From 2f7dffd2473f40d0147f43ed30bd72300aaa2ab2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mauricio Costa <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2025 17:06:01 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] removing OccupancySensing Cluster.

 .../contact-sensor-app.matter                 | 72 ---------------
 .../contact-sensor-app.zap                    | 90 -------------------
 2 files changed, 162 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
index 91b86c89c89f9b..ccf3fbd10e723e 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.matter
@@ -1857,70 +1857,6 @@ cluster BooleanState = 69 {
   readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
-/** The server cluster provides an interface to occupancy sensing functionality based on one or more sensing modalities, including configuration and provision of notifications of occupancy status. */
-cluster OccupancySensing = 1030 {
-  revision 5;
-  enum OccupancySensorTypeEnum : enum8 {
-    kPIR = 0;
-    kUltrasonic = 1;
-    kPIRAndUltrasonic = 2;
-    kPhysicalContact = 3;
-  }
-  bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
-    kOther = 0x1;
-    kPassiveInfrared = 0x2;
-    kUltrasonic = 0x4;
-    kPhysicalContact = 0x8;
-    kActiveInfrared = 0x10;
-    kRadar = 0x20;
-    kRFSensing = 0x40;
-    kVision = 0x80;
-  }
-  bitmap OccupancyBitmap : bitmap8 {
-    kOccupied = 0x1;
-  }
-  bitmap OccupancySensorTypeBitmap : bitmap8 {
-    kPIR = 0x1;
-    kUltrasonic = 0x2;
-    kPhysicalContact = 0x4;
-  }
-  struct HoldTimeLimitsStruct {
-    int16u holdTimeMin = 0;
-    int16u holdTimeMax = 1;
-    int16u holdTimeDefault = 2;
-  }
-  info event OccupancyChanged = 0 {
-    OccupancyBitmap occupancy = 0;
-  }
-  readonly attribute OccupancyBitmap occupancy = 0;
-  readonly attribute OccupancySensorTypeEnum occupancySensorType = 1;
-  readonly attribute OccupancySensorTypeBitmap occupancySensorTypeBitmap = 2;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u holdTime = 3;
-  readonly attribute optional HoldTimeLimitsStruct holdTimeLimits = 4;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 16;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 17;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int8u PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 18;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u ultrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 32;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u ultrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 33;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int8u ultrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 34;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u physicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 48;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u physicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 49;
-  attribute access(write: manage) optional int8u physicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 50;
-  readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
-  readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
-  readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
-  readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
-  readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
-  readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
 endpoint 0 {
   device type ma_rootdevice = 22, version 2;
@@ -2296,14 +2232,6 @@ endpoint 1 {
     ram      attribute featureMap default = 0;
     ram      attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
-  server cluster OccupancySensing {
-    ram      attribute occupancy;
-    ram      attribute occupancySensorType;
-    ram      attribute occupancySensorTypeBitmap;
-    callback attribute featureMap;
-    ram      attribute clusterRevision default = 5;
-  }
diff --git a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.zap b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.zap
index 1bea47c36e1140..cf62a82b147409 100644
--- a/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.zap
+++ b/examples/contact-sensor-app/contact-sensor-common/contact-sensor-app.zap
@@ -4460,96 +4460,6 @@
               "included": 1
-        },
-        {
-          "name": "Occupancy Sensing",
-          "code": 1030,
-          "mfgCode": null,
-          "define": "OCCUPANCY_SENSING_CLUSTER",
-          "side": "server",
-          "enabled": 1,
-          "attributes": [
-            {
-              "name": "Occupancy",
-              "code": 0,
-              "mfgCode": null,
-              "side": "server",
-              "type": "OccupancyBitmap",
-              "included": 1,
-              "storageOption": "RAM",
-              "singleton": 0,
-              "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "",
-              "reportable": 1,
-              "minInterval": 0,
-              "maxInterval": 65344,
-              "reportableChange": 0
-            },
-            {
-              "name": "OccupancySensorType",
-              "code": 1,
-              "mfgCode": null,
-              "side": "server",
-              "type": "OccupancySensorTypeEnum",
-              "included": 1,
-              "storageOption": "RAM",
-              "singleton": 0,
-              "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "",
-              "reportable": 1,
-              "minInterval": 0,
-              "maxInterval": 65344,
-              "reportableChange": 0
-            },
-            {
-              "name": "OccupancySensorTypeBitmap",
-              "code": 2,
-              "mfgCode": null,
-              "side": "server",
-              "type": "OccupancySensorTypeBitmap",
-              "included": 1,
-              "storageOption": "RAM",
-              "singleton": 0,
-              "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "",
-              "reportable": 1,
-              "minInterval": 0,
-              "maxInterval": 65344,
-              "reportableChange": 0
-            },
-            {
-              "name": "FeatureMap",
-              "code": 65532,
-              "mfgCode": null,
-              "side": "server",
-              "type": "bitmap32",
-              "included": 1,
-              "storageOption": "External",
-              "singleton": 0,
-              "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": null,
-              "reportable": 1,
-              "minInterval": 1,
-              "maxInterval": 65534,
-              "reportableChange": 0
-            },
-            {
-              "name": "ClusterRevision",
-              "code": 65533,
-              "mfgCode": null,
-              "side": "server",
-              "type": "int16u",
-              "included": 1,
-              "storageOption": "RAM",
-              "singleton": 0,
-              "bounded": 0,
-              "defaultValue": "5",
-              "reportable": 1,
-              "minInterval": 0,
-              "maxInterval": 65344,
-              "reportableChange": 0
-            }
-          ]