTimeout = self.serverSideProcessingTimeout;
+ return other;
+- (NSString *)description
+ NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: alarms:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _alarms];
+ return descriptionString;
+@implementation MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams (InternalMethods)
+- (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
+ chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Type encodableStruct;
+ ListFreer listFreer;
+ {
+ encodableStruct.alarms = static_cast>(self.alarms.unsignedIntValue);
+ }
+ auto buffer = chip::System::PacketBufferHandle::New(chip::System::PacketBuffer::kMaxSizeWithoutReserve, 0);
+ if (buffer.IsNull()) {
+ }
+ chip::System::PacketBufferTLVWriter writer;
+ // Commands never need chained buffers, since they cannot be chunked.
+ writer.Init(std::move(buffer), /* useChainedBuffers = */ false);
+ ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Encode(writer, chip::TLV::AnonymousTag(), encodableStruct));
+ ReturnErrorOnFailure(writer.Finalize(&buffer));
+ reader.Init(std::move(buffer));
+ return reader.Next(chip::TLV::kTLVType_Structure, chip::TLV::AnonymousTag());
+- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error
+ chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader reader;
+ CHIP_ERROR err = [self _encodeToTLVReader:reader];
+ if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
+ if (error) {
+ *error = [MTRError errorForCHIPErrorCode:err];
+ }
+ return nil;
+ }
+ auto decodedObj = MTRDecodeDataValueDictionaryFromCHIPTLV(&reader);
+ if (decodedObj == nil) {
+ if (error) {
+ *error = [MTRError errorForCHIPErrorCode:CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE];
+ }
+ }
+ return decodedObj;
+@implementation MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams
+- (instancetype)init
+ if (self = [super init]) {
+ _mask = @(0);
+ _timedInvokeTimeoutMs = nil;
+ _serverSideProcessingTimeout = nil;
+ }
+ return self;
+- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone * _Nullable)zone;
+ auto other = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams alloc] init];
+ other.mask = self.mask;
+ other.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = self.timedInvokeTimeoutMs;
+ other.serverSideProcessingTimeout = self.serverSideProcessingTimeout;
+ return other;
+- (NSString *)description
+ NSString * descriptionString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: mask:%@; >", NSStringFromClass([self class]), _mask];
+ return descriptionString;
+@implementation MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams (InternalMethods)
+- (CHIP_ERROR)_encodeToTLVReader:(chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader &)reader
+ chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Type encodableStruct;
+ ListFreer listFreer;
+ {
+ encodableStruct.mask = static_cast>(self.mask.unsignedIntValue);
+ }
+ auto buffer = chip::System::PacketBufferHandle::New(chip::System::PacketBuffer::kMaxSizeWithoutReserve, 0);
+ if (buffer.IsNull()) {
+ }
+ chip::System::PacketBufferTLVWriter writer;
+ // Commands never need chained buffers, since they cannot be chunked.
+ writer.Init(std::move(buffer), /* useChainedBuffers = */ false);
+ ReturnErrorOnFailure(chip::app::DataModel::Encode(writer, chip::TLV::AnonymousTag(), encodableStruct));
+ ReturnErrorOnFailure(writer.Finalize(&buffer));
+ reader.Init(std::move(buffer));
+ return reader.Next(chip::TLV::kTLVType_Structure, chip::TLV::AnonymousTag());
+- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error
+ chip::System::PacketBufferTLVReader reader;
+ CHIP_ERROR err = [self _encodeToTLVReader:reader];
+ if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
+ if (error) {
+ *error = [MTRError errorForCHIPErrorCode:err];
+ }
+ return nil;
+ }
+ auto decodedObj = MTRDecodeDataValueDictionaryFromCHIPTLV(&reader);
+ if (decodedObj == nil) {
+ if (error) {
+ *error = [MTRError errorForCHIPErrorCode:CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE];
+ }
+ }
+ return decodedObj;
@implementation MTRDishwasherModeClusterChangeToModeParams
- (instancetype)init
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h
index 741ff9f8e96977..ccc0bd887bd772 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h
@@ -796,6 +796,18 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
+@interface MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams (InternalMethods)
+- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
+@interface MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams (InternalMethods)
+- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
@interface MTRDishwasherModeClusterChangeToModeParams (InternalMethods)
- (NSDictionary * _Nullable)_encodeAsDataValue:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/callback.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/callback.h
index 480a2c3434c028..e9b7000cbedd4a 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/callback.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/callback.h
@@ -6148,6 +6148,18 @@ bool emberAfModeSelectClusterChangeToModeCallback(
bool emberAfTemperatureControlClusterSetTemperatureCallback(
chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const chip::app::Clusters::TemperatureControl::Commands::SetTemperature::DecodableType & commandData);
+ * @brief Refrigerator Alarm Cluster Reset Command callback (from client)
+ */
+bool emberAfRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetCallback(
+ chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
+ const chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::DecodableType & commandData);
+ * @brief Refrigerator Alarm Cluster ModifyEnabledAlarms Command callback (from client)
+ */
+bool emberAfRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsCallback(
+ chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
+ const chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::DecodableType & commandData);
* @brief Smoke CO Alarm Cluster SelfTestRequest Command callback (from client)
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
index e26e842ed4f00a..fbebb3f264edd5 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.cpp
@@ -11771,7 +11771,76 @@ namespace Events {} // namespace Events
} // namespace TemperatureControl
namespace RefrigeratorAlarm {
-namespace Commands {} // namespace Commands
+namespace Commands {
+namespace Reset {
+CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
+ DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
+ encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kAlarms), alarms);
+ return encoder.Finalize();
+CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
+ detail::StructDecodeIterator __iterator(reader);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ auto __element = __iterator.Next();
+ if (std::holds_alternative(__element))
+ {
+ return std::get(__element);
+ }
+ const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get(__element);
+ if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kAlarms))
+ {
+ err = DataModel::Decode(reader, alarms);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ ReturnErrorOnFailure(err);
+ }
+} // namespace Reset.
+namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms {
+CHIP_ERROR Type::Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const
+ DataModel::WrappedStructEncoder encoder{ aWriter, aTag };
+ encoder.Encode(to_underlying(Fields::kMask), mask);
+ return encoder.Finalize();
+CHIP_ERROR DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader)
+ detail::StructDecodeIterator __iterator(reader);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ auto __element = __iterator.Next();
+ if (std::holds_alternative(__element))
+ {
+ return std::get(__element);
+ }
+ const uint8_t __context_tag = std::get(__element);
+ if (__context_tag == to_underlying(Fields::kMask))
+ {
+ err = DataModel::Decode(reader, mask);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ ReturnErrorOnFailure(err);
+ }
+} // namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms.
+} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
CHIP_ERROR TypeInfo::DecodableType::Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path)
@@ -36532,6 +36601,13 @@ bool CommandIsFabricScoped(ClusterId aCluster, CommandId aCommand)
return false;
+ case Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id: {
+ switch (aCommand)
+ {
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
case Clusters::DishwasherMode::Id: {
switch (aCommand)
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
index 5d40eb84f4b290..08a238d952448c 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h
@@ -15853,6 +15853,88 @@ struct TypeInfo
} // namespace TemperatureControl
namespace RefrigeratorAlarm {
+namespace Commands {
+// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
+namespace Reset {
+struct Type;
+struct DecodableType;
+} // namespace Reset
+namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms {
+struct Type;
+struct DecodableType;
+} // namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms
+} // namespace Commands
+namespace Commands {
+namespace Reset {
+enum class Fields : uint8_t
+ kAlarms = 0,
+struct Type
+ // Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
+ static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Reset::Id; }
+ static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id; }
+ chip::BitMask alarms = static_cast>(0);
+ CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
+ using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
+ static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
+struct DecodableType
+ static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Reset::Id; }
+ static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id; }
+ chip::BitMask alarms = static_cast>(0);
+ CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
+}; // namespace Reset
+namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms {
+enum class Fields : uint8_t
+ kMask = 0,
+struct Type
+ // Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
+ static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Id; }
+ static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id; }
+ chip::BitMask mask = static_cast>(0);
+ CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, TLV::Tag aTag) const;
+ using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
+ static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
+struct DecodableType
+ static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Id; }
+ static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id; }
+ chip::BitMask mask = static_cast>(0);
+ CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
+}; // namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms
+} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Mask {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h
index 4834307ce383b4..81bea0ed77a36f 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/app-common/app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h
@@ -747,6 +747,20 @@ static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000000;
} // namespace Commands
} // namespace TemperatureControl
+namespace RefrigeratorAlarm {
+namespace Commands {
+namespace Reset {
+static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000000;
+} // namespace Reset
+namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms {
+static constexpr CommandId Id = 0x00000001;
+} // namespace ModifyEnabledAlarms
+} // namespace Commands
+} // namespace RefrigeratorAlarm
namespace DishwasherMode {
namespace Commands {
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index 64443e9d437f16..66f28c17468e14 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -5193,6 +5193,8 @@ class TemperatureControlSetTemperature : public ClusterCommand
| Cluster RefrigeratorAlarm | 0x0057 |
| Commands: | |
+| * Reset | 0x00 |
+| * ModifyEnabledAlarms | 0x01 |
| Attributes: | |
| * Mask | 0x0000 |
@@ -5208,6 +5210,81 @@ class TemperatureControlSetTemperature : public ClusterCommand
| * Notify | 0x0000 |
+ * Command Reset
+ */
+class RefrigeratorAlarmReset : public ClusterCommand
+ RefrigeratorAlarmReset(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("reset", credsIssuerConfig)
+ {
+ AddArgument("Alarms", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.alarms);
+ ClusterCommand::AddArguments();
+ }
+ CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector endpointIds) override
+ {
+ constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id;
+ constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Id;
+ ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId,
+ commandId, endpointIds.at(0));
+ return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), clusterId, commandId, mRequest);
+ }
+ CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override
+ {
+ constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id;
+ constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Id;
+ ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on Group %u", clusterId, commandId,
+ groupId);
+ return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, clusterId, commandId, mRequest);
+ }
+ chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Type mRequest;
+ * Command ModifyEnabledAlarms
+ */
+class RefrigeratorAlarmModifyEnabledAlarms : public ClusterCommand
+ RefrigeratorAlarmModifyEnabledAlarms(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) :
+ ClusterCommand("modify-enabled-alarms", credsIssuerConfig)
+ {
+ AddArgument("Mask", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.mask);
+ ClusterCommand::AddArguments();
+ }
+ CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector endpointIds) override
+ {
+ constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id;
+ constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Id;
+ ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId,
+ commandId, endpointIds.at(0));
+ return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), clusterId, commandId, mRequest);
+ }
+ CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override
+ {
+ constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id;
+ constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Id;
+ ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on Group %u", clusterId, commandId,
+ groupId);
+ return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, clusterId, commandId, mRequest);
+ }
+ chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Type mRequest;
| Cluster DishwasherMode | 0x0059 |
@@ -21097,7 +21174,9 @@ void registerClusterRefrigeratorAlarm(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerComma
// Commands
- make_unique(Id, credsIssuerConfig), //
+ make_unique(Id, credsIssuerConfig), //
+ make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), //
+ make_unique(credsIssuerConfig), //
// Attributes
diff --git a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/EntryToText.cpp b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/EntryToText.cpp
index d0593cdcc9ea15..60e39b401e7b62 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/EntryToText.cpp
+++ b/zzz_generated/chip-tool/zap-generated/cluster/logging/EntryToText.cpp
@@ -5117,6 +5117,17 @@ char const * AcceptedCommandIdToText(chip::ClusterId cluster, chip::CommandId id
return "Unknown";
+ case chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id: {
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Id:
+ return "Reset";
+ case chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Id:
+ return "ModifyEnabledAlarms";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown";
+ }
+ }
case chip::app::Clusters::DishwasherMode::Id: {
switch (id)
diff --git a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
index 894e30e8483eaf..82449a7be30c52 100644
--- a/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
+++ b/zzz_generated/darwin-framework-tool/zap-generated/cluster/Commands.h
@@ -53340,6 +53340,8 @@ class SubscribeAttributeTemperatureControlClusterRevision : public SubscribeAttr
| Cluster RefrigeratorAlarm | 0x0057 |
| Commands: | |
+| * Reset | 0x00 |
+| * ModifyEnabledAlarms | 0x01 |
| Attributes: | |
| * Mask | 0x0000 |
@@ -53355,6 +53357,113 @@ class SubscribeAttributeTemperatureControlClusterRevision : public SubscribeAttr
| * Notify | 0x0000 |
+ * Command Reset
+ */
+class RefrigeratorAlarmReset : public ClusterCommand {
+ RefrigeratorAlarmReset()
+ : ClusterCommand("reset")
+ {
+ AddArgument("Alarms", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.alarms);
+ ClusterCommand::AddArguments();
+ }
+ CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
+ {
+ constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id;
+ constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Id;
+ ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, commandId, endpointId);
+ dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL);
+ __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterRefrigeratorAlarm alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
+ __auto_type * params = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterResetParams alloc] init];
+ params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.Value()] : nil;
+ params.alarms = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:mRequest.alarms.Raw()];
+ uint16_t repeatCount = mRepeatCount.ValueOr(1);
+ uint16_t __block responsesNeeded = repeatCount;
+ while (repeatCount--) {
+ [cluster resetWithParams:params completion:
+ ^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ responsesNeeded--;
+ if (error != nil) {
+ mError = error;
+ LogNSError("Error", error);
+ RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(commandId), error);
+ }
+ if (responsesNeeded == 0) {
+ SetCommandExitStatus(mError);
+ }
+ }];
+ }
+ return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::Reset::Type mRequest;
+ * Command ModifyEnabledAlarms
+ */
+class RefrigeratorAlarmModifyEnabledAlarms : public ClusterCommand {
+ RefrigeratorAlarmModifyEnabledAlarms()
+ : ClusterCommand("modify-enabled-alarms")
+ {
+ AddArgument("Mask", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.mask);
+ ClusterCommand::AddArguments();
+ }
+ CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(MTRBaseDevice * device, chip::EndpointId endpointId) override
+ {
+ constexpr chip::ClusterId clusterId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Id;
+ constexpr chip::CommandId commandId = chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Id;
+ ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x%08" PRIX32 ") command (0x%08" PRIX32 ") on endpoint %u", clusterId, commandId, endpointId);
+ dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.command", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL);
+ __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterRefrigeratorAlarm alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(endpointId) queue:callbackQueue];
+ __auto_type * params = [[MTRRefrigeratorAlarmClusterModifyEnabledAlarmsParams alloc] init];
+ params.timedInvokeTimeoutMs = mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.HasValue() ? [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:mTimedInteractionTimeoutMs.Value()] : nil;
+ params.mask = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:mRequest.mask.Raw()];
+ uint16_t repeatCount = mRepeatCount.ValueOr(1);
+ uint16_t __block responsesNeeded = repeatCount;
+ while (repeatCount--) {
+ [cluster modifyEnabledAlarmsWithParams:params completion:
+ ^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
+ responsesNeeded--;
+ if (error != nil) {
+ mError = error;
+ LogNSError("Error", error);
+ RemoteDataModelLogger::LogCommandErrorAsJSON(@(endpointId), @(clusterId), @(commandId), error);
+ }
+ if (responsesNeeded == 0) {
+ SetCommandExitStatus(mError);
+ }
+ }];
+ }
+ return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ chip::app::Clusters::RefrigeratorAlarm::Commands::ModifyEnabledAlarms::Type mRequest;
* Attribute Mask
@@ -179250,6 +179359,12 @@ void registerClusterRefrigeratorAlarm(Commands & commands)
commands_list clusterCommands = {
make_unique(Id), //
+ make_unique(), //
+ make_unique(), //
make_unique(Id), //
make_unique(Id), //
make_unique(Id), //