Application to verify documents using Keripy, based on GLEIF-IT/vlei-verifier, which uses the Falcon framework in Python
To verify an attestation ACDC, the user must upload both the document and its CESR file as a single zip file. The verifier server will check that (1) all KERI data are valid and (2) the digest of the document matches the digest in the attestation ACDC.
The verifier uses keripy for verifying the requests.
The service can be launched from the command-line with:
verifier server start --config-dir scripts --config-file verifier-config-rootsid.json
- Note there are multiple config files depending on the environment you are running in. For example config files, see here. You can use these config files as they are or configure one as needed.
Or from docker-compose with:
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose down
docker-compose up deps
To verify an attestation ACDC, the user must upload both the document and its CESR file as a single zip file to the POST /attestaion/verify/{said}
API. The verifier server will check that (1) all KERI data are valid and (2) the digest of the document matches the digest in the attestation ACDC.