For the general installation instruction please refer to the documentation of LAMMPS and to SPH-USER package:
The original code is from where the remaining of the README is based on.
We add the following extension to USER-SPH package:
atom_style meso/multiphase
This is data structures which provides
- position
- velocity
- extrapolated velocity (
) - forces
- SPH density (
) - time derivative of SPH density (
) - internal energy per particle (
) - time derivative of internal energy per particle (
) - color gradient vector (
) - per-particle heat capacity (
This data structure can be activated by
atom_style meso/multiphase
A pair_style to calculate a color gradient
pair_style sph/colorgradient
pair_coeff I J ${h} ${alpha}
Here, I
and J
are the types of SPH particles for which a color gradient is calculated, alpha
is a surface tension coefficient, h
is a cutoff.
A pair_style to calculate surface tension
pair_coeff I J sph/surfacetension ${h}
Here, I
and J
are the types of SPH particles for which a surface tension is calculated, h
is a cutoff. Note that surface tension coefficient is included into color gradient.
A modified heat conduction equation to use for phase change model. Has to forms. Simple form is equivalent to the heat conduction equation from USER-SPH package.
pair_coeff I J sph/heatconduction/phasechange ${D_heat_ld}
Here, I
and J
are the types of SPH particles which interact and
is a heat diffusion coefficient.
Full form of the pair style is
pair_coeff I J sph/heatconduction/phasechange ${D_heat_ld} TI TJ
where TI
and TJ
are temperatures for corresponding particles in
and J
can be used as a placeholder to indicate that normal temperate
should be used for corresponding particle
pair_coeff I J sph/heatconduction/phasechange ${D_heat_ld} TI NULL
Fix which adds a phase change
fix fix_ID group_ID phase_change &
${Tc} ${Tt} ${Hwv} ${dr} ${mass_v} &
${pcutoff} ${l_type} ${v_type} ${insert_every} 123456 ${prob} region
and group_ID
are described in LAMMPS documentation. TC
is critical temperature of the phase change, =TT= is transition temperature for the algorithm (should be set above TC
), dr
a characteristic distance for a new particle position, mass
a mass of a new particle, h
cutoff of the interaction, from_type
and to_type
types of the particles involved in phase transition, N
frequency of the check for phase transition algorithm, seed
a seed for random number generator, prob
probability of the phase transition if all criteria are met (0<prob<1
), region
a region where algorithm checks for potential phase transition.
See examples/USER/sph/