diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_2.py b/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_2.py
index 5c0b6dbf154d7c..dde370293eb514 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_2.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_2.py
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
 from chip.testing.basic_composition import BasicCompositionTests
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, hex_from_bytes,
-                                         type_matches)
+from chip.testing.conversions import hex_from_bytes
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
 from chip.tlv import TLVReader
 from cryptography import x509
 from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_5.py b/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_5.py
index e8e6ce773c6fec..6ee3c81ac370ad 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_5.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_5.py
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip import ChipDeviceCtrl
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, hex_from_bytes, type_matches
+from chip.testing.conversions import hex_from_bytes
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
 from chip.tlv import TLVReader
 from cryptography import x509
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_7.py b/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_7.py
index 6678080a600d6b..ce9399d8b7896c 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_7.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_DA_1_7.py
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 from typing import List, Optional
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, bytes_from_hex, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         hex_from_bytes)
+from chip.testing.conversions import bytes_from_hex, hex_from_bytes
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
 from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_DEMTestBase.py b/src/python_testing/TC_DEMTestBase.py
index 49c8c6a6375a3e..64c27916b420c4 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_DEMTestBase.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_DEMTestBase.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_DGGEN_2_4.py b/src/python_testing/TC_DGGEN_2_4.py
index 17b068452cdae6..12a7f01a55c0c4 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_DGGEN_2_4.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_DGGEN_2_4.py
@@ -40,9 +40,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         matter_epoch_us_from_utc_datetime, utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us,
-                                         utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us, utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ async def test_TC_DGGEN_2_4(self):
             self.print_step("1b", "Write current time to DUT")
             # Get current time in the correct format to set via command.
-            th_utc = matter_epoch_us_from_utc_datetime(desired_datetime=None)
+            th_utc = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(desired_datetime=None)
             await self.set_time_in_timesync(th_utc)
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_1.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_1.py
index cb2df9d66a87e3..e272d2c0a592cd 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_1.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_1.py
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, default_matter_test_main, has_attribute, has_cluster,
-                                         run_if_endpoint_matches, utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+                                         run_if_endpoint_matches)
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_10.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_10.py
index 99ca9f3ac0194b..ee815b33a57fed 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_10.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_10.py
@@ -43,17 +43,12 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, SimpleEventCallback, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, SimpleEventCallback, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts
-def get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(set_time_matter_us: int, wait_seconds: int):
-    seconds_passed = int((utc_time_in_matter_epoch() - set_time_matter_us)/1000000)
-    return wait_seconds - seconds_passed
 class TC_TIMESYNC_2_10(MatterBaseTest):
     async def send_set_time_zone_cmd(self, tz: typing.List[Clusters.Objects.TimeSynchronization.Structs.TimeZoneStruct]) -> Clusters.Objects.TimeSynchronization.Commands.SetTimeZoneResponse:
         ret = await self.send_single_cmd(cmd=Clusters.Objects.TimeSynchronization.Commands.SetTimeZone(timeZone=tz), endpoint=self.endpoint)
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_11.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_11.py
index 0865bc87f4d1cc..e0b8f4dc2eabed 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_11.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_11.py
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, SimpleEventCallback, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, type_matches, utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, SimpleEventCallback, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_12.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_12.py
index 7677dcf184c0b2..7a1ff03e72cb3f 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_12.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_12.py
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, SimpleEventCallback, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, type_matches, utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, SimpleEventCallback, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_2.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_2.py
index 74f935aac9714e..2053bf0e24e98c 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_2.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_2.py
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, compare_time, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import compare_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_4.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_4.py
index 76fe9074bec56f..a3b6bac020d54e 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_4.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_4.py
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_5.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_5.py
index f363f03ba688d8..9705511236d781 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_5.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_5.py
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_7.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_7.py
index 1c6cea2023d4de..a164cd64809f05 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_7.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_7.py
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, compare_time, default_matter_test_main, type_matches,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import compare_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_8.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_8.py
index 82a77c4c886d17..1a227b579547ef 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_8.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_8.py
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, compare_time, default_matter_test_main, type_matches,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import compare_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_9.py b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_9.py
index 4ce83f81ddbd4b..703e3b9d58e664 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_9.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_TIMESYNC_2_9.py
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, compare_time, default_matter_test_main, type_matches,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, type_matches
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import compare_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TC_VALCC_4_4.py b/src/python_testing/TC_VALCC_4_4.py
index 8915bd9044734e..3dc1b93efd3e04 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TC_VALCC_4_4.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TC_VALCC_4_4.py
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TestCommissioningTimeSync.py b/src/python_testing/TestCommissioningTimeSync.py
index d4033ea58ba8b6..51d33f2f67344d 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TestCommissioningTimeSync.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TestCommissioningTimeSync.py
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 from chip import ChipDeviceCtrl
 from chip.clusters.Types import NullValue
 from chip.interaction_model import InteractionModelError, Status
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from mobly import asserts
 # We don't have a good pipe between the c++ enums in CommissioningDelegate and python
diff --git a/src/python_testing/TestMatterTestingSupport.py b/src/python_testing/TestMatterTestingSupport.py
index f111250481032d..5632834a843ba3 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/TestMatterTestingSupport.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/TestMatterTestingSupport.py
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 import chip.clusters as Clusters
 from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
-from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, compare_time, default_matter_test_main,
-                                         get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, parse_matter_test_args, type_matches,
-                                         utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
+from chip.testing.matter_testing import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main, parse_matter_test_args,
+                                         type_matches)
 from chip.testing.pics import parse_pics, parse_pics_xml
 from chip.testing.taglist_and_topology_test import (TagProblem, create_device_type_list_for_root, create_device_type_lists,
                                                     find_tag_list_problems, find_tree_roots, flat_list_ok, get_all_children,
                                                     get_direct_children_of_root, parts_list_cycles, separate_endpoint_types)
+from chip.testing.timeoperations import compare_time, get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, utc_time_in_matter_epoch
 from chip.tlv import uint
 from mobly import asserts, signals
diff --git a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/BUILD.gn b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/BUILD.gn
index f4d92e9496215c..cc803ca9a44d60 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/BUILD.gn
+++ b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/BUILD.gn
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ pw_python_package("chip-testing-module") {
+    "chip/testing/conversions.py",
+    "chip/testing/matchers.py",
@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ pw_python_package("chip-testing-module") {
+    "chip/testing/timeoperations.py",
   tests = [
diff --git a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/conversions.py b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/conversions.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..20a5d760a1e68d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/conversions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2025 Project CHIP Authors
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+"""Conversion utilities for Matter testing infrastructure.
+This module provides utility functions for converting between different data
+representations commonly used in Matter testing.
+from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+import chip.clusters as Clusters
+def bytes_from_hex(hex: str) -> bytes:
+    """ Converts hex string to bytes, handling various formats (colons, spaces, newlines).
+    Examples:
+        >>> bytes_from_hex("01:ab:cd")
+        b'\\x01\\xab\\xcd'
+        >>> bytes_from_hex("01 ab cd")
+        b'\\x01\\xab\\xcd'
+        >>> bytes_from_hex("01abcd")
+        b'\\x01\\xab\\xcd'
+        >>> bytes_from_hex("01\\nab\\ncd")
+        b'\\x01\\xab\\xcd'
+    """
+    return unhexlify("".join(hex.replace(":", "").replace(" ", "").split()))
+def hex_from_bytes(b: bytes) -> str:
+    """ Converts a bytes object to a hexadecimal string.
+    This function performs the inverse operation of bytes_from_hex(). It converts
+    a bytes object into a continuous hexadecimal string without any separators.
+    Args:
+        b: bytes, the bytes object to convert to hexadecimal
+    Returns:
+        str: A string containing the hexadecimal representation of the bytes,
+            using lowercase letters a-f for hex digits
+    Examples:
+        >>> hex_from_bytes(b'\\x01\\xab\\xcd')
+        '01abcd'
+        >>> hex_from_bytes(bytes([1, 171, 205]))  # Same bytes, different notation
+        '01abcd'
+    """
+    return hexlify(b).decode("utf-8")
+def format_decimal_and_hex(number):
+    """ Formats a number showing both decimal and hexadecimal representations.
+    Creates a string representation of a number showing both its decimal value
+    and its hex representation in parentheses.
+    Args:
+        number: int, the number to format
+    Returns:
+        str: A formatted string like "123 (0x7b)"
+    Examples:
+        >>> format_decimal_and_hex(123)
+        '123 (0x7b)'
+        >>> format_decimal_and_hex(0)
+        '0 (0x00)'
+        >>> format_decimal_and_hex(255)
+        '255 (0xff)'
+    """
+    return f'{number} (0x{number:02x})'
+def cluster_id_with_name(id):
+    """ Formats a Matter cluster ID with its name and numeric representation.
+    Uses format_decimal_and_hex() for numeric formatting and looks up cluster name from registry.
+    Falls back to "Unknown cluster" if ID not recognized.
+    Args:
+        id: int, the Matter cluster identifier
+    Returns:
+        str: A formatted string containing the ID and cluster name
+    Examples:
+        >>> cluster_id_with_name(6)  # OnOff cluster
+        '6 (0x06) OnOff'
+        >>> cluster_id_with_name(999999)  # Unknown cluster
+        '999999 (0xf423f) Unknown cluster'
+        >>> cluster_id_with_name("invalid")  # Invalid input
+    """
+    if id in Clusters.ClusterObjects.ALL_CLUSTERS.keys():
+        s = Clusters.ClusterObjects.ALL_CLUSTERS[id].__name__
+    else:
+        s = "Unknown cluster"
+    try:
+        return f'{format_decimal_and_hex(id)} {s}'
+    except (TypeError, ValueError):
+        return 'HERE IS THE PROBLEM'
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matchers.py b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matchers.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..46e53ddbd2dce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matchers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2025 Project CHIP Authors
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+"""Type matching utilities for Matter testing infrastructure.
+This module provides functionality for validating type compatibility between
+received values and expected type specifications.
+import typing
+from chip.tlv import float32, uint
+def is_type(received_value, desired_type):
+    """ Checks if a received value matches an expected type.
+    Handles unpacking Nullable and Optional types and
+    compares list value types for non-empty lists.
+    Args:
+        received_value: The value to type check
+        desired_type: The expected type specification (can be a basic type, Union,
+            Optional, or List type)
+    Returns:
+        bool: True if the received_value matches the desired_type specification
+    Examples:
+        >>> is_type(42, int)
+        True
+        >>> from typing import Optional
+        >>> is_type(None, Optional[str])
+        True
+        >>> is_type([1,2,3], list[int])
+        True
+    """
+    if typing.get_origin(desired_type) == typing.Union:
+        return any(is_type(received_value, t) for t in typing.get_args(desired_type))
+    elif typing.get_origin(desired_type) == list:
+        if isinstance(received_value, list):
+            # Assume an empty list is of the correct type
+            return True if received_value == [] else any(is_type(received_value[0], t) for t in typing.get_args(desired_type))
+        else:
+            return False
+    elif desired_type == uint:
+        return isinstance(received_value, int) and received_value >= 0
+    elif desired_type == float32:
+        return isinstance(received_value, float)
+    else:
+        return isinstance(received_value, desired_type)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matter_testing.py b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matter_testing.py
index 5a6481d3d315a1..d47290a98c627f 100644
--- a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matter_testing.py
+++ b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/matter_testing.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 import time
 import typing
 import uuid
-from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
+from binascii import unhexlify
 from dataclasses import asdict as dataclass_asdict
 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@
 from itertools import chain
 from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
-from chip.tlv import float32, uint
+import chip.testing.conversions as conversions
+import chip.testing.matchers as matchers
+import chip.testing.timeoperations as timeoperations
+from chip.tlv import uint
 # isort: off
@@ -149,78 +152,6 @@ def get_default_paa_trust_store(root_path: pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path:
         return pathlib.Path.cwd()
-def type_matches(received_value, desired_type):
-    """ Checks if the value received matches the expected type.
-        Handles unpacking Nullable and Optional types and
-        compares list value types for non-empty lists.
-    """
-    if typing.get_origin(desired_type) == typing.Union:
-        return any(type_matches(received_value, t) for t in typing.get_args(desired_type))
-    elif typing.get_origin(desired_type) == list:
-        if isinstance(received_value, list):
-            # Assume an empty list is of the correct type
-            return True if received_value == [] else any(type_matches(received_value[0], t) for t in typing.get_args(desired_type))
-        else:
-            return False
-    elif desired_type == uint:
-        return isinstance(received_value, int) and received_value >= 0
-    elif desired_type == float32:
-        return isinstance(received_value, float)
-    else:
-        return isinstance(received_value, desired_type)
-# TODO(#31177): Need to add unit tests for all time conversion methods.
-def utc_time_in_matter_epoch(desired_datetime: Optional[datetime] = None):
-    """ Returns the time in matter epoch in us.
-        If desired_datetime is None, it will return the current time.
-    """
-    if desired_datetime is None:
-        utc_native = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
-    else:
-        utc_native = desired_datetime
-    # Matter epoch is 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds on Jan 1, 2000 UTC
-    utc_th_delta = utc_native - datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
-    utc_th_us = int(utc_th_delta.total_seconds() * 1000000)
-    return utc_th_us
-matter_epoch_us_from_utc_datetime = utc_time_in_matter_epoch
-def utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us(matter_epoch_us: int) -> datetime:
-    """Returns the given Matter epoch time as a usable Python datetime in UTC."""
-    delta_from_epoch = timedelta(microseconds=matter_epoch_us)
-    matter_epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
-    return matter_epoch + delta_from_epoch
-def utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms(posix_time_ms: int) -> datetime:
-    millis = posix_time_ms % 1000
-    seconds = posix_time_ms // 1000
-    return datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds, timezone.utc) + timedelta(milliseconds=millis)
-def compare_time(received: int, offset: timedelta = timedelta(), utc: Optional[int] = None, tolerance: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=5)) -> None:
-    if utc is None:
-        utc = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
-    # total seconds includes fractional for microseconds
-    expected = utc + offset.total_seconds() * 1000000
-    delta_us = abs(expected - received)
-    delta = timedelta(microseconds=delta_us)
-    asserts.assert_less_equal(delta, tolerance, "Received time is out of tolerance")
-def get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(set_time_matter_us: int, wait_seconds: int):
-    seconds_passed = (utc_time_in_matter_epoch() - set_time_matter_us) // 1000000
-    return wait_seconds - seconds_passed
 class SetupPayloadInfo:
     filter_type: discovery.FilterType = discovery.FilterType.LONG_DISCRIMINATOR
@@ -804,21 +735,6 @@ def get_attribute_string(self, cluster_id: int, attribute_id) -> str:
                 return f"Attribute {attribute_name} ({attribute_id}, 0x{attribute_id:04X})"
-def id_str(id):
-    return f'{id} (0x{id:02x})'
-def cluster_id_str(id):
-    if id in Clusters.ClusterObjects.ALL_CLUSTERS.keys():
-        s = Clusters.ClusterObjects.ALL_CLUSTERS[id].__name__
-    else:
-        s = "Unknown cluster"
-    try:
-        return f'{id_str(id)} {s}'
-    except TypeError:
-        return 'HERE IS THE PROBLEM'
 class CustomCommissioningParameters:
     commissioningParameters: CommissioningParameters
@@ -1024,19 +940,6 @@ def stack(self) -> ChipStack:
         return builtins.chipStack
-def bytes_from_hex(hex: str) -> bytes:
-    """Converts any `hex` string representation including `01:ab:cd` to bytes
-    Handles any whitespace including newlines, which are all stripped.
-    """
-    return unhexlify("".join(hex.replace(":", "").replace(" ", "").split()))
-def hex_from_bytes(b: bytes) -> str:
-    """Converts a bytes object `b` into a hex string (reverse of bytes_from_hex)"""
-    return hexlify(b).decode("utf-8")
 class TestStep:
     test_plan_number: typing.Union[int, str]
@@ -2616,3 +2519,16 @@ def run_tests(test_class: MatterBaseTest, matter_test_config: MatterTestConfig,
         if not run_tests_no_exit(test_class, matter_test_config, runner.get_loop(),
                                  hooks, default_controller, external_stack):
+# TODO(#37537): Remove these temporary aliases after transition period
+type_matches = matchers.is_type
+utc_time_in_matter_epoch = timeoperations.utc_time_in_matter_epoch
+utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us = timeoperations.utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us
+utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms = timeoperations.utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms
+compare_time = timeoperations.compare_time
+get_wait_seconds_from_set_time = timeoperations.get_wait_seconds_from_set_time
+bytes_from_hex = conversions.bytes_from_hex
+hex_from_bytes = conversions.hex_from_bytes
+id_str = conversions.format_decimal_and_hex
+cluster_id_str = conversions.cluster_id_with_name
diff --git a/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/timeoperations.py b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/timeoperations.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7255e2254917fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python_testing/matter_testing_infrastructure/chip/testing/timeoperations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2025 Project CHIP Authors
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+"""Time conversion and validation utilities for Matter testing infrastructure.
+This module provides functionality for handling time-related operations in Matter
+testing, particularly focusing on conversions between different time formats and
+    To run the doctests, execute the module as a script:
+    $ python3 timeoperations.py
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
+from typing import Optional
+from mobly import asserts
+# TODO(#31177): Need to add unit tests for all time conversion methods.
+def utc_time_in_matter_epoch(desired_datetime: Optional[datetime] = None):
+    """ Converts a datetime to microseconds since Matter epoch.
+    The Matter epoch is defined as January 1, 2000, 00:00:00 UTC. This function
+    calculates the number of microseconds beчtween the input datetime and the
+    Matter epoch. If no datetime is provided, the current UTC time is used.
+    Args:
+        desired_datetime: Optional datetime to convert, uses current UTC if None.
+        Should be timezone-aware.
+    Returns:
+        int: Microseconds since Matter epoch
+    Examples:
+        >>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
+        >>> utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
+        0
+        >>> utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
+        1
+    """
+    if desired_datetime is None:
+        utc_native = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
+    else:
+        utc_native = desired_datetime
+    # Matter epoch is 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds on Jan 1, 2000 UTC
+    utc_th_delta = utc_native - datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
+    utc_th_us = int(utc_th_delta.total_seconds() * 1000000)
+    return utc_th_us
+def utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us(matter_epoch_us: int) -> datetime:
+    """ Converts microseconds since Matter epoch to UTC datetime.
+    Inverse of utc_time_in_matter_epoch().
+    It converts a microsecond timestamp relative to the Matter epoch
+    (Jan 1, 2000, 00:00:00 UTC) into a timezone-aware Python datetime object.
+    Args:
+        matter_epoch_us: int, microseconds since Matter epoch
+    Returns:
+        datetime: UTC datetime
+    Examples:
+        >>> utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us(0)
+        datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
+        >>> utc_datetime_from_matter_epoch_us(123456789)
+        datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 456789, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
+    """
+    delta_from_epoch = timedelta(microseconds=matter_epoch_us)
+    matter_epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc)
+    return matter_epoch + delta_from_epoch
+def utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms(posix_time_ms: int) -> datetime:
+    """ Converts POSIX timestamp in milliseconds to UTC datetime.
+    This function converts a POSIX timestamp (milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC)
+    to a timezone-aware Python datetime object.
+    Args:
+        posix_time_ms: int, Unix timestamp in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
+    Returns:
+        datetime: UTC datetime   
+    Examples:
+        >>> utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms(0)
+        datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
+        >>> utc_datetime_from_posix_time_ms(1609459200000) # 2021-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
+        datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
+    """
+    millis = posix_time_ms % 1000
+    seconds = posix_time_ms // 1000
+    return datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds, timezone.utc) + timedelta(milliseconds=millis)
+def compare_time(received: int, offset: timedelta = timedelta(), utc: Optional[int] = None, tolerance: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=5)) -> None:
+    """ Validates a Matter timestamp against expected time within tolerance.
+    Args:
+        received: int, Matter timestamp in microseconds
+        offset: timedelta, Optional offset from reference time (default: 0s)
+        utc: Optional[int], Reference time in Matter microseconds (default: current time)
+        tolerance: timedelta, Maximum allowed time difference (default: 5s)
+    Raises:
+        AssertionError: If the received time differs from the expected time by
+            more than the specified tolerance
+    Examples:
+        >>> compare_time(5000000, utc=0, tolerance=timedelta(seconds=5)) # Passes (exactly 5s)
+        >>> from mobly import signals
+        >>> try:
+        ...     compare_time(6000000, utc=0, tolerance=timedelta(seconds=5))
+        ... except signals.TestFailure as e:
+        ...     print("AssertionError: Received time is out of tolerance")
+        AssertionError: Received time is out of tolerance
+    """
+    if utc is None:
+        utc = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
+    # total seconds includes fractional for microseconds
+    expected = utc + offset.total_seconds() * 1000000
+    delta_us = abs(expected - received)
+    delta = timedelta(microseconds=delta_us)
+    asserts.assert_less_equal(delta, tolerance, "Received time is out of tolerance")
+def get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(set_time_matter_us: int, wait_seconds: int):
+    """ Calculates remaining wait time based on a previously set timestamp.
+    This function determines how many seconds remain from an original wait duration,
+    accounting for time that has already elapsed since a Matter timestamp. Useful
+    for implementing timeouts or delays that need to account for already elapsed time.
+    Args:
+        set_time_matter_us: int, Start time in Matter microseconds
+        wait_seconds: int, Total seconds to wait from start time
+    Returns:
+        int: Remaining seconds (negative if period expired)
+    Examples:
+        >>> import unittest.mock
+        >>> start_time = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)) # 0
+        >>> with unittest.mock.patch(__name__ + '.utc_time_in_matter_epoch') as mock_time:
+        ...     mock_time.return_value = 2000000  # Simulate current time 2 seconds after start
+        ...     get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(start_time, 5)  # 5 - (2000000 / 1e6) = 5 - 2 = 3
+        3
+    """
+    seconds_passed = (utc_time_in_matter_epoch() - set_time_matter_us) // 1000000
+    return wait_seconds - seconds_passed
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()