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Docker Installation & Update

catborise edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 4 revisions

First Install Docker-ce (on host or guest): Official Docker Installation Guide


  1. Install git, python
    sudo apt install git python
    yum install git python
  2. Clone from repository
    git clone
  3. Move to the installation folder
    cd webvirtcloud/
  4. Copy the file
    cp webvirtcloud/ webvirtcloud/
  5. Generate random number using Python script:
    python3 conf/runit/
  6. Copy ‘generated code’ and paste it to webvirtcloud/ as SECRET_KEY = ’’
  7. Build the docker container
    docker build -t retspen/webvirtcloud:1 .
  8. Start the container. Use this command only for the first start
    docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 6080:6080 retspen/webvirtcloud:1
  9. (Optional) If you want you can change the port of the webpage by changing the previous command
    docker run -d -p <port>:80 -p 6080:6080 retspen/webvirtcloud:1
  10. Run browser enter host url with http.
  11. Login with: Username admin, password admin
  12. Change your admin password
  13. Add new host

Reverse Proxy

  1. Edit WS_PUBLIC_PORT in which is default value 6080
    ##Websock public port - 80 or 443 if reverse-proxy, else 6080
  2. Run webvirtcloud container with that command:
    docker run -d -p 80:80 retspen/webvirtcloud:1

Additional Information:

  1. Docker run command creates new container from base image.
  2. To stop docker container use:
    docker stop <container id>
  3. To get cointainer id use:
    docker ps -a
    docker container ls
  4. After the first run, the container must be started with “start” command.
    docker start <container id>

Update Webvirtcloud:

  1. Enter running container
    docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
  2. Run followed commands
    cd /srv/webvirtcloud
    source venv/bin/activate
    git pull
    pip install -U -r conf/requirements.txt 
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  3. Check webvirtcloud/ to see if there is new configs… If it is, then copy them to webvirtcloud/ file