Fresh from Sprint store - new SIM, LTE working
Model number: SM-G900P Android version: 6.0.1 Baseband version: G900PVPS3CQB3 Build number: MMB29M.G900PVPS3CQB3
Network mode - Preferred network mode: LTE/CDMA
Access Point Names #greyed, immutable on stock#
APN0 EHRPD ota (otasn)
APN0 LTE ota (otasn)
APN2 EHRPD internet (n.ispsn)
APN2 LTE internet (n.ispsn)
Global Roaming - SPRINT (cinet.spcs)
telephony.db copied after root with CF-Auto-Root
Note table 'siminfo' column 'icc_id' has been zero'd out by me.
Of the two entries, entry _id=2 has value for 'icc_id' equal to the ICCID found in Aboutdevice->Status->ICCID
Entry _id=1 may be my old sim info - not sure.
The apns listed in Access Point Names in Settings all have MCC=310 and MNC=120 which is what the siminfo entry has as well