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252 lines (182 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (182 loc) · 13.6 KB


An olm is a cave dwelling amphibian that I imagine is fairly static. Olm the application is a static site generator with a focus on simplicity, speed, and extensibility.


  • Super fast markdown parsing with Mistune
  • Easy plugin system based on Blinker signals
  • Clever and extensible caching so building is speedy


Install via pip:

pip install olm

Or run the provided install script:


It will install the requirements in a virtualenv.


If you installed via pip you can run:

olm path/to/site

Options are:

  • -i or --init: Create a basic example site.
  • -s or --settings: Specify a different settings file. Default is ./
  • -d or --disable-cache: Disables caching so the site is completely regenerated.
  • -r or --disable-caching-and-rewrite: Disables caching so the site is completely regenerated but still updates the cache.
  • -l or --log-level: Set the log level. Can be DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. Default is INFO.


Olm will scan the src directory for markdown files. Any files found in the pages directory (or sub-directories) will be treated as a page. Any files found in a directory (or sub-directories) beginning with an underscore will be treated as part of a subsite. Any files anywhere else in the src directory will be initally treated as an article.

The output html will be placed in the dist directory, with articles going into the articles directory, pages into the pages directory and subsites into a directory with the name of the subsite.

├── src/
│   ├── _my_subsite/
│   ├── articles/
│   ├── my_folder/
│   └── pages/
├── dist/
│   ├── my_subsite/
│   ├── articles/
│   ├── pages/
│   ├── pages/
│   └── index.html
├── theme/
├── plugins/


Olm will look for a file at the path you pass to the olm command. You can also use the -s parameter to specify a different name and directory.

The file should contain a single python dictionary called SETTINGS which has as it's key/value pairs the settings e.g.

    "STATIC_FOLDER": "{{BASE_FOLDER}}/theme/static",
    "TEMPLATES_FOLDER": "{{BASE_FOLDER}}/theme/temmplates",
    "CSS_FOLDER": "{{BASE_FOLDER}}/theme/static/css",
    "JS_FOLDER": "{{BASE_FOLDER}}/theme/static/js"

Below is a list of the settings you can change for your site. Each setting string value can use Jinja style variable replacements to use any setting variables that were defined before it.

Setting Default Value Description
BASE_FOLDER sys.argv[1] The root of the site folder.
SOURCE_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER}}\src The source folder for all markdown files.
STATIC_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER}}\theme\static The folder containing css and js.
TEMPLATES_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER}}\theme\templates The folder containing the Jinja templates.
CSS_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER\theme\static\css}} The folder containing the css files
JS_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER\theme\static\js}} The folder containing the js files
PLUGINS_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER}}\plugins The folder containing the plugins.
ARTICLE_TYPES ['article'] The type metadata of files that will be included as articles.
INDEX_TYPES ['index'] The type metadata of files that will be included on the index.
PLUGINS [] List of plugins.
SITEURL '' The base url of the site.
OUTPUT_FOLDER {{BASE_FOLDER}}\dist The output folder for compiled html and static files.
OUTPUT_CSS_FOLDER {{OUTPUT_FOLDER}}\theme\css The output folder for compiled css.
OUTPUT_JS_FOLDER {{OUTPUT_FOLDER}}\theme\js The output folder for compiled js.
SUBSITES {} See subsite section.
ARTICLE_SLUG '{location}-{date}.html' The format of article filenames. The curly brace vars can be any Article attribute.
WRITE_TRIGGERS {'ARTICLE':[], 'PAGE': [], 'INDEX' :["ARTICLE.NEW_FILE"] } Dictionary of cache types with lists of change types that trigger items of that cache type to rebuild when changed
META_WRITE_TRIGGERS {'ARTICLE':[], 'PAGE': [], 'INDEX' :[]} Dictionary of cache types with lists of metadata keys that trigger items of that cache type to rebuild when changed


Themes are made of two parts; templates and static files. The templates are standard Jinja2 templates. These support all the standard importing/inheritance stuff that you'd expect.

The statics are css/scss files and javascript files. The css can be scss files which will be compiled and minified. The js will just be minified.

├── src
├── dist
├── theme
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── css
│   │   │   ├── main.scss
│   │   │   └── _includes.scss
│   │   └── js
│   │       ├── navbar.js
│   │       └── animate.js
│   └── templates
│       ├── includes
│       │   └── sidebar.html
│       ├── article.html
│       ├── base.html
│       ├── index.html
│       ├── page.html
└── plugins


Plugins can subscribe to signals to modify data during the build process. The plugin should be in the plugins folder with a directory and python file with the same name:

├── src
├── dist
├── theme
└── plugins
    └── mycoolplugin



The content of a subsite should be placed in your src directory, in a subdirectory with a name beginning with a an underscore (e.g. _mysubsite). Multiple subsites can be added. The structure is otherwise the same as a normal site. Within the subsite subdirectory, pages will be drawn from the pages subdirectory and all other markdown files will be treated initially as articles.


Subsites take the same settings that a normal site does. These should be nested under 'SUBSITES' and your subsite name in your e.g.

    "ARTICLE_SLUG": "{title}.html"
    "SUBSITES": {
        "mysubsite": {
            "ARTICLE_SLUG": "{date}-{title}.html"

The subsite settings inherit the settings of the main site so you only need overwrite settings you want to be different from the main site.


By default the subsite uses the same theme as the main site however you can point it at a different set of templates, css, and js by modifiying the appropriate folder settings in the subsite settings e.g.

'TEMPLATES_FOLDER': os.path.join('{{ BASE_FOLDER }}', 'theme', 'templates', 'subsites', 'mysubsite'),
'CSS_FOLDER': os.path.join('{{ BASE_FOLDER }}', 'theme', 'static', 'subsites', 'mysubsite', 'css'),
'JS_FOLDER': os.path.join('{{ BASE_FOLDER }}', 'theme', 'static', 'subsites', 'mysubsite', 'js'),         
'OUTPUT_CSS_FOLDER': os.path.join('{{ OUTPUT_FOLDER }}', 'theme', 'subsites', 'mysubsite', 'css'),
'OUTPUT_JS_FOLDER': os.path.join('{{ OUTPUT_FOLDER }}', 'theme', 'subsites', 'mysubsite', 'js'),


By default the subsite will use the same set of plugins as the main site. You can set the "PLUGINS" setting in the subsite settings to a different list of plugins. Being able to specify a different plugin path is a TODO.


Olm will try to avoid rewriting files that do not need to be changed. Writing files is slow, so this helps keep the build times to a minimum. The first time it runs it will generate a cache file. On subsequent runs it will compare files to their cached versions as it reads them. If they are the same then they will not be rewritten. The cache file is update on each run.

However this means that if you have pages that depend on other pages (a index page, or a page that displays some statistics on the articles metadata) then they wouldn't be default be rewritten when an article changes.

When Olm detects that a file has changed it adds it to a list of changes. These changes consist of a 'file type' and a 'change type'. The file type will be something like ARTICLE or PAGE. The change type will be CONTENT or METADATA. The change is then something like ARTICLE.CONTENT or PAGE.METADATA.

Then there is, for example, the INDEX_WRITE_TRIGGERS setting. You can set this to a list of changes like [ARTICLE.METADATA, PAGE.METADATA] and then if any article or page's metadata changes then the index will be rewritten and updated along with the article or page.

If you only want to update when a particular item of metadata changes then that is possible to. Olm also collects a list of the changed metadata and you can set INDEX_META_WRITE_TRIGGERS to [title, date] to only refresh when title or date metadata is updated.

Change types Description
CONTENT Added when the content of any file changes (not including metdata)
METADATA Added when the metadata of any file changes
NEW_FILE Added when there is a new file
REMOVED_FILE Added when a file is removed
File types Description
ARTICLE A file of the article type
PAGE A file of the page type

Writing plugins

Within the plugin file should be the function with your code and a register function which should return a list of tuples with the signal you want to subscribe to and the function that should run. All functions will receive two parameters; sender at the moment is just a string with the signal value, and logger is a logging function that will let you log within your plugin. All parameters are named so the order doesn't matter.

def mycoolfunction(sender, arg, logger):
    # cool code

def register():
    return ("A_SIGNAL", mycoolfunction)


def mycoolfunction(sender, arg, logger):
    # cool code

def mysecondcoolfunction(sender, arg, logger)
    # more cool code

def register():
    return [
        ("A_SIGNAL", mycoolfunction),
        ("ANOTHER_SIGNAL", mysecondcoolfunction)


Signal Name String Value Description
INITIALISED INITIALISED After settings and plugins loaded, before scanning files. Passes context as single argument.
AFTER_SOURCE_INITIALISED AFTER_SOURCE_INITIALISED After each source file (page/article) is read and initialised. Passes context and source object as arguments.
AFTER_ARTICLE_READ AFTER_ARTICLE_READ After each article has been read and been parsed for content and metadata. Passes context and the article as arguments.
AFTER_PAGE_READ AFTER_PAGE_READ After each page has been read and been parsed for content and metadata. Passes context and the page as arguments.
AFTER_ALL_ARTICLES_READ AFTER_ALL_ARTICLES_READ After all articles have been read for content and metadata. Passes context and the list of articles as arguments.
BEFORE_WRITING BEFORE_WRITING After all content is scanned and parsed, before anything is written. Passes context and Writer class as arguments.
BEFORE_MD_CONVERT BEFORE_MD_CONVERT Just before each source is written, before mistune has converted the markdown to html. Passes context and source object as arguments.
BEFORE_SOURCE_WRITE BEFORE_SOURCE_WRITE Just before each source is written, after mistune has converted the markdown to html. Passes context and source object as arguments.

Caching for plugins

If your plugin introduces a new file type (in addition to articles, pages and indexes), maybe author pages listing articles by particular authors, then it can make use of Olm's caching. The file should be a class that inherits from the Source class in olm.source.

The file should have the attribute cache_type set to some unique value. In the author page example maybe you would choose AUTHOR_PAGE. All these files should be added to the all_files object in the context before the caching functions are run. They will then be hashed like the articles and pages and given the same_as_cache attribute indicating if they have changed.

If one of these file types changes it will appear in the changes list too so you can have indexes, articles, pages or anything else you add rewritten when the file changes. In the author example it would be added as AUTHOR_PAGE.METADATA or AUTHOR_PAGE.CONTENT depending on what changed.


Heavily inspired by the Pelican static site generator.