diff --git a/_posts/2024-11-18-EuropaClipper.md b/_posts/2024-11-18-EuropaClipper.md index 501cbb1..de1655a 100644 --- a/_posts/2024-11-18-EuropaClipper.md +++ b/_posts/2024-11-18-EuropaClipper.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ image: Europa_Clipper.png @nasa @whitehouse @nasa-jpl @ucla [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/badge/Social-JoeBiden__-blue?style=social&logo=X)](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden) ### [Mr PResident!](https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/president-biden/) -Its [Rashard Iman Kelly- NASA/JPL M_R_O/JUNO](https://ricothaka.github.io/rashardlearned) I dont know how to present this data but I was torrenting at [WholeFoods](https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/avalon) and a freind seem like from JPL sent me an archive full of pictures and videos i posted what i could on [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/CaptainOfJoy/videos) , i have to make my way to my next stop, im working on this presentation and want you to know i added [Johnny Mnemonic (1995)](https://www.google.com/search?q=johnny+mnemonic+(1995)+imdb&rlz=1CASLJZ_enUS1139&oq=johnny+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggDECMYJzIGCAAQRRg5MgoIARAuGLEDGIAEMgYIAhAjGCcyBggDECMYJzIQCAQQLhjHARixAxjRAxiABDIJCAUQABgKGIAEMgoIBhAuGLEDGIAEMhAIBxAuGK8BGMcBGIAEGI4FMgcICBAAGIAEMgoICRAuGLEDGIAE0gEINzY3NGowajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) because it depicts a similar event, i may have been something around the Watts Riots that got the HollywoodFlare but either way it concerned me bc with the suppression i get from playboy it feels like all movie makers do is laugh at us and steal our work. The file titled Coronavirus movie 4 is a montage of scary tweets from ppl trapped in various [Chinese Provinces](https://yandex.com/search/?text=corona+virus+patent+wuhan&lr=20765&re=1) please find a good copy or ask Keanu Reaves himself about the movie [Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is A Manufactured Virus](https://www.citizensjournal.us/patents-prove-sars-cov-2-is-a-manufactured-virus/) +Its [Rashard Iman Kelly- NASA/JPL M_R_O/JUNO](https://ricothaka.github.io/rashardlearned) I dont know how to present this data but I was [torrenting](https://www.reddit.com/r/torrents/comments/17quoib/can_someone_explain_the_basics_of_torrenting_or/) at [WholeFoods](https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/avalon) and a freind seem like from JPL sent me an archive full of pictures and videos i posted what i could on [facebook](https://www.facebook.com/CaptainOfJoy/videos) , i have to make my way to my next stop, im working on this presentation and want you to know i added [Johnny Mnemonic (1995)](https://www.google.com/search?q=johnny+mnemonic+(1995)+imdb&rlz=1CASLJZ_enUS1139&oq=johnny+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggDECMYJzIGCAAQRRg5MgoIARAuGLEDGIAEMgYIAhAjGCcyBggDECMYJzIQCAQQLhjHARixAxjRAxiABDIJCAUQABgKGIAEMgoIBhAuGLEDGIAEMhAIBxAuGK8BGMcBGIAEGI4FMgcICBAAGIAEMgoICRAuGLEDGIAE0gEINzY3NGowajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) because it depicts a similar event, i may have been something around the Watts Riots that got the HollywoodFlare but either way it concerned me bc with the suppression i get from playboy it feels like all movie makers do is laugh at us and steal our work. The file titled Coronavirus movie 4 is a montage of scary tweets from ppl trapped in various [Chinese Provinces](https://yandex.com/search/?text=corona+virus+patent+wuhan&lr=20765&re=1) please find a good copy or ask Keanu Reaves himself about the movie [Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is A Manufactured Virus](https://www.citizensjournal.us/patents-prove-sars-cov-2-is-a-manufactured-virus/) - LoggingOut