The terraform projects are located in the terraform directory.
The accounts directory contains a directory for each AWS deployment account that will be managed. The lookout_dev
contains the configuration for the dev and staging Cloudbees environments which are deployed in the lookout_dev account.
Account values are specified in terraform.tfvars (example)
aws_account_id = "XXXXXXXXXX"
secrets_account_id = "XXXXXXXXXX"
aws_profile = "my-priviled-aws-role-name"
aws_secrets_profile = "my-priviled-aws-secrets-account-role-name"
aws_role = "my-priviled-aws-role-name"
cluster_name = "eks_default_cloudbees_cluster_name"
region = "us-west-2"
environment-specific configuration is stored in dev/env.tfvars, staging/env.tfvars, etc.
environment = "dev"
cluster_name = "eks_dev_env_cloudbees_cluster_name"
backup_bucket_name = "lookout-dev-cloudbees-backup"
artifacts_bucket_name = "lookout-dev-cloudbees-artifacts"
domain = ""
secrets_account_id = "XXXXXXXXXX"
instance_profiles = [
builder_subnet_id = "subnet-XXXXXX"
builder_profile_name = "ci-builder"
builder_security_group_name = "jenkins-builder"
- tfenv
- terraform
- oktatool
- awscli
The dev environment is assumed to be OSX.
Install the required terraform version by using the tfenv tool.
brew install tfenv
tfenv install 1.0.11
Ensure a working version of the AWS cli is installed, using brew or the pkg provided by AWS.
brew install awscli
Install oktatool
This tool is used by Lookout to provide Okta authentication for AWS roles. The only requirement is a working AWS profile.
If you aren't using oktatool then you can configure the profile in ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config
[profile my-priviled-aws-role-name]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXX:role/my-priviled-aws-role-name
source_profile = my-priviled-aws-role-name
region = us-west-2
aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Once you have working profile you can configure the terraform project to use the profile by configuring the account variables in terraform/accounts/.
cd terraform/accounts/fsecure_dev
make ENVIRONMENT=dev plan
cd terraform/accounts/fsecure_dev
make ENVIRONMENT=dev apply