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HiView is a data explorer and image viewing application supporting the JPEG2000 image format HiVeiw HiView is the best way to explore HiRISE images of the Martian surface at the full resolution of the imagery. Tracks of boulders that have fallen down crater walls, delicate rays of ejecta from fresh impact craters, and the unearthly formations created by carbon dioxide ice on the Martian south pole are just a few of the things that are waiting to be discovered by anyone using a tool like HiView with HiRISE imagery. Video Tutorial hiview HiView

A Latinx Resource Guide: Civil Rights Cases and Events in the United States

1968: East Los Angeles Walkouts

Discrepancies in the education of Anglo and Mexican-American students surfaced in Los Angeles during the 1950s and 1960s. Mexican-American students experienced a 60% dropout rate from high school, and those who did graduate averaged the reading level of an 8th grade Anglo student. In some schools, teachers prohibited students from speaking Spanish, and in others, school staff recommended Mexican-American students educational curriculum meant to help students with mental disabilities. These schools funneled many Mexican American students into vocational programs and discouraged from post-secondary studies. In response, students, teachers, parents, and activists began to organize.ContinueReading Related Tweet EastLosangeles Today



Dear Rep/Mayor Karen,

I signed up for a class that NASAJPL is offering at CourtYard by Marriot Pasadena. As you can see in the LAPD DETAinMENT on METROLA PDF, I was accused of Tresspassing. I i dont know what i need to do to use the transit system safely. LAPD is pushing FareEnforcement but are not making exceptions. If you look at the graphic below in my GMAiL_EMAiL_iNBOX you will see that Los Angeles Police never emailed me back after i was victim of that Armed Gunman at CityHAll with the Playboy Backpack on, so this Tap card thing. I see people at Saint Francis with MailBoxes and There is this place in Santa Monica that offer mailboxes, but im in a different situation since i was Abandoned. I took a shower at Reality_LA, AND I KNOW The Medicated Shampoo and Terry Cloth towel Pulled out at least 200 bugs! The Larve breask my hair down and it just cracks off while Dry Scapl tortures me with itching and burning. Please send a team from NasaJPL to talk to them about what Entomological warfare looks like in Los Angeles .

So I want to make sure i can make the ECOSTRESS Science and Application Team Meeting - Fall 2024 meeting and start making more progress on getting my badge back. Whereever my daughter is, Erika, and the dancing girls... Id dont matter! I have to be badged. A California driver’s license used to be easy to renew. People will not call nasajpl and they look criminal all through los angeles. One of those briefcase Cellphone providers i tried made me scared bc the calls to the front desk are routed to a Hollywood Action Movie actor who was lying to me about important processes there. HollywoodFoodCo have raffles fo id_vouchers. They have no idea how silly they look every single time i get that mediocre ass food! dead bird etc no rice... Click here to see NASAJPL coverage of the LosangelesHeat wave and its a conversation that connects to P{Hytoplankton}, Chemical Lacerations, and unwanted amputations implemented on "The Homeless"

Related Tweets @RepKarenBass @LACityCouncil @SFCLA @HollywoodFoodCo @WeingartCenter @NASAJPL I signed up for the #ECOSTRESS workshop #Pasadena @metrolosangeles @LAPDOutreach #FareEnforcement @normani

— ThakaRasharD (@MooNLOVER404) September 14, 2024
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Hollywood Food Coalition


Los Aglees Vergara, Camilo J., photographer



Los Angeles

Urban Heat Image


Greater Los Angeles is a prime example of an urban heat island - cities and suburbs woven with heat-trapping concrete and asphalt that lead to warmertemperatures than nearby rural areas that have more vegetation. Bordered by mountains and the ocean, the Greater L.A. area encompasses suburbs andskyscrapers, with a dense population and disparities in green space. It includes several counties, tens of thousands of square miles, and more than18 million people, making it a compelling test bed for heat wave research.

Climate change and urban heat are together fueling different heat waves now. In the 20th century, most heat waves in L.A. were dry. However, humidevents have steadily increased in frequency and intensity since 1950 due in part to swelling moisture from the warming sea surface.

In their case study, JPL scientists compared two heat waves that affected the Greater Los Angeles area in the summer of 2020: a prolonged muggystretch in August and an extremely dry three-day spike in September. During the latter event, record-breaking temperatures soared over 120 degreesFahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) in the San Fernando Valley - a densely populated portion of the city of Los Angeles - while scorching winds fanned adestructive wildfire in the nearby San Gabriel Mountains. For their study, recently published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,the scientists used NASA's Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) data set - a reanalysis of historicalatmospheric observations. They found that both heat waves drove temperatures above the 90th percentile for the August-September climate record in L.A.Using advanced weather modeling, they simulated the heat waves and looked at their impacts across the region Continue Reading

More than half of California is now ‘abnormally dry,’ drought experts say Newsom lifts drought declaration for most Californians, yet measures remain in some area Gov. Gavin Newsom drops drought emergency for Southern California and Bay Area

Aster losangeles The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is an imaging instrument onboard Terra, the flagship satellite of NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) launched in December 1999. Try The MAps!

Jose Crazy!

he think he can control your hiring, how do i fix it Jose Nasa Jose M Pi NaSA PLAN dilbert East Los Angeles Sheriff Please Read and call NasaJPL about Rashards Behavior at the library laSD

Thaka Shaadi Rashard is still in love with Normani
Normani at BlackGirls Code
Normani at BlackGirls Code
Normani at BlackGirls Code

NasaJPL:: M_R_O Normani is a Physical Fitness professional in the area, i still think she took my child in makeup. This is the thing. There was some sort of commitment and upon exit it was this face off with Manessa and I end up OUt here. Erika's new mate was invasive and had a strange interest in Our daughter, so if she removed her the wrong way, i think it was for Corals Protection. look at these FacebookVideos of Corals Removal Manessa On Instagram Doing a Forced Removal Dekalb County Sherrif moves forward to take the child And im not crazy!

<iframe src=",21.246410811227694,-75.94544498808688,55.71969945480585&l=Reference_Labels_15m(hidden),Reference_Features_15m(hidden),Coastlines_15m,NDH_Drought_Mortality_Risks_Distribution_2000(hidden),NDH_Drought_Proportional_Economic_Loss_Risk_Deciles_2000(hidden),NDH_Drought_Hazard_Frequency_Distribution_1980-2000(hidden),GRanD_Dams,SSMI_DMSP_F8_Rain_Rate_Over_Oceans_Ascending,AMSRE_Surface_Precipitation_Rate_Day,BlueMarble_NextGeneration,VIIRS_NOAA21_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,VIIRS_NOAA20_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor&lg=true&t=2024-09-05-T18%3A55%3A55Z&em=true" role="application" sandbox="allow-modals allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-popups" width="100%" height="100%" allow="fullscreen; autoplay;" loading="lazy"></iframe>

We acknowledge the use of imagery from the NASA Worldview application (, part of the NASA Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS).

Hall of Justice (Los Angeles)

I discovered a building "Bob Hope PAtriotic HAll" the #Architecure is amazing I know I'm not sworn in but I'm #ActiveMission and im noticing a CyberAttack in losangeles. has records of buildings that have really shallow websites. Its kinda like USPTO old perl sections. Its like a whole section of internet history wass disabled for CoronaVirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 Data in PubChem)

The Hall of Justice in Los Angeles is located at 211 W. Temple Street in the Civic Center district of Downtown Los Angeles. It occupies the southern two-thirds of the block between Temple and First streets and between Broadway and Spring streets.

Built in 1925, it was together with Los Angeles City Hall the first two large buildings opened in what would over the following decades demolish and transform the late-19th-century Central Business District to a Civic Center of modern landmark buildings and plazas. @LACMVA



Patriotic HAll PatritoticHall Figuroa Bob Hope Covid


Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Courtyard arcade - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Arcade CityHall CityHall CityHall Interior, Council Chamber - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA


FACING SOUTH - Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA cityhall10thfloor

South LA - Vergara, Camilo J., photographer

Los Angeles Aqueduct, Antelope Valley, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

antelope valley View south/southeast looking down on 2nd Aqueduct and 1st Aqueduct Cascades towards filtration plant and Los Angeles Reservoir - Los Angeles Aqueduct, Cascades Structures, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Photos from Survey HAER CA-298-AH

1942 Los Angeles, California. Shoppers Lee, Russell, 1903-1986, photographer

LOS ANGELES SHOPPERS DTLA Water Stairs Los Angeles Aqueduct, Alabama Gates, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Alabama Gate View south of principal Owens River diversion gates. Natural channel of river bed would bring flow of river through gates beneath walk rails in middle of picture. River is diverted to right for water supply purposes. - Los Angeles Aqueduct, Aqueduct Intake, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA Photos from Survey HAER CA-298-Q 7 picture essay AquaductIntake Los Angeles, California, aerial view 1967 LosAngeles 1967 Los Angeles 1985 [Los Angeles Public Library at Los Angeles City Hall] digital file from original print LA CiTY HALL Library

Coastal Phytoplankton on the Rise

An Ocean in Bloom 8/16/2024

Credits NasaGoodard