- Quick Compose: Titel, Timestamp
- New cases are streamed unfiltered
- When cases are created trough casts, there is no event emitted.
- Add dropdowns (in embedded)
- Markdown editor: Prosemirror?
- Prettify case selection (in events) a little
- Thuraya?
- Attachments: Native support avaliable.
- Filter changed events in case view
- Maps: https://medium.com/@thomas.poumarede/from-scratch-to-map-my-mapbox-integration-experience-with-phoenix-liveview-using-elixir-aa84fca2b979
- get_options_for_cases breaks with default value coming from DB
- cast_assoc doesnt accept [%Case{}] but only [%{}, while put_assoc does
- Params of Changeset are not logged.