+ {% endfor %}
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+[JPL and the Space Age: Destination Moon](https://plus.nasa.gov/video/jpl-and-the-space-age-destination-moon/) @nasa-jpl i was watching it at the duratn hollywood library and when i was looking at my github page for sharig it shut off #sessionjacked [ucla: birthplace of the internet](https://conferences.ucla.edu/ucla-birthplace-of-the-internet/) [How to roll back Git code to a previous commit](https://www.techtarget.com/searchitoperations/answer/How-to-roll-back-Git-code-to-a-previous-commit#:~:text=Git%20revert%20example,see%20the%20current%20commit%20IDs.) [Jekyll Array](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/jekyll-pages-novice/arrays/index.html)
+# The View from the Top
+A new composite image built from 15 satellite passes shows the Arctic and northern latitudes as you have never seen them before.
+>Image by Norman Kuring, NASA/GSFC/Suomi NPP. Caption by Michael Carlowicz. Suomi NPP is the result of a partnership between NASA, NOAA and the Department of Defense.
+>Published June 22, 2012
+>Data acquired May 26, 2012
+[Solid Steel Radio Show: Mixed by DK, Strictly Kev, PC, The Butch Cassidy Sound System (Nov 22, 2004)](https://youtu.be/e_N4TYS1l60?t=4509)
+# GitHub Branching
+[Tracking Elephants Across Namibia](https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/images/153333/tracking-elephants-across-namibia/153335w)
+![Tracking Elephants Across Namibia](https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/153000/153333/AfricanElephant_pho_20190723.jpg)
+[Solid Steel presents DJ Food & DK - "Now, Listen!" (full mixed CD)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z32WnNxDUY)
+[Atlas - Plaetary Data System](https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/search/?fq=ATLAS_MISSION_NAME%3A%22viking%20orbiter%22&fq=-ATLAS_THUMBNAIL_URL%3Abrwsnotavail.jpg&q=*%3A*&start=72)
+# Rashard Kelly NasaJpl MRO JUNO iSS
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+### Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax.
Rashard(Thaka) Iman Kelly
North America
+[Pioneer 10](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_10) (originally designated Pioneer F) is a NASA space probe launched in 1972 that completed the first mission to the planet Jupiter.[6]
+LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2006-07-24, R. Sharrow, initial;
+ 2006-12-15, S. Slavney, reformatted & revised;
+ 2007-07-30, S. Slavney, Aerobraking subphases"
+ MISSION_START_DATE = 2005-08-12
+ Mission Overview
+ ================
+ The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft was launched from Cape
+ Canaveral Air Force Station on 12 August 2005 aboard a Lockheed-Martin
+ Atlas V-401 launch vehicle. After a five-month cruise and a two-month
+ approach to Mars, MRO entered Mars' orbit on 10 March 2006 and began
+ aerobraking. The primary science phase began on 8 November, 2006. The
+ primary science phase is planned to last one Mars year (approximately two
+ Earth years), after which an extended mission may be scheduled.
+ Note: This description has been written early in the Primary Science
+ Phase of the MRO mission. It will be revised at least once by the
+ end of the mission.
+ Mission Phases
+ ==============
+ The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission is divided in time into six
+ phases: Launch, Cruise, Approach and Orbit Insertion, Aerobraking,
+ Primary Science, and Relay.
+ ------
+ Launch extended from the start of the countdown to the initial
+ acquisition, by the DSN, of the orbiter in a safe and stable
+ configuration.
+ The baseline launch vehicle for the MRO mission was the Lockheed-Martin
+ Atlas V 401. This launch vehicle was selected by NASA-KSC (Kennedy
+ Space Flight Center) via a competitive procurement under the NASA
+ Launch Services (NLS) contract. The Atlas V 401 was a two-stage
+ launch vehicle consisting of the Atlas Common Core Booster and a
+ single engine Centaur upper stage. The Centaur upper stage could
+ perform multiple restarts of its main engine. For precise pointing and
+ control during coast and powered flight, the Centaur used a flight
+ control system that was 3-axis stabilized. The Atlas large payload
+ fairing was used to protect MRO during the Atlas boost phase. This
+ fairing had a diameter of 4.2m and a length of 12.2m.
+ The launch and injection of MRO occured during the Mars opportunity
+ of August 2005. The Atlas booster, in combination with the Centaur
+ upper stage, delivered the MRO spacecraft into a targeted parking
+ orbit. After a short coast, a restart of the Centaur upper stage
+ injected MRO onto an interplanetary transfer trajectory.
+ Mission Phase Start Time : 2005-08-12
+ Mission Phase Stop Time : 2005-08-12
+ ------
+ Duration: About five months. The cruise phase extended from DSN
+ initial acquisition, in a safe and stable configuration, until two
+ months prior to the Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) maneuver. Primary
+ activities during cruise included spacecraft and payload checkout and
+ calibration. These activities, along with daily monitoring of orbiter
+ subsystems, were performed in order to fully characterize the
+ performance of the spacecraft and its payload prior to arrival at
+ Mars. In addition, standard navigation activities were performed
+ during this flight phase, the first being the largest TCM performed
+ fifteen days after launch.
+ Mission Phase Start Time : 2005-08-12
+ Mission Phase Stop Time : 2006-01-10
+ ----------------------------
+ This phase extended from two months prior to Mars Orbit Insertion
+ (MOI), through MOI, and until the orbiter was checked out and ready to
+ begin aerobraking. The orbiter was inserted into a nearly polar orbit
+ with a period of 35 hours.
+ During the last sixty days of the interplanetary transit, spacecraft
+ and ground activities were focused on the events necessary for a
+ successful arrival and safe capture at Mars. Navigation techniques
+ included the use of delta-DOR measurements in the orbit determination.
+ This technique yielded a precise determination of the inbound
+ trajectory with a series of final TCMs used to control the flight path
+ of the spacecraft up to the MOI maneuver.
+ Also during the approach phase, MRO performed the Optical Navigation
+ experiment. This involved pointing the optical navigation camera
+ (ONC) at the moons of Mars - Phobos and Deimos, and tracking their
+ motion. By comparing the observed position of the moons to their
+ predicted positions, relative to the background stars, the ground was
+ able to accurately determine the position of the orbiter.
+ Upon arrival at Mars on March 10, 2006, the spacecraft performed its
+ MOI maneuver using its six main engines. MOI inserted the spacecraft
+ into an initial, highly elliptical capture orbit. The delta-V
+ required to accomplish this critical maneuver was 1015 m/s and took
+ about 26 minutes to complete. For most of the burn, the orbiter was
+ visible from the DSN stations. The signal was occulted as the orbiter
+ went behind Mars, and appeared again a short time later. The reference
+ MRO capture orbit had a period of 35 hours and a periapsis altitude of
+ 300km. The orientation of the ascending node was 8:30 PM LMST. The
+ capture orbit was been selected such that aerobraking would be
+ completed prior to the start of solar conjunction (September 23,
+ 2006).
+ Mission Phase Start Time : 2006-01-10
+ Mission Phase Stop Time : 2006-03-10
+ -----------
+ The Aerobraking Phase of the mission consisted of three sub-phases,
+ Aerobraking Operations, Transition to PSO Operations, and Solar
+ Conjunction.
+ Aerobraking Operations Sub-Phase
+ --------------------------------
+ One week after MOI, aerobraking operations commenced. During this
+ time period, the orbiter used aerobraking techniques to supplement its
+ onboard propulsive capability and to reduce its orbit period to that
+ necessary for the primary science orbit (PSO). Aerobraking Operations
+ consisted of a walk-in phase, a main phase, and a walkout phase, and
+ was followed by a transition to the PSO. During the walk-in phase, the
+ spacecraft established initial contact with the atmosphere as the
+ periapsis altitude of the orbit was slowly lowered. The walk-in phase
+ continued until the dynamic pressures and heating rate values required
+ for main phase, or steady state aerobraking, were established. During
+ the main phase of aerobraking operations, large scale orbit period
+ reduction occurred as the orbiter was guided to dynamic pressure
+ limits. Main phase aerobraking continued until the orbit lifetime of
+ the orbiter reached 2 days. (Orbit lifetime is defined as the time it
+ takes the apoapsis altitude of the orbit to decay to an altitude of
+ 300km.) When the orbit lifetime of the orbiter reached 2 days, the
+ walkout phase of aerobraking operations began. During the walkout
+ phase, the periapsis altitude of the orbit was slowly increased as the
+ 2 day orbit lifetime of the orbiter was maintained. Once the orbit of
+ the orbiter reached an apoapsis altitude of 450km, the orbiter
+ terminated aerobraking by propulsively raising the periapsis of its
+ orbit out of the atmosphere.
+ Because the PSO had nodal orientation requirements, the aerobraking
+ phase of the MRO mission had to proceed in a timely manner and be
+ completed near the time the desired nodal geometry was achieved. After
+ approximately 4.5 months of aerobraking, the dynamic pressure control
+ limits were reset such that the orbiter will fly to the desired 3:00
+ pm LMST nodal target.
+ Transition to PSO Operations Sub-Phase
+ --------------------------------------
+ Once the orbit apoapsis altitude was reduced to 450 km, the orbiter
+ terminated aerobraking by raising periapsis to a safe altitude and
+ begin a transition to the Primary Science Phase. The periapsis of
+ the transition orbit rotated around Mars from over the equatorial
+ latitudes to the North Pole. When periapsis reached the North Pole,
+ apoapsis was reduced propulsively to 255 km and orbit rotation stopped
+ - the orbit was frozen with periapsis over the South Pole and apoapsis
+ over the North Pole. The SHARAD antenna and the CRISM cover were
+ deployed, the instruments were checked out and remaining calibrations
+ were performed. The payloads collected data in their normal operating
+ modes to ensure that the end-to-end data collection and processing
+ systems worked as planned.
+ Solar Conjuction Sub-Phase
+ --------------------------
+ Orbiter activities in preparation for science were then temporarily
+ suspended during a four week period surrounding solar conjunction.
+ Mission Phase Start Time : 2006-03-17
+ Mission Phase Stop Time : 2006-11-07
+ Aerobraking Operations Sub-Phase Start Time: 2006-03-17
+ Aerobraking Operations Sub-Phase Stop Time: 2006-09-15
+ Transition to PSO Operations Sub-Phase Start Time: 2006-09-15
+ Transition to PSO Operations Sub-Phase Stop Time: 2006-10-09
+ Solar Conjunction Sub-Phase Start Time: 2006-10-09
+ Solar Conjunction Sub-Phase Stop Time: 2006-11-07
+ ---------------
+ The 255 x 320 km Primary Science Orbit (PSO) is a near-polar orbit
+ with periapsis frozen over the South Pole. It is sun-synchronous with
+ an ascending node orientation that provides a Local Mean Solar Time
+ (LMST) of 3:00 p.m. at the equator. Because of the eccentricity of
+ the Mars orbit around the Sun, true solar time varies by nearly 45
+ minutes over the course of one Mars year.
+ The Primary Science Phase of the mission began after solar conjunction
+ and after turn-on and checkout of the science instruments in the
+ Primary Science Orbit. The phase started on 8 November 2006, will
+ extend for one Mars year, and will conclude prior the next solar
+ conjunction near the end of 2008.
+ The science investigations are functionally divided into daily global
+ mapping and profiling, regional survey, and globally distributed
+ targeting investigations. The global mapping instruments are the MCS
+ and the MARCI. The targeted investigations are HiRISE, CRISM, and
+ CTX. The survey investigations are CRISM and CTX (in survey modes),
+ and SHARAD. The global mapping instruments require nadir pointing,
+ low data rate, and continuous or near-continuous operations. The
+ global mapping investigations are expected to use less than 5% of the
+ expected downlink data volume. The targeted and survey instruments
+ are high data rate instruments and will require precise targeting in
+ along-track timing and/or cross-track pointing for short periods of
+ time over selected portions of the surface. It is expected that more
+ than 95% of the available downlink data volume will be used for
+ targeted and survey investigations. All instruments can take data
+ simultaneously.
+ Toward the end of the primary science phase, other Mars missions
+ launched in the 2007 opportunity will begin to arrive. Phoenix, the
+ first of the Mars Program's Scout missions has been selected to launch
+ in the 2007 Mars opportunity. Phoenix, a lander mission that will
+ collect and analyze subsurface ice and soil material, will arrive in
+ late May 2008. Phoenix will need MRO to characterize its prime landing
+ site choices early in the Primary Science Phase. MRO will provide
+ relay support for Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) activities and for
+ telecommunications late in the PSP after Phoenix arrives at Mars.
+ Phoenix and MRO will also coordinate some observations to maximize
+ science return to the Mars Exploration Program. Another mission, the
+ Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is currently proposed for launch in
+ 2009, with arrival in 2010, during the MRO Relay Phase.
+ MSL will need MRO to provide and characterize candidate landing sites
+ using observations taken during the MRO PSP. (Final certification of
+ the prime MSL landing sites may require limited observations by the
+ science payload in 2009 during the Relay phase. However, this has not
+ been committed to by MRO) MRO will also provide EDL support and relay
+ telecommunications for MSL. During the primary science phase, periodic
+ instrument calibrations will be performed to verify the measurement
+ characteristics, stability and health of the instruments. At the
+ conclusion of the Primary Science Phase, these calibrations will be
+ repeated, so that the final instrument characteristics are known.
+ NASA may approve, as resources and on-orbit capability permit,
+ continuation of science observations beyond the Primary Science Phase
+ until end of the Relay Phase (also End of Mission). The orbiter will
+ remain in the Primary Science Orbit during the Relay Phase.
+ Mission Phase Start Time : 2006-11-08
+ Mission Phase Stop Time : 2008-11-09
+ -----
+ MRO will provide critical relay support to missions launched as part
+ of the Mars Exploration Program after MRO. For spacecraft launched in
+ the 2007 opportunity, this relay support will occur before the end of
+ the MRO Primary Science Phase. Following completion of the Primary
+ Science Phase, MRO will continue to provide critical relay support for
+ Mars missions until its end of mission.
+ While all of the missions that MRO will support have not yet been
+ selected, Phoenix, the first of the Mars Program's Scout missions has
+ been selected to launch in the 2007 Mars opportunity. Phoenix, a
+ lander mission that will collect and analyze soil samples, will arrive
+ in late May 2008. It will need science imaging support for site
+ characterization and selection and relay support for its Entry,
+ Descent and Landing activities and for its science data return.
+ Another mission, the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is proposed for the
+ 2009 Mars opportunity. MSL will also need science imaging support for
+ site characterization and selection and relay support for EDL and
+ science data return. The MRO Mission Plan describes the generic
+ support activities for any mission as well as current early planning
+ in support of Phoenix and MSL. Activities regarding site
+ characterization and selection will be described as part of the
+ Primary Science Phase, and activities regarding relay support will be
+ described as part of the Relay Phase.
+ The orbiter has been designed to carry enough propellant to remain
+ operational for 5 years beyond the end-of-mission (EOM) on December
+ 31, 2010 to support future MEP missions. As this is beyond the EOM,
+ no activities have been planned for this time period. To ensure that
+ the orbiter remains in a viable orbit during this time, its orbit
+ altitude will be increased at EOM to about 20 km inside the orbit of
+ the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
+ The MRO approach to planetary protection differs from any previous
+ Mars orbiter. The NASA requirements for planetary protection,
+ NPG8020.12B, allow a class III mission, like MRO, to use either the
+ 'probability of impact/orbit lifetime' or a 'total bio burden'
+ approach. Implementing the Level 1 MRO requirements with the
+ instruments selected via the NASA AO requires low orbits whose
+ lifetimes are incompatible with a 'probability of impact/orbit
+ lifetime' approach to Planetary Protection. Therefore, MRO is
+ implementing the requirements of NPG8020.12B using the 'total
+ bio-burden' approach. This approach has been documented in the MRO
+ Planetary Protection Plan (D-23711). The details of cleaning
+ requirements are documented in the MRO Planetary Protection
+ Implementation Plan, MRO 212-11, JPL D-22688. The MRO launch targets
+ will be biased away from a direct intercept course with Mars to ensure
+ a less than 1 in 10,000 chance of the launch vehicle upper stage
+ entering Mars atmosphere.
+ The End-of-Mission (EOM) is planned for December 31, 2010 just prior
+ to the third solar conjunction of the mission. The orbiter will
+ perform a propulsive maneuver to place itself in a higher orbit to
+ increase the orbit lifetime and enable extended mission operations.
+ Mission Phase Start Time : 2008-11-09
+ Mission Phase Stop Time : 2010-12-31
+ "
+ The driving theme of the Mars Exploration Program is to understand the
+ role of water on Mars and its implications for possible past or
+ current biological activity. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)
+ Project will pursue this 'Follow-the-Water' strategy by conducting
+ remote sensing observations that return sets of globally distributed
+ data that will: 1) advance our understanding of the current Mars
+ climate, the processes that have formed and modified the surface of
+ the planet, and the extent to which water has played a role in surface
+ processes; 2) identify sites of possible aqueous activity indicating
+ environments that may have been or are conducive to biological
+ activity; and 3) thus identify and characterize sites for future
+ landed missions.
+ The MRO payload is designed to conduct remote sensing science
+ observations, identify and characterize sites for future landers, and
+ provide critical telecom/navigation relay capability for follow-on
+ missions. The mission will provide global, regional survey, and
+ targeted observations from a low 255 km by 320 km Mars orbit with a
+ 3:00 P.M. local mean solar time (ascending node). During the one
+ Martian year (687 Earth days) primary science phase, the orbiter will
+ acquire visual and near-infrared high-resolution images of the
+ planet's surface, monitor atmospheric weather and climate, and search
+ the upper crust for evidence of water. After this science phase is
+ completed, the orbiter will provide telecommunications support for
+ spacecraft launched to Mars in the 2007 and 2009 opportunities. The
+ primary mission will end on December 31, 2010, approximately 5.5 years
+ after launch.
+ Science Questions Addressed
+ ---------------------------
+ The MRO mission has the primary objective of placing a science orbiter
+ into Mars orbit to perform remote sensing investigations that will
+ characterize the surface, subsurface and atmosphere of the planet and
+ will identify potential landing sites for future missions. The MRO
+ payload will conduct observations in many parts of the electromagnetic
+ spectrum, including ultraviolet and visible imaging, visible to
+ near-infrared imaging spectrometry, thermal infrared atmospheric
+ profiling, and radar subsurface sounding, at spatial resolutions
+ substantially better than any preceding Mars orbiter. In pursuit of
+ its science objectives, the MRO mission will:
+ - Characterize Mars' seasonal cycles and diurnal variations of water,
+ dust, and carbon dioxide.
+ - Characterize Mars' global atmospheric structure, transport, and
+ surface changes.
+ - Search sites for evidence of aqueous and/or hydrothermal activity.
+ - Observe and characterize the detailed stratigraphy, geologic
+ structure, and composition of Mars surface features.
+ - Probe the near-surface Martian crust to detect subsurface structure,
+ including layering and potential reservoirs of water and/or water ice.
+ - Characterize the Martian gravity field in greater detail relative to
+ previous Mars missions to improve knowledge of the Martian crust and
+ lithosphere and potentially of atmospheric mass variation.
+ - Identify and characterize numerous globally distributed landing sites
+ with a high potential for scientific discovery by future missions.
+ In addition, MRO will provide critical telecommunications relay
+ capability for follow-on missions and will conduct, on a
+ non-interference basis with the primary mission science, telecom and
+ navigation demonstrations in support of future Mars Exploration
+ Program (MEP) activities. Specifically, the MRO mission will:
+ - Provide navigation and data relay support services to future MEP
+ missions.
+ - Demonstrate Optical Navigation techniques for high precision delivery
+ of future landed missions.
+ - Perform an operational demonstration of high data rate Ka-band
+ telecommunications and navigation services.
+ Designed to operate after launch for at least 5.4 years, the MRO
+ orbiter will use a new spacecraft bus design provided by Lockheed
+ Martin Space Systems Company, Space Exploration Systems Division in
+ Denver, Colorado. The orbiter payload will consist of six science
+ instruments and three new engineering payload elements listed as
+ follows:
+ Science Instruments
+ - HiRISE, High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment
+ - CRISM, Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars
+ - MCS, Mars Climate Sounder
+ - MARCI, Mars Color Imager
+ - CTX, Context Camera
+ - SHARAD, Shallow (Subsurface) Radar
+ Engineering Payloads
+ - Electra UHF communications and navigation package
+ - Optical Navigation (Camera) Experiment
+ - Ka Band Telecommunication Experiment
+ To fulfill the mission science goals, seven scientific investigations
+ teams were selected by NASA. Four teams (MARCI, MCS, HiRISE, and
+ CRISM) are led by Principal Investigators (PI), each responsible for
+ the provision and operation of a scientific instrument and the
+ analysis of its data. The MARCI PI and Science Team also act to
+ provide and operate, as Team Leader (TL) and Team Members, the CTX
+ facility instrument that will provide context imaging for HiRISE and
+ CRISM, as well as acquire and analyze independent data in support of
+ the MRO scientific objectives. The Italian Space Agency (ASI) will
+ provide a second facility instrument, SHARAD, for flight on MRO. ASI
+ and NASA have both selected members of the SHARAD investigation team.
+ In addition to the instrument investigations, Gravity Science and
+ Atmospheric Structure Facility Investigation Teams will use data from
+ the spacecraft telecommunications and accelerometers, respectively, to
+ conduct scientific investigations.
+ The MRO shall accomplish its science objectives by conducting an
+ integrated program of three distinct observational modes:
+ - Daily global mapping and profiling observations
+ - Regional survey observations, and
+ - Globally distributed, targeted observations
+ These observation modes will be intermixed and often overlapping.
+ Some instruments have more than one observational mode. In addition,
+ many targeted observations will involve nearly simultaneous,
+ coordinated observations by more than one instrument. This program of
+ scientific observation will be carried out for one Mars year or more
+ in order to characterize the full seasonal variation of the Martian
+ climate and to target hundreds of globally distributed sites with high
+ potential for further scientific discovery.
+ Mission Success Criteria
+ ------------------------
+ The following mission success criteria have been established for the
+ MRO Project. The mission success criteria are described and controlled
+ in the MRO Project Implementation Plan.
+ For Full Mission Success, the following criteria must be met:
+ - Operate the orbiter and all six (6) science instruments in the
+ Primary Science Orbit in targeting, survey and mapping modes, as
+ appropriate, over the one Mars year of the Primary Science Phase;
+ conduct the gravity and accelerometer investigations. Each science
+ instrument shall have capabilities that meet or exceed their
+ respective science instrument requirements.
+ - Return, over the one-Mars-year Primary Science Phase, representative
+ data sets for each instrument for a total science data volume return
+ of 26 Tbits or more. Included in the returned data volume shall be
+ information describing hundreds of globally distributed targets.
+ - Process, analyze, interpret, and release data in a timely manner,
+ including archival of acquired data and standard data products in the
+ PDS within 6 months of acquisition or as negotiated in the Science
+ Data Management Plan (JPL D22218).
+ - Conduct relay operations for U.S. spacecraft launched to Mars in the
+ 2007 and 2009 opportunities.
+ For Minimum Mission Success, the following criteria must be met:
+ - Operate the orbiter and its science payload in targeting, survey and
+ mapping modes, as appropriate, in the Primary Science Orbit during the
+ one-Mars-year of the Primary Science Phase; conduct gravity and
+ accelerometer investigations. Science instruments shall have
+ capabilities that meet their respective science instrument
+ requirements.
+ - Return 10 Tbits of science data from HiRISE or CRISM or from their
+ combined operations, plus 5 Tbits of representative science data over
+ the one-Mars-year Primary Science Phase from at least 3 of the 4 other
+ instruments (CTX, MARCI, MCS, SHARAD); conduct gravity and
+ accelerometer investigations. Included in the returned data volumes
+ shall be information describing 100 or more globally distributed
+ targets.
+ - Process, analyze, interpret, and release data in a timely manner,
+ including archival of acquired data and standard data products in the
+ PDS.
+ - Conduct relay operations for U.S. spacecraft launched to Mars in the
+ 2007 and 2009 opportunities.
+ "
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