The CayenneLPPDecode
class enables Arduino devices to decode data with the Cayenne Low Power Payload (LPP). Read more about Cayenne LPP
Include and instantiate the CayenneLPPDecode class. The constructor takes the size of the allocated buffer.
#include <CayenneLPPDecode.h>
CayenneLPPDecode lppd;
CayenneLPPDecode lppd(uint8_t size);
uint8_t size
: The maximum payload size to send, default64
Resets the buffer.
void reset(void);
Writes binary data to the buffer.
size_t write(val);
size_t write(buf, len);
Decode buffer to the JsonObject root, check ArduinoJson library.
void decode(JsonObject &root);
This function checks if the buffer is a CayenneLPP valid payload.
bool isValid();