Our strategy will be to build increasingly sophisticated versions of our theorem prover as we go along. We will name them
The input syntax is very bare bones. Terms have the following recursively defined lexical structure:
- Variables: A single uppercase letter
- Constants: A single lowercase letter
- Functors: A single lowercase letter followed by a comma-delineated list of terms enclosed in parentheses
- A Program: The top-most (outer-most) term with no prefix (cf. Query)
- A Query: The literal
followed by a top-most (outer-most) term
Thus, the word term refers to any one of the things on this list. Whitespace is ignored. It is an error to have two terms adjacent except if separated by a comma as functor arguments. We allow comma-delineated lists of arguments to have a trailing comma without warning. (I wish every programming language allowed this.)
A typical expression in this language looks like ?-p(f(X), h(Y, f(a)), Y)
. This is a query, not a program, because it starts with ?-
. The word functor is borrowed by mathematicians from linguistics. Functors are “ words that have little lexical meaning... and express grammatical relationships among other words within a sentence….”[^wiki_functor] They are meaningless SYMBOLS in themselves but express relationships between other SYMBOLS. This is in contrast to functions, which do have meaning in themselves: every college student knows what
Programmers will immediately recognize the inherent tree structure of expressions in this language. As we parse an expression we build a tree out of nodes, with each node representing one term. The resulting tree is called an abstract symbol tree, or AST for short. The nodes will be variants of the Term
enum. (I omit use
statements like use std::rc::Rc;
when there is no risk of confusion.)
// term.rs
pub type RcTerm = Rc<Term>;
pub type TermVec = Rc<Vec<Rc<Term>>>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum Term {
Structure {
functor: Functor,
args: TermVec
!!! tip
You might want to add a Register(Address)
variant to Term
to make it easier to build terms “by hand,” say, for testing purposes, even though strictly speaking registers are an implementation detail rather than a language component.
A constant behaves exactly like a functor that takes no arguments. By representing constants as functors of arity zero, that is, zero arguments, we avoid needing a Constant
variant. We could also have Query
and Program
variants, but they carry very little information relative to their cost in lines of code. It’s easier to keep track of that information outside of the Term
enum. A functor structure, or just structure for short, is (an instance of) a functor together with its arguments.
// functor.rs
pub type ArityType = u16;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct Functor {
/// A lowercase letter
pub name: char,
pub arity: ArityType,
A functor denoted Display
trait for Functor
. Don’t forget that constants are expressed only as a single letter, i.e. without arity.
We also want to have the ability to print a Term
to the console, so we implement Display
for Term
. This involves printing a tree structure, which is a bit tricky if you haven’t done it before. Try it yourself before looking at my version.
// term.rs
impl Display for Term{
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.fmt_aux(&"".to_string(), &"".to_string()))
impl Term{
fn fmt_aux(&self, prefix: &String, child_prefix: &String) -> String {
match self {
Term::Structure{ functor, args } => {
let mut buffer =
if args.is_empty() {
format!("{}Constant<{}>", prefix, functor.name)
} else{
format!("{}Functor<{}(…)>\n", prefix, functor)
for (i, next) in args.iter().enumerate() {
if i != args.len() - 1 {
&format!("{}{}", child_prefix, " ├── "),
&format!("{}{}", child_prefix, " │ ")
} else {
&format!("{}{}", child_prefix, " └── "),
&format!("{}{}", child_prefix, " ")
Term::Variable(c) => format!("{}Variable<{}>", prefix, c),
The key is the auxiliary function, which takes additional arguments to keep track of the prefix.
In anticipation of more complex parsing tasks in the future, you might prefer to use a scanner generator or parser combinators. I chose to write a quick-and-dirty parser by hand. In any case, our goal is to transform a string like p(Z,h(Z,W),f(W))
into a Term
(tree) that looks like this:
├── Variable<Z>
├── Functor<h/2(…)>
│ ├── Variable<Z>
│ └── Variable<W>
└── Functor<f/1(…)>
└── Variable<W>
But first, a Rust-specific aside, which you should skip if you are using another programming language. Whenever I need to process strings in Rust, I get a temporary case of Tourette Syndrome. In the case of this parser, I want:
- an iterator over the UTF-8 code points in the input text
- which allows peeking at the next value without consuming it
- and which provides some elementary string utilities found in
The Rust standard library makes it difficult to do this. I can get #1 with str.chars()
which gives me a Chars
iterator, but Chars
lacks a peek()
function. Chars
can be turned into a std::iter::Peekable<Chars>
, but Peekable
isn’t a trait! Ok, so we just retain the Peekable<Chars>
object, right? No, because we also want access to the underlying &str
, which we have with Chars::as_str()
, in order to have #3, and we lose access to Chars::as_str()
when we turn Chars
into Peekable<Chars>
. The design of iterators is one of my least favorite things in Rust. They traded the ability to implement iterators as traits for generality. My solution was to write my own iterator struct that has the features I need, making something that is trivial in other languages into a complicated ordeal in Rust. If a rustacean can tell me a better way, please do!
My iterator merely caches the next character as needed for peek()
. Its implementation is completely unremarkable, so I skip it here.
The publicly visible parse(text: &str)
function immediately hands off the parsing task to two other mutually recursive auxiliary functions that do the real work. The parse_aux()
function parses individual terms, while parse_arg_list()
parses lists of Term
s. There are no real surprises here.
// parser.rs
fn parse_aux(text_ref: &Box<RefCell<CharIter>>) -> RcTerm {
let mut text = RefCell::borrow_mut(&*text_ref);
let next_char: char;
match text.next(){
Some(c) => { next_char = c; },
None => { return Rc::new(Term::Empty); }
if next_char.is_lowercase(){
// A structure; `parse_arg_list` needs mutable access to the `CharIter`.
let args = parse_arg_list(text_ref);
Term::Structure {
functor: Functor{name: next_char, arity: args.len() as ArityType},
args: args.clone()
else if next_char == ',' || next_char == ')' {
// The assumption here is that `parse_aux` was called recursively, and
// the current term has been completely parsed.
else if next_char.is_uppercase(){
Rc::new(Term::Variable(next_char)) // Variable
else {
eprintln!("Error: Unexpected character `{}`", next_char);
fn parse_arg_list(text_ref: &Box<RefCell<CharIter>>) -> TermVec {
let mut args: Box<Vec<RcTerm>> = Box::new(Vec::new());
let mut text = RefCell::borrow_mut(&*text_ref);
// Constants can omit parentheses, as they have no arguments.
if let Some(c) = text.peek(){
if c != '(' { return args.into(); }
else { text.next(); } // Eat `(`
let mut term: RcTerm;
loop {
drop(text); // `parse_aux` needs a mutable borrow of text.
term = parse_aux(text_ref);
text = RefCell::borrow_mut(&*text_ref);
if text.is_empty(){
eprintln!("Reached EOL while looking for `)`.");
if *term != Term::Empty { args.push(term.into()); }
else { return args.into(); }
match text.peek(){
Some(',') => { text.next(); }, // Eat the `,` character.
Some(')') => { text.next(); break; } // Eat the `)` character and return.
_ => { /* Don't advance (pass). */ }
} // end match peek
} // end while
return args.into();
As an intermediate step to building the in-memory representation of a term, we transform the AST into a flattened form. The flattened form of a tree is a collection of trees each of which has depth at most one. Consider this AST:
├── Variable<Z>
├── Functor<h/2(…)>
│ ├── Variable<Z>
│ └── Variable<W>
└── Functor<f/1(…)>
└── Variable<W>
As we flatten this AST, we create new trees with names X1
, X2
, X3
, …, X
X1 = p(X2, X3, X4)
X2 = Z
X3 = h(X2, X5)
X4 = f(X5)
X5 = W
The =
is interpreted as assignment. Notice that the original variables can now be erased by using the X
, for example, as a variable now. In fact, any of the X
X1 = p(X2, X3, X4)
X3 = h(X2, X5)
X4 = f(X5)
The algorithm to flatten a term is simple: Traverse the AST breadth first. As we encounter subterms we have not yet seen, create a new tree X
I created a term iterator struct for the standard breadth-first traversal as is idiomatic in Rust:
// term.rs
pub struct TermIter{
terms: VecDeque<RcTerm>, // A stack of terms/tokens yet to be visited.
impl TermIter{
pub fn new(start: &RcTerm) -> TermIter {
terms: VecDeque::from(vec![start.clone()])
/// Iterates over the terms in the term tree breadth first.
impl Iterator for TermIter{
type Item = RcTerm;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let option_term = self.terms.pop_front();
match &option_term {
Some(rc_term) => {
match &**rc_term {
Term::Structure{args, ..} => {
_t => option_term
None => None
We need to decide what kind of a “thing” we use to represent the flattened term. A representation of a piece of code that is neither the source code nor the final executable form is called an intermediate representation or IR. We have a few choices of IRs:
- Keep using the
enum. - Use the
enum that the bitcode[^bitcode] compiler will consume, if it’s different fromTerm
. - Use whatever representation is used for in-memory data, if it’s different from either of the other two above. For us it will be: the
enum. - Invent some new enum type.
The only unreasonable option is #4, as it only provides the disadvantage of another intermediate representation type. One might choose option #2 in the hope that it will save us some work translating to yet another intermediate representation type later on, but alas, it will turn out that we will need to walk the forest of X
s print out to the console in a nice tree format. But a flattened tree no longer looks much like a tree anymore, so this advantage is of limited use.
I chose option #3, because it has the advantage that we can put it directly into the VM’s memory if we desire, as part of testing, for example. There is a downside: We look a little silly transforming to a Cell
, then a Token
, and then back to a Cell
again. I’m OK with that.
The code in this subsection refers to an Address
type and a vector of Address
es called registers
. The X
type used below is the type for the values that are stored either at an address in the vm’s heap memory or in a register. The Address
type can represent both heap addresses and register names. We will talk about those types more when we start working on coding the vm itself. For now, addresses are just indexes into an array of registers.
The first step is to assign each distinct term its own register. Which terms have already been assigned which registers is tracked with a HashMap<RcTerm, Address>
named seen
. (Recall that type RcTerm = Rc<Term>
.) We again iterate over each term, assigning to each new term encountered the next available register.
// token.rs
pub fn flatten_term(ast: RcTerm) -> (CellVec, Box<Vec<Address>>){
let mut seen: HashMap<RcTerm, Address> = HashMap::new();
// We visit the AST breadth first, adding new SYMBOLS to `seen` as we go. This assigns each
// term its own register.
let terms: TermIter = TermIter::new(&ast);
for term in terms{
if !seen.contains_key(&term){
let address = Address::from_reg_idx(seen.len());
seen.insert(term, address);
let mut registers = Box::new(Vec::<RcCell>::new());
registers.resize(seen.len(), Rc::new(Cell::Empty));
With the vector of registers created with enough empty cells to hold each term, we fill the registers with its corresponding term translated into a cell. We could combine this step with the register assignment step, but I feel separating them makes the code conceptually simpler and easier to read without any penalty.
for (term, reg_ptr) in seen.iter(){
match &**term{
Term::Structure {functor, args} => {
// Create a vector of cells out of the argument terms, translating
// those terms into `Cell::REF`'s that point to the register assigned
// to the terms.
let mut new_args = Box::new(CellVec::with_capacity(args.len() + 1);
.map(|t| Rc::new(Cell::REF(*seen.get(t).unwrap())))
new_args.insert(0, Rc::new(Cell::Functor(*functor)));
registers[reg_ptr.idx()] = Rc::new(Cell::Structure(new_args.into()));
Term::Variable(_) =>{
registers[reg_ptr.idx()] = Rc::new(Cell::REF(*reg_ptr));
_t => {
// This should never happen in correct code during compilation but may be useful for
// other reasons, e.g., testing or error reporting.
registers[reg_ptr.idx()] = Rc::new(Cell::Term(term.clone()));
As you can see, the IR translation is as follows:
, whereaddress
is the address associated to the given variable term.
There are two important consequences of how variable terms are translated:
- The name of the variable gets erased. The name serves no function in flattened form, as the location now serves the role the name once did. (See the example at the beginning of this section.)
- A
is interpreted as a variable if and only ifaddress
points to the location in which the cell itself is stored, whether register or location in the heap. That is, variables are now exactly those cells that reference themselves. Other instances ofCell:REF(address)
merely point to whatever happens to be ataddress
The remaining code in flatten_term()
calls the order_registers()
function and returns the result along with the registers vector containing the cells from the flattened term.
let rc_registers: CellVec = registers.into();
let order = order_registers(rc_registers.clone());
(rc_registers.clone(), order)
} // end flatten_term()
The components (cells) of the flattened term need to be ordered so that registers are always assigned to before they are used, that is, before they appear on the right hand side of an assignment. In this way our programming language is like many other great languages that require a variable must be declared before it is used. The difference is, the order_registers()
function satisfies this requirement on behalf of the source code author. I encourage you to write your own version of this algorithm before looking at mine, as it is an enjoyable algorithm to come up with.
For the sake of efficiency the algorithm copies around addresses rather than cells.[^efficiency] We maintain two HashSet<Address>
s, one for addresses we have already seen, cleverly named seen
, and another for the rest of the addresses, creatively called unseen
. We also have a Vec<Address>
called ordered
to store the result. First, observe that we can automatically put every variable cell into seen
, because they define and only use themselves. The unseen
is initialized with everything else.
pub fn order_registers(flat_terms: CellVec) -> Box<Vec<Address>>{
let mut seen: HashSet<Address> = HashSet::new();
let mut unseen: HashSet<Address> = HashSet::new();
let mut ordered: Box<Vec<Address>> = Box::new(Vec::new());
for (index, cell) in flat_terms.iter().enumerate(){
match &**cell {
Cell::REF(address) => { seen.insert(*address); },
Cell::Structure(_) =>{ unseen.insert(Address::from_reg_idx(index)); },
_t => {
"Error: Encountered a non-variable/non-struct cell after flattening a term: {}.",
} // end match on cell type
} // end for loop
Now comes the meat of the algorithm. Having seen a cell means either the cell is a variable or the cell has been assigned to. A cell in unseen
can be put next in order if all of the addresses that appear on the right hand side of the equal sign have already been seen, because that means we have already visited the cells at those addresses and, for functor structures, already assigned to them. Thus, for each cell in unseen
, we make a HashSet
of all of the cells that appear on the right hand side for the cell, and if the HashSet
is a subset of seen
, then everything on the right hand side of the equal sign has been seen by definition, and so we stage that cell to be inserted next into the order
Doing the above only one time is not sufficient to order every cell. We must repeat the process until unseen
is empty. As a precaution against malicious actors who might construct pathological input, the process is limited to some reasonably large maximum number of attempts to empty out unseen
.[^loops] The final result is a vector of all distinct register addresses ordered so that the corresponding cells satisfy the desired property.
for _loop_count in 0..MAXIMUM_ORDER_ATTEMPTS {
let next_regs: HashSet<Address> =
|address| {
match extract_addresses(flat_terms[address.idx()].clone()) {
Some(address_set) if address_set.is_subset(&seen) => {
_v => {
).collect(); // Collects all candidates to be next in order
for reg in next_regs{
if unseen.is_empty() { break; }
} // end for loop
} // end order_terms
The term is now ready to be transformed into a stream of tokens to be consumed by the compiler.
[efficiency]: Never believe any of performance claims about a micro-optimization like this. The truth is, the difference between using the Cell
and using the Cell
’s address is zero. The claims to efficiency are just a story the author tells themselves to justify indulging their obsessive behavior. See Emory Berger, "Performance Matters," The Strange Loop, September 2019. Online: https://youtu.be/r-TLSBdHe1A.
[bitcode]: Actually, we won’t quite have a bitcode yet. Instead, the VM will interpret the instructions as they are formed from the input token stream.
[wiki_functor]: Function Word, Wikipedia.
[loops]: What determines the number of loops required to completely order a flattened term? Can you come up with a simple formula?