In this module, we will explore backtracking algorithms used for generating combinations, permutations, and solving constraint satisfaction problems.
- Backtracking generation
- Combinations and permutations
- Generate Parentheses
- Letter Combinations
- Combination Sum III
What is backtracking primarily used for?
- A) To optimize the performance of algorithms
- B) To find all possible solutions to a problem
- C) To sort an array
Which of the following problems can be solved using backtracking?
- A) Sudoku
- B) N-Queens
- C) Both A and B
In generating parentheses, what is a valid pair?
- A) (())
- B) (()()
- C) ())(
What is the main advantage of using backtracking?
- A) It requires less memory
- B) It can handle large datasets
- C) It can find all possible solutions efficiently
How many combinations are there to select 2 items from [1, 2, 3]?
- A) 2
- B) 3
- C) 6